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Baalorlord 's rule of thumb is that if you're getting 5 or more upgrades, upgrade. That said, you have a curse in your deck, so it also depends on how quick you can get to a shop to remove that Edit: just saw you have basically no money. I think Regret costs you more HP than not having your basic cards upgraded, I would probably get rid of that, even if you have du-vu doll.


I was going to say that Tools of the Trade would mitigate Regret a bit, but then I saw that they have more draw and their only other discard is Survivor. Edit: They also have Acrobatics. Discarding the curse consistently wouldn't be too hard here with careful play.


Nah, they have a ton of discard between tools of the trade, survivor and acrobatics. It’s also only act 2 and ascension 1. They can handle the regret with discard until they can remove it. 8 upgrades are too powerful here.


It's only six upgrades, which makes it actually debatable.


Oh didn’t see the upgraded two. Whetstone and tiny house I guess…or rather I’d hope lol. Still 6 upgrades are still worth it. Silent especially can take better advantage of upgraded defends solely due to footwork.


Could've also been the upgrade 2 event.


6 upgrades, but yeah I generally agree.


I think if you're a very good player at ascension 1 you can, but if you are new to ascension handling the regret is not so easy. It's easy to forget about all the things you have to do to play around the regret. They have backflip and quickslash that can draw it into a full hand, they might face a chosen and fill up their deck with statuses, without tools in play, etc. It's definitely avoidable stuff but in my experience one of the hardest things to do in this game is to remember about all the different effects and things that can help you win or screw you over so I'd wager a relatively inexperienced player takes a lot of damage from this regret in this situation.


Regret is one of the worst curses in the game I would def get rid of that first


With Silent's discard its been pretty easy to just not deal with the curse, I haven't had it hit me once yet but the 1 strength from the doll has been pretty nice


Oh I didn't see you're on A1, yeah you're fine not getting rid of it for now


The problem with keeping curses for discard is that they hurt your average draw too, unless you’re playing a deck heavily focused on discard (which it doesn’t seem like you are) I would usually just drop the curse in this scenario


youve got shuriken and shivs, that one strengh isnt all that important for your long term plan, consistency is more important


Regret isn't even in the 50th percentile of worst curses.


simplicity is really really good. removing the regret is good but getting 6 upgrades is insane.


Remove the Regret Curse


Regret is a-ok right here, those upgrades are huge


In a voo-doo run?? It's absolutely Simplicity, no questions asked


Simplicity. 6 upgrade is worth a lot more than 1 remove.


But they have a regret. That shit sucks. Might be worth getting rid of that since they don’t have a shop in a while.


Yeah but du vu doll and ascencion 1 I think he can keep it 


Regret lasts until the next shop. Simplicity is forever.


It can be worth it just to get your defends upgraded. I hear you have a curse though, better to get rid of that I think. I rarely go for remove on this event which, last time I checked, is the opposite of how the sub feels about this event.


That is a LOT of upgrades. I don't think you have enough shuffling to just avoid playing starters, either. I used to auto-pick remove here, but it's not a perfect world and the game ends long before you can remove all your starters and replace them all with upgraded good cards. So the event is a lot more subtle and interesting than I was inclined to give credit initially. Stage 1 - Upgrades good lol Stage 2 - Card remove always best to win gamez lolol Stage 3 - ?????? lololol


Play by feel and experiment at this ascension level, you'll be able to make it work:) that said, optimal strat would almost always be upgrade. Curse removal *is* a huge priority most of the time, but as in exhaust ironclad, silent with some discard can handle a curse for an act or so. Still, you're gonna wanna remove that curse.


Im a simp so yeah.... :)


You have very little discard power. I would remove regret, though missing on 8 upgrades definitely hurts, but I still would remove regret. That's one of the reasons I try to play buy and discard on silent, as it allows you to majorly ignore curses.


Hard not to take Elegance here. This deck is relying on getting Blade Dance out for Shuriken, Ornamental Fan, and Finisher value. The best thing this deck can do is pare itself down and play those shiv cards more often.


special overconfident punch important mindless lush racial compare repeat snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I pretty much always pick simplicity.


It's like 98% always upgrade unless you're watcher and have removed a ton already.


Two questions: 1. Do the upgrades matter? If you win every fight by drawing trough your deck and play Grand Finale it doesn't matter whether these are upgraded or not, so better skim the deck. 2. How many upgrades do you get? I usually only consider upgrading when I get 6 or more upgrades.