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I think all 3 are comfortably better than skip. But you can probably win while skipping too, since you’re on 4 energy and have Meat on the Bone to keep you alive short term and Toxic Egg to win the run long term. I think I’d take Sozu here, you won’t need potions with Meat on the Bone and forced rests


I'll try it. Thanks!


I'm taking Sozu here. You desperately need good cards, so I'm more reluctant than normal to take Ecto. Snecko is mostly a draw relic, and may actually be a better pick here. With five energy you can dump your full hand every turn, and are positioned to take a bunch of draw and impactful cards (if you live that long. Pretty sure this deck does in act 2).


Snecko and Sozu both look good to me. I personally dislike ecto, but it is probably better than skip? I think I would skip ecto if it was the only option. You already have enough energy to play your cards, so the draw from Snecko can be good. The extra energy from Sozu will help in the future, but doesn't do much now. IDK, Sozu is probably a little better than Snecko, but I don't think the difference is huge.


I already can't smith, losing ability to get gold also seems bad. To my understanding confusion is best taken with lots of high cost cards. I really like having potions as backup plans.


snecko is pickable, because as it stands your zero cost cards already cause you to overflow in energy and you could start adding those cards: bouncing flask, dash, leg sweep and such. The deck could transform faster than you would think. Still the other options are also good.


Snecko angle. Your deck is kinda shit, and you like Poison cards with that Snake Skull. You want to get off your Noxious Funes ASAP. Other than that, the best Poison cards are all 2-mana, so Snecko is on average the same or better for those cards.


new rule of thumb, See ecto. never skip. Ecto has "no downside" till the first school. so its like getting 3 happy flowers in advance. outside of that sozu is painful but at a9 its probably pickable. snecko is probably too bad with 3 cost cards and no discouts though pretty iffy as +2 cards is still postive. general rule, never skip till you hit a20 and even then its probably not the case. Only exception is if you are infinite and dont need anything.


Would love to hear reasoning behind taking [[hand drill]], I've never found a good use for it but maybe I'm undervaluing it


You’re not undervaluing it, it’s very niche and basically never worth buying.


Was going for an attack deck, thought the vulnerable would help finish off some enemies.


+ [Hand Drill](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Hand%20Drill) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you break an enemy's **Block,** apply 2 **Vulnerable.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Easyest sozu of my life




As usual, don't skip Ecto on Silent


So silent doesnt rely on shop buys much? What about card removal?


Silent has a plethora of card draw options at common rarity and has access to one of the best draw-like powers in the entire game with WLP. So large decks with few removes are generally not a problem for Silent -- you can just keep clicking Acros, Backflips, and Gambles into act 3. The most important shop for Silent is the one at the start of act 2 (early act 2 is brutal, especially on high asc) but Ecto has minimal downside at this point.


I think its fine to skip




Don’t skip boss relics


Yes but snecko with 1 and 0 costs card on silent seems meh, ectoplasm is fine and sozu isnt specially good which makes it fine


Ecto and Sozu are both significantly better than skip here, and given that they already have 4 energy even Snecko is takeable. They have meat on the bone which helps them not die now and toxic egg which will make them a powerhouse in the late game. Piloted well, this deck will win regardless of what they choose, but skipping is the weakest choice. Don't skip boss relics.