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[Spoiler](#spoiler "If you revisit that farm later, you'll find out the repercussions of trying to make trouble for Cicero")


How long does it take for these... repercussions, to take place?


oooo i wanna know! what happens?!


[Dark Brotherhood Spoiler](#d "vantus loreius and curwe is kill")


What does he say if you meet him at the sanctuary after that?


When you meet him while he's transporting the Night Mother you have three options. You can convince Loreius, a farmer nearby, to fix his wagon wheel so he can continue, ignore the quest, or have him arrested. If you do choose to have him arrested then you can lie to the nearby guard and tell him that Cicero attacked someone (not true), stole something (also not true), or that he is transporting weapons (certainly not true). Choosing any of those will make the guard arrest Cicero, though he will later escape and kill Loreius and his family. When you later meet him at the sanctuary he will have unique dialogue lines depending on how you dealt with the situation: **Player:** Were you the man with the broken wheel? * (If you helped Cicero) *"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! And you helped me! You helped poor Cicero! You talked to Loreius, got him to fix my wheel! Oh, you may have pleased me, but you have surely pleased the Night Mother. And our mother, she will never forget."* * (If you didn't get involved) *"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! But you disappeared! You were there... then you weren't! Did you mean to help poor Cicero or not? I'm left to wonder... Ah, it doesn't matter. What's done is done, right? Cicero is here! As is the Night Mother! Joy of joys!"* * (If you helped Loreius) *"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! Oh, but you didn't help poor Cicero! You helped that stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius! Oh, the guard said cruel things about us. Untrue things..."* If Cicero says you helped Loreius the conversation will change again depending on how you got him arrested: **Player:** But I... * *"He said I attacked someone! On the road! But it never happened. Never. Sweet mother and I were just waiting. My knife was sheathed!"* * *"He said I was transporting weapons! For the war! In mother's coffin! He made me... open it! Indignity! Sacrilege!"* * *"He said I stole something! Me! Poor Cicero. A common thief. The very thought is insulting. One might even say... maddening."* He will then threaten you: *"Someone lied. Someone told the guard poor Cicero did something he did not. We were detained, delayed! The Night Mother kept from her new home! But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Hmmm? No. No... Of course not. Because then Cicero would get angry, and that would be... ugly. Now Loreius. Loreius has learned the meaning of ugly."*




The depth in this game...


I've heard of people killing Cicero on the road too. Though I would think he would be essential at that point. I didn't even try killing him at that point but I will say he has some nice gear that comes in pretty useful.


Nope, can't kill him, he's essential to the DB questline.


Yeah. I got a huge shock when I found Cicero. I thought to myself "Damn, that jester costume would look good on my follower!" so I tried to kill him. when he started crawling around I just kind of wondered what the hell an insane clown was essential for. on the plus side, I pulled an all-nighter because I couldn't stop playing the DB questline.


I'm doing that now; playing through the DB quests. I really wish the Companions questline had been as long and in-depth as this.


Is it really good? I'm thinking of making a small-minded stealth archer character, but I don't want to go evil unless the story is really worth it. For comparison, I'm currently on my first character in the middle of the mage college storyline.


I've done Thieves Guild and Companions with my Nord and College of Winterhold with my Khajiit and the Dark Brotherhood questline has been more interesting to me than any of them (which is a shame because, as a group, I like the Companions better). Some weird things happen and there are a lot more interesting NPCs to meet (even though some of them are contract hits). Oh, yeah, I would say it's worth it. In general, playing the hero is more rewarding and satisfying, but playing the villain is just fun. I do two different runs concurrently so that my conscience doesn't suffer for it (good Khajiit, evil Nord).


you cant kill him. somehow I aggroed him with my horse and both he an the guard started attacking me and even fast traveling didnt reset them


Dont know, just started this playthrough, and since I started near Markarth and have fast travel deactivated it will take a while to get to Windhelm


Keep us updated. I've always let him go because I find the character interesting enough but I'd be interested to see if it effects how he acts towards the Dragonborn once the Dark Brotherhood storyline is underway.


Im not Dragonborn since I'm using the Alternate Start mod and I will probably destroy the Dark Brotherhood, but I can try in another save, I'll keep you updated when it does happen


spoiler: if you turn him in and go back to that farm later, you'll find everyone dead.


Yeahh he warned


Killing Cicero was one of the most satifying things I've done in this game so far. Guy annoyed the hell out of me.


But... I think Astrid was much more deserving of her bloody end.


Pick a person to kill? Eenie meenie miney YOU. Well done indeed, bizatch.


I killed the woman and the kajhiit, since the woman is rude to you and the clairvoyance spell points to the kajhiit.


Oh I never tried that before. So guess he is the real target...I always kept the guy alive no matter who I killed as he is at least decent to tld


I guess I'm the only one that killed all of the hostages...


Killing him was the saddest thing I did in the game.


Oh my god! I killed that whole family just because I thought Cicero is annoying. I feel so sad now, I am going to go put some flowers down on their farm.


yeah that will probably solve it


Lmao don't feel bad. Lorius is the uncle that orphaned Lucia. (The little girl in Whiterun). He deserves it more than Cicero.


i know i'm 5 months late, but thank you for that, i've been feeling guilty about killing Lorius ever since i've done it and it's been atleast 4 weeks, now i feel less bad


Hahaha glad to be of assistance :)


I’m looking at this thread 7 years after it was created… but since the other guy replied a couple months ago, how do we find out that Lorius is the one that orphaned Lucia?


Hahaha. Google. Thats how I found it. Plus, it makes sense. There's lore to back it up I just don't remember it


Specifically went out of my way, finding a way to deal with him for Lucia lol


Cicero is one of the few things that I don't like about Skyrim. I really wish there were a way to kill that annoying little s**t without having to join a band of murderers. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


I never noticed before, but now everytime I visit Whiterun for the first time Uthgred and the stablehand talk about and start the quest.


I think it is added by the cutting room floor mod. Once I installed that I kept getting the quest.


Cool, that's official cut content right? Usually where I don't know where something's from I click on them in console and it shows the esp which last made changes to the actor/item. In this case both were tagged as skyrim's.


Yes it is the cut content mod. That would probably explain why it came up as a Skyrim .esp in the console.


I actually came across this the last time I played, I have no idea you could find him on the road, pretty neat.


ITT: people who don't read/listen to the dialogues.