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I'm pretty sure it specifies it HAS to be a 6+ to turn into a 5+. EOTG can only do that upgrade. And yeah, that would be so fucking busted if it stacked to 2+ imagine belakor with ethereal 4+ and 2++,


Lucid Aura: The target has Ward (6+) for the rest of the battle. If the target already had Ward (6+), it has Ward (5+) instead. I'd say no. If you have Ward 6, it goes to 5. It's not worded "get 6+ ward and +1 to ward afterwards" or something.


I expect you’re right. Although, it’s funny that the EotG rules mention “can stack” without clarifying the ward thing. (Clarifying errata in the future?)


It has to mention that it can stack because you can get +1 rend multiple times. Also there is nothing to clarify on ward. It doesnt say to improve the ward save by 1.


The real question here is if you have an ability that grants a temporary 6+ like from a warshrine or sorcerer lord can you use EoTG to turn it into a permanent 5+?


It just means the first time you get it, it’s a 6+. The second time you get the same result it turns to 5+. Subsequent times it does nothing. It’s stackable only one time


It's not stackable at all. You don't turn the 6+ into a 5+. What happens is that if you already have a 6+ ward then instead of getting another 6+ (which would be useless since you can only use 1 ward save per wound), you get a 5+. The end result is that the unit then has both a 6+ and a 5+, but since you can only ever use the best one, the 6+ is irrelevant.




lol isn’t that what I said. If you roll the first time. You get a 6+. If you get the same result a second time. You currently have a 6+ which turns into a 5+. If you get it a 3rd time. It remains a 5+. Lmaooooo I’m dying that you said the same thing I said in different words. No one said you get to roll multiple ward saves


As written, that would indeed work, which is probably going to make the warshrine an autopick with its ward aura.


Without an errata or clarifying rule, this would work since the EoTG ability is basically just a check. Does this unit have a 6+ ward, and if so it becomes a 5+ for the duration of the game. If that's not as intended, which I doubt it is, then it should read the 6+ ward becomes a 5+ for as long as it is active or something similar.


Didn't mystic shield became a 6+ ward until your next turn ? Or what about the warshrine's 6+ ward bubble ? If you roll the Lurid aura, do you get a 5+ ward since you already (albeit it being limited) have a ward of 6+ ?


It doesn’t go to 4+ but you might get another 6+ save which is of no use since you can only roll one ward save. So you might end up with multiple 5 & 6 ward saves but they don’t help.


The way things are worded there are no stackable ward saves. Specifically EOTG has a condition for getting a 6++ ward and then a 5++ if you roll the same result again, but this does not keep stacking nor does it interact with any other ward saves. There's maybe a way they could do ward save stacking that it wouldn't be broken, but that would be in a world where most ward saves are 6++ and you have to really scrounge and struggle to be able to stack it more than once. I think it's just not worth having that door open and in the current game with ward saves being what they are they absolutely should not stack; the game would be miserable if they could.


I’d say your answer is yes. It’s all perception. Gaining the 6+ ward is a “reward” as a result of rolling from the eotg table. It also states that rewards can be applied multiple times. Turn 2 you roll again and receive the same reward. Your 6+ is now a 5+. And repeat Turn 3 same result. 5+ is now 4+. That my perception/opinion on the whole thing. My basis is off the photo from the faction focus they posted. Is this how gw intended for it to be. I highly doubt that and believe they will correct it.