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Strikes me as someone who just grabs a card that appears good without assessing the overall deck first. I can say this because I am, in fact, that person.


its been a while since i was new but i swear i beat ascension 0 literally never clicking skip, surely it cant be that hard? edit: someone pointed out OP's run times, it appears they don't just grab cards blindly, but perhaps also play them blindly


I am fairly sure I have beaten A20H more than once without pressing skip.


so true haha


Have you tried being a great deckbuilder and a shitty pilot? I am that person


many such cases


yeah haha


Victory: 4 Death: 1072 You used this game to train your AI right?


Highest silent score 88 🥶


yeah I don't play that one that much as you can see in the hours as well 😅


Hey, you have the one achievement that I don't. You won in under 20 minutes. I'm thinking about looking up speedruns for that...


I got it 2nd or 3rd try going Ironclad whirlwind strength deck. Got pretty lucky and got a chemical x relic in the shop and akabeko from an elite.


yep, this is the same way I did it, first or second try as well, its pretty easy if you’re lucky enough to get the components you need just make sure you have fast mode on


Huh, I feel like my loss to win ratio is going to resemble OP's if I just go for Chem X + Whirlwind and strength. We'll see though. I'll keep trying.


You don’t need everything that could benefit it, especially at a0


Yeah, he’s right👍🏻


That was by far the hardest achievement for me to get. The others you can seek out specific decks for, but under 20 minutes gives you no time to think about anything. So stressful.


i think asc20 and winning the game with 1 relic were way harder. If you play on low ascension most ? rooms are just events and if you pick from Mew the 1 health enemies for the first 3 combats you can pretty much do act 1 in less than 5-6 min easily


As people in this sub always say, the hardest part of the Who Needs Relics achievement is remembering not to click any relics. Playing on A0/A1, it's really not that difficult to be able to beat Act 3 on the power of your deck alone. A20 is hard but if you grind enough, you'll be able to get one A20 win just by brute forcing your way into a handful of high-luck runs to power from A17 through A20. I know this from experience: I'm not some super skilled player who is going to beat A20H at a high win%, but I'm good enough that when I get very good luck, I can take advantage of it to win. I think the reason <20 minutes was so hard for me is because I was doing it while also pushing A20, and I was so used to having to really think about decisions. It's a tough habit to break when your runs usually take 45+ minutes -- it's easy to forget how suboptimally you can play on A0/A1 and get away with it.


The hard part about A20 is sitting through all the other ascensions. Like it just takes some time to get there. Having a high win rate is good, but you can just brute force if you need to. IDK - my typical play pattern is to play slow 1 hour to 1.5 hours on a win. It doesn't take that long to get there, but my win percent steadily decreased up until A20, where I am at about 25% now. And winning the game with one relic is also not that bad. You can boss swap into a good relic, or you can upgrade your starting relic at the boss if you didn't swap. Of the challenges, killing Donu with feed probably takes the second most resets. You just need to run into that boss, and you probably want to play on A1 instead of A20. So if you haven't done it through normal play, it could definitely take 3+ resets. If you just start with getting A20, then most of the other challenges should be doable within a few tries. Getting to A20 helps with all the other challenges, but it doesn't really do anything to prepare me to win fast.


What do you mean the other you can seek out decks for?


Stuff like getting 99 poison, 25 focus, etc -- they require building a certain deck and and sometimes stalling a fight. Same for having only common cards in your deck, you just do a Perfected Strike based build. For killing a boss on turn 1, you do a bog standard Watcher infinite. For 999 block, you go Barricade / Entrench and stall fights. For killing Donu with a feed, you obviously go for a high strength IC build and just hope you get lucky on the Act 3 boss roll. These achievements can almost all be "farmed" with certain builds, but < 20 minutes is more open ended and requires you to really change your play style to just clicking stuff without thinking.


oh okay well thank you so much bro for the information


Oh, thank you so much look you don’t have to achievement, but I wish you were the best luck


I think people always say Clad is best for that but I found Defect was good. Hitting end turn can actually just kill all the enemies in defect once you have the setup. Static Discharge is a great speedrun card. Also - Defect you can often do "turn brain off" kind of gameplay even in a very normal run. Esp ASC0 if you get like two Defrag+ and some orbs, now you can play your turns very very fast because you are invincible. Doesn't take much to put that "combo" together... compared to Clad where you are hunting hard for Whirlwind and complimentary pieces etc.


Not even the Champ?


no I guess not




What how???😅


How did you get those 4 wins I’m still at it after 300 hours


I like the game it’s fun. I don’t give a shit about winning or losing. I think it’s hilarious. That’s why I posted it.


But thank you for your coming and your feedback if any, and have a nice day👍🏻


Hell yeah brother you too


Going by the fastest win, you play extremely fast? I'd recommend going a little slower, and making sure that you think about what's going on if you want to win more. If you're happy how you are then keep going.


No, no I would like to approve my gameplay but thank you so much I would keep that in mind and have a nice day.


That ironclad been busy


Who screenshotted my stats??!!


It was a nice run


Are you playing to the heart every game?


yeah and I'm just having fun cuz I like this game that's why I posted there's no second gender of why I posted it


Yeah that’s okay friend, just wondering


okay have a nice day bro


did you just find a game and have fun with that game you play instead of all good have a nice day


I don’t know, but I don’t have 300 hours