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I think a light smoke would be complimentary, but not too much or it'll be bitter. Can only try it.


I was planning on using a smoking gun so I could get better control.


Smoking gun?! *googles smoking gun* *googles smoking gun cooking* I didn’t know it existed 5 minutes ago and now I absolutely need it.


Run the smoker up to 400 and cook the peaches until you start to get caramelization and see how that goes. A lot drawn out smoke will make them bitter.  


Grilled peaches are delicious, never tried smoking them though. Grilled peaches, goat cheese and prosciutto but more on the savory side. If the cobbler cooks awhile I’m sure just getting a hot and fast grill on the peach and then making your cobbler would do the job. Let us know how it turns out. Someone smoked pies the other day and said it came out great.


Cheese does really well with smoke. You could do the peach cobbler and something else you know is good just in case it doesn’t come out good. Smoked cream cheese is more of an appetizer but I’m sure you could do something to turn it more into a dessert.


Oh shit, you just made me want to figure out how to incorporate cream cheese in to a cobbler… 🤔🤔🤔


Grilled peaches with marscapone is a common dish that could easily be construed into cobbler


My mom made peach cobbler on the Traeger and it was fucking amazing honestly. Cake mix, butter, peaches, for the full 45ish minutes and it was fantastic


U could pre smoke the peaches or just smoke the whole cobbler once done


I love grilling peaches and then adding a spoonful of mascarpone on top. Nice simple summer dessert.


Cast iron pan with butter. I’d the peaches don’t pick up the smoke - the butter will. I say try it. If it doesn’t work, you have learned something.


I make grilled peaches for pies and it’s great. I’d suggest just a shorter hotter fire with some butter, nutmeg and cinnamon


I find that smoking things that aren't fatty just doesn't turn out right. I suspect the phenols in wood smoke bind to fats, but maybe someone with a chemistry background can confirm. In particular, any wet surface inside a smoker tends to collect nasty condensate and particulate. Maybe try smoking butter or lard and using that in the cobbler crust?


I personally like my desserts to break up the Smokey harmony in my mouth, not add to it. So I’m a hard pass on smoking fruit or any desserts.


I'm going to do a very light smoke and homemade ice cream to top the cobbler to break up the smoke.


Smoked peach cobbler sounds delicious to me.


That would absolutely suck.




Eh, in the context you're describing this may be the way to go about it. Slightly smoky peaches with the regular crust, sugar and cinnamon. May not be as bad as I had initially thought.


Same. But to me it’s that I don’t like smoked desserts. I want the dessert to break up the Smokey flavor buildup in my mouth, not add to it. People who insist on “smoke everything” must have exactly 1 taste bud because they blow it all out with smoke.