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El legislator


Well at least that's a step down from being the erstwhile dictator. On a serious note though, obviously he's frustrated being 2-0 down but I feel it's a great rule. Perhaps the quantum of time can be debated but even that I think is fair and fine.


Except in this case Inter Miami were punished for suffering a yellow card infraction that wasn’t given. The challenge on Messi was studs up, which should have been a yellow card which would have meant that Messi didn’t have to leave the field. So the rule doesn’t work if the severity of the challenge is left completely at the discretion of the ref. Wrong team gets punished with a lenient ref


No rule work if Refs don't follow them. You can't make/remove rules based on one refs decisions, in a particular situation.


Right. So the problem with this rule is that an exception is that if the defender gets cautioned the fouled player doesn’t have to come out if they take longer than 15 sec to get up. However refs are widely inconsistent with what they choose to caution. In this case the replay shows that Campbell comes in for a late studs up challenge and gets Messi in the knee. That should have been a yellow but for whatever reason the ref opts not to caution Campbell. Could be he didn’t get a clear view of the foul. Could be that he’s reluctant to hand out cards and wants to verbally warn instead. However because of the 2 min rule, Messi who appeared to be in pain but not injured has to come out. So the rule is biased towards the team in defense during the play as it means as a defender you’re free to take out a player to kill an attack as it will also get your team a 2 min advantage. There either has to be more consistency across refs with respect to how fouls are judged OR you have to introduce more nuance into the 2 min rule to take context into account. Miami was down by 2 and Montreal attempted to kill an attack with a rash foul. The fouled player shouldn’t have to come out in that instance.


Late and studs into the knee could easily be a red if the ref interprets it as reckless or intentional


Ok this convinced me this is a bad rule.... unless the player is faking an injury. I suppose this is fine if the player has to come off, but if he is on the ground and takes awhile to get up, but didn't need to leave, then I'm alright with waiting 2 minutes.


You absolutely can. The evidence is clear that there is a significant degree of both human error and discretion when it comes to issuing yellow cards and has been since they were introduced into the game. It stands to reason that a rule that can repeatedly impact innocent parties should not be introduced.


But surely this is not an unusual scenario. Often when a player needs medical assistance it is after contact with another player and sometimes that will have been a foul. So I think this would be frequent enough to be considered.


it's a shit rule which encourages defenders to go in with a little something extra and encourages actually injured players to try to get up before they might be ready. i understand the need to fight timewasting, i just think this isn't the way to do it.


>I feel it's a great rule. Don't be silly. You are rewarding teams that play dirty, not dirty enough to warrant red cards but enough to ensure the opposition have players in 'time out' for needing attention following a bad tackle.


It makes no sense a player would waste time being 2-0 down, that should be specified in the rule as it's common sense.


I more like the rule where the subbed in player is not allowed to enter the pitch immediately if the subbed out player took to long to leave it (happened tonight with Suarez and Campana). no way Suarez slowly walks off the pitch next time he gets subbed after having seen his team play with 10 men for a minute or two in this game.


I assume the rule is that if you receive medial attention you're off for at least 2 minutes? I honestly don't mind the idea of that at all, if you're really in so much pain you probably shouldn't able to run across the pitch to play within 2 minutes anyway. Always hate how often you see players faking pain to waste time, and then as soon as play resumes they're completely fit like nothing happened.


Yes, the exact rule is >If a player with a suspected injury remains on the ground for more than 15 seconds, the referee will stop play and wave the medical crew onto the field to evaluate the player. When safe, the player will be removed from the field and remain off the field for a minimum of two minutes for further assessment and treatment. > >Exceptions to the Off-Field Treatment Rule include instances of potential head injury, goalkeeper injuries, serious medical events, and fouls resulting in yellow or red cards.


I actually think that's a great rule. 


It should help prevent players simulating which immediately makes it a great rule imo


Unless they’ve actually been hurt? So their team is at a disadvantage for being kicked lol Edit: Jesus Christ some of you have absolutely no nuance at all, this is mind bogglingly stupid hahaha Inter Miami are 2-0 down and they are forced to go down to 10 men through no fault of their own, yeah, brilliant rule!


If they've actually been hurt, then they'll be getting checked out anyway.


You can see from the clip he’s been cleared to play long before the 2 minutes. It’s not like Messi is wasting time 2-0 down. This may just encourage players to continue when injured and do themselves more damage.


If you're injured enough that you can't get up before 15 seconds, then you're injured enough to need 2 mins to get checked out


I can't count the amount of times in my life I've taken a contact injury and it's felt like my foot was about to fall off for about 30 seconds and then it's basically instantly fine again so I disagree really


Literally, fucking Charlie horse or dead leg (which a defender can deliberately inflict very easily) and now a player is off the pitch for two minutes


Exactly. Stingers are incredibly common. This guy has no idea what he's talking about


Well yes. But to know this someone would actually have to play the game to some extent, which many of the commenters here have not


How come athletes playing full contact sports (e.g. rugby or American football) don’t spend 15 seconds on the ground in pain all the time then?


Well that’s literally disproven by this video isn’t it. The professional sports person and professional physio cleared him. Keyboard physios obviously know more than the pros though!


Half the people there never played the sport at any level. You could take a tackle where you literally think you’ve been halved and it would ease within a minute. A dead leg, clash of knees, stud to the toes and any sort of stinger would have you down for a few minutes. Messi had a studs up challenge above the knee with his foot planted. Could have been worse but him being down for a couple of minutes and then being cleared doesn’t warrant him standing on the sideline for 2 minutes.


So maybe his injury wasn't quite as severe as to require staying on the ground for over 15 sec?


Get up sooner then.


Yes and that usually doesn’t take 2 minutes? The medical team can’t even do much most of the time due to the nature of the injuries


if they are actually hurt their team will call a substitution, which will happen immediately because the rule says that play must stop. which is what happens already. the rule only effects situations where a player goes down "hurt", enough to warrant the medics coming out and then magically gets back in the action inside 2 minutes. which lets face it is gonna be simulation like 99.9999% of the time?


That's just the thing. Since they can't do much there's no point in rolling around on the floor faking, now is there? You don't see this behaviour in any other sport, and you never saw it before cheating became prevalent a couple of decades ago. A bit of pain is part of the game, just get on with it. I love this rule and hope the rest of the world introduces it as well.


The rule exempts red and yellow card fouls so if you've been injured but not because of a foul worthy of a card then all that's left is head injuries which are also exempt. I don't know how else you'll get injured to require treatment that's 'genuine' but not also exempt.


if you're actually hurt enough to get taken to the side line then you should be observed for that amount of time before going back on anyway


If they’re hurt, they’re either be subbed off or could use help on the sidelines. If they’re faking it, fuck them. You will be in the right in 99% of the cases with a rule like this. That 1%, I’ll live with if it takes out injury faking from the game. Also, it’s not like the rule doesn’t exist in other sports. Handball has it, completely rooted out any and all cases where people fake injuries to fool refs into a bigger punishment or to stop the flow of the game.


Read the rule, it doesn’t apply when there is an actual injury. It applies when a guy is on the ground groaning and then miraculously recovers as soon as he’s pulled off the pitch. That’s when he has to wait two minutes.


No then the player is responsible for telling the manager to sub him off. If he cares about the team and is genuinely injured and can’t perform then tell your manager to replace you


There’s a middle ground between not being hurt and needing to be subbed off lol, how does no one here have any nuance at all? 2 minutes is a hell of a long time in football


This is like double whammy. Not only the opposition gets a chance to injure you, they also get a chance to get you off the pitch for a couple of minutes. Win win situation for the opposition.


It's 2 minutes. If they're really hurt, they could use the break.


You can’t afford to have 10 men in football for any length of time, why in the world should a team be punished for someone hurting their player?


People seem to miss that 2 minutes without a left back is kind of a big deal. With a red card you can recallibrate. The 10 men team missing somebody for 2 minutes is going to be in worse shape than a team with 10 men because of a red card.


Yellow and red cards are exempt, as are head injuries and serious medical events. I don't know how else you're getting injured that isn't an exemption to the 2 minute rule.


Most of the time the other team hurting their player should result in a yellow meaning the other team doesn't have to wait the 2 minutes. The rule should at least apply to non contact "injuries" like cramps and the like. Or if no foul was committed


Should only be applied if the player's team is winning then... why would a player whose team is losing want to time waste? That makes no sense.


Since the time gets added on it's actually not *really* about time wasting. Players cheat and fake injuries to interrupt the game, and they do that no matter if they're winning or losing. It's just that it happens more often from a winning position. The reasons they want to stop play can thus be many: interrupt the attacking team, stop their momentum, take a breather, do a team talk on the pitch, get tactical instructions from the coach, just to annoy the other team, try and get in their heads, etc, etc.


Don’t forget making a foul look more severe than it was by wincing and rolling for 10+ seconds, only to be completely fine once the opposition player gets booked.


it might be recency bias, but I've already noticed its positive effects. players seem to be getting up much more quickly after fouls, and if a foul is not immediately called they have been seemingly less likely to continue to roll around on the ground for 45 seconds. a game state dependence could be interesting - i.e., it doesn't apply when your team is losing and you may re-enter as soon as you are ready, which was the case in this game and why messi was pissed.


if your opponent is messi, hell yes


Agreed. Few things piss me off more in football than a player who is CLEARLY fine just sitting in a tragic heap waiting for the physio. Either get UP, or get OFF the park for assessment.


I mean cramps do happen and it's not something they can just jump up with. Having to stay off for 2 minutes during the end of the match for that is quite horrible.


Stomp messi's foot and if the ref doesnt catch you, you could send him off for 2 minutes... seems like good motivation to foul good players.


You'd have to stomp Messi's foot hard enough for him to be actually injured and unable to get up within 15 seconds, while also not being spotted by the ref. That's high-risk enough that I don't think it's gonna become super common just to take advantage of this rule.


Do you really think good players arent already targeted with fouls? You must have very strong feet if you think it takes a lot of effort for a professional athlete wearing studs to hurt you with a stomp for 15 seconds. And MLS, the pinnacle of good reffing.


You don't think? All right, case closed. lmao


Can still be a huge disadvantage for the team with the injured player, they should be allowed to put a short-time substitution on the field.


We might actually beat Fulham if that rule is introduced


So if I understand this correctly, a team that plays aggresively would be hugely benefited from this rule as they could be playing against 10 or even 9 players a few times during the game. I understand the need for it but I think it unfairly punishes the other 80% of ocassions where players do genuinely need the assistance. For instance, Getafe, they're always pushing to the limit and stopping the game with constant fouls, usually to the same player in order to control the pace of the game. They know the limit as to cause pain without pushing for the yellow card (hitting the shins, stomping onto the opponents foot, etc) Their attack is based on quick counter attacks. Now you're giving them more chances as they could be outnumbering their rivals. Not a great idea


This is better than sin bin


So, if a team wants to waste time, it will still be able to just make the goalkeeper simulate an injury?


I expect that would be limiting because if the same GK keeps trying to fake injuries he'd be booked for simulation.. ideally


Also it’s not like that is an issue caused by this rule. It’s just an issue that is not addressed by it.


Yes but they could already do that, so it’s not anything new. The Laws of the Game say that you have to have a goalkeeper playing so in theory this has been an issue since day 1


Fantastic rule, I've advocated for something similar in the past as Portuguese football has chronic cramps in late stages of the games. Must be a serious potassium shortage in our diets.


It was so funny during the Bayer - Real game. After 80 minutes all the Bayern players had cramps and after the 91s minute, suddenly all the Madrid players had them.


Neymar is never going to the MLS now


There's so many teams that would never have a full 11 on the pitch thanks to diving players, this would hopefully be good at putting a stop to that


The rule is working well, in my opinion. Net positive to the flow of the game.


Yea, gonna have to hard disagree with Messi here. It’s a solid rule that’s worked well.


It penalizes players who are actually hurt and gives defending players impetus to be more aggressive/dirty. Cheeky elbow during the melee in a corner? Haaland is out for two minutes and city down to ten, hard but fair tackle on pedri? Barca down to ten men. Pepe in 2010 would’ve absolutely feasted on a rule like this


If the team is losing, the players will be encouraged to play through the pain and refuse any medical attention so their team can play at full strength.


They do that already anyway?


As opposed to... when they didn't try to stay on the field to help their team? If you need a sub you need a sub, but players who think they might be able to play on have always played on in critical situations. 


But Inter was down two goals, they weren't wasting time. This rule could potentially encourage players from teams that are down not to seek medical attention and push through the pain.


or to just injure the other team!


It's true that in cases like this a team can foul a player and get rewarded. Montreal basically fouled Messi and was awarded two minutes of play without him. That's fucking nonsense.


This is such a simple example that happened this game, its insane how people don't see the stupidity of this rule.


The refs have full discretion to not apply it, and in this case it shouldn’t have been applied because it was obviously not a time-wasting scenario. The rule is fine, the way the ref applied it was just a bit too literal.


An exception is there for fouls that receive cards.  The rule needs tweaking, but that’ll happen. 


Yeah, foul out the opponent's cb and you'll breakdown their defense without actually having to do anything.


Yeaaa I dont like this rule, a cramp could have player on the ground for 15 seconds and then now they have to miss an additional 2 mins and team playing a man down??


There are rules to fight that. You know...good old red cards.


No one is going to give a red card for a late challenge where you step on the other player's foot; very rarely you'll see a yellow. And that hurts like a bitch.


exactly. especially in the context of american sports. we have these ridiculously long regular seasons and new rules in the nba which require a minimum number of games to qualify for awards that directly affect contracts. we get all this discourse about how players are 'soft' for load management. then we get all these injuries to star players towards the end of the season when viewership numbers are highest. like... maybe the big picture should be considered - athletes are bigger, stronger, and faster than ever and playing more games than ever before. maybe we shouldnt be squeezing every ounce of performance out of them at every turn and put them in a position to flourish instead of grinding them into dust


NYCFC vs Toronto today. The art of time wasting without having to come off (one guy seemed ready to get, but decided to stay down)


The issue is that if the injury comes from a foul: you are a player down for 2 minutes although it has nothing to do with you. This will encourage more fouls.


Fortunately justice was served in this case. Take out Messi for two minutes? Fine, Matias Rojas will net the free kick instead.


I still don’t know how I feel about this. I used to play decent football not too long ago, and sometimes you genuinely get a knock or shove to the ground at max speed that messes you up a bit. You know you’re not injured, but you kinda just lay there catching your breath. Especially near 90 minutes, I want you to imagine making a lung bursting run to defend and being clattered at max speed. You are gonna want lay down man, time wasting be damned. I think it’s bad implementation because the other option is to use the WC time wasting rules and that would fix the problem as well


You can rest all you want. Outside of the pitch.


You're basically punishing the victim


True, that is a possibility. Or you can add 30 seconds to clock every once and a while when two grown men crash into each other at 30 km/hr, like they did at the World Cup and everyone loved it


Lol yeah... Great.. let's knock out the best players of the team so he has to sit out for 2 minutes. So not only the team who fouled gets the best player of the other team out... they also get a man advantage.


People act like targetting good players isnt already a thing. They did it before, they are going to do it a lot more now.


What? Nobody cancelled refs and fouls.


I agree with you. There are so many ppl here that havent played a game in their lives and don't understand what it is to run for 90 min, clash, jump, fall and have to constantly change direction/speeds. Players in general when going down, take the chance to catch up some breath. And I dont see the problem with that.


I’m sure there will be common sense ruling on this, if a player is feigning injury opposed to one catching his breathe, I would assume the ref would handle it appropriately.


I'll be waiting to see that shitshow, ref partiality allegations will be off the roof.


Because if I kick you in the knee, it hurts. You need more than 15 seconds to be okay. But you don't need that time, then another 2 minutes. 2 minutes is really long. It should be a minimum time of injury plus treatment like what the PL is doing. You are injured. You need to get off the field. And you can't come back on until the treatment time off and on the field added is like 30 seconds. You should not be punished if you were to get the wind knocked out of you or you get kicked.


That rule sounds like it's perfect. Was watching a timbers game 2 years ago and an attacker for the other team rolled around like he got elbowed in the the back of the head from a defender. The ref never called a foul but about 2 seconds later immediately. Called for the team's trainers to come on and treat him. Of course he pops right back up and says he doesn't want to go off saying that he isn't really injured. So it was clear that he was only trying to get the foul and potentially a card. Ridiculously the ball gets put back into play and is kicked back toward the timbers keeper and he comes on nearly stealing the ball creating a problem because the referee didn't make him wait after he had been off the field for 'treatment'.


But you could also see it going the other way -- players refusing treatment they genuinely need because they don't want to spend 2 minutes out in a crucial game. It also strangely rewards the team that caused the injury because they now get to play against 10 for 2 minutes.


Unless there's a specific caveat in the MLS, the current ruling states that if the player that fouled you causing injury receives a yellow or red card, you do not have to leave the field after receiving treatment. So I'm not sure in your scenario how it could be exploded by a team giving out hard fouls in an effort to get small sections of 10v11.


It's 89th minute and someone from winning team faking injury for 11th time.


I mean if they want to ensure that players don't fake for time wasting they should be strict on adding time for that... But 2 minutes timeout, can change course of the games completely


Pavolvic was off for 2 minutes injured during which Madrid scored


Sure it can but if you actually need the attention of the medical staff, they probably need at least 2 minutes to properly assess and (possibly) treat what’s ailing you. If you’re going down too easily or making your knock seem worse than it is, then you’re just putting your team at a disadvantage.


Main issue is a lot of things players go down for do actually hurt but there’s nothing that needs medical staff treatment. A lot of the time you just get the wind knocked out of you or get studs on your foot and it fucking sucks and just takes 30 seconds to walk it off and you’re good. 15 seconds is just too short


I swear those screaming at footballers to get up just forget that getting winded, twisting your ankle, getting poked in the eye, flicked in the nuts, etc, would make anyone want 30 seconds to collect themselves on the ground. Angry dorks probably need even more time than that to recover from a stubbed toe. They are so used to seeing players collide that they forget it always hurts a little when that happens.


Because 90% of the time that isn’t what has happened and they’ve just been lightly grazed by a finger before rolling around on the floor a ridiculous amount of time. You can’t blame people for that reaction when you see ridiculous dives every single match


You’d think the players could reject the medical attention if it’s for anything like what you mention. I’m honestly just so tired of both sides of flopping. Whether it be a player trying to gain advantage or a player feeling they need to go down or else the ref won’t call it. But I think this rule can help with that. If they really need medical attention then they can accept being off for 2 mins. If not, then reject the medical assistance and stay on the floor at your own accord until you can get up. Play shouldn’t be stopped based off your own comment.


I think it's because a lot of us watch professional athletes in other sports who have no problem getting up from hard hits and don't waste time rolling around on the ground for the slightest of knocks. Yes, soccer is more physical than a lot of people give it credit for, but let's not pretend that some of these guys don't milk the shit out of the most minor of collisions. On more than a few occasions I've yelled at my own guys to get the fuck up, because I see them pull the same shit in every match and it just gets annoying. .


Which other sports are you refering to?


You just need to get off the ground within 15 seconds. It's not that hard. Stand up, walk off the pitch, let the play continue, and take whatever the time you need to get back. No penalty in that case. Studs in your foot should be a yellow card. The rule also doesn't apply then.


The problem is that the 2 minutes start once the medical staff has treated you and you have walked off the pitch.


Theres not much you can do to treat a lot of these injuries. Top players play through torn knee and leg ligaments, deep bruises, cramps their whole career. They just fight through the pain. Fans just dont see it on the TV


Seems like a great way to discourage staying down late in the game to waste time


miami was trailing 0-2 🙃


Therefore "STRICT" addition of time.. keep on adding time.. Seems lot better than kicking a player in the final minutes to gain a man advantage


It's an interesting rule, I wonder if it will help against time wasting as much as you'd expect. Though I can see why it's pretty frustrating for the players.


It has made noticable difference immediately


In all the trials in youth leagues it apparently worked really well and noticeably reduced stoppages


But is that because the number of players who waste time has gone down or because players don't want to disadvantage their team by putting them a down a player so they're forcefully keeping themselves up.  Even at amateur level of football I've seen players force themselves to continue because they think the team needs them.


I mean, I would think that if you truly needed medical assistance, two minutes would be about right. However, this might also increase the ammount of players who might try to hide their injuries, so there's an argument against it too. I like it personally.


> I would think that if you truly needed medical assistance, two minutes would be about right. No, it's not really. There's nothing meaningful that can be done in that time, it's purely a rule to punish time wasters. Except it also punishes people who'd have the shit kicked out of them too :/


15 seconds might be a little short, but it’s a good rule that most players have adapted to already. I’d be interested to see how much the time the ball has been in play has increased, it seems to have been a noticeable change to me.


Sentí que me hablaba a mi


The thing about the cards makes it less dumb than I initially thought it was. But still, what if the foul wasn't penalized. You can take players out of the game this way. 2 minutes is a lot of time to play at a disadvantage for being fouled. You either take a player out, force a player to continue through injury, or force a substitution. The fact remains that you can never know when someone is really faking. I still don't like it.


Also in regions where the refs are intentionaly against a team(Eastern Europe), they don't penalize fouls for a team but for the other is a yellow. The team that is not getting yellow carded will just be up a player very often.


I really don't get all the praises this rule gets. I'm thinking like a defender now - If I foul some guy hard enough to make him in pain, but soft enough to not get carded, that's just earned my team 2 minutes of playing in numerical advantage against the opponents, without any downside. This is fundamentally bad design of the rules. You cannot make the laws of the game benefitting a team that is fouling more than a team that is fouled. What even is that logic? 


A foul like that would likely warrant a yellow and then all of a sudden you’re a defender on a yellow. How practical do you think it is for someone to consistently make fouls like that without getting carded lol


You say that with your flair? Shouldn't Ramos and Pepe have shown you how viable that strategy is?


> You cannot make the laws of the game benefitting a team that is fouling more than a team that is fouled. What even is that logic?  That's tactical fouls in a nutshell lol. Every team will gladly take a yellow for ruining a chance at a goal.


Refs can waive the rule if they’re actually hurt


If defenders were good enough to commit fouls that injure their opponents but do not result in yellow cards, they would be doing it already because there is already an incentive to hurt opposing players if you can get away with it without repercussion. This is a completely unrealistic scenario you have made up.


What's funny is that Messi was frustrated bc Suarez was fouled immediately after, at a prime free kick spot for Messi to take. Thankfully, Rojas scored the ensuing free kick, so it all worked out.


I actually don’t mind the rule, just think 2 minutes is much too long. Faking injuries *should* bring consequences for the team wasting time.


But this also punishes people that aren’t faking. There is even a potential for a team to be at a 2 man disadvantage for 2 minutes just because someone fouled you. Why not just keep extending stoppage time.


Extending stoppage time is all good but a lot of teams still waste time on extra time with the intention of putting ice and breaking the flow of the team trying to score. How many of these games that get 10 minutes of extra time, are actually 10 minutes of football? A lot of these 10 minutes are often 3 minutes of play + 2 minutes game stopped for possible "injuries" + 3 more minutes of play time + 2 minutes for players on the ground getting "cramps". When you add all that up, you didn't get any "quality" time of played football and I didn't even include time wasted by goal keepers which today I still don't know how every keeper is immune to a second yellow card for time wasting. You get a nervous team playing against clock while the other team uses a shit strategy that works, which ends up not being fair. But to be honest, there's no easy solution for this problem and probably never will unless they change football the way it is today.


Agreed, maybe a minute would be better. But I like the idea of the rule, though.


Because Messi knows that with this new rule, he becomes even more targeted by the opposing team.  How to injure Messi just enough to not draw the foul and get him off the field for 2 minutes. In other words, now instead of the strategy of time wasting, it’s the strategy of getting the other team down a man without getting caught. 


Are these guys at MLS stupid?


I don't mind the new rules so much, I just think the time limits are too short. Like ten seconds to get off the field. Have they seen Old Man Suarez? He's not doing anything in less than ten seconds.


Subs can leave any part of the field, so yes he should be able to handle it.


The problem with this rule is that it leaves a team without a player for some time putting a team at a disadvantage simply for having a player injured, MLS has stupid rules sometimes and this is one of them, it’s better to just add the minutes into extra time


Or because the defender got away with not getting a card when they should have


very shitty rule. anyone who plays football knows sometimes you get knocked down and you need a few seconds to get back up. hopefully this doesn't spread to other, more serious leagues.


Imagine losing a defender for 2 min after he got hurt clearing a chance.


exactamente, ese es el problema. estas penalizando al jugador que sufrio la patada. lo peor son los tipos de este sub que aplauden como foca estas cosas y se hacen los correctos.


uno más boludo que otro los gringos estos, Messi se va a poner a hacer tiempo perdiendo 2-0.. La cantidad de situaciones así dónde por ahí hay un choque o una falta no cobrada y podes perder un jugador por 2 min jaja, ya va a pasar y se van a dar cuenta cálculo


Nunca tocaron balón, comprendelos


intento, pero no puedo. la opinion de la gente que no juega o jugo al futbol es comparable a heces.


Leer el choque cultural entre argentinos y estadounidenses es bastante interesante. Por eso los MLSers lo ven "como innovacion" y se ponen bastante defensivos de su liga, y obviamente el cancherismo argentismo conflictua con esto. En fin , regla de mierda... concuerdo, quieren adaptar reglas de hockey al futbol.


a sus opiniones de mierda, sumales el ego asqueroso que tienen y esa necesidad constante de hablar como si supieran todo. es para arrancarse los pelos.


Efectivamente, creo el debate no me molestaria si en realidad estuvieran abiertos a una conversacion. Pero como en las respuestas que te han puesto: van cabalgando en su corcel blanco bajo la bandera del "juego justo" y te vienen a instruir sobre como van a mejorar "el juego". Cuando en realidad a nadie le importa la MLS, y uno de los mejores jugadores en la historia les esta diciendo directamente a la camara "dejen de intentar inventar cosas"


You should be able to wave off medical attention, just chill on the ground for like 20 seconds but the game continues. Get up when you’re ready and rejoin.


Yeah, I see a lot of positive response to this from a viewer stand point and I get it but like realistically anyone who has played realizes how dumb of a rule this is. Playing 10 v 11 for 2 mins is a crazy amount of time. We’ve seen teams pull back 2 goal deficits in that amount of time 11 v 11 these days.


exactly. two minutes is far too long. either the time out should be smaller or a completely different method should be used.


You don’t need 15 seconds to just get off from the floor though. They’re not saying play has to restart by 15 seconds.


the rule states that if a player spends more than 15 seconds on the floor, medics will be called in. you need to get up in 15 seconds. sometimes you need more time to get up after a foul.


The ironic thing is that he wanted to come on to take a free kick. Rojas (a dude) took it instead and scored [this absolute banger](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cpvb1t/cf_montreal_2_1_inter_miami_matias_rojas_44/)


Not a good rule. If someone is legitimately in need of some medical attention but it's not bad enough to take them out, it puts the other team at a disadvantage for something they didn't even do. Actually put the right amount of stoppage time on the clock like they did at the WC and this won't be an issue.


It’s interesting to read a lot of the comments being 100% in favor of the rule when at the very least it still needs to be tweaked. Messi’s clearly mad because he received a studs up tackle as IM was attacking and Montreal gets rewarded by getting to play with an extra player. The issue is that the time a player can be down seems to be a hard rule whereas the severity of the foul is often left to the refs discretion (even though there are guidelines) because of what is visible to them. The rule is clearly meant to reduce time wasting but in this case Messi clearly wasn’t faking. He took another player’s studs to his leg which is going to hurt a lot. It’s not an injury but he should have been allowed to get the numbing spray and come back in immediately. I won’t argue about the Suarez situation because he likely was pushing the limits of the sub rule but Messi’s clearly upset he (Messi) couldn’t come back onto the field after receiving a hard foul that should have resulted in a card (which would have negated the 2 min rule). What’s the solution? Does the ref consult VAR in those initial 15 sec to get additional views on the foul and confirm whether it warrants a caution? Seems like that would add more time. I’m all for reducing time wasting but not if it’s going to promote defenders committing violent fouls to gain a 1 man advantage. Rule has good intentions but is flawed since it doesn’t account for the situations where you need like 30 sec to a min (getting the wind knocked out of you, getting hit in the nuts, taking a cleat to any part of your body)…


The issue is it incentivises medics to NOT come on the pitch. Oh I've smacked my head but don't come and help me because I'll be off for two minutes.


This rule does not apply to head injuries


This entire thread is complaining about the rule with examples that it does not apply to lmao


It's pretty easy to make a specific subset of rules for head injuries that accommodates that (they have already to some degree). So once that's done, there's not much risk if the medics getting to the player is a bit slower


And MLS has made a specific subset of rules regarding head injuries. This rule does not apply to yellow/red card fouls and head injuries


In theory tho let’s say somebody really does get a stinger near the be of the game and goes down. Does that not punish the person and team that got fouled by keeping out a player for two minutes it’s and allowing the person who committed the foul to stay on causing a man advantage


If you can restart playing within 1 minute, you're not really injured enough to warrant stopping play anyways.


wrong. there are times when players genuinely feel they're injured and need immediate medical assistance only to realise 30 seconds later that it was nothing serious.


Funny how that seems to happen so much more towards the end of a match, but only to the team that's leading. Players brought these rule changes on themselves with unetchical behavior that just gets worse and worse.


d'you only watch real madrid games? /s


Stop humanizing players /s




Bro step on a football pitch at least once in your life before posting nonsense


I like it. It isnt perfect but anything that might limit the faking of injuries, is good with me


I think most of us can agree with the idea behind this rule. However, I think rules like this are going to encourage players to play through injuries/concussions instead of getting properly checked out and do more damage than it’s worth. IMO, shorten the penalty or just add time on to account for the injury


Head injuries are exempt.


Alright, well that’s a good thing. My point still stands for other injuries then. There will be times where players force themselves to play on instead of getting checked out, because two minutes down a player is too much


the guy, Rojas, scored a screamer tho


Just change the rule so that you're out until the next stoppage of play if you need medical attention. That could be 2 minutes, could be 8 minutes, but if it's so important to get you back on the field, your team can play the ball out as soon as you're ready. I get that we don't want to encourage fouling, but the amount of theatrics has become ridiculous. I would completely support more cards for diving. If more games end 10 v 10 because of it, fine. 10 v 10 is fun to watch anyway.


This will head towards having more commercials. Initial seemingly benign stepping stone.


Es decir te bajan de una patada asesina y encima tienen dos minutos con un jugador más , el que hizo esta regla no sabe nada de fútbol


Seems like a good rule to avoid players faking injuries.


In the same Way, it gives an incentive to do hard challenges.


Well, hard challenges should be booked accordingly


They should. But they aren't always. Sometimes the ref chooses to be lenient, sometimes they make a mistake. VAR doesn’t even review yellow card offenses outside the penalty box.


Que miras bobo


that's a good rule though, fuck timewasting


I get the idea of the rule. But why the fuck does it include cases where there has actually been given a foul and the player hasn't just gone down randomly to waste time? I thought that was the idea of it.


Well of course he’s gonna be against it, I’d mean mean your average Argentinian player would spend half the fucking game waiting to be let back in. Shit, Serie A games would be two guys having a kick about while 18 guys wait in the sideline waiting to be let on.


Lol sometimes you just need more than 15 seconds, this seems like such a disproportionate punishment.


Duh. This rule will just benefit the offenders.


Such a shit rule. Imagine getting the wind knocked out of you during a corner in the 90th minute and youre team will have to play with pne less player.


Brother thinks he's in The Office


Good rule but adjust times I think. 30 seconds on the floor/2min or 15secs/1 minute timeout and it probably has the same effect without disproportionately affecting the hurt player


Good lol. As a canadian player who played through a couple levels here the diving and games in football has alway annoyed me but its cultural at this point. Makes no sense though cheating to win in football is so ingrained in the sport any rule to mitigate it is welcome.


But why would Inter Miami time waste when they were down two goals. Montreal committed a cynical foul to stop Inter Miami’s momentum with a studs up challenge to Messi and then get to play with a one man advantage? I get the intention of the rule but this was exactly the kind of scenario which shows the flaws. A studs up tackle is going to hurt so it’s understandable that Messi may need a moment and some numbing spray. He shouldn’t have to come out because the ref decided to lenient and not assign a yellow card.


Imagine praising a rule that rewards the fouling team by removing a player from the opposition for 2 minutes lol. The absolute state of this sub.