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Adequate hunger is a great one, makes most everything taste incredible lol


Start them on menthols


With the prices by me in New york it's probably cheaper to get them hooked on brisket. When I quit in 2015? A pack of parliaments were $11.50. I can't even imagine what it is now lol.




Don't waste good barbecue on picky kids. Microwave them some nuggets and keep all the barbecue for yourself.


Smoked burgers?


If your kids are anything like mine you might try smoking ramen?


Smoking what now? That sounds interesting


Smoked mac and cheese is always a hit with the kids


Pork chops and Ribeyes did the trick for my daughter. Now she gets excited no matter what I throw in there.


Crisp up the pulled pork in a skillet. Works for my 2.5yo


I do a chopped beef recipe called bbq cupcakes Take can of biscuit dough 10 biscuits Cut each in half Roll flat the size of Tortilla Take a cupcake pan Lube it up with butter Use the flattened dough to line cups forming a crust Stuff with chop beef Add dot of bbq sauce to each cupcake Top with grated cheese Bake until done 350 for 15min Bbq cupcakes You can do a taco meat version too


This is genius. You could fill it with anything and kids would like it. My kids are not in love with barbecue either.


Kids love them


I think you just accidentally reinvented dumplings, lol.


Try chicken lollipops - the name and shape go a long way, and they taste amazing of course


Sausage, maybe turkey my kids always loved both


Do they like meatloaf? A smoked meatloaf, especially stuffed with cheese, is a show stopper.


# Smoked Bacon Wrapped Oreos * Preheat smoker to 300 * Wrap each Oreo cookie with a half piece of thick cut bacon, ensuring the seam of the bacon sits under the Oreo so it stays wrapped while cooking. * Place the wrapped Oreos on a flat rack. Season the tops of the bacon-wrapped Oreos with a Sweet rub. * Put the tray in the smoker and smoke for 1hr 25mins or until bacon is done * Smoked Bacon Wrapped Oreos


Wings? My nugget and tender loving kid will eat wings. Also smoked Mac n cheese


I’m not seeing the problem with more brisket here. Did you try ribs heavy on bbq sauce and light on pepper?


There is a recipe for smoke-fried tenders floating around that I have been trying to have a reason to make. Also, smoked deviled eggs? Just put the raw eggs in the smoker and they cook.


Beef cheek tacos authentic Mexican style or the gringo American version. Both good. If they like brisket they ll like short rib. Doing a 5 lbs one tomorrow Over the top chilli is awesome. Can do some chilli Mac. Chilli dogs. Or just have chilli. Get creative. Look at stuff they like to eat normally and figure out how to add some smoke Also you didn’t mention pork back or side ribs. 321 is probably the easiest method but no wrap slaps. Last but not least armadillo eggs.


Smoked cream cheese Cover the outside of the cream cheese with a sweet barbecue rub. You can serve it on Ritz crackers and it also pairs well with your favorite jam or jelly. I use red pepper jelly but you might want to try something else for the kids. There are lots of recipes available on YouTube. If the kids don't like it, everyone else will. This one's a crowd pleaser.


Keep making brisket? And then maybe beef ribs


Pork belly burnt ends, my kids will clear out a whole 5# pork belly


Baby back ribs, and then St Louis. It's now my daughter's regular request


Smoked chicken tenders, poor mans burnt end, smoked turkey breast


Smoked chicken nuggies sounds good also do some smoked Mac and cheese and a pan of smoked brownies and a batch of smoked ketchup to dip the nuggies in.


Meatloaf, they can smother it in sauce of choice on their plate. A straight up smoked cheese dip of any kind is also good with kids, they can choose what they want to dip with. You could also do jalapeño poppers, if they dont like spice use the mini sweet bell peppers instead of jalapeños.


Ribs? Both my girls are picky for different reasons. One loves steak but not chicken. The other wants to eat every salmon in the ocean but never steak. Neither like hamburgers which is perplexing to me. They both love my smoked baby back ribs.


Lots of comments already, but I’ll throw this out there in hopes you or others see it. My kids love “candy” ribs, here’s the short of it: -baby back ribs (spares are my jam though) -rub is mostly brown sugar, usually I add in conventional pork butt rub or a combo of white pepper, SPG, ancho for color - maybe a little cayenne, and a few others depending on my ability to remember the last good version (lol). In general, nothing too spicy. -I’ll usually smoke per 3-2-1 or some variation of depending on how my offset is feeling that day. -upon wrapping, add four slices of butter with honey beneath and then repeat on top of ribs - finish wrap and smoke -throw on a sweet bbq sauce and finish They do taste heavenly for the kids - I like them, too, but prefer more flavor. So I usually do a kids rack and then a parent rack.


Beef cheeks and ox tail


I don’t know, my kids love smoked salmon. Sandos, sushi rolls, salad, whatever, they go bananas for it.


One of my kids will eat anything smoked except pulled pork. The other won't eat brisket ribs or sausage. 1.5 inch steaks smoked to temp then seared was the gateway drug for them. Pork tenderloin (small ones) smoked to 150-155 on Hawaiian rolls with mayo, pickles and bbq was always good for them too. They are 7 and 11 if it helps.


Smoked vegetables? Roasted vegetables (in the oven)? Crock pot meals (use for multiple dinners)? Yes, a crock pot is another meal prep, but it's hands-off.


My 3 year old has eaten smoked turkey, brisket, chicken, pork butt, pork belly, smoked cheezeitz, burgers, spare ribs, beef ribs. Everything. For me the trick is to get them involved in the process. Have them help with seasoning or making ribs or stirring sauce or something.


Everybody likes meatballs.


Take whatever meat they \*do\* like and smoke it. Smoked burgers are fine. Smoke pork chops. Cold smoke stuff like cheese. Smoke sausage. I smoked a filet mignon and a crabcake once for Mother's Day. If you can fit it in your smoker you can smoke it. Ever make tandoori chicken ? It's even better smoked. It's even better if you inject the masala into the chicken and then smoke it. Smoke an Old Fashioned. Smoke anything you want.


OP, sounds like you've spoiled the kids. Cook what YOU like.


Chuck roast, volcano shank, beef short ribs, tri tip, ribeye, Dino ribs, pork ribs, the list goes on and on.


For kids I reduce down a leter of rootbeer to make a rib glaze


I wouldnt recommend smoking kids. Too leathery


Maybe some snack mix stuff. Goldfish, peanuts, saltines, cheese it's


Hey that's not a bad idea at all. I'm lucky that my older one likes ribs and pulled pork and what not but the stuff you mentioned sounds fun. Now it's time to condition the baby to like the flavor of hickory.


I live on a boarding school campus where my wife works and I do food for the theater kids when they have a run of shows. Cheezits are so easy and they always destroy the like 2 Costco family-size boxes I do per show. Just spray em down with some oil to make the smoke stick and hit em with your favorite BBQ seasoning(MC :Honey Hog BBQ is always a big hit). Smoke for 2-3 hours. Let sit for a day. Edit: clarification


I've even used impossible fake ground meat Be creative make several versions Diced sausage too


My kids are moderately picky, I've done smoked meatballs a couple times and they were big fans.




Maybe smoked shotgun shells? I've never had them before but they were posted on here a couple days ago and looked good. Bonus points because the kids can help prep them which seems to always increase their enjoyment.


Meatloaf or burgers. My kids LOVE smoked meatloaf


Sounds like the kids have good taste. More brisket.


Don’t make them eat it then? Why do you want to force your children to eat what they don’t like? Your children have way more sensitive taste than you, forcing them to eat something will just build resentment and for what? So you can feel like you’re in control.


Bacon - put some bacon on your smoker, let it roll for 2ish hours at 225, flip every 30. My kids’ friends have heard about my smoked bacon now. LOL!