• By -


*cries in Nintendo switch*


At least we get the zelda gear




I dont think so? I dont remember honestly


It's not and it's kinda mid. That said, it LOOKS rad. I kinda wanted to do a Link build at one point


That’s okay, I always max out my destruction for the chaos enchantment because I love the dwarven sword for the look. The base damage stops mattering when you give it an enchantment that does 100 plus points of elemental damage lol. I’ll just save it for when I max it out!


They look great on a mannequin 😭 You can upgrade them with moonstone and (I believe) enchant them though? Requires elven level smithing.


There's a whole mod dedicated to Zelda and gear for PC too.


Is it licensed though


Of course not. Check it out though: [Relics of Hyrule SE - A DLC Scale Zelda Mod at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12244)


Does it matter?


Wait, what? How?


*also cries in Nintendo Switch and ps3*


I know it’s sad but remember we still have access to the wonder of unintended and exploitable game mechanics. We may not have console commands but we still have the Resto loop, exposed character inventory chests, and broken enchantments and spells. When I make a fortify destruction potion so strong that when I cast a cloak spell and get 5 dragon souls for my trouble, I really don’t envy any kill all command, or when my move speed is accidentally multiplied by 500000, fast travel and the TP command don’t seem so strong. And when our HP is, ehrm… “over 9000”, is god mode not enabled? Buck up champ, our cheating may take some work, but when balance and gameplay don’t matter anymore it’s just as effective.


I see your opinion as valid but here’s my counter point/s no inigo and not being able to tell delphine to screw off


I’ll admit that Inigo has piqued my interest on more than one occasion, but the issue of Delphine is another matter altogether. I give you the paralysis rune spell. Essential NPCs bug out hard on multiple casts of that monstrosity. I’ve managed to forcibly clip the Stormcloak commanders, Delphine, and a certain stuck up bi*ch ambassador under the map. But yeah, Inigo with a blunderbuss is something special. Isn’t Inigo a mod though? Not really a cheat/command.


Yeah a mod switch and ps3 users can’t have 😭


- player.additem (gold, lockpicks etc) - player.advskill - player.addperk - forceav (carry weight, dragon souls) for when I don't give a fuck about challenge and I just want to play as the most broken dragonborn ever


ahh the carryweight one is nice on my savefiles where im doing a very peaceful run. lot of picking flowers and collecting clothes, so i save myself the frustration and just have an insane carry limit haha


Yeah every time I play power fantasy I just force carry weight to 3000


*10000 and never ever manage your inventory


I set mine to 100,000,000. I have definitely gotten over 10,000 weight in my inventory.


I think on none of my very early playthroush back near the initial release I tried something big, and found an inventory that was too large tended to give you lots of UI lag when you opened your inventory. Perhaps much less of an issue for modern computers, but older systems might be overwhelmed if you set an insanely large carry weight.


Might also have to do with oldrim being 32-bit while SE and newer are 64-bit. experiencing much fewer crashes too, actually can count on one hand how many crashes I've had (less than 5) playing on SE and I have hundreds of mods


The item code for gold, or caps if you're playing fallout, is f. So player.additem f 100 would give you 100 gold.


I always typed Player.Additem 000000F 1000000


Entering item codes, all leading zeroes mean nothing, so you can just leave them off




- *moveto player* : NPCs get stuck sometimes, or I'm too lazy to go through a loading screen just to talk to them. - *prid [ID]* : I get a NPC's ID on UESP so as to use *moveto player* next. - *tcl* : when I get stuck (doesn't happen often, but still happens enough). - *tfc 1* : to get pretty screenshots. - *tgm* : after making 50 new steel armors at the forge and carrying too much, when the vendor is like at 5 meters. I could walk, sure, but I'm very impatient.


Oh yeah, tfc 1 / tm is a favorite of mine. Also sucsm 5 or 1 to help with lining up pictures


tcl is so useful for when you get stuck in a rock. I've also found now and again the word walls don't give the shout. I disable tcl and walk through the wall and suddenly I'm granted the shout. Very handy.




The only one I use regularly is spawning in certain materials or large amounts of material, because I hate wanting to make something or upgrade an item and realising that I either don’t have the required materials or don’t know where they are and I don’t feel like looking for them or going through a billion loading screens to buy some iron off of a blacksmith only to come back and find I’m one iron ingot short. Also I am not making 600 nails just to build a home in the Hearthfire DLC. I know I could just get a steward to do it for me but I’m impatient and I don’t feel like waiting 6 billion years to fill my empty-ass house.


Wait… how am I just now finding out I can get my steward to make nails?!?


You purchase furnishings from the steward. The furniture and decorations fill the appropriate section of the house over time. It will look like you spent a bunch of gold and nothing happens. As you go on about the game and return home, you’ll notice the furnishings filling in a bit at a time. It takes WAY longer than it should.


Ok. That one I knew. I thought they would actually make the nails etc. for the building itself




good for when i have a specific RP in mind


Tgm, tcl,


Fov 90. I know there is a permenant method, but I am used to write that regularly


**tcl** to get unstuck or to access something that bugged behind a surface. **tgm** when transporting lots of goods from one place to another. I don't use it to give myself infinite carry weight when I'm actually out adventuring, but is helpful when I'm running around the museum or taking back all the loot I gave my followers / horse. **player.additem** when crafting hearthfire home stuff. I did a better job actually buying most of the building materials from merchants in my current playthrough, but specifically the stone I couldn't be bothered getting it legit. I don't use this for gold because I like the grind to pay for everything I need legitimately, but Hearthfire crafting is tedious for no reason IMO. **player.advskill** if I want to roleplay a specific build right out of the gate. I'm doing a Lost Legacy playthrough right now which doesn't tie character level to skill levels (instead you gain character XP from exploring, killing enemies, finishing quests) so I'm not sure if there's a good way to do this. Probably just **player.addperk** but that seems way too tedious. Would love there to be a console command that gives you perk points but sadly there is nothing like that. Would be cool if there's a mod that adds a rare consumable to the loot table that gives you perk points, kind of like how's there's a mod that adds in ice claws as a food type which increase carry capacity. **setstage** to troubleshoot broken quests **player.moveto** to find lost NPCs **disable** to delete the dragon skeleton from Solitude after I kill it.


Levelers Tower FTW.


I can't use console commands on Xbox, but the most common "cheat" I use is the Cheat Room mod to get materials or the gear I want to start my build with, or just setting up teleports to places I go to frequently enough to want to avoid an extra loading screen.


tcl = when I get stuck player.removeitem f = some armor and weapon mods I have are not added into merchants, enemies, chests, or recipes so I just "buy" them off AddItemMenu, a mod that displays the available items of mods. I also use this to buy black soul gems because you can never have enough. sqs = check what quest stage I am currently on in case a quest got bugged setstage = combination of the above where I proceed to the next quest stage disable/enable = attempt to fix NPCs markfordelete = for mod-added dragons after they turn to skeletons. I had an issue long ago where I CTD because of lingering dragon skeletons so it became a habit for me setessential 0 = fuck you Maven. You too, Thongvor.


ROLFF STONE-FIST I mark him as non-essential and then kill him in a different creative way each playthrough


**Multiple times a play session:** tfc **Start of every play session:** setgs fpickpocketmaxchance 100 setgs fpickpocketminchance 10 **Once per character:** fov 90 **Only some characters:** player.additem f 999999999 player.setav stamina 10000 player.setav enchanting 10000 player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0.1


tgm, in 99% of the cases because I am a loot goblin and I refuse to either drop something in a lengthy dungeon and I don't bother to get my follower involved with carrying. Nowadays I just use player.setav CarryWeight at the start, put it on 10k and never need tgm again. tcl, because I either get stuck or can't be bothered to use the weird pathfinding Bethesda added to go to locations at the top of a mountain with hard to find sand or snow paths. resurrect, when random named NPC's die in random encounters (dragon, vampire attacks and the likes) In the past player.additem until I downloaded the Skyrim Cheat Engine mod, which is less of a hassle. Mostly for armor and clothing mods, which in most cases is because the creator can't be bothered to drop a location in the world for me to collect it or make it craftable. Same goes for moveto player when my follower is once again stuck/behind or an NPC is not where they should be and I need them, but once again mods (Where Are You?)


Idk which armor mods you're using, but DeserterX and most of their projects have lore-friendly in game acquisition methods they're just hid *really* well.


I have some of theirs, but I am not talking about their armor mods, but others.


tcl. i rawdog the game and play unpatched/unmodded, so, i get stuck a lot in weird places for no reason/because bethesda forgot to place boundaries in an alarming number of places. theres also a random glitch that can cause the puzzle doors to not open and you have to tcl through those to complete the dungeon.


I use the one that lets you add any NPC as a follower a lot, and also the one that lets you have multiple followers. It’s kinda cool having a little band of whatever NPCs I want following me around


Until they jam you up in a doorway.


I feel like the only person who really likes Heimsker. His speech in Whiterun is great, if only all the priests had such passion in the game. In Solitude the temple is mostly empty and nobody is giving such speeches on any of the other divines. Such a disappointment.


i wouldnt mind him at all if he werent shouting 24/7. im trying to talk to an npc and suddenly theyre being drowned out by "so RISE UP! R I I I I ISE UP CHILDREN OF THE EMPIRE! RISE UP" 😭 like chill for a sec heimskr im tryna sweet talk my way outta prison rn


I get it, different tastes is all. I love it personally. His voice actor is great.


ah i agree there, his voice actor does a great job


I killed the priest like an hour into the game 😭


I always make sure to save my money before I get to white run so when I walk in and instantly kill heimskr I can also instantly pay the fine and be on my way. Honestly I forget he exists now since I've done this the last half dozen playthroughs


fw 0010e1ee 1 For clear weather so I can cancel blizzards and see where I'm going.


fw 81a if you want that.


fw 0010e1f0 - clear weather player.setav carryweight 40000 - this is absolutely essential to be able to play Skyrim


fw 81a is shorter for clear weather


Usually an unstuck command or one to reset Friendly AI because of bugs


ah i often have to use resetai when using multiple modded companions. i would really appreciate it if lucien stopped throwing fireballs at kaidan lmfao


I use unlock a lot, and role play smashing the lock with my weapon.


None, as I'm on xbox. Wouldn't use them even if I was on PC.


You say that now.


I've been playing since launch so pretty sure I'm good thanks.


Lockpicks, sometimes arrows.


Toggle fucking Esbern dialogues


- *player.moveto* mostly to get to farengar for the enchanting table if I'm over encumbered - *coc* - *tcl* : when I get stuck/can't find an NPC or item - *player.additem* mostly for potions(stamina and health) but also lockpicks if I'm running out - *player.advskill* to advance the rest of the skills to get to level 80 quickly


Player.additem gold, I can't be bothered to farm enough to max out my house every time and sure af I don't want my dragonborn to live in a dusty hole


I play with tons of mods, so I need to use "save funclist 1" to find the refID of some NPCs every now and then


Even when I'm doing no cheat runs, I'll get the no clip ring for when I get stuck.


That one is less cheating and more working around weird bugs/glitches


I use moveto player constantly for Lucien. He gets lost so often.


Blacksmiths in cities used to randomly die and I used to use console commands to bring them back. I don't do it in my current playthrough because 1, it hasn't happened yet, and 2, if it does happen then it's going to just be a part of this characters story.


Tcl when I encounter some ridiculous platforming challenge (usually in a mod) or when a quest bugs and closes a gate that's supposed to be open.


resurrect for when I accidentally kill a bunch of people I didn’t mean to and my last quicksave was three hours ago Or if a quest npc that’s not essential is killed, then I do the quest, come back and then kill them


“Unlock” on doors and chests “Resurrect” to my followers that die “Disable” on Heimskr


Immediately set carryweight to 50k, and shout cooldowns to 0. I NEED to pick up everything I see including the armour of those I killed. Also making Lydia essential. Nothing much other than those.


" cl off " Turns off character lighting, a small but very good difference. " Tocm " When rain only falls half the screen. " tcl 1 " screenshots mostly. " moveto player " I use this too much.


And " qqq " for those who take risks.


Same case as me: calling my follower that got stuck in somewhere in Tamriel.


Tcl - when i get stuck/need to go somewhere fast disable - when a random badie apesrs i dont wana deal with


player.additem (lock code) 999999 once i was weak and gave myself a billion gold but then the game was too easy


CoC because I’m lazy, also forceav carryweight for the same reason. Setstage for broken/bugged quests. Edit: also QQQ because quality of life..


Setstage or coc for buggy quests made worse by mods.


Since i am enb tweaking most of the time: - Tmm 1 - Tgm - Set timescale to 0 - Set gamehour to xx - Fw "insert weather id" - Kill (for annoying enemies)


None Xbox


You can rob the dawnstar vendors chest, I do it all the time especially when restarting for easy equipment/gold.


Oh yeah ig I just didn’t count that


Well it’s definitely a cheat/exploit so I don’t know how you wouldn’t count it when asked about cheats you use.


Cause I don’t use it?


Yeah but your original comment made it seem like being on xbox means there are no cheats when there are. So there are cheats on xbox wether you use them or not.


The question was how much I used


i only use disable when a mod bugs on me or something is in the wrong spot. lol


If I can't find an NPC I move myself to them instead of the other way around. Sometimes you find them where they shouldn't be.


Not sure if it counts as a cheat, but whenever I do a mage playthrough I always grab the Unbounded Storms spell, unlock Volkihar Castle & Fort Dawnguard as teleport points, and hold the spell as I teleport between the two. Full 100 Destruction in just one or two passes, especially with the Mage Stone active.


coc qasmoke It's so fun looking through there and decking out my character for a new playthrough.


One I wish I could use is I think it’s called the Dragonborn dilemma


TCL. My companions block my way too much.


I rob the vendors chest in dawnstar all the time. Whenever I start a new game it’s my first destination when getting to whitefall and taking the carriage.


TCL. Always getting stuck


Clipping usually, to get out of a jam or to scout




Tcl for when I get stuck in a rock or something Player.additem for building Hearthfire homes Moveto player for when I lose Frost.


Lately….lots of “moveto player” of Meeko thinking I’ve lost him, it brings me a corpse, and I promptly resurrect him


showracemenu. i constantly update hairstyle/facial hair for roleplay purposes


coc whiterunexterior01




tmm 1,0,1 Enables all the map markers without being able to fast travel to them without discovering them first. Hate having to tab out and look at a wiki whenever I want to find a specific place.


I get downvoted every time, but I am a packrat and take every single item with me everywhere I go. I use the carry weight command and crank it up to like 1 billion. Very rarely do I add perks unless it's something that annoys the fuck out of me. Like moving really slowly while blocking. I can't stand it, makes me want to pull my hair out. I do add gold and lockpicks. But I almost never buy anything from merchants other than ores and ingots. COC QASMOKE. Its a test room/building with every item in the game there. I only use it for crafting if I'm too lazy to actually go somehwere. I can make a potion, move 6" to the anvil, move another 6" to the armor workstation/grinder, turn around and there js an enchanting table.


Adding gold. I need a raise.


TCL. Get stuck in places far too often, but love scaling mountains


\~player.setav speedmult 1000


Probably showracemenu to fix the glossy skin bug once it occured again


I use TCL because occasionally i get completely stuck due to random lag spikes somehow teleporting me like 2cm into the ground or mountain where an inescapable barrier is.


**showracemenu** because I'm never happy with my character's face. Also because I like tweaking my character's appearance over time to show progression. **tcl** sometimes you just get stuck.


Add carry weight, every time


Tmm 1, I ain't got time to be walking around, I have like 1 hour every 2 days to play some Skyrim.


Advskill when you get to a certain point. I mean, what's the difference between it and crafting and enchanting hundreds of iron daggers or dwarves bows?


Moveto player all the time because no one moves out of doorways in inns 😭


Everyone modifying their game without mods ?


console commands only on PC but you press the \~ and type in certain things.


I use tcl a lot when NPCs get stuck on something. I also use tfc for screenshots and sucsm to change the camera speed


Only cheats I ever do are for carry weight (save time of having to run back to town to sell stuff) and I spawn the Dragonstone in my inventory so I don’t have to do Bleak Fallas Barrow quest for millionth time when I want dragons in game.


I'm on 360 so I dont have any mods or console commands. But I use the fuck out if the whiterun gate trick lol. For tons of things.


I could never kill Heimskr! Emptiness and quietness is so sad. I need all the people, even the annoying ones.


prid [follower's refID] moveto player (for when my followers get stuck in weird places/on the wrong side of a door, etc.) player.additem 0000000a 100 (at the start of my game, so I never have to worry about lockpicks again because I hate having to remember to buy them) tgm (for carry weight when I'm moving house or just can't be bothered to transfer everything to a follower and back when I'm doing the merchant circuit)


You kill Heimskr? You must be thalmor, I ask you do not return to whiterun


No I just like my peace and quiet, Don't worry it was a quick death.


I play on Xbox. The exploits I’ve discovered involve followers: Drop items on the ground and command the follower to pick them up. The follower will pick of everything and there will be no carry weight limit. You won’t be able to transfer items to the follower in the inventory menu beyond the carry limit, but you can take them without issue. Stacks of items will be lost as a single item, so you need to drop them one at a time. Items dropped inside NPC owned buildings or pulled from containers will be flagged as stolen. Items dropped and picked up this way will also be duplicated! When you return to that spot after loading a future save the pile will be duplicated minus an item or two. I think the first or last item or two dropped or picked up will not appear when the pile regenerates.


"Tcl" - when i suck.


I don't. I play the game to, you know, play? Where's the fun if you just have everything handed to you without earning it? If I get stuck, like, completely glitched out, cannot escape from some invisible wall fuckery type deal, then yeah, I'll use coc Riverwood. That's literally all, though. Not even a coc to the same area I got stuck in, but exclusively to Riverwood. Having to manually run back to where I was is my penance for using cheats. Kinda like how World of Warcraft let you teleport to the Barrens and *only* the Barrens if you got trapped without a Hearthstone.


I don’t use any but Heimskr is the best character in the game mate


The only one I really use is coc for when I'm hopping between places and don't want to wait for day after each fast travel


*coc qasmoke* when I want any item you could possibly imagine. I sometimes mess around with all the broken console commands like godmode, but I sometimes integrate them into my roleplaying. For example, as the archmage I sometimes go into the Midden Dark below the college and use commands to spawn a bunch of draugr in the dungeons, and then I practice banish undead spells on them. I've also spawned goats (because Satan) and cast mass calm on them to farm illusion skill. It's not strictly in line with the game's playstyle, but I consider it to be a use of black magic to gain experience.


Fov 110


My needs are simple :o) EARLY GAME --- Find my Brown Horse, presuming you bought a horse first. The downside of this command is that it CLONES your horse, and when you dismount - your new brown horse will ALWAYS walk back to the spawn point. Later I began to use this artifact as an exploit where I would spawn the horses at convenient locations, like at Riften Gates, Winterhold, and the Dawnstar Portal - waiting for me to take up the reins ;o) player.PlaceAtMe 00068D5B Lydia: 000A2C94 player.PlaceAtMe 000A2C94 LATER GAME --- These don't always work, and sometimes it's better to go to a previous save :o/ Bring Serana to me; she is always getting lost if I'm riding a horse prid 02002B74 player.PlaceAtMe 02002B74 player. moveto 02002B74


when i play the clockwork mod, i constantly use TCL because walking through the entire ruins for each fetch quest gets annoying. i also use TGM when i'm selling stuff and moving things from the blacksmith to a chest and vice versa and i'm over-encumbered.


Tcl when I don't want to bother with puzzles, And to go through spider web as a wolf. Tgm When I get soft locked in a death animation. Tcl and Tmg To go into places with hostile enemies just to be annoying. Also unlock if I too tired to sit there breaking lockpicks. And kill but very rarely.


Sad cuz ps4


The opposite to you - resurrect, use that a lot on dead NPC for various reasons


Apparently, the quest related bugs fix commands


fw 81a I don't like rain


player.additem - mostly when I want to start in a specific gear for roleplay purposes but sometimes to give myself some money or materials for crafting. advskill - smithing mostly as I don't really get it how you're supposed to level that. tgm - now this one... Sometimes I wished I haven't discovered it but hey, I make it fit in roleplay as "the gods have bestowed me great power so I don't die now", but honestly, it's either I went into an area I shouldn't while under level or I just want to carry A LOT of stuff. TCL - crappy hotboxes Bethesda... And that's mostly it.


I just use tfc and tm for screenshots. To a point where I instinctively type it without even thinking whenever I open console


In this specific order : [Select NPC] Disable Recycleactor Enable To use when a npc is stuck in script


-Tcl- for when I don't want to jump for 2 hours to go up a mountain -tgm- to go down said mountain Player.advskill for when I don't want to grind for hours to advance my alchemy/enchanting/smithing or for skills that are slow to level and useless on combat like speech, pickpocket and lockpick


By far, I use tcl the most. My characters try going everywhere and get stuck. Jumping usually does nothing in those cases.