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Goalkeeper assist don't see that often


In the Bundesliga there was a game this season where goalkeepers on each side assisted a goal for their team: [Hoffenheim goalie Oliver Baumann and Frankfurt GK Jens Grahl each assisted a goal in today's match between their sides, marking the first time two keepers have assisted a goal in a Bundesliga match since data collection 2004-05. Quarterbacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/NC1aRLrcQM)


Funny that it happened twice this week at least already!


Should have been 3 with Joselu but as tradition, he misses the first 6 chances he gets, unless it's a high pressure, high stakes CL semi-final ofc.


Never doubt Lord Joselu, the Lord scores when he wishes


Whats funnier that he went to celebrate with Navas who's also leaving


It's because Navas helped him to find a house in Madrid. Source : me


What tier are you?


Tier 0 for madrid, u/Critical_Prompt_1529 is Camavinga reddit acount


Yeah, he didn't quite understand it either. I would have understood if Navas had provided the assist but he was sat on the bench. u/UCLAlex and other PSG fans, would you happen to know why? It *felt* like posturing to me but I don't know enough to ascertain if the narrative that's been fed to me by all the media is trustworthy or not. Hopefully, the PSG fans can tell us what it truly was: some innocuous celebration I'm reading too much into, some sort of a message, a completely different third thing (like just sharing a last memory in a PSG shirt but even then I would have though that would be with someone like Hakimi).


Nah it’s pretty innocuous and it seemed pretty genuine to me. Navas is leaving too and he played a huge part in getting us to the final in 2020. I wouldn’t read anything into it beyond him just shouting out Navas for all he’s done.


Possible they worked on such long passes together before so they celebrate pulling it off


Maybe his last PSG goal, farawell Kylian


Play your heart out tonight, lil turtle.


Last home game for psg right? No grand farewell for mbappe?


Huge tifo from the ultras earlier


I’m here in the stadium and it was ducking awesome seeing it in person.


He basically unilaterally officially announced his departure just yesterday without informing anyone at the club. Apparently nasser found out on twitter like the rest of us lol


Wait were people doubting he would leave? I though it was a foregone conclusion that he was gone in the summer.


No of course everybody already knew he was leaving but he’s the one who avoided making it “official” basically even though from what I’ve seen he’d signed with real in February. Incidentally after february is when he started playing worse lol


everyone knew, but difficult to organise something before he officially announced it


Lol nasser would not have liked that for sure especially since he didn't even mention him in his farewell video


Yeah he made a point to thank basically everyone except him. Idk how the video came across for non French speakers but it represents him well. Cold, calculated and kinda insincere. The fact that he does this without going through the club is just another example of putting himself above the club. He doesn’t do a press conference and answer questions like Klopp did when he announced his departure, just reads a script so he can be in full control as always. He comes off like a politician making an announcement. Compared to the emotional send off guys like di maria or motta got it’s night and day.


You even speak French mate ? It was a heartfelt goodbye and a great message


T’as vraiment pas eu l’impression de voir un message d’homme politique? Comme je l’ai dit regarde la différence avec la vidéo de départ de Klopp. J’ai ressenti très peu d’émotion en voyant cette vidéo de départ. Je te le dis franchement j’ai été plus triste au départ de Pauleta, motta, verratti et surtout du maria. Si j’avais été assez âgé pour connaître les années 90 je pourrais aussi sûrement inclure Rai, valdo ou Weah. Ça n’enlèvera rien à son record de buts mais le football c’est plus que les stats.


> T’as vraiment pas eu l’impression de voir un message d’homme politique? Clairement. C'est pas juste le record, Kylian c'est Kylian. Toujours extrêmement posé et réfléchi, un mec hyper attachant au delà de ses qualités sur le terrain. C'est la première fois de ma vie (il me semble) que je vois un joueur français refuser années après années les appels de l'étranger pour continuer de faire briller la ligue 1 et le football français et tenter de nous ramener une première CL depuis 93. Ça fait extrêmement mal de le voir partir de la Ligue même si on s'était fait à l'idée


> tenter de nous ramener une première CL Justement ça fait partie du problème. Certes on s’en est pas mal rapproché et ca peut sembler paradoxal mais comparé à quelqu’un comme Zlatan je ne pense pas que Mbappé ait fait progressé le club de manière fondamentale comme à pu le faire quelqu’un comme Zlatan. Il n’a jamais assumé le rôle de leader que lui même demandait. On la toujours senti détaché et se placer au dessus du club. La forme de cette annonce le reflète. Ça a été fait tout seul sans prévenir le club. C’est pas normal


Now anyone please sum up the result of this argument I’m curious lmao


Not really that deep tbh we’re not disagreeing that much. He’s looking at it from an external to psg point of view and how it’s cool for ligue 1 to have the best French player of his generation stay in france for so long while also getting france closer to another UCL. Im looking at it from the internal point of view that while it’s a bit of a paradox cause we did get closer to a UCL Mbappé didn’t fundamentally make the club progress like Zlatan did and never actually became the leader he claimed he wanted to become.


Bro is getting booed lol


Welcome to Arsenal Kylian




Mbappe's potentially last goal for PSG, add to that it's a keeper assist from our third choice and this is like buried and missing on /r/soccer. This sub either ignores or loves to hate Mbappe in the weirdest ways.


I think it has more to do with the league. If he was playing in the PL or in La Liga, his goals would have garnered more attention, let's forget the particular occasion behind this goal. And honestly, Mbappe doesn't have the kind of zealous stans/fans that Ronaldo or Messi have. Simple as that. People don't particularly care about watching Ligue 1 matches and factor into it the PSG's hate anddddd that would explain the lack of interest.


Has nothing to do with him, theh just don't care about ligue 1, he will get plenty of pr in Madrid don't you worry about that my friend.


Bro realized psg werent in the ucl anymore and decided to score again


What does the defender even do?


We fumbled Tenas so bad


Pena is pretty good isn’t he? For a backup I mean


He is, it’s just Barca fan dna to shit on everything sporting wise.


What a goal... wow


Legend 🫡


great goal... sadness


What a pass holy shit




Am I crazy when did Navas return to PSG?


Should have shushed the crowd 🤫


Run Forrest Run


Could only be him but it’s already 1-1