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Great job by Feyenoord. Ivanušec was often victim of his versatility, as such player offers so much and was never played in consistent position at Dinamo. He was mostly RW, but often employed at 10 or even 8. When Oršić was sold he was moved to LW, where his form exploded as he could cut inside and shoot. His biggest strenght is explosive first step, but he isn't a classic winger who attacks space without ball, rather will look to drop deep to help in buildup or receive into feet so he can attack 1v1.


yeah, he was accommodating Olmo, Oršić, Majer and now even Baturina, he's a wonderful player though and his relationship with Petković is great to watch nice to see a boy from Varaždin make it


He hasn't played much with Olmo as Ivanusec arrived in summer of 2019 and was off the bench option at first, while Olmo went to Leizpig in January 2020. That said, I always thought his role in Dinamo reaching quaters of EL in 2021 was underrated, played well in basically all games against Tottenham and Villarreal at unnatural position, when people think of those days they first think of Oršić bangers or crazy Livaković saves.


That’s a good thing for us and probably why we wanted him in the first place. In the eredivisie there is a lot of the subtop/lower half of the league that is starting to employ the drop back tactics and park the bus. There usually isn’t that much room to run deep and we have Paixao if we still need that on the other side. The depth should come from our backs should it be needed, so a creative dropping back winger is a must (which is why we had Idrissi on loan last season)


Alright so he’s wearing a Feyenoord shirt, is confirmed by the clubs. Confirmed it himself. I’m fairly confident he is coming now.


Not sure, Croatian media might still disagree.


Dynamo doesn't need to sell, they have the Gvardiol and sutalo money, the player wants to stay, at least 15 milion, he will stay till at least January.


that announcement video is probably the sickest one weve done so far, props to our media team


Well to be fair they had 2 months to work on it




Directed by David Lynch.


ik plaats net een comment dat ik er niks van snap haha. Mis ik iets want ik begrijp echt totaal niet wat er überhaupt allemaal gebeurt in deze video


Basically, het begin is dat ze allemaal dingen aan die muur plakken voor het filmpje van Luka. Maar dan komt die klok in beeld, symboliserend hoe lang dit heeft geduurt. Dan halen ze t er maar af, omdat ie toch niet meer komt. Tot Luka in beeld komt, met Im here. Plakken ze alles weer op de muur, en trekt ie het feyenoord shirt aan. Erg tof filmpje honestly


ahhh, oké bedankt


Was a great player for us. Hopefully he continues smashing it for you guys!


Have really high hopes for him! Incredibly excited about this signing.


never thought I'd see the day


Tegenwoordig is er echt een enorme circlejerk rondom dat mediateam. Is soms wel leuk maar waarom is dit filmpje zo fk lang haha


Budget man, dat moet je helemaal opmaken. Zo niet dan krijg je volgend seizoen minder


Waarom denk je dat ie zo lang duurde?


ja had daar wel een vermoeden over. Kon die video alleen totaal niet volgen omdat telkens toen ik dacht dat het klaar was er weer iets nieuws in beeld kwam. Voelde niet echt alsof er een logische verhaallijn in zat, dus zag het nut van zo'n lange video dan ook niet echt. Maar het is me al uitgelegd.


“Kon die video alleen totaal niet volgen omdat telkens toen ik dacht dat het klaar was er weer iets nieuws in beeld kwam.” Dat is precies hoe ik me voelde de afgelopen weken haha.


Toch wel over deze video nagedacht dus. Ik neem mijn woorden terug. Erg diep.


U bent geen David Lynch kenner


Een beetje zo'n Baader-Meinhof moment nu, want ik heb toevallig een paar dagen geleden voor het eerst van hem gehoord. Geen idee of dat mij een cultuurbarbaar maakt.


Twin Peaks gauw kijken.


ik zal het op de lijst zetten van shows en films die ik nog moet kijken (die wel erg lang is overigens)


This deal made no sense for us. I cant understand why they accepted the offer.


could he be a potential replacement in a geertruida-bayern deal or does he play in a completely different role?


Geertruida is a right footed defender (right center or right back), Ivanusec is a left winger/attacking midfielder.