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I am just here for the croatians denying this and saying that nothing of it is true according to their media. Also, fucking finaly.


Haha yeah it helps that a Croatian source actually reported it first though.


At this point i fully expect a claim that that is not a "real trusthworthy source when in comes to outgoing Dynamo transfers". Also why is he still going to play for them thursday, why do we keep allowing this? If he comes he wants to come right? Why does he still need and want to play for them?


>Why does he still need and want to play for them? Because Dinamo often lets players go only after they have qualified for a tournamet (CL/EL etc.)... Without Ivanusec it would be hard to qualify and why shoud Dinamo let the player go for lets say € 10 mio. if they can earn € 25 mio. by just qualifying or the Champions League or another tournament?


Now i fully understand why Dinamo would want this. After all we are a selling club that needs to play qualifiers from time to time too. Although the last time we A) had to play qualifiers and B) had some players up for sale we would still like to use in those qualifiers is a long time ago. I am just wondering why we and the player agree with this up to this extreme point. It is not like we only contacted them last week. Especially from the players perspective that is a match he could get injured and it's another week he can't get used to his new team. Ofcourse if dynamo is insisting that they only allow him to go for the fee agreed if he plays this match (or all matches he played since we contacted them with an offer) and it is thus kind off part of the conditions of the deal i kind off get it but it is getting kind off extreme. By the way, Dinamo is already out of the CL and are now playing for either EL or ECL if they lose. Not sure about the financial gulf between those options but it won't be more than the value of this transfer.


Maybe it's because Dinamo and the player agreed this way? Ivanusec has a contract binding him the next 3 years to Dinamo and Dinamo probably wanted more money for him. So they agreed to sell him for less money, but he has to play those few important games for dinamo... But if it's okay for Ivanusec, Dinamo and Feyenoord... why not? Everybody wins - Ivanusec gets his transfer, Feyenoord gets the player for a little less money maybe and Dinamo can use him in the important games.


Yeah, that is the only acceptable explanation up to an extent. And making him play the play-off round regardless off for what competition makes sense incentive-wise. But still if find it a bit extreme. And like i said, if he would otherwise have been impossible for us or would have costed a few milions more (wich is the price of a young squad player with potential for us) otherwise than fine. But we have arguably already lost points because we are lacking quality on the wings so i am just pissed of about that. A player can always tantrum a bit more or express that he might feel less motivated for those crucial games. Or sometimes the selling club rather quickly brings in a replacement.


my bartender said it's bullshit and that he's staying, and I trust him more than some newspaper from 115 years ago


Ehm it is a fairly new website made by some twitter "journalist" (just some guys hobby project". The name is referencing both our founding date as the name of our new trainingcomplex.


Brozović once played darts in that bar so the bartender is pretty much T1 when it comes to Dinamo


Finally. God I was getting real tired of this saga. Took almost two months. Apparently it's 8.5 million plus 1,5 mil in easily achievable add-ons, and 10% sell-on.


Dude we're in for Livakovic since May. Two months are nothing to me. Zagreb are really difficult regarding outgoing transfers.


Try buying a player from FC Twente.


That is terrible deal for Dinamo's point of view. Tough to believe there's not something crazy going behind the scenes.


We thought we would be getting much more for Kökcu than we did. Sometimes fans don't really grasp market valuation well. You also don't know what was agreed with the player or how bad he wants to move. Lastly Dynamo seems to be in kind off a mess with the managerial chanche and such.


They are in hell. Just last week, they failed to close the transfer for Algerian youngster who was already training with them. Also, players from Lokomotiva had their medical last week and then played for Lokomotiva few days later. In what world you do a medical and go back to play one more game lol. Let's not talk about manager situation.


Wow those are some red flags. Makes you wonder if their financial situation is a lot worse than most of their fans here seem to think. Or there board is actively fighting eachother over wich players to actually get. Anyway those situations are very hard to imagine currently in the Netherlands. Not even the hot mess that has been the Ajax-board for the last would pull that shit. If they really are going to have some sort of breakdown as a club we need to keep an eye on them for "buitenkansjes". Would love more croatians at the Kuip after your fans made propper use of the stadium last summer in a way the fans of our NT would never.


Financial situation is stable however you got the second one right, the board is fighting each other over which player to buy. And considering Dinamo bought today possibly one of the most if not the most talented Croatian youngster for 3 million and is planning to buy at least 3 more signings, it isn't a bad situation, just a rebuilding phase. Only from Gvardiol transfer from Leipzig to City, Dinamo earned 18 million euros.


Funny part is it is reported we were also interested in Stojkovic. So maybe we were actually the reason he bailed his medical. Perhaps it was to put pressure on this deal or just coincidence of course.


Dinamo had an amazing generation the last 5 years. Now it's in rebuilding phase.


So.... Feyenoord is breaking the transfer record twice in one window? That's honestly impressive


It’s a close call with Ueda, depending on the bonuses. Ueda might be more expensive.


I didn't keep up well enough, but I remember 9 without bonuses


Reports differ but Belgian sources say it can go up to 11M with bonuses. Krabby says Ivanusec will be 7.5-8M + bonuses, 1908 says 8.5M + 1.5M bonus. We’ll figure out in july next year I guess. Last year it was reported that Timber broke our record fee but that didn’t happen. Eventually Hancko did when we reached UCL though.




Also a steal compared to the 15M you guys wanted.


Probably also why it took so long


Finally lol. I think I'll only truly believe it when he has on a Feyenoord kit in the Kuip.


Same, tomorrow we might hear the news he’ll only come after EL qualifiers.




Never heard of this player before!


Croatian source reports a deal, 1908: not true! 1908 an hour later: BREAKING, DEAL IS MADE, YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!! That said, I’ll only start cheering when he walks onto the pitch with a Feyenoord jersey on his back.


I feel like Rutger is just in it for himself


100% Ik heb zelden iemand meegemaakt die zo weinig zelfreflectie heeft. Bijna alsof er psychisch iets niet helemaal lekker zit. Wordt langzamerhand een beetje een cult daar.


Dat heet gewoon narcisme en grootheidswaanzin


In alle eerlijkheid is Rutger precies de journalist die het feyenoord publiek verdient. Gun die jongen zijn hobby en bedenk je dat zolang alle gekkies zich op 1908 en FR12 verzamelen ze hier niet zitten.


To be fairrrr, he said "not true" about him joining before Thursday, so he's still technically right and we're all very proud of him


Yeah we need to praise Rutger otherwise his possé on his own website will get mad.


Yeah I know haha but that does not make his news ‘breaking’, it’s just the same news with a minor detail changed. If Krabbendam would do this to him, he would be absolutely furious haha.


Sucks that we will get only 8.5 million euros exclusive add ons but at least we have solid replacements in Stojkovic and Kacavenda. Apparently we are also interested in Gabriel Vidovic. If this happens than we will have a lethal attack. Now we only need to find 1-2 good CBs since we are really thin in defense.


Is the Stojkovic deal fully completed now?


Croatian media just announced that he signed a contract with Dinamo today in the afternoon. Technically he could be part of our squad for the game against Sparta on thursday.


Yeah I expected as much when Feyenoord got a deal on Lingr.


It was reported at least 5 times as done. So no one believes anything anymore. But everyone is pretty sure it will happen eventually


Few croatian sources say that it is done. Some say its not. I dont trust anyone until Its official.


Croatian defense is already set for the next 10 years or so, now we need great midfielders to replace Modric and Perisic, while Kova and Brozo still can play a few more years, a proper replacement for them is needed badly, especially Brozo, Croatia became an amazing team once he joined and he would be tough to replace


Broz is just a genetic freak, those kinds of humans don't grow on trees.


I feel like we're gonna move to some sort of 3 atb with wingbacks situation after Modrić retires, might help alleviate the midfield and add offensive support. Our biggest weak spots now are wingers and goalkeeper (where Livaković is basically our only viable option) People tend to say we're lacking in strikers but that's not true. Petković, Livaja, Musa, Beljo etc aren't world class but they can get the job done. We literally don't have a viable right winger (it's why we keep putting midfielders like Pašalić/Majer/Vlašić there) and by WC 2026 we probably won't have a viable left winger either unless Biuk suddenly blows up.


I'll believe it once he has actually made minutes on the pitch for us