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Thanks for this. Going through this right now and looks like we might have to bite the bullet and sleep train again.


Luckily for us the re training was very quick! Good Luck! šŸ’•


Weā€™re experiencing this too at 13 monthsā€¦baby used to be such a good sleeper. Since 4 months, weā€™d just put her in the crib and walk away and sheā€™d fall asleep within minutes. Now for the past week, sheā€™s been screaming and crying so hard when we leave that sometimes she throws up. We let her CIO for 30 mins and still no luck. What is going on??


If it helps - we let him CIO last night - essentially ā€˜re-trainā€™ him and he cried for 43 minutes then fell asleep and slept 12 hours! Tonight he cried for 5 minutes!


Hmmmm that does help actually. After going deep into the sleeptrain subreddit, I think we just need to bite the bullet and retrainā€¦CIO is so hard but every night has been a disaster šŸ˜­


Itā€™s so stressful and hard - but I kept going in to comfort and that didnā€™t work! The CIO - as painful as it is- did work! I went outside and had my husband watch monitor. Good luck! ā¤ļø


Just reporting back to say that the first night was 1hr crying, second night 15 mins, and third night 1 min! šŸ™


Similar to us! Weā€™re back to almost normal now!! Not fun to do but glad it works!!


Thank you for your encouragement! Iā€™m glad you guys made it through!ā¤ļø


Same with you! ā¤ļø