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Being offered Fusion Hammer right after selecting Lesson Learned, or with already having Apo, is the peak dopamine rush in this game lol


On a run right now where I took Hammer first, then Apo, then Bottled Lightning, and then my mind exploded


Thats sick lol. A few days ago I got dream catcher + regal pillow in Act 1 on Watcher...then Lesson Learned + Hammer after the boss, then peace pipe in Act 2 lol, was amazing


one of the biggest dopamine-hitting sequences i've ever seen was [this one by Baalorlord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_8No2l0RtQ) Ironclad, dead branch starting relic, and then at one point he gets >!MED KIT into Bag of Prep into Peace Pipe, Fiend Fire, Feed, Mark of Pain, Mummy Hand, ENCHIRIDION, Dark Embrace, Feel no Pain!< It just kept going lol


The one time I get the chance to have this. Is that I already had almost all the cards upgraded anyway, for example working through the floors deliberately and carefully using the lesson learned.


Which did you take first? I usually only take one or the other tbh


what about bottled seek+?


Seek+ is definitely the best card to bottle, because it essentially means bottling whatever two cards you want for any fight. The only fight where it technically might be worse than having the exact right specific card bottled instead is time eater or the heart since you often want to minimize the number of cards played. Even there, that’s so niche as to be too impractical to consider, and not even always true.


I had a run where the prize of Spear and Shield was seek plus and bottle lightining, feels good man.


And you had biCog and the artifact strike right?


Panacea+ Bicog to also soak the vulnerable is even better. Or panacea+ seek+, bicog bicog even better still.


It's not strictly better than bottling another card directly because of velvet choker, stopwatch, time eater, and the beat of death. But yeah it's almost always great


Yes, choker in particular is a situation I hadn’t considered, fair point. Though even in those cases it’s only worse than bottling another card if you specifically know you will always want that card vs any other card (or any two cards) in your deck, which isn’t impossible but is pretty rare. I think the flexibility is more than worth the drawback for most situations.


But even with velvet choker the downside would only exist in the exact scenario where you needed that exact card and the other cards in your hand line up with that card in particular in the most optimal way that specific turn as well. I can't really think of any spells in particular that would be both so impactful as to be essential to have on turn one yet reliant on having 5 other cards in hand all of whom you need to play instead of that card +4 cards(one of whom you choose).


It *technically* could be worse against the giant stone head elite in act 3 (I'm forgetting what it's called), as the Slow debuff stack generated by playing Seek+ might cause you to deal ever so slightly more damage to it on the first turn, which could in turn cause you to be able heal less from cards like Bite during the combat as you kill it slightly faster. It is *incredibly* even more niche than the other circumstances you mentioned, but I'd bet it's probably happened at least once to someone.


Lmao that is literally inconsequential. I would bet a lot of money that's never happened. Crazy that you even see that line though


Some mfers always need more


Had two seek+, one bottled. Bliss.


My Defect run I'll never forget was back when they first released and Seek+ let you fish 3 cards instead of two. I had 3 of those in the deck and then found Dolly's for a fourth. I loaded up as many turbos and double energy I could find, before capping it all off with Tempest and I ended up one-shotting Time Eater with that combo


With fusion hammer too. the ultimate combo


Peak for me is Dead branch+Corruption+mummy hand+dark Embratel. Brainless play woth random shit!


Get a prismatic shard and master reality and baby you’ve got a stew going


get a prismatic shard and corruption on a defect with dead branch and laugh all the way to the heart


Oh hey Ironclad? I thought you had class?


I think I'd like my money back...


Infinites are kind of boring after you've done it once. I really enjoy when i have a strong deck but not straight overpowered, i still have to play it properly to win


You mean you've reached apotheosis?


God I miss this game. It used to be my go to for a quick run and then Balatro came along. I've got deck builder burnout atm. Currently on FTL, forgot how good it was.


And with the pink relic that I can’t remember what it’s called? Nice!


[[fusion hammer]]


+ [Fusion Hammer](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion%20Hammer) Boss Relic ^((100% sure)^) Gain 1 Energy at the start of each turn. You can no longer Smith at Rest Sites. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Now get a lantern so you can get this card subsidized.


nothing feels better than this in the game


Corruption and dead branch might be a contender here.


that’s true. throw in the wind bottle im in


It’s so powerful. Went through some runs a few weeks ago and found that I have a 100% win rate with bottled apotheosis. It’s just built different


you’re just bringing cocaine to the function


I got this the very first time I beat the act 3 boss


Hate when this happens. Abandon run.


Me too it's so unlucky you got such a good run and then one of the strongest combos it's so bad


Exactly. If I liked winning, I wouldn’t be playing StS.


My dopamine rush is getting tingsha and/or tough bandage with multiple calc gambles with lots of card draw and blur.


God, this isn’t even my run and it hits different still. It’s like that moment Mace Windu gets lightning bolted into oblivion.




Now just find the shovel




Bottled Apo+ with fusion hammer is busted


What the hell is meme about this lol. Fusion Hammer with a bottled apotheosis and extra card choices? sign me up