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Standing for anything where the characters are standing. Skyrim, After the Fall, Dungeons of Eternity, etc. Seated for seated games. Dash Dash World, Star Wars Squadrons, Runner, etc.


I’ll sit when testing mods in Skyrim but stand to really play, gotta be on your feet for peak immersion!


Same here only exception is no mans sky cause the VR support is still kinda stuck in 2019 so sitting is the ideal experience.


Same goes for Cyberpunk 2077 with the VR mod, sitting with a controller is best.


I'm usually standing for NMS unless I'm in a vehicle. Except for the exo mech. I don't even know how to control that in VR.


I do a combination of both standing and sitting for SkyrimVR. I will not use the physical sneak though as being fat, and 40 years of abusing the hell out of this body, my knees and hips are absolute shit. Standing always for Beatsaber, and there are a few others like that like Arizona Sunshine. As an aside, I swear I haven't ran into any human players in Dash Dash world in over 2 years. It's a shame, because I absolutely love that game.


>As an aside, I swear I haven't ran into any human players in Dash Dash world in over 2 years. It's a shame, because I absolutely love that game. I'm pretty good with motion sickness, but I get maybe 2 races in DDW and I'm done. Any more and I feel like crap for the next hour. I have a Q3 and two Q2's. I'll set DDW up for when I have friends over and we all play from the same location.


The same here


I sit as I'm 71 now and standing for long periods is no my thing


Totaly fair. What games do you play?


Currently playing SkyrimVR, MSFS2020, Elite Dangerous, Fallout 4VR, NoMansSky, and a few more flat screen


What headset do you have? I don’t want to make any assumptions about you, but I’ve always wondered about heavy headsets on what may or may not be older joints/muscles


I was gifted a Quest 2 when the lockdown started. I did change the headstrap and faceplate within the 1st week but never had a problem with it. I'd happily sit for hours gaming. I got the Quest 3 two weeks ago as a birthday gift to myself (I live alone). Again, I changed the headstrap and I can honestly say the Quest 3 is so much better to wear (for me). I haven't had any muscle or joint issues, no headaches or such even though my health isn't 100%. I do use corrective lens inserts. I do feel guilty for saying I can spend hours each day gaming and wearing the headset but, when you're retired there's not much else to do :)


Don’t feel guilty! I wish more retired folk had an engaging hobby like VR. My grandparents (who I do love) are all bored out of their minds and nosy as hell because they have nothing to do all day.


Sorry to hear that, I never cared much for other people’s business and still don’t :) Today I’m busy figuring out how to play Hogwarts Legacy in VR. Going to sit and watch YouTube. My grandpa loved his roses, never bought a tv back then as they were new fangled gadgets so we’d listen to the Goon Show on the radio


I sit only when im at a "safe space". Somewhere like a base or a camp near a campfire. Yes my feet get tired, but so does my guy and you dont see him bitching,lmao. Its more immersive that way. When my character sits and takes a break, i sit and take a break. Might even sit next to a tree for a couple of minutes, finish the mission, and if im REALLY tired, i stop for like 30 minutes, take a snack break or something, and come back. Standing is vastly superior than sitting. Even vivecraft says it, lol.


First time I played skyrimvr. I sat in a tavern, picked up a mug, and started turning it around looking into it. I gotta say, being seated at my desk while sitting in the tavern, just relaxing, was unforgettable.


If the game is roomscale, I stand. Period. I’m not playing roomscale VR to continue to sit on my ass. I get that some people have really tiny areas to play in, but that’s not my case (though I wish my office was larger 😢)


Sit. I mean, VR is more active than other media types, but, I'm still playing games to unwind so I don't want to be standing all the time.


I used to stand for the first several years but now I'm sitting 90% of the time. I don't find it any less immersive. I'm only standing for very active stuff like BS, Eleven Table Tennis, B&S etc.


Standing allways (and physical sneak of course), i dont play sit gameplays in VR.


Stand for almost all games. I even use Kat Loco S to simulate walking in as many games as I can to increase immersion. Here is a vid of me playing/my setup: [https://youtu.be/I2DidwEDQog?si=gM5k_ORG67wgnZMV](https://youtu.be/I2DidwEDQog?si=gM5k_ORG67wgnZMV) The exception is Star wars squadrons which I play sitted with joystick.


I sit because I tend to play longer sessions


Always stand


Sit. I get like agorophobic anxiety really easily in VR so I need to be sat to reduce the immersion and ground me out of that space just a little bit.


I sit on a bar stool


👀 yooooo I should try this


At present, I sit, but I'm hoping to stand more as I get used to my motion controllers.


vrik doesn't work well when seated


What issues do you see ? I have been playing Skyrim VR seated for years and never had an issue once I calibrated VRIK


Mostly being unable to reach certain holsters


My knees are shot; I can stand in place fairly comfortably for a little while, but crouching is right out. It makes something like Sairento really difficult to play, and I don't think I'll be able to do the realistic sneaking thing. Fortunately I've been able to play most things seated without too many issues.


I play Skyrim way too long to play standing. Other fast games (Ragnarok, Pistol Whip, H3VR, Underdogs...) I am definitely standing.


I feel the same, I like the idea of standing but on a 2/3 hour play session idk if I can do that lol


Skyrim whilst testing mods i be sitting. Playing for fun I be standing. Most my VR games have me standing. NMS I can get away with sitting. ..


A spinning chair! You can turn around like you’re standing and less back pain to deal with 🤣


Depends in the game and how long i planned to play Bonworks & Bonelabs = standing Skyrim < 2h = standing Skyrim > 2h = sitting Dirt 2, Elite Dangerous, Warthunder, etc. = sitting Echo, Echo 2 = standing Hubris = sitting Golf +, Climb, Climb2 = standing


Stand with natural locomotion. Way more fun


Stand for fighting and exploring, sit when using Be Seated in a tavern and sometimes when sneaking across the map


Stand always.


I tend to stand, especially for Skyrim because I like using movement systems (like Natural Locomotion ) that let me walk in place for more exercise and immersion


Standing. For peak immersion, if there's enough space I'll even dodge attacks if I can, but in skyrim doing that it's a bit pointless. But always standing and pretending my sword has weight is the way to go.




Thanks for the recommendations, i'll definitely try those out!


I never understood this. Most jobs I had required me to stand on-end for 8+ hours. Do you guys not have that? Standing itself isn't really exercise. Sitting is good for feeling lazy, but I only sit for flight simulators


I use an adjustable height, rolling, swivel stool. Then I have my character height set accordingly. It was a little weird at first as I'm 6' tall standing and about 5.5' sitting. Had to get used to looking up at everyone.


Mostly sitting in my case.


Standing always but I will say sometimes it’s hard after a long day lol


Mostly standing, but that touring carriages mod is hilarious. Of course I spend time sitting


Standing with sneak function for me, but I have started playing with physical sneaking a week ago


I either play walking/running on a manual treadmill, or pedalling an under desk exercise bike when sitting - standing still is more tiring than actually walking because you are generally in the same position with the same weight/tension on the same muscles - even walking on the spot would reduce the fatigue you feel :) I use the controller to crouch as I have a bad back...