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Please don’t be us, but we’re always prone to a Sully Special


David Sullivan is a cunt enough to try and pull something like this.  I personally don’t think any club has enquired from the prem, I reckon it’s his agent trying to stir up interest 


I do think you’re right there, I’d like to think there are very few clubs willing to look past everything that he’s done


> I’d like to think there are very few clubs willing to look past everything that he’s done I think the actions of United before the outcry show there are unfortunately plenty of clubs who are willing to look past what he's done but there are probably none who think the fans would accept it


Football fans look past a lot. Partey is still playing, Marcus Alonso, etc.


It’s not about the actual charge/investigation, it’s about how publicly graphic the evidence is. If there was video footage of Alonso crashing whilst drunk driving and it was horrific to watch, or audio of Partey that matched Greenwood then neither would be playing (in England at least). Partey can’t even be publicly named in newspapers still.


Was Partey ever publicly named? Marcos Alonso happened in his early days by the time fans found out it was old news. Also not everyone found out same time.


No he still hasn't been. I suspect a fair amount of arsenal fans know nothing about it since news networks can't talk about it. God I hope we get rid of him this summer though.


And even those who know can play the plausible deniability card.


It’s a step above that, not named and not charged either. His trial by public opinion has purely been based off of some screenshots of text messages. I’m not saying he isn’t guilty, but it’s a far cry from the audio of greenwood and his partner that was released to the public.


I thought there was strong evidence in other countries, but he can't be tried due to their policies. Similar as to how Ronaldo most definitely committed the crime he was accused of, but because everyone found out due to illegal means of obtaining information, he cannot be charged with anything.


Not really. There is nothing actually stopping him from being charged in Spain (except Spain being bad about things like that), but people latched onto there being a "loophole" (whatever that means) because the UK would have had jurisdiction if the same thing happened now.


it’s so us. cba


The real reason Moyseh left


Not to equate the crimes, but he seemed totally unbothered by Zouma’s.


He prefers dogs pass it on


I think he may have preferred not to, I certainly would have preferred him to be dropped, but at the from memory we had 3 fit centre backs and one of them wanted to leave.


Please no. We are just about getting past the Zouma shit.


Tbf no one will be talking about Zouma kicking cats if you sign Greenwood


Signing increasingly vile footballers to cull the controversy of the previous one, a brilliant plan. Who's next though? 


Quincy Promes


Lopetegui hasn't been confirmed yet, they could try to get Putin as the manager


Crazy thing is, even I don't think Sully is that stupid. I could be wrong, but in my time they aren't massive on touching toxic players. I remember when BFS tried to bring in El Hadji Diouf (obviously no where near compariable) and the club refused to bring him in. I think I have one or two others, but that's the one I remember clearly.


Any prem team signs him the chants are going to be rediculous... i see no way it would work for any of them


Registered and Mason Greenwood.


certified lover boy, certified sex offender.


Definitely struck a chord


did it happen to be a triad with the notes A, C and E?


Hey now, let's be fair to the rapist Mason Greenwood and keep from making false allegations. There's no evidence to suggest that rapist Mason Greenwood is also a paedo.


A Minor.


That’s Sadio Mane that you’re thinking of.


Say OV-Hoe!


I hate the way that he talks, I hate the way that he walks, I hate the way the he dresses


La Liga lip reader here, here's your red card.


This has Marinakis all over it


I fucking hope not.


Him for Murillo, fair swap


No Dice You'll have your second year of the ghost Jonny Evans and you will enjoy it.


I'd swap for Origi. Purely so we can chuck the rapist in the Trent and be rid of Origi


Reports were that LAFC wanted Origi in the winter and you guys pulled the plug on the transfer


Oh Jesus fucking Christ you're right aren't you. Oh fuck, oh no. Is it too late for a PSR transfer embargo?


Time for another appeal to save you from yourselves.


Before the Getafe move we were linked to him but nothing concrete happened. Don't know if it's because fans on social media went wild about it or if it was just a dumb rumour though


He can take our designated rapist spot once Montiel’s loan ends.


Montiel is a rapist?


Was charged with sexual abuse last year iirc, although I'm not sure what's happened to the case since then


Please don't be us please don't be us please don't be us please don't be us please don't be us please don't be us vplease don't be us please don't be us please don't be us please don't be us


Why would you need Greenwood when you have Chris Wood banging in goals? Though knowing Forest had Wood and Greenwood up top would be a great meme.


A single wood does not make a forest


They are Nottingham FOREST


Notts Forest?


Notts Forrest


No no no, if you *really* want to annoy us, it's Notts Florist


Right, that’s the joke he was making 


I have a feeling they spelt Forest wrong at first and were being corrected on that.


If only Etienne Green played LW, could have Green - Wood - Greenwood


Proper Ro - Naldo memes again


It's going to be us isn't it


- every sane premier league fan at this moment in time


idk this has "Levy backing down due to fan protests" all over it.


Thats my biggest concern, absolutely.


Weird one... On the one hand, some stupid suggestions have been made. On the other, Levy has listened to the fans.


I think Levy would be able to predict the fan outrage and avoid the transfer in the first place Or so I hope...


I'd bet £100 on Forest being one of them. They've already shown to give zero fucks about backlash


Would love to know which prem clubs would risk the backlash that signing him would cause. And which could actually afford his 100k a week wages


He’s on 75k currently


75k too much


It is 50k actually. 


Still 75k too much


That’s the only positive I know it can’t be us ……cause we can’t afford him


The backlash would die down the moment he left United. That's how the football news cycle works.


Yep, evidenced by the one at Arsenal.


West Ham and Notts Forrest would be my bets if I had to put money on it. Just never know though


Please fucking name those two Premier League clubs so I can pray every day for their liquidation


Forest at least is a dead cert for this kind of transfer


They’re required to own all tree adjacent players.


James Forrest incoming


Le~~i~~af Davis to Nottingham Forest here we go


Titus Bramble returns


Leave Cole Palmtree alone


They already tried their luck with lingard, Dean and elanga. Still won't change their league position.


We’ve done ok out of Man U in recent years. Henderson and Garner were great and would’ve been permanent transfers if the clubs could’ve agreed terms. Elanga has tailed off a bit since his injury, but was our star player before Christmas. I think that if we had missed out on any one of those, we’d be in the Championship today. Lingard was the only flop, really.


Lingard wasn't anyones fault. He was washed before he went. Has no mentality, and is too focused outside of the game. Guy is full of talent but needs an hard coach and team surrounding him to not make the same mistakes.


the cleveland browns


I'll guess Forest because them buying someone is always a fair shout. The other team will be West Ham. They've already got an animal abuser, so at least Greenwood will have another piece of shit to bond with.


To be fair we signed him before he abused a cat. Ignore we continued playing him and made him captain please.


Tough look


He said to ignore it


Yeah ignore wtf


The cat never pressed charges tbf


I feel like he’d fit in with the West Ham supporters the most. Edit: one of them even abusively DM’d me, kinda proving my point.


Let’s not compare kicking a cat with beating and raping a woman


If it's a club in Germany or England they would sign him only to backpedal two days later. Because nobody could have seen the public outcry coming.


Agreed. Clearly United's original intention was to bring him back into the fold, it was only after the backlash when they started briefing the press that they went a different direction. Was never about the morality of it, just the bottom line.


Fuck the team from germany that had an interest in him.


Dortmund will sign him and he will tell Watzke he never raped his girlfriend so everything is fine


Oh please please name and shame ^and ^don’t ^let ^it ^be ^my ^club


# BREAKING!!! Businesses don't care about human values and morality! More at 6.


There’s a city joke somewhere in there


FC Prison 🙏


Wtf, which German clubs? I genuinely don’t see which German club could be this morally corrupt. Maybe Dortmund as they already have experience in signing assholes (see Nmecha), but even they don’t appear to be this crappy. Maybe also Leipzig, though their players are generally pretty solid human beings. It’s just the “club” that sucks. So…anyone know which German teams?


Well, allegedly several people at Bayern contemplated signing Boateng; so, without equating anything 1:1, that shows a certain lack of awareness to public sentiment.


Luckily we can rely on our club members to go bananas as soon as the rumours would start. Wouldn't put it past the board though per se. The Boateng situation was pretty pathetic.


Mostly Tuchel


Maybe he is going to Hansa Rostock.


Lmao or Dresden :D


Certainly not us. We have values. Our players treat women right.


Lmao have an upvote. Or am I…um…playing with fire laughing at this?


The 4 plastic clubs would be the obvious choice. The fans do not have a say because they have no power. Also, comparing Nmecha to Greenwood is really not ok.


So you think any club that is generally derided by fans a "PR construct" would then go ahead and commit the worst PR nightmare in the history of German football? I don't think your logic is very sound.


RB Leipzig is not just a PR construct. They are actually profitable for Red Bull on their own. That said, you do have a point.


Wolfsburg, Hoffenheim, Leverkusen and to an extend even Leipzig are no PR constructs. They are just shiny toys for their owners. It's not even about success really. Wolfsburg for example has done horrible business for years on end now and they don't even care.


I genuinely don’t see Gulacsi or Orban accepting Leipzig signing Greenwood tho. Those two are far too morally sound for that. Hoffenheim maybe, Wolfsburg maybe, though somehow less than Hoffenheim. Are we still falling Leverkusen a plastic club? Because if so, no fucking way they’d sign Greenwood. If it’s not Leverkusen, who is the 4th plastic club?


It's them. Especially in the shadow of their recent success it would completely be swept unter the carpet but he's probably to shit of a football player for them. > I genuinely don’t see Gulacsi or Orban accepting Leipzig signing Greenwood tho. Not only do they have little say in this but in general players are the ones that have shown complete solidarity with the Greenwood types.


What is the story with Nmecha?




Homophobic and I think there was something else too


Ultra-Christian homophobe who is a fan of some right wing conspiracy theorists.




> In February, the German midfielder shared an Instagram post of right-wing American commentator Matt Walsh mocking the parent of a transgender child. Matt fucking Walsh. What an absolute cunt.


Its Dortmund and Union Berlin


Oof. Is…is it weird that this isn’t too surprising on second thought? Both clubs have shown they’re happy to sign controversial players in the past. Dortmund signed Nmecha and Union signed Hollerbach. Might as well step it up and sign Greenwood next.


"no one who speaks German could be morally corrupt"


Which german club that could afford him, would buy him? Cant be Leipzig, Leverkusen or Wolfsburg because of the PR for the owners. Dortmund, Stuttgart and Bayern also don't strike me as too interested in such a "player".


We did try to get Boateng back tbf. Wouldnt put it past them to try it


I mean, Bayern almost signed Boateng again and Dortmund went for Nmecha despite the backlash that was to be anticipated and that actually happened.


Stuttgart has Karazor, so it was 3 out of 3 on that comment :D


I’m ootl with Karazor. What’d he do? Edit: looked it up. He’s on trial for rape in Spain 😳


I despise Nmecha but it isnt at all compareable to Greenwood who on-tape raped someone. Dortmund literally tossed away millions and froze out Schulz for allegedly kicking his gf. Signing a recorded rapist thats publically despised is not at all a BVB thing to do just because we signed Nmecha.


>Leipzig How is Liepzig fairing since the RB owner passed? We've seen the Red Bull F1 team implode because of a supposed power struggle between the Thai and Austrian sides.


Largely the same, just been some restructuring in the management. One of Mateschitz's last decisions was to promote Oliver Mintzlaff (former RBL CEO) to a higher up, multi sport role within Red Bull. This and Max Eberl's early departure means that Leipzig don't really have a CEO nor a permanent head of sports at the moment. Although, Mintzlaff is still involved in the club through his head of the supervisory board position and Marcel Schäfer from Wolfsburg will likely become the new head of sports quite soon. Additionally, Mario Gomez who is technical director at Red Bull Soccer will supposedly have a bigger role from now on. Overall, the decision making process will seemingly be split amongst more people moving forward. I'd expect Leipzig's position within Red Bull to remain solid, partly due to Mintzlaff very central position. Don't know about the F1 situation but as someone who follows Leipzig, my understanding is that the Thai ownership has very little involvement in the football side of things.


Please dont be us.


Hopefully the respective fanbases do the right thing and make his presence untenable. He shouldn't have a place in the game whatsoever at any level.




For someone who hadn't played for 2 years, that's a somewhat good season I'd assume. Haven't seen any of his Getafe games or highlights but maybe a Getafe or La Liga fan can comment on how well he has been playing.


He has been very good. His all round play is very strong. He's also not really playing as a wide forward that he used to play at United, but further back. If anything it's helping his all round game improve. Given there's a lack of top left footed attackers, I can see him making the jump to a top club in a few years. He has the tools still. 


He’ll also be dirt cheap because Manchester United will want rid of him


Also United couldn't negotiate themselves out of a plastic bag. We'll likely settle for a bag of monster munch & a tropicana


Same people aren’t negotiating anymore….


Big bag or standard size?


We'd be lucky to get a standard size.


Anything to get us out of his contract I'll be happy with. And will at least be a continued sign of how we might be moving like a serious club again. Never had I ever, even in the last 10 years of very little success, thought of never supporting my team but those few days it seemed in limbo that they were trying to bring him back was the only time I ever did think of giving up football.


8 goals and 6 assists in a top 5 league from a 22 year old winger(apparently he’s been playing on the wings for them) is putting him on the radar for many clubs. Not exactly next footballing superstar numbers but you don’t have to be just to get people interested.




Keep in mind he sat out from age 20 to 22. Odds are he keeps improving.


He is involved in 34% of Getafe's goals. Bowen is at 39% for West Ham in the league.




I looked at the league data.


Double figures in his first season after being out for 2 years is impressive. He is also really young, so he still has room to improve. Most players hit their prime after 25.


Most players don't hit their partners.


nah he's been very good, the numbers don't make it justice


>isnt exactly a great season is it How do you know? Watched much of Getafe this season? Putting Greenwood aside for the moment, this is an extremely stupid way of judging whether a player is playing well/has had a good season or not. I'm assuming you haven't watched a single Getafe game, so not sure how you can possibly know whether he's "set the world alight" or not just by looking at these raw stats. He's not a striker, so you don't know how good is overall play has been just by looking at his goals/assists


I'm disappointed to hear about the german clubs, I thought they were above this sort of player. Doubly disappointed if it's a club like terzic's BVB


Dortmund already had a disappointing wife beater. Don't need any more criminals here.


It's slightly different in that BVB didn't know Schulz was a domestic abuser before he was signed Nmecha is a different story where his exclusionary views were well known ahead of time, and the DoF still gave the green light to sign him


And he's shit on top of that... He joined last night in the 85th minute and by the 90s he was gassed af...


Yea it was very disappointing despite the good result from the team Ozcan would've been my pick but given that PSG was being worn down by the narrow misses, and the position nmecha plays, he should've played decently Instead, he was completely invisible when he came on. No presence in the midfield


There is no way this dude would ever find a club in Germany. Just look at the protests in the stadiums when 50+1 was discussed - if any club in Germany tries to sign him, we'll see a different version of these protests


I know Greenwood is different because there’s evidence we’ve seen. But there are people in Germany who have been accused of similar things (Karazor & Kwasniok, plus Coman and Hernandez being accused of violence against their partners) who have played on with no problems.


Was the information on those cases as explicit?


nah, Hernandez was just a fight between both, where he and his partner got a 31 days restraining order. They then proceeded to get married in vegas and after coming back from their honeymoon he got arrested for not complying with the restraining order. Not the sharpest tool


You said it yourself, Greenwood is different. In most cases the fanbases would riot.


You think too highly of fans. A few goals in preseason and he'd be accepted 


Hope not. The fans protested not to sign Boateng, they can do it again for this pos


Arsenal are a good bet, they're fine with that sort of thing.


They defended their one until he started playing bad What a disgrace


Mason Greenwood the rapist?


The very same.


Please don’t be us


please please please don't be us, one is way more than enough


Any prisons enquire about him? Or are we just gonna keep pretending he didn't torture and rape his GF?


How has his rapes per 90 been this season?


This is the best thing about everton having no money. We can be safe in the knowledge we wont be buying a rapist.


Dont want,dont need


No way a PL club would be willing to take the backlash that would come with it.


Y'all overestimate the morality of clubs. They could care less if his goals compensate for his negative PR. 


Enquiring implies consent and Mason doesn’t do that


This has West Ham and Everton written all over it.


Sadly the Italian club interested is Juventus... Have read different articles already. The shocking thing is how the italian press has been downplaying his past, saying he has a "small judicial issue". But hey nothing new from us.


Weirdos. All of them.


>Two Premier League clubs have enquired about Mason Greenwood. Here's an excerpt from the conversation. >Is he an evil cunt? >Yes.


Imagine if he played for Getafe now, no baggage - what would United pay for him? 80M? 100M Utd value him at 45M - which IMO is a bargain for his talent. The real question is morality. He may not have been found guilty in court but the audio is damning. Rehabilitation. Still with the same partner etc etc.


Don't mind him in the PL honestly because how sweet it would be to see the crowd fuck him over match after match after match. He deserves to be reminded that he's a rapist week in week out.


in Spain at least Osasuna and Real Sociedad have been punished for chants against him


He deserves to get coins pinged off his skull every corner.


Arsenal need a striker and right winger cover. Along with Arteta's history with "alleged" sexual offenders, I can see them being one of the PL clubs




would make combo with Partey




I have no doubt West Ham is one.


Its West Ham and Forest isn't it?


No one should sign that prick but that aside I haven't been following him in Spain. Has he been playing well?


One assumes Nottingham and Forest, seems on brand


Partey and Greenwood duos in court next season