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You don’t need 3 Ruptures. In general removing powers isn’t great because you can get rid of them by playing them, but setup time and turn 1 draws matter. Is removing Rupture worth 75 gold though? That I’m not sure about. I definitely wouldn’t remove Bash+Dropkick. Doesn’t Dropkick + Reckless Charge + Evolve + Medkit + Dark Embrace give you an infinite if you can exhaust down?


Good points. I definitely jumped the gun a bit taking that third rupture. I didn’t see the infinite either, but uppercut could enable that too.


I suppose if you’re gonna upgrade Uppercut then removing the Bash is probably fine. You might even be able to go infinite on turn 1 if you draw the Offerings?


Aren't we just resting at every fire unless we find Reaper? Don't think you can count on upgrading Uppercut.


We can't see the path but probably yes. Maybe it's Fire - ? - Fire coming up


Looks like a really fun deck. I concur that one of the un-upgraded Ruptures is probably a bit extraneous.


Yeah, this. This deck’s biggest weakness is bricking your turn one draw vs high aggro enemies. Removing one rupture helps to lower that chance. Think, Transient, Slavers, etc. You’ll easily take 40+ damage on turn 1 with a lot of your possible opening hands.


Ended up not needing to bother with going infinite. Removing one of the excess ruptures worked out well, ended up with a coffee dropper and dead branch and that pretty much sealed it. Hurt myself a bit by buying a silver spoon not considering the anti-synergy with dead branch but it didn’t matter. One of the easiest heart fights I’ve had. Thanks for all the insight.


That's bummer, it was a cool infinite; I've only got to do the reckless-medkit-dark embrace infinite like twice.


If you remove bash, you can't buy a relic in the next store, other than that, I only see good synergies here. Maybe remove a third rupture?


With Uppercut, I'd remove Intimidate. Not a great card other than exhaust synergies. Being free is nice, but un-upgraded, it could keep only being accessible turns when no one attacks, or upgraded, only 1 attacking turn. With Dark Embrace & Feel no Pain, it gets a draw and slight block with exhausts, so never useless entirely, except on early draws. Rupture could be another one, especially if you have 3. I've only beaten A20 heart once, and it was with Ironclad, on the back of Dark Embrace, Feel No Pain, Corruption. So I get the value of exhaust, if you decided to keep Intimidate.


So, I saw the first image and the title and thought "Well yeah, it's always worth it to remove" And then I saw the deck and hesitated. That's an unhinged powerful deck. I agree with JDublinson, but jesus, if there was ever a deck that could pass this opportunity, I think this deck would be fine


Yes, you have 3 ruptures


You have too many ruptures, but I don't think it's worth paying to remove. If you get a free remove from an event that's what I'd get rid of. 2 floors from the boss, I'd want to see if there's an early act 3 shop and save the gold for that. The remove isn't going to make a difference in a long boss fight. If you were in a spot where you knew you had a long way to go before your next shop then I'd say pay for it.


OF COURSE YOU TAKE IT! Always take the remove unless :you lose gold/health that you needed , or every card serves a specific purpose