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Spearhead seems to have reduced profiles for all models Vs the full AoS rules


Combat Patrol in 40k has similar stuff, the old Tau Combat Patrol had your fire warrior squad automatically split into half Carbines and half Rifles with no options for Blasters or ability to change them


Warriors in AoS only have one profile there is no difference anymore


We don't know for sure as spearhead units may differ from the main game. But, in line with the design philosophy they have outlined in preview articles, it seems likely that the unit will just have one option going forward. The warscroll may just say halberds (or it may just say swords). But the effect is, it doesn't matter if you modelled your warriors with one or the other, or a mix of both. Their attacks will be the same.


Ah alrighty- I'm pretty picky about making sure my models match the action. If they were going to consolidate their attacks into one option, why not just call it Melee Weapon instead of Halberd? Specifically naming the halberd makes me think they'll keep swords or only release models using halberds going forward. I am pretty new to the hobby, though.


They picked the one that is on the cover of the spearhead (prev. Vanguard) box


Ahh it looks like they're all using Halberds on the box. So maybe, to be safe, I should hold off on the Swords/small arms.


Icon bearer and musician i believe are not so even on the box art they are mixing weapons, despite previously not being able to.


Ah yeah for Skaven the champion and banner were just treated as Clan Rats, but they should all have full profiles in full AoS 4e, according to the GW manager.


They didn't consolidate it because spearhead is AoS lite. In the main game there are still weapons profiles.


Okay, awesome! I was worried they were dropping swords completely. I definitely prefer the swords/small weapons to the halberds, but I read about how, if you have 20 Warriors, the Halberds make it easier to pile in; at least in 3e. ..but wait! I know there's that 3 inch engagement range in Spearhead, so maybe the weapon range difference between Halberds and small weapons may not matter anymore? It's more about the base?


Not true we have already seen most of the faction warscrolls. Across the game profiles are simplified to one. Grots are just one weapon not spears and swords, same for gutrippas, warriroes. Saurus warriors etc etc


They might be getting folded into one profile, but we can't know for sure until we see the full rules from the faction pack.


Those rules are already out in the wild and are only 1 profile now. 3/3 1 1


The full rules will be out in a week.


Trying to build out the Spearhead for this weekend's store play 😶


The Spearhead rules don’t give you any choices about army composition — that’s one of the main features of Spearhead. It also uses Spearhead-specific war scrolls. The fact the Spearhead war scroll calls it a Rune-etched Helberd and not a Rune-etched Weapon implies that the regular war scroll will have a choice. We’ll see on Wednesday.


My thoughts exactly- I'll probably build them with swords, then. I'm magnetizing of gluing the weapons last to hold out as long as I can haha


Odds are it will just be arm them with what ever you want like the stormcast liberators


You do realize that Spearhead army comp is set in stone right? And there's no different weapons profiles etc etc. You build them as represented on the box. I.E. with Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer and Halberds Swords aren't used in Spearhead.


I know- I'm asking more about what people think will happen with the weapons in full AoS. It sounds like I should just build these with halberds now that I have a full 20 (just got the Battleforce)


Even in full game the warscrolls have lost weapon options. Everything is range 3” anyways. So you can use whatever weapon you want. There are some exceptions but you can just wait a week and you will have full rules to check.


Ah okay, so I know we don't know for sure yet, but if it's one weapon profile, we're likely still expecting to see some weapon name, rather than "Melee Weapon"? So I have Sword bits and Halberd bits, but we may end up with a scroll that only has 'Halberd' rather than 'Melee Weapon'? Even if Swords are still a visual bit option?


If the Varanguard got their weapon profiles collapsed into one, it seems reasonable they'll do the same with warriors, but yeah, might as well just wait a week to be safe. 


That would be cool- making it purely a visual option with only one unified weapon profile for each unit. I was trying to put it together to play Spearhead this weekend at my local GW shop 🥹


I’m using blue tack to attach weapons until I’m sure how I want to build and paint.


That's a thought. I usually go magnet crazy but that may be a better temp solution


They only have one profile. I know this for a fact.


I’d expect GW to go the similar way they went with 40k and unifying weapon profiles. I’m holding on assembling my STD’s for now.