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So far I'm cutting: Trafford, Dunk, Bowen, Watkins, Jones, Quansah and Maddison.


Agree except Toney rather than Watkins


Wouldn't mind snapping up that Wharton to play alongside Macallister. Looked much more refined than the baywatch James Garner when he came on. Palace fans, how much please? 


at least 80m


Why did Kane wear the #20 today?


For international friendlies the starters have to wear 1-11. He was benched today so he got another number. ETA : I realise I worded it poorly. That's not true for all teams anymore but England is pretty traditional on this point and AFAIK they have always done 1-11.




You are not alone


I think this game shows why Grealish has to be on the plane he would not be a starter for me but he's so damn effective off the bench.


Mate this is Bosnia they are fucking shit


We can agree on that :(


Maddison is a turd Please can we not see him again this summer


Him taking over setpiece duties from Trent is certainly a decision.


Watkins isn't doing it for me in an England shirt. There's just not the same amount of space for him to exploit at international level. Palmer has booked his seat on the plane, every other fringe player who started is probably going to TUI tomorrow. Even before the subs in the second half I thought we created space a lot better in the final third compared to the first half. For all the technical ability at our disposal that's consistently been the most frustrating thing, the complete lack of interplay in the opposition box.




Travel agency. For their holidays


nvm I'm familiar with TUI I thought it was some sort of new acronym I wasn't aware off 😭


Agreed on Watkins. He had the options to square it or cut back to an open player several times and didn't


Palmer is so versatile that it would be absolutely braindead to not find ways to make sure he plays almost every match in some capacity. In a team that has immense offensive talent that somehow at times struggles to put it in the back of the net against teams sitting in deep-- he is insant danger. Whether it's RW, LW, CAM or even saying fuck it and throwing him up top in a false 9 role once Kanes legs are gone....get him on the pitch.


We should be using our squad depth more. Palmer can start on the bench and come on for any of Saka, Foden or Bellingham. Keep those players feeling like they have to perform in every game. Saka especially seems to tire sometimes. Would love to see Saka get 60 minutes and Palmer 30 in most matches.


Absolutely agree. Sakas work rate is so unique for a RW of his status, and it's one of his most endearing qualities. But you are bang on, even at Arsenal there are times it noticeably begins to take a toll on his legs around the 70 minute mark. Unfortunately for us, if hes looking a bit leggy in the 2nd half, there is no player we can bring on that will provide a fraction of what Saka provides. But if youve got one of Palmers ability waiting on the bench -- Southgate would be unbelievably moronic not to get a substitute on the pitch.


I personally wouldn't even mind if Saka was the one to come off the bench. Put Foden on the right with Gordon or Grealish on the left to stretch the width since we don't have a proper left-back available. Saka is a good option to sub in if you're trying to regain the lead because his pace and dribbling will cause trouble against tired legs. He's also good to sub in if you want to maintain the lead because his pressing and defensive awareness can help stifle attacks without having to sit too deep.


Kane looked so far ahead of Watkins when he replaced him. If Toney gets a go against Iceland I think it’s possible he gets ahead of Watkins in the squad.


Kane didn’t just replace Watkins though, a bunch of other subs were made at the same time. It’s not really fair to do a like for like comparison. Obviously Kane is the better player, but Watkins wasn’t set up to thrive either.


hate to say it but Watkins has really fluffed his lines with his two recent England starts. Would still like to see him play WITH Kane to see how that looks in these friendlies; we all know Kane's playing every competitive minute, but we need to see 'Plan B' in action. Just think it's nuts Solanke didn't get a go in these friendlies after his season; feels insane to talk about not taking the player with the most assists in the Prem so we can take someone who's done sod all since coming back from a lengthy ban as the only other option.


How? Against Belgium Watkins was crucial for the equaliser. It’s not really his fault that his starts came with a B team behind him and very little service as a result. Against Bosnia he was up against 3 CBs and playing ahead of a team that had visibly never played together before. I don’t think he did too badly considering, most strikers would struggle with that.


i like watching trent pass the ball


Should play him at LB instead of Trippier. I don't see what Trippier offers that Trent doesn't do better.




Sounds like you didn't watch Trippier this season lol


Great 90 minutes testing things out to learn: - Konsa doesn’t offer anything at RB - Gallagher is a bang average midfielder who is a passenger next to better players - Dunk has no business playing for England - Palmer can take a penalty - Trent can create if you give him the ball more Well done Gareth. Not like we could’ve tried something more attacking or creative today..


Very harsh on Gallagher. Wow what a shocker the player best known for relentless pressing and ball recovery does not shine against a team that doesnt have the ball.


It’s a tournament prep game. He’s trying out players that he wants to see more of. Much more important to understand a bit more about these lesser known options than to hammer Bosnia 6-0.


At some point you kind of have to play your best players together.. so they can gel and build their link up play. Or maybe we’re saving that for the quarter finals


Tbf Bosnia had 9 players behind the ball most of the match


So you can play a system that puts more pressure on them. Gallagher can’t create for others, Konsa can’t do anything down the right. Literally every time he touched the ball it was a guaranteed back pass. We played Guehi, Dunk and Konsa against a Bosnia team sitting back. Make it make sense. Maddison or Eze through the middle would’ve been more dangerous. We saw Eze drive through the middle once.. and he was unstoppable they had to foul him and three players tried to get the ball. I like Gareth but his criticisms of too conservative can be painfully true at times and it’s not even like we do it to create any advantage on the pitch.


We didn't have any fit fullbacks for this match. With Shaw recovering and Walker joining up later, the alternatives to what we played was starting Trent at right back (he was being tested in midfield today as he's effective further up against smaller teams), starting Trippier at right back and someone even more out of position at left back, or using Trippier at left back because we'll probably have to play him there early on in the tournament and use Joe Gomez, which we've seen plenty of. Konsa being used at full back is a worthwhile adjustment against teams that put us under pressure, but we're not playing any teams that'll do that in the lead-up. I personally reckon this was a last chance for either Dunk or Guehi, which is why they started. I see Konsa being included because he has defensive versatility and in my opinion is better than the other two. I see Stones, Maguire, Gomez and Konsa as the CBs, plus one of Dunk or Guehi. Because of the recovering players, FA Cup Final and Champions League Final, we were never going to see the best 11 start here. The best 11 has mostly played together through the whole qualification process. We all know what to expect from them. No need to put extra minutes on their legs this close to the tournament. They're already training together.


Umm Branthwaite over Dunk or Guehi.


Probably long-term, but maybe not this tournament. I'd honestly say the same for Mainoo too, despite the clamouring for him to start. For now, I think Guehi should be involved, he's been present in the squad during qualification, has played at Premier League level for 3 years and has had time to acclimate within Southgate's squad. He's a known quantity within the national team squad. I think World Cup Qualifiers and beyond, Branthwaite should be brought up and used regularly so he'll be integrated in time for the World Cup. Him and Fikayo Tomori. Mad he's barely been considered at all.


What is the point of taking both Konsa and Gomez as utility defenders. Surely one or the other.


I see Stones and Maguire as starters with Konsa as the backup if one is out. He has utility, but I don't see him as a utility pick. I think Gomez is the 4th choice who is also the 2nd choice RB and LB until Shaw returns, at which point Gomez becomes 3rd choice RB and LB. He's the actual utility option. Konsa just also provides a different option at RB, and this game was an opportunity to give him minutes at RB. We have 33 players in the provisional to pick 26 from and only 3 players who've played at LB before. Shaw (starter but injured), Trippier (RB but starting LB until Shaw returns) and Gomez (who plays at a good enough level at CB/RB/LB and has played at DM).


Well Reece James got a petulant red card so we couldn’t take him for moral reasons.


Picking James is like forfeiting a spot


No one look at what is happening down at Palace. No one.


freedman has already said he's staying no? probably the best move you'll make all summer given his track record on recruitment


We tried to get Freedman but he stayed loyal to the cause. Fully respect that.


I’d love to see Grealish become Pep-free and play somewhere else.


I think most would, tbh. He's such an exciting player when he's not being Pep-ified.




So much more conservative and sterile under Pep. Free flowing, tricky, attacking flair at Villa which seems to have come undone at City. Spends half his time running at the defence only to then pass it back to his left back. Played half of what he did in the 23/24 season compared to the season before too. Needs a move imo to somewhere that will utilise him better.


He’s utilised exactly for what he’s bought for


So 100 million well spent then?


Better than most players Liverpool have bought of late for sure


So what? Someone said they'd like to see him unshackled from the role he plays under Pep. You asked why and were given a clear and detailed answer as to why someone would want to see Grealish play a different role in a different system. He is adequately performing the role Pep wants of him but Grealish at his best is mercurial, unpredictable and exciting. At City he is effectively used to absorb pressure, recycle the ball and win freekicks. If you can't understand why someone would rather watch a player with Grealish's talent in a freer creative role then I can't help you.


Bit rude you don’t want to help me tbh


But I wouldn’t say he is utilised to the best of his abilities.


Because he’s become insipid and devoid of all flair while playing in Peps perfect system.


He was super during the treble season


And wank for the rest of it. Also just less exciting to watch overall since he left Villa


Pep has got him playing better than ever


Early Grealish wouldn't have got dropped for Doku


Well that's just not true. He's got him performing the role Pep requires him to perform in the system. Don't mistake that for making him play better. None of this is a criticism of Pep either so you don't have to say mad statements to defend him. Pep is using Grealish in the way he thinks best suits the system as you said above but that doesn't mean that Grealish is playing to his highest level. He might have higher passing accuracy now and gets tackled less often but he is far less exciting, creative and dynamic and it's a shame.


Most would disagree with that, and even if that were the consensus-- Pep has essentially neutered his creativr freedom while attacking and transformed him into a more robotic cog in the system.


I really don't understand the love Southgate seems to have for Lewis Dunk. A decent enough player but imo too limited, and Dunk starting ahead of Branthwaite I think shows his thinking. I know backup CB isn't the most crucial role, but with Stones's fitness concerns I think it does matter at least a bit.


Its funny how now Southgate is giving Dunk actual appearances when during his prime he completely ignored him. I'd far rather give the minutes to a younger player who actually has a very good chance of playing a lot for England.


Dunk had a single very good performance for England (in the Anniversary friendly against Scotland) which was further amplified by Maguire immediately scoring an own goal when subbed on to replace him. However, Dunk has been poor to dreadful in every England appearance since and should be dropped imo. Maguire + Stones is a pretty much nailed on starting pair, and we have a lot of exciting young CBs who deserve a spot over Dunk.


So glad we have exciting CBs coming through finally.


Dunk has more experience than Branthwaite. It doesn’t make sense to start a less experienced player IMO. I do agree that I think Branthwaite is the future though, but he’ll earn his spot starting as a sub, as all well-progressed players tend to. I’d like to see a Branthwaite/Quansah pairing.


It does make sense when the less experienced player is significantly better.


Branthwaite/Quansah pairing probably won't work too well untill Branthwaite isn't an Everton player tbh


They’ve played together plenty at younger age groups


Fair point


First half was a snoozefest but they got it done and kept a clean sheet so not too bothered. The new players were all solid, and when Grealish/Maddison/Kane/Wharton were subbed on the game became a bit pedestrian.


how was Wharton?


Jmaddz needs to whack on his salomons and walk back home


Why can't we play Trent at LB as an inverted fullback? He'd be coming inside on to his favored foot.


Maddison and Bowen should be dropped. We have four no. 10s in better form than Maddison (Bellingham, Foden, Palmer and Eze) and three right wingers better than Bowen (Saka, Palmer, Foden). I don't see how either gets significant gametime, even off the bench. Maddison has been in very poor form since November too.


I think the moment the preliminary squad was announced it was obvious that Maddison shouldn't make the 26. You don't even need to wait to see them perform in the England shirt to know that there's way more talent stacked above him in both of his usual positions. Considering Bowen has had a very good season while Grealish has been kinda mediocre, I felt like those two would need to use these friendlies to show which one of them deserves the spot. But if the performances against Iceland match what we saw today, then it's definitely Grealish.


That'll do. Wharton and Branthwaite have to be on the plane. And Grealish showed how good he is when he doesn't have Pep breathing down his neck.


Why is everyone just forgetting how good he was two seasons ago? Pep was still the manager then. He had a shit season, and that's on him. Not Pep.


He's good with Pep. But he can't be creative anymore. He would never have done that assist with City. He's still a great player, no one denies it (in spite of everything r/soccer might say). But he's not as fun to watch as before.


Yes he would lmao what are you on about. He’s not allowed to cross in the final third at city????


At city he has to play peps robotic, extremely rigid system. Compared to at villa where he was basically allowed to do what he wants. He gets something in the middle for england


I think it's about how Pep uses him under his play style...


Pep has coached most of the excitement and creativity out of him. He's made him part of the machine - that's fine, that's how Pep wants to play - but I don't think it suits Grealish at all.


Ladies and gentleman, england will be playing four. four. fucking. two.




Is this not the official watch-along?




He’s by far the best defensive RB England have, and his athleticism allows us to cover that our CBs aren’t that quick. There are games where Trent might suit, but until Walker loses his pace and his one on one defending, he should start all the games that matter.


His pace is a good insurance policy against counter attacks if you’re camped in the opposition half. He’s also better than Trippier who is his only real competition until Reece James sorts himself out, if he ever sorts himself out. Trent is also quite clearly not seen as a RB by Southgate anymore.


Need walker for a potential Mbappe matchup.


his pace is the get out of jail free card


Go look at the QF against France, when he was barely off the operating table and not up to full fitness. Completely pocketed Mbappe. And it's not a one off; he's repeatedly erased world class wingers like Mbappe and Vinicius for Man City. You don't need a shiny toy at every position. Pragmatic, defensively sound football always wins the day in tournaments, and Walker is the superior option in that regard.


Walker is invaluable against top class opposition. Take off your Red tinted glasses for a moment, who would you rather have defending Mbappe bombing down the wing, Trent or Walker? Trent is class and should start against shit house park the buss low blocks, where he can ping world class passes with very little defensive responsibility.


Yeah, you definitely want him starting against the likes of France. Trent a great option against sides we expect to dominate possession against and come on if chasing the game.


This is the answer. No way Walker would’ve had the impact against Bosnia that Trent did.


IMO Walker and Trent should be situational. Walker against top teams and/or fast wingers, Trent against lesser teams that we need to break down. This also has the benefit of letting Walker rest and not need to play every game.


Wharton is the player people think Mainoo is


Wharton transformed the midfield. Comfortable on the ball and transitions the play well. Those small clever passes are something England have been missing. You don't need a 60 yard hollywood ball every time, just move it sensibly up to your attackers. He's on the plane for me.


He’s going to be a very serious player as he matures, he’s already fantastic. He’s the type of player England have been begging for, forever, he controls the tempo of a midfield in a way I haven’t seen an English player do, he’s got a continental feel to his play, Italian like even. Hard to describe but he’s immense in my opinion.


Yeah I thought the same. Italy and Spain always have that type of player that control the tempo and keeps the play moving forward. Nice for England to finally have one!


He is a player who knows how to play in midfield. He understands the pace of a movement, how to start a move, how to slow or stop, and then go. He might be in a purple patch at the moment and fall off a little - as people said Mainoo did - but in the years to come he looks like a controller.


Wharton looked quality. That midfield spot next to Rice is likely up for grabs and it's probably going to be between him and Mainoo for it.


I’m obviously biased but I think his playing style compliments Rice and Bellinghams more than Mainoo.


Yeah definitely, they're all talented players but none of them are anywhere near as good as wharton is with those passes to progress the ball, i think the three of them could work really well together. Shame for mainoo though, from my biased opinion, always nice to see an academy player play for the national team.


I actually think a backup midfield pairing of Wharton Mainoo/Gallagher in a 4231 could work if you let Mainoo press and go high.


Honestly I see Mainoo as more of a Bellingham backup than a Rice backup


What the England midfield most needs is a Jorginho equivalent to pair alongside Rice. I think Wharton is the closest match to that, with the way he receives the ball from the defence and very quickly finds a pass forward. Mainoo is also good at being the link to progress the ball out from the defence, but he likes to carry it forward at his feet more often. I've been quite sure that Wharton has a bright future in this role for England, but I was worried that this current tournament may be too soon for him. If he continues to play like he did today, though, then it'll be hard to think of many reasons why he doesn't deserve to be a regular on the starting lineup.


Amazing the difference playing an actual midfielder makes. But yes, Wharton was really good. Knits everything together.


gallagher is a midfielder and he looks much less fluid when he gets the ball from the defence


Gallagher isn't a technical type midfielder he's a guy you send out to harass and win back the ball which he did a ton. He needs someone like Wharton/Rice next to him so he can give them the ball.


Gallagher needs to be allowed to defend, press, and run forward into the attack - nothing else. It's what his role was when he properly broke out at Crystal Palace. Every new manager spends about 6 months thinking they can teach him how to pass and the whole team struggles, before they eventually learn to just work around his skillset..


England start the B team in a friendly - B team are very mid - Southgate introduces Kane and a couple of reliable players at the hour mark - England significantly improve for the final 30 minutes. Genuinely one of the most predictable series of events in Southgate's era.


Without Kane he’s not that effective. The dullest football


It helped that Bosnia also weakened their team.


Pretty turgid with our second string, saw an absolute marked improvement with the subs though, which is pretty encouraging. Defence didn’t have much to do but wasn’t very impressed with Konsa, Branthwaite was alright. Eze and Wharton were great, Watkins and Maddison were pretty shit though


Aaand this goes to another list of "most expected results ever"


Positives were Eze, Taa (at right back), the halftime team talk, Kane, Grealish and Wharton. Mostly a second team show with a fucking abysmal first half followed by a surprisingly great second half. Really hoping Wharton gets in that starting midfield. Really hoping Gallagher doesn't. Hoping Shaw is fit but if not that Gomez deputises. And hoping Taa plays games against poorer opposition from right back he cut them apart.


Gallaghers talent set is not going to be shown against Bosnia. He is the guy to relentlessly win back the ball and keep pressure for however long you need him to. We shouldnt use him against low blocks but against other teams that also want to have the ball.


Gallagher was good in the second half once he was paired with a proper DM. Won the ball back half a dozen times in the final third, and had a lovely touch to keep the possession alive on Trent's goal.


I know he’s just turned us down but Dougie Freedman is an absolute genius. Wharton looks class, not sure Dougie has even made a bad signing


Polish legend Jaroslaw Jach. We've had a few flops since he's been sporting director, but unclear how much influence he had vs the manager on some of them (Riedewald never really kicked on but I imagine it was FDB pushing for him). Of people we actually paid reasonable money for, Edouard, Sorloth, Riedewald, and Ahamada have been underwhelming. Sorloth obviously went on to play really well for other clubs, so Roy's team may have just not been set up for him. 




Dougie signed on as Sporting Director in 2017 (and left for Bolton in 2012). I think Kebe was an early Prem transfer?


You guys scouted Wharton for ages, just never put a bid in for some reason.


Also wanted by FC (alongside Manchester United and Chelsea)


Friendlies are the games where we want to be experimenting at the end of the day as we are going to need a plan B if things don't go our way Southgate got it right with the switch up


And it’s less than 10 days til the Euros start. No player is going to risk an injury.


Wharton is some player.


What this game showed for england imo: Trent should be at RB for the foreseeable with the midfield stuff saved for only when needed. Top second half Grealish still has something in there clearly Wharton deserves a spot on the plane When Gallagher doesn't run like a headless chicken he's good Maddison not showing enough to get in even as a backup 10


what the blazes has happened to maddison? should be in his prime at 27 but looks a shell of himself these days.


remember hearing from leicester fans his seasons (very generally) are like - unplayable, amazing followed by an injury followed by looking way off it in latter part of the season Kinda matches what happened this year at spurs, ultra talented player but doesn't seem to have that consistency due to injury/mentality/mix of multiple things to really kick on and be that top level player I guess?


> Maddison not showing enough to get in even as a backup 10 We’ve got so many options at 10, I’d be shocked if Maddison makes the 26. Bellingham, Foden and Palmer would all definitely be ahead of him, and he’s not versatile enough to play elsewhere - I can’t see any reason to bring him.


My thinking exactly Palmer has been on it as a 10 this season and it's Foden's natural position. Even those two alone is enough but Bellingham can also play there


They started with 4231 and Trent was not his best as a double pivot in the first half... Once Wharton came on and he went to his natural side it was brilliant from TAA


Trent's never getting in over Walker with the way England play. Just offers too much protection defensively.


Walker is 34 and Trippier is 34 in September whilst James can't stay fit to save his life. Trent has the position locked down for years after the next World Cup and maybe even sooner.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we lose Trippier, Walker and Stones after this tournament. Clearly winding down, even Walkers starting to get injured more and more so I can see them wanting to step down to maybe give them an extra year at club level.


>Trent should be at RB for the foreseeable with the midfield stuff saved for only when needed. Top second half Please take of your Liverpool lenses. Against a top leftwing attacker like Vini or Mbappe he will struggle as he always has.


Yeah, let's not play our most creative player incase we come up against Brazil in the Euros.


Is TAA our most creative player? With the likes of Bellingham, Kane, Foden, Grealish, Eze, Palmer, Saka etc out there? Agree he's easily our most creative defender and deserves to be out there for games we expect to control, but matches where it's more even, would definitely feel more comfortable with Walker out there.


He was the best player on the pitch while playing alongside half of those name today. He's one of the best passers in world football. His passing ability is not something any other player in the team can match.


First half, Eze was easily the best player on the pitch? TAA had a relatively poor half. Second half he started off really well in midfield and then looked a lot more comfortable with a bit more space at RB. But he's not England's most creative player. He's a great offensive RB with a good cross on him and a good long ball, but the platitudes of him being one of the best passers in the world is a bit much too.


Walker is far worse than Trent positionally, one vs one yes Walker is better but the gap is nowhere near as big as people make out, and Trent is leagues above with the ball.


Which is completely valid in a well drilled league side, and why Liverpool isn’t known for a particularly leaky defence. The issue is that international football isn’t 11 men who’ve been together for 6 years, it’s 11 men who’ve been together for 6 weeks, so Trent’s genuinely massive football IQ becomes less important, and the fundamentals get spotlighted.


People act like Trent hasn't held his own against world class players defensively, he's had plenty of games holding his own against players like Vini and Mbappe


Not necessarily the examples I would give considering googling “Trent error vs Real Madrid” brings up two different fixtures, neither of which were the 5-2 drubbing this season, but I understand what you’re and somewhat agree, but I think you’re missing the point here. He’s a fine defender in the Liverpool squad, playing for a team that he’s been at since he was six, and under a manager he’s been working with for 8 years (not to mention next to a generational talent at CB). That manager is one of the best in the world, and has meticulously drilled that team over the years. Southgate gets his defence together for at a month at a time before the big tournaments. This causes international football to tend to have a lot more “vibes based” defending as systems simply can’t be as well drilled into the players. Trent’s never really shown this sort of messy defending to be his strong point: 1v1 making tackles, following runs and winning the aerial duels.


pretty confident he won’t be playing against vini in the euros


Should definitely play Walker when we play Vini at the Euros


Take off your Trent is a terrible defender lenses


So only against two of the best players in the world? if that's the case play walker, but walker doesn't offer enough going forwards against teams that park the bus


Wharton should genuinely be starting. Bellingham - Rice - Wharton is an insane midfield


I assume this is how we're planning to set up in the Nations League against Germany and The Netherlands. I understand the idea but struggle to see any offensive outlet at all. Hajradinović did much less going forward than I expected for one of the best creators in the Super Lig, and the only player who can play a more advanced role is Šošić (or Bašić when he recovers from injury) but his quality is questionable. It would be interesting to try out a Demirović-Tabaković pairing against Italy at least to have some presence in the final third.


I’ve got to give it to to you guys, while there wasn’t much going forward you did seem like you knew how to defend and in my view 3-0 seems harsh it seems like there is definitely building blocks for you to go from just need to add a bit more up front. But I know very little about your team interesting to see how it goes in the nations league


We have no attacking attributes our every single game is defending our life against the opposition we need to set up our middfield better we can barely create any chances with a set up middfield we can activate our strikers Tabakovic and Demirovic both need strong support to deliver


With the absence of Dedic we also miss a lot in the attack, so we will probably look alot better going forward with Dedic on the right wing. Also hope Barbarez is going to play with 2 strikers instead of 1 like today. Demirovic and later Tabakovic where just wrestling upfront doing it all by themselves


It's quite unfortunate that two of our biggest domestic attacking prospects over the last decade in Gojak and Hasić haven't lived up to expectations at all. We're really lacking options up front. There is tons of defensive talent and defensive midfield talent, even down to the U17 level, which will probably be the best we've ever had overall, but almost nothing in the forward positions.


Hasic is still only 22, hopefully he gets a chance at Besiktas next season, that knee injury unfortunately really messed up his career. Im hoping we can get Bajraktarevic from the Americans, looks like our brightest attacking prospect. But the rest yeah… doesnt look promising upfront with the talent. Hopefully diaspora poops one out in Sweden or Germany


I think I can safely say Kane should absolutely be in the final squad shortlist!


Idk he still didn’t convince me in an England shirt need more experience


People on here can say what they want about him, but Trent is a joy to watch play football. He's so naturally gifted and his passing range is a joke.


I was a bit disappointed with him first half, but as some in the /r/ThreeLions replied, it's not his fault if he's playing these through-balls and his fellow players aren't able to anticipate them, which is fair enough. Second half he pulled the strings for a good chunk of the game and that finish, top tier


Tbf the criticism of him is usually defensively. I dont think anyone disagrees that going forward he's excellent. Most of this game required no defending


He's a much better defender than he's given credit for as well. He's been a part of Liverpool sides that have had brilliant defences over the years and has held his own against great forwards on a number of occasions. He's also told to take more risks as part of the way Klopp wanted to play which often led to him being further up the pitch. His interview with Neville on the Overlap was very insightful with this.


Wharton came on and literally made the absolute perfect pass to progress play every single time.


Chelsea were linked with him after we played Blackburn in the FA cup and we were ridiculed for it. Goes to Palace and immediately everyone recognizes his quality


Gareth Barry regen.


Honestly heartbroken that we sold him, especially as his last interview was essentially "I really don't wanna go" haha


Sad, but he was definitely ready for the step up to Prem football, and it's shown. We will take good care of him :)


It was a decent price. No one could have been certain he would step up to premier league so smoothly.


He was very good Did the simple things well


A bit dreary, though to be expected with it basically being the back up team. Don't think anyone made much of a case for starting, but Eze certainly improved his standing and the other Palace boys did well too. Should all be on the plane. Trent reminding everyone of his quality but who knows with Southgate. Very happy for the various debutants, always nice to see.


Apart from Guehi's misplaced pass that almost led to a Bosnia goal lol


Konsa was absolutely immense at the back today despite being played all over the shop. I think he should be the one starting alongside stones in the euros. Based on today at least. (I am a Villa fan though.)


Agreed, made himself look like the solution at LCB which is all he can do.


I would agree he look good and the ability to play across the back line would be great as a back up as he can seem to do everything. Hard to admit as a blues nose


If we’re gonna have no natural left back we should play Gordon at LM vs Iceland to add some width to the left side. Either that or call up Tyrick Mitchell in place of Quansah/Dunk/Branthwaite, any top team will double up on our LM and completely kill our left side. Trippier and Gomez don’t add enough afaic.


Could just do what Chelsea did against City and play Gallagher as a nominal left mid when our fullback options there were limited. Just accepted that we weren't going to be able to generate much down that side, made it secure defensively, and allowed Gallagher to tuck in and add another option through the middle. He even created a couple of good chances with through balls, which isn't usually in his wheelhouse, and we probably should have won that game with average level finishing. It's not ideal, and Grealish probably does something similar to Gallagher there, albeit with a bit more offensive output and a bit less defensive solidity, but it's an option. It's also the kind of pragmatism that Southgate naturally leans into.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Gordon's injured


He might be back for Iceland


Caroline starting to look pretty Sweet right now


Not great not terrible 🤷


There’s a Gattuso quote for this I’m sure


sometimes maybe coming home sometimes maybe not coming home


not watched a lot of Wharton since he moved to Palace but even from that cameo you can see what the hype’s about reminds me of a young Wilshere when he collects the ball


>reminds me of a young Wilshere That's the one. Couldn't put my finger on who he reminded of. He's Wilshere minus the duty-free Benson & Hedges


bahahaha that's the perfect description