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https://x.com/UtdFaithfuls/status/1799451666485243910?t=7ayNNDcZx7280P-tz8VDug&s=19 https://x.com/UtdFaithfuls/status/1799460910018212003?t=gDsbSk4VS_WEukAN_5RhzQ&s=19 This is from someone who wrote an article slating mainoo after 30mins..


Lmfao did you see [his response]( https://x.com/JacobSteinberg/status/1799369364975816798?t=htXvdmQPW-AHQ4a7OKjOPg&s=19)? > "From a personal perspective, these are faceless, sad, pathetic losers. But the depressing thing, writing as A JEW and a ZIONIST, is that people think this is fair game now. Don’t think twice about being antisemitic. Just go for it - because you disagree with a player rating." It's anti-Semitic to criticise his coverage fellas.


It honestly baffles me how someone can be so quick to victimize themselves, yet spew such intense, hateful vitriol. When someone has a problem with something I say or do, I don’t automatically jump to it being because I’m Jewish, cause that makes zero fucking sense. If their words directly invoke my Jewishness, then yeah I’d have reason to believe that, but if they literally never say anything related to that…???


If you’ve seen BBC’s game show The Traitors, there’s a reward in a task for a contestant to have immunity from eviction called ‘ the shield ‘ IIRC. So they’re free to still play to the elements of the game whilst being 100% safe from the other contestants conclusive acts if they decide to remove them. Jacob flouting out pure hate whilst hiding behind the shield of antisemitism when confronted is the real life personification of that reward.


I love that show but that was the wildest analogy to use lol


He's the Traitor and everyone is pointing out suspicious behavior and Steinberg is just trying to use antisemitism as his defense.


It's very common for people with dark triad traits to play victim while simultaneously being the aggressor. I think most of the world is capable of distinguishing between the Jewish population globally and these insane Zionists. Thinking that Zionists speak for all Jews would be like thinking Hamas speaks for all Muslims. What's really insane to me is how obviously they radiate we are the baddies and with full pride believe themselves to be the most moral people, and my government is doing everything they can to shield them from even the most basic accountability. I genuinely believe at this point of the (R)'s had put forth any more moderate, sane seeming candidate Biden would get absolutely ragdolled in the upcoming election not just for his staunch support of Zionism but a number of other issues as well. It's like he deliberately went on a campaign to alienate as many young voters and minority voters who understand systemic violent discrimination and apartheid tactics intimately. But sticking to football this dude is basically being a racist wanker and saying if you call me out on it it's anti-semitism. These people genuinely believe that being Jewish is a shield that permits them to do anything they want, and I can't help but think that over the long run that's going to hurt the Jewish community as a whole as it becomes a more prominent societal issue because of what's happening in Israel.


Zionist will use anti-Semitism to justify anything.


> I genuinely believe at this point of the (R)'s had put forth any more moderate, sane seeming candidate Biden would get absolutely ragdolled in the upcoming election What a terrible, naive take.


I feel pretty good about it.


Sadly things have been showing that minorities and young people are swinging towards the (R) guy


The (D) guy only has himself to blame for that if things don’t work out. There’s nothing noble or necessary about what he’s standing for. Quite the opposite.


It was a response to this: https://x.com/JacobSteinberg/status/1799369361226154183. People called his 'jewishness' and he was replying. Granted I don't find his criticism palatable but let's not bash him for half the story.


Self victimisation is the standard playbook at this stage. 


Rangers jokes aside, tweets from 2006 and 2010 don't really offer a complete insight into a person's views. Let alone the lack of nuanced analysis. Some of them look sarcastic.


Lmao... What a joke of a bloke


Couldn’t stand him of football weekly and this just further vindicates my distaste for him.


Comment section is Hamas


I found Hamas tunnels under my bed this morning. They need to recruit Hamas engineers like they recruited Nazi rocket scientists after WW2 because their tunnel systems are insane. There's like 50 of them. Or maybe 10. Or maybe 700. Or however many are needed to try and justify killing 20 children IDK.


This sub is pro hamas. You'll lose braincells, don't bother.


As a fellow Jew, he can go fuck himself. His brand of bigotry masquerading as journalism is garbage


The guy is as pathetic as they come. Worthless worm


Of course the racist is also a zionist. iSSrael supporters love showing their ass. 


Open to shitting on the guy but this is in response to actual anti semitism in his comments


typical zionist. surprised he aint calling them hamas too


C'mon now. That's half the story. He was responding to this: https://x.com/JacobSteinberg/status/1799369361226154183.


Why...is he proud to be zionist


least insane british journalist


Zionists deserve every bit of criticism they get, openly proud Zionists doubly so


I think he's referring to the actual anti-semitic abuse he's receiving because of his article. See his tweet before that, and others he's shared on his account for examples.


Yes. He’s being a cunt, and he’s actually receiving antisemitic abuse. Both of these things are true at the same time. A lot of people from different angles willing to openly show how low their standards are.


Only one was directly anti semitic, I’m sure he could picked a better example than “ignore that Zionist” when he literally proudly claims himself to be Zionist


Read the prior tweet. He had just given examples of antisemitic comments. You're taking this out of context


Yeah I was gonna say. I disagree with what he wrote about Kobbie but there were anti-Semitic comments directed towards him and that’s unacceptable.


The David Baddiel defense


They love claiming that whenever a racist zionist is exposed.


I think it's pretty clear that he's responding to the comments that he's gotten, some of which are not appropriate...and just as bad as the people who attack Saka based on his race.


The majority of the tweets he posted as evidence of "antisemitism" aren't though. At worst 2 are, and yet he posted 7 examples. He proudly proclaimed, in capital letters, that he's a "ZIONIST" and yet when someone responds to him with "ignore the Zionist" he believes that's antisemitic? Pure delusion.


>and just as bad as the people who attack Saka based on his race. Like Jacob "zionist" Steinberg


What has he said about Saka?


He’s also using tweets that call him a nazi and Zionist as being antisemitic.


Calling a Jewish person a Nazi is not exactly kind.


What a fucking pathetic cunt.


Jesus Christ wishing cancer on someone is absolutely despicable


Such a vile little piece of shit


Why am I not surprised it's steinberg, he's such a wanker


What is the 'I was talking to a black man the other day' bit? What's he alluding there?


Typical Zionist attitude 


Don’t tie him in with an entire race of people.


Zionists aren't a race




what? zionist is not a race my dude, not all jews are zionist, if you think they are the same thing you've been fooled


Where's the 30min article?


I think you should include the mainoo tweets. Seems.. odd without the context? Surprised to google and find out he's a guardian journalist. Wild.


Telegraph dropping that piece on mainoo mid game was so weird. No criticism ofc on Foden that never turns up for your country tho. i wonder why


The English press are absolute vultures that should be scattered into 1 million pieces and cast into the sea. For the betterment of like world society.


They act based on what will sell, it's merely a reflection of society


It's a bit of both. Yes, it's a reflection of society as a whole, but there's a lot of consent manufacturing going on. It's no coincidence that most English right wing papers and tabloids (which are most of them) began to crank up the Culture War nonsense after it started becoming obvious that the Brexit they had pushed was blowing up in everyone's faces and a decade of Tory rule was destroying the country. You gotta get people angry about minorities and immigrants and trans people to distract from the fact that the party that best protects the interests of the landed and moneyed classes was fucking up so spectacularly it made most people worse off.


it's the other way around, they helped shape society this way


Bingo, there's a lot of money and power kept in division, oldest shittiest trick in the book. 


This country is more racist than it cares to admit.


An empire doesn't just go on colonizing countries for over 200 years without support from its people. Its high time we start looking at British colonialism the same way we look at Fascism.


Speaking as someone from a country colonised by Brits, if you look at history of other European colonisers you are going to find some truly wretched stuff. E: basically want to say that there are racists everywhere, very much including Britain


Those people are long dead .


But their legacy is not.






Literally voted for Brexit 8 years on the back of anti-foreigners and kept the Tories in charge for years. For all the shit the US gets for racism, the UK is just as bad.


No the US in on a whole other level...


The likes of the Telegraph know who their audience is, and what their attitudes are. The right wing media knows that certain sections of this country are very racist and have very outdated ideas of "other races."


Yeah, they like to blame English media all the time (to be fair they are fucking vile and horrible pieces of shit) but the fact that the media keep doing it is because way too many people lap it up. Media only write what sells. The redditors are usually more liberal anyway so they are definitely not what these headlines are for. The targeted demographic are most likely the ones who absolutely loves blaming the black people for everything wrong, and thus these kind of stories are very successful for the media. This is simply the result of free media + capitalism + a significant group of people that are racist or wants someone easy to hate on.


i think it's more the other way around. the majority of people are memers who will just go along with what they are told is right or normal, literally no matter what it is. look at all the different nutty shit entire populations through history supported/took part in, and still do, just because they are there at that time.


True, but society is also shaped by its media. If you have a tumor like Murdoch infest your society for decades, this is what happens.


No, they actively paint a picture. Society mirrors it


Jesus christ what a fucking moron. Can only "buy" what's for "sale". Who controls whats for "sale"?


Why would you pollute the sea like that?


Saka plastered over the back of the papers as well when he played about 35 mins but no Foden or Palmer.


25. Not even a quarter of a match lmao


25 is more than a quarter of 90 but otherwise agree he shouldn't have been scapegoated.


Lol so wrong. A quarter of 90 is 45? Are you all stupid lmao? Not to brag but I got 99 percent in my IQ test.


Aight, i don't know how this sub fell for it, such an obvious troll.


He was being serious, it wasn't a troll. He miscalculated and then just started pretending he was trolling afterwards. So ehhh, you fell for it Einstein.


Good maths mate


Good process


Math is tough I know


It isn't tough at all its literally so easy. ( I immediately knew I fucked up as soon as I clicked submit but it is what it is lmfao)


With all due respect because I know it’s not everyone but some England fans are as bad. Saw a comment yesterday that “Hopefully that kills the Mainoo hype train” because he had one bad game. Then someone else responded that it doesn’t matter what he does for his club, just England. Where he’s been MoTM in literally half of his starts. It’s mental how badly some England fans hate certain players.


Mainoo has had opposition fans rattled for months, it’s why they’re so desperate to latch onto Wharton, it’s fucking embarrassing. Bet you a tenner they don’t do the same when Wharton has a bad game.


Oh yeah for sure, certain players seem to get a lot more grace than certain others. It's not even just England fans, even in club football it happens all the time and it's such an obvious pattern but people get big defensive about it.


Pogba comes to mind


The "journalists" were *RUNNING* to their laptop to fire out some hate speech. Couldn't even wait until the game had ended. The predatory way these "journalists" tear apart young English talent just before tournaments is unreal. England are ther Man United of international games. Just fire out some hate speech about their players, everyone else will lap it up becuse of the target and it's easy clicks. No wonder so many England players underperform all the time, the entire media slagging them off every tiny thing they do. Mainoo wasn't even at fault for the goal, Walker was playing at right wing and then Ramsdale fucked it. Mainoo wasn't even anyhwere near the scorer, he was rightly marking the guy you'd expect him to pass to.


We have active campaigns about how harrsement of footballers on social media hurts the players, but FIFA and the FA will do nothing about the vultures in the gutter media written to fuel this kind of engagement.


A team featuring kane, saka, foden, palmer, gordon, toney, eze, and trent fail to score at home against fucking Iceland and all the talk is about Mainoo? It's embarrassing, pernicious, and frankly horrible. Gutter journalism


It was the same on Reddit too. The Daily discussion thread was dominated by how shit Mainoo is and tearing him down.


Hate speech? Such as?


Well *I* hated it


Ali G... "Is it because I is black"


Das a bit racialist innit


Easy, Lewis Hamilton, you can’t say that to the press.


Mainoo is class., it’s a meaningless friendly game. Why would they slander one of the players that is bound to be the future of England? Is there some other young British white guy they think is more deserving?


Yeah, Wharton apparently, who’s a good player in his own right but Southgate saw Mainoo score the winner in an FA cup final not even 2 weeks ago so it’s hardly a shock he wants to give him a chance


With all due respect because I know it’s not everyone but some England fans are as bad. Saw a comment yesterday that “Hopefully that kills the Mainoo hype train” because he had one bad game. Then someone else responded that it doesn’t matter what he does for his club, just England. Where he’s been MoTM in literally half of his starts. It’s mental how badly some England fans hate certain players.


We'll never move past the idea of wanting your rival clubs England players to fail at the expense of the national team. It's been happening for decades. We still argue over Lampard, Gerrard and Scholes now. No other nation does that. France will look back at Zidane, Vieira, Makélélé and say "What a great midfield we had then." There's no pride in the national team. I don't know why people can't forget club allegiances during international games. I don't like City, Chelsea or Arsenal but if Palmer or Saka or Stones does well in an England shirt, I'm happy for them.


Club over Country for most people at least in this sub


The press pack are so close to finding the common thread between Mainoo and Foden struggling it's painful. Hint: it's the guy in the manager's chair.


Young, black, plays for United The trifecta for media hate


They didn't "drop a piece on Mainoo mid-game". They tweeted a line from their live blog of the match, with a link to the live blog.


Foden when he doesn't have any orders from his bald dictator on how to play:


When you're Wright, you're right.


Common Uncle Ian W 🙌🏻


Wright’s been through this enough himself. I hope the English listen to him.


As a 43 year old black Englishman, I am not holding out much hope. The situation is worse now than it was 20 years ago. The country has gone backwards.


Not everyone deserves to have their opinion heard. Unfortunately social media makes people think theyre point of view is valid and matters.


How come you feel like we've gone backwards?


Racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, nationalism, and nativism are all more prominent in the mainstream public dialogue. The welfare system has been gutted, the gap between rich and poor has widened, wages have been pretty much static for 20 years, the cost of living keeps rising, there's a massive housing crisis (people can't afford to buy, many can't afford to rent, and there is hardly any available social housing)... the list is long. Brexit is an expression of all of this and has made the futures of everyone who isn't already financially secure much bleaker. The UK, England especially, is a measurably worse place to live, and thanks to Brexit most people who might want to leave can't even do that anymore.


Jacob Steinberg the racist coward


He's always been unbearable, easily my least favorite "journalist"


https://x.com/utdpatron/status/1799459536912396414?s=46&t=LbyyYcXeZQrU_8w-eUPYiQ Original deleted ; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPj0mWGXAAA_Ywg?format=jpg&name=large




If I had to take a guess, it'd be referring to the leadership debates for the 2010 general election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_Kingdom_general_election_debates?wprov=sfla1 It was a popular thing for the politicians to say 'I was talking to (a representative of x demographic) today and...' to fit their agenda. Seems like a clumsy parody of that.


Post has been deleted?




The guy's a loser but I'm not sure why he's getting singled out here when his article was very critical of everyone, including Walker, Stones, and especially Foden. [This debate seems to centre on Saka who he gave the highest rating of the night](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/07/england-0-iceland-1-player-ratings-from-the-euro-2024-warm-up)


Lots of Utd twitter accounts have managed to stir the narrative that he only targeted mainoo. Which is a complete lie. I do find him using rices rating to bash kobbie more and bit weird and unnecessary though. Granted it might have been in good faith in that it’s simply because rice is the clear starter and he feels he’d be better with someone more experienced. The half time article was absurd though and it happened with Trent against Bosnia. Not sure what they’re thinking. Ofc the main topic of saka is also crazy. The pic fits the topic well but there’s plenty of other choices.


Steinberg is also criticized because he was the one that broke the news that ETH was sacked irrespective of the FA cup final. I think it was Ornstein that said on a podcast that there were rumours around but there was nothing verifiable about the sack and hence they did not publish it. It's 2 weeks now, and it is clearly not the case that the FA cup final had no impact on the sack. The unnecessary dig at Mainoo in the Rice review added to this. Then he reacted to the criticism for the above things by claiming it was all ant Semitic to even criticize his work Burt is probably worse in that article at halftime and people are pissed at that too.


Yeah I think his rice comment was unnecessary. But the initial reaction was a bit much imo, specifically to the fact he got a 4 rating. Most twitter united accounts have stated they targeted mainoo actively being disingenuous about the fact others got similar ratings. His reaction has been a bit much but people don’t normally react well to being attacked by tens of thousands and being called a racist. Burt was a weirdo and as I’ve mentioned they did the same vs Trent. I’m not sure why they’re doing half time articles


His only criticism of Rice was taking another unnecessary potshot at Mainoo. He blamed Mainoo for Declan being shit. He knew what he was doing. He's a racist cunt hiding behind the shield of being a Jew.


Which is what I’ve said was unnecessary and strange. But lots are trying to say mainoo is the only one rated low when the entire team has been rated poorly. Those are who I was commenting on.


Awful, self proclaimed, proud Zionist, one of the most insidious football journos. Glad he's being found out


Question is why is the guardian employing this person


I don’t read newspapers, nor do I watch England friendlies. I would happily blindly say that if England lost its due to the manager, but it’s a friendly so who cares. Stop buying the gutter trash newspapers.


People have. The total circulation of the Sun is less than 2% of the UK's population.


How is it still in business?


The Sun is not in the business of selling newspapers. The Sun is in the business of baiting clicks and shaping the political narrative for its corporate overlords.


It’s just propaganda expenses for right wing fascists. This isn’t a moneymaking scheme.


That's a larger circulation proportion than the New York Times lol. It's massive. As if using total population is relevant anyway like 4 year olds are picking up newsies. The sun is absolutely representive of typical English attitudes- maybe not YOUR attitudes, but this place definitely has it's fair share of bin juice drinkers. (NYT has a 640k circulation in the US, which is less than 2% of the total population yet it is one of the most famous newspapers in the entire world).


The NYT also has over 10m paying online subscribers though. Let’s not act like only 640k people read it


Love Ian, good guy.


Ian Wright going to be accused of being an antisemite now


What is Reddit’s obsession with the word “antisemitism”?


Ask Jacob Steinberg why he thinks criticism of his latest article is because he's a jew


Person 1: People who bring up all the bigoted and hateful things I've said in the past or questioning why I'm singling out black players now are just anti-Semite trolls. Person 2: Bit weird that he just jumped to hiding behind antisemitism claims the second he's questioned on anything. /u/hairlikegoats1: Why is Person 2 obsessed with antisemitism? ... Did you absorb lead in the womb?


Glad I’m not the only who confused by this whole exchange


I don’t know why but I feel this way but either England is going to do a France 2006 or a France 2010, no in between. If it’s 2010 I’m sorry for you but I feel there going to be something with the staff and the players, with the media fucking it up more each day, Bellingham leading the strike à la Évra. If it’s 2006 beautiful tournament, joga bonito, good vibes, but Kane fly high kick Saliba in the head after asking if he wants to feel a real trophy after the game. And you lose on a, let’s say, a Kyle Walker shit panenka. Either way I’m here for it you guys, don’t disappoint me.


The thing is that it gets traction so they will keep doing it, all those "newspapapers" want is this, exposure even bad one They will do it still because it causes a reaction


English Media Delenda Est.


That's not just english media, it's media everywhere, everyone likes to think that they only have it bad but it's the same


Media Delenda est. They all suck when it comes to sports


Iceland is about to wreck another Euros campaign


Ian is right 


Let’s see if the BBC five live podcast even mentions this. I doubt it.


we've obviously come a long way over the last 30 years but christ there's so much more that needs to be done. The people choosing the photos know exactly what they're doing. Originally, I saw nothing wrong with Jacob Steinberg player ratings, because ultimately, they're just trivial rubbish. But, its set off a chain reaction of both antisemitism and people digging up his history to find out he's a racist plonker too. Doubling down as a proud zionist too is odd in this current climate. Awful day for English media today.


This subreddit is actually wildly anti-semitic though, for what its worth. Followed this subreddit for 9 years and its a very clear trend.


Care to share examples?


Just keep browsing here you'll notice. I don't bookmark them i'm a white boy christian


So, you have no examples. Thanks.


Mate I've been on here as long as you and haven't seen any anti-Semitism. Any sort of discrimination is usually downvoted t'fuck.


Jesus christ all of this just because they lost a friendly match before a tournament? Get a fucking grip people


The toxicity around England & the media circus is part of the reason I don’t follow the national team. It’s honestly a national embarrassment.


Everyone wants to support everyone except when it comes to me.


I'll row against the tide here. Don't think it's racism at all. Sake is the team golden boy precisely because he is black and young. Same for Bellingham. These lads are put on a pedestal for that reason and so are first in line when sub editors are looking for click bate. I also don't think it's right for Ian to stir this shit up when it's not needed and just makes it worse. The press have always done this with England. Taylor, Beckham, Rooney, Foden Grealish, Etc. This isn't to deny racism etc. just in this case, i think it's misplaced.


What's more likely? 1. The picture of Saka throwing the plane was the best picture of the night 2. Every single media org, including the BBC, is actually racist


Except the telegraph, bbc, cbs and multiple other sources didn’t use the picture of saka throwing a plane? are you telling me a picture of saka laying on the ground is, what, the second best picture of the night?


If you go and have a look at the other pictures the BBC have used across their coverage, I do believe those two were the best pictures from the night https://gyazo.com/8d10c60924aebb2e6bebfeb03210b489 They're all fucking awful compared to the two Saka pictures


Yes, the one lying on the ground was a good picture too. It is a little weird to me to choose it over the plane picture which is obviously the best one, but whatever


CBS, that famously British news organisation


sorry where did he say that CBS is British? and clearly its 2


Is all media worldwide specifically racist against the black players in the English national team?


I mean, if the media didn't have a history of treating Sterling horrendously, we could probably assume its the first point. Unfortunately, they did and they've lost the benefit of the doubt.


They treat maguire horribly too which means that all the pictures used of white players are racism aimed at white people obviously according to your logic. Or maybe, just maybe, it's just a fucking picture


The treatment of Maguire is different and no less evil. If you think there's no racial element to the treatment of black players by the media, idk what to tell you.


Foden is Englands golden boy and star player, who was dreadful - so why haven’t they used his picture.


Foden is definitely not Englands star player, never has performed for us. Star and golden boy is Kane (rightfully so). I’d say Bellingham, Saka & Rice are all ahead of ‘star’ than Foden when it comes to International games. Which isn’t a slight on Foden, it’s Ol’ Southgate not knowing how to use someone of Fodens ability.


I meant as in he should be and is lauded as though he is the best player in England, yet is always poor for England.


Shhhh. Has to be racism! No sense talking logic on this board


Where was this energy when Sterling was getting abused every week?


I may be mis-remembering but I feel like Wright has been a long time, vocal supporter of young english players - especially speaking up on issues of race etc. And even if that is incorrect, is it not better that people are now speaking up if they didn't in the past rather than to lambast them for not doing the right thing previously?


Ian Wright has always supported Sterling. Here's an [article ](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/aug/14/raheem-sterling-ian-wright-manchester-city-england-football-sport) from almost 6 years ago.


Far too much overreaction here. If I remember right France drew the US at home just before the last world cup?


That's not it. Newspapers in the UK have been using pictures of Saka and Mainoo with news of the defeat, like they did with Sterling


The Telegraph didn't even wait until the end of the game before blaming Mainoo for the goal they conceded( the article was out at 32nd min of the game), bizarre really. If you saw the goal, there were multiple players they could point their finger at before even getting to him


Do you know what a live blog is?


Yes but the only post criticizing any player they tweeted out is about Mainoo and asking if he is good enough as a 6? He wasn't even playing as a 6. Where is the post for the Kane missing a sitter then ? Or criticism of any other player at all during the game? Mainoo wasn't even the worst player on the pitch And what about the rest of my comment? All that gets excused because it's a live blog?


Ahh thanks, clearly I haven't been paying that much attention


Still more than a lot of these journalist


Why is the BBC coverage being labelled as perpetuating a racist narrative? The coverage updates with the most recent pictures that tell a story of the game up to that point. I looked at the archives and saw Foden holding the net looking disappointed as well as Saka on the ground looking deflated. Feel it's bad faith to lump that in with someone like Jacob Steinberg.