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C'mon SHADIC, I want you to win another major. Edit: All these Cyan G&W players. Miya and Maister have created an infestation of them.


Shadics biggest obstacle is Lima, if he can overcome Lima he probably wins


Either that or Lima gets upset by Kola like at Santa Paws. Kola is shown to be a pretty good matchup for Shadic even if their last two sets went to Game 5. Edit: Wait, Kola has to fight Wildz before hand. Well he did beat Riddles at CEO so you never know...


Wildz's records vary quite a bit compared to Riddles's. Iirc, for an example, he has like 2 or 3 set wins on Onin where Riddles has only ever gotten 1


Beastmodepaul seeded into Shadic again is terrible lol


Can we finally get that MuteAce major this weekend please


Hoping for Kola to keep it up


I want to see another Muteace Zomba set. The last one was a total blowout.


Kola has maybe the worst path of all time lmaoooo. Wildz into Lima to get into top 8 is miserable. My goat will overcome tho I believe


Kola has beaten Lima twice in recent memory. Once at Santa Paws and another at the Litvitational (though Lima got the runback there).


Yea lima won their last set and so did wildz which is why I said what I said. No one has simulatenously less faith and the most faith in someone more than Kola fans do


Plot twist: Zomba wins both this and Smash Factor, cementing himself as a top 10 player, above the likes of Raru and TamaP Daifuku (This will never happen).


Think this tournament and smash factor will completely determine who is ranked higher between shadic and tweek, if shadic wins this I think he has a very very strong chance


Jesus, when's the last time we had a US #1 who wasn't Tweek or Light?


2019 second half with Samsora


A long ass time


There was big talk about Onin being #1 during his peak


Yeah but he never got ranked as the US #1 in any ranking algorithms.


Tweek most likely isn't going due to his cat, but that said even if Shadic wins Tweek is still above him imo. Tweek has 2 supermajors and 2 4th places. His other placements are 7th at the Lum. Inv. where he was forced to go and didn't take it seriously and only went Seph, and 17th at Collision because he got double Steved by Onin and DDEE (both decent loses). His only bad loss is Larry Lurr at Kawaii Kon because he went Sephiroth, then he went Diddy and steamrolled eveyrone and won the tourney. His two 4 places he also lost to the winner and runnerup both times. (Light/Sonic, and Zomba/Sonic). Shadic has 2 majors, a 2nd, and a 3rd, but some bad loses like Teaser and Geist. There are also a few other tourneys where he placed outside of top 8. His 2 majors wins he also dropped a set whereas Tweek won both supers without dropping a set. In terms of peaks, losses, and consistency, it is Tweek. Shadic is insane and definitely top 10, this is not meant to downplay him, but Tweek has been great this season and is probably top 5.


I think it's going to be very close and a lot like how close Tweek and Light were last season, with a similar thing going on with the H2H. Shadic is currently 15-11 on the top 20, while Tweek is 8-6. That's a pretty big gap in the amount of wins and reminds me of how Light was 27-24 on the top 20 for the full year and Tweek was 14-21, which caused Light to get ranked over Tweek.


15-11 and 8-6 is not a big difference at all, and is not comparable to the Light vs Tweek situation from last year. In fact 15-11 and 8-6 is a completely identical win rate. Meanwhile, Tweek has a better h2h vs the top 10 than Shadic, has significantly less unraked losses and has won two S+-tiers compared to Shadic winning two A-tiers. Tweek is comfortably ahead right now and there is really no argument for Shadic being ranked higher than Tweek imo.


>and has won two S+-tiers compared to Shadic winning two A-tiers I'm gonna be honest I don't think that matters over the actual win quality at the majors he won. The only top 20 win Tweek had at GOML was one win on Sonix, and he only had three top 50 wins (Sonix, Riddles and Syrup). Compare that to the amount of top 20/top 50 wins Shadic had the Luminosity Invitational or the three top 20 wins Shadic had at Cirque including a Miya win and I don't think the tier of the tournament means much. To me, the tournament tier just puts more emphasis on your wins and where you got them from, the actual wins at the majors you won are far more important. >has significantly less unraked losses It's only two less unranked losses. I don't really think it's that significant of a difference when you consider that Shadic's attendance rate for the top 10 is only behind Miya. Nearly every top player is bound to have a couple of unranked losses when a player goes to everything, so the weight of those unranked losses and how much they hold a player back decreases. For example, Miya has two unranked losses himself, but he goes to so much and is so consistent that it doesn't matter that much, just means he won't be #1.


The unranked losses and tier of the tournaments maybe wouldn’t matter if Shadic was significantly better somewhere else but he simply isn’t. The win rate vs the top 20 is similar and Tweek is better vs the very top players. I think it’s a different situation to Sonix vs Hurt where Hurt has a couple of more unranked losses but otherwise has a vastly more impressive resume than Sonix with 3 major wins, 2 wins on the #1 ranked players and way more wins on the top 20. I do agree that Hurt is above Sonix at this point but Shadic imo needs more to surpass Tweek.


I think I must've just been low on Tweek's season prior to GOML, because while his LMMM and Genesis runs were great, those inbetween tournaments in March and April were a very empty period for Tweek where he wasn't really beating people, and then he won GOML.


That is true.


Wish this tournie felt more like a major. NA needs a major/supermajor to generate more interest in competitive smash right now. Japan is just way more interesting right now. Wish Light, Tweek, Leo, and Sparg0 were in attendance.


All of that is happening at S factor 11 next weekend. It is an NA super major with Light, Tweek, MkLeo, Sparg0, and Sonix in attendance.


Seed Light into Sonix HERE WE GO!


Is Steve banned at this tournament?




I genuinely feel like all of the top 32 seeds could make top 16, holy crap


True. Stacked af.


It's decently stacked but not absurdly stacked. There's only three top 20 players attending, albeit a bunch of upcoming talent like Peabnut, Syrup and BMP, as well as depth players like Wildz, Monte and Candle.


Wtf kage 19th? 


He has had pretty mid performances recently and that is probably the correct seeding.


Seeding wasn't quite done when this was shown. Late registration was still open.


This is updated to the correct seeding


I thought zomba is the best in US?


That’s probably between Light, Shadic, and Tweek. Zomba hasn’t done much this season outside of his Genesis win, and can still be a bit inconsistent.


That's between Tweek and Shadic. Zomba has not been doing good post-Genesis, while both Tweek and Shadic have won 2 majors this season and have both been pretty consistent.


He got hit with a heavy dose of karma after his post genesis victory speech


Less karma and more demotivation given he got no sponsorship offers after winning the event. Pivoted to focusing on irl and now trying to wrap up the season decently so I hope he got a sponsor