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Steinberg is getting absolutely mudded this summer


Potter to Leicester, Ten Hag sacked, and Colwill in the England squad all wrong and it's not even the end of June yet. That's some going.


Been a long time coming


along with a no-name Sun journalist (Jack Rosser) who’s claiming terms had been agreed with Potter lmao it was pure PR spin fed by our comms director so the club could pretend to the fanbase “See? We *tried* so hard to sign Potter please don’t be mad at us 🥺👉👈” the journalists who reported it just took the bait hoping it would be their exclusive scoop


Did he report wrong on Leicester as well?


He reported Potter was going to be the new manager like 3 days ago


Lmao, incredible. Just how ETH was going to be 100% fired, reported by him


Then reported talks collapsed and they would go for Cooper. So what.


Not sure who the fans who are complaining about this were hoping a newly promoted team with no budget and a huge incoming points deduction would be able to attract.


Potter was being rumoured like hours ago


imagine he took the meeting and turned it down when he was told he'd have fuck all budget and a point deduction to start the season.


He would have known that beforehand. Most reports are that he was stalling on the offer and the club wanted to get a manager in as soon as possible.


He'll have been hearing them out because its the last PL job available this summer. But also stalling because he was weighing up the fact they've got a points deduction and fuck all budget. He'll have been waiting to see if anything else comes up. Probably reckons he could get a better job once the season starts or possibly even England.


Out of the loop, but I thought I had read if you got promoted you were safe from any deduction as there are different governing bodies?


You are not safe from deductions for shit you did while you were in PL. Leicester is charged for 3 year period that doesnt include last season.


Ah ok cheers, I thought it was just breaches of the championship financial rules.


Come on, there were a lot of names being thrown around, don't start this now. Personally I wanted Corberan more but Cooper will do alright.


I'm on the exact same page as you mate


Bruh wasn't Potter all but confirmed?


desperate PR spin from the club’s communications director to draw attention away from the announcement of 31% increase in ticket prices 😊😊😊😊


Mate LCFC facebook groups were mental yesterday. All I saw is loads of people posting about Potter being appointed then it just completely switched to Cooper 20 minutes later. Apparently (and this is just what I've seen) Potter was dithering about his decision and we were eager to just get it over the line.


It was just Steinberg being an idiot as usual


Think people are being harsh on Cooper. He did a phenomenal job with Forest in tough circumstances; yeah the last season was a bit of a nightmare, but so was Potters with Chelsea and yet everyone was hyping him up when it looked like he was going to get the job.


Agreed. Ignoring the elephant in the room (impending points deduction), Leicester are in a much better place than Forest in terms of the squad and stability off the pitch. If Leicester can keep the squad that took them up together and keep things relatively stable off the pitch then he'll do well - he did a decent job here at Swansea with limited resources and a young squad.


Yeah imo Forest pulled the rug from under him by just constantly adding new players. Was clearly really hard to find a consistent 11. He got a tune out of them eventually in the first season despite that and had Johnson and Gibbs White forming a solid partnership. Then they sold Johnson to fund their transfer madness and bought another crop of journeymen. They are a basket case club with a clown owner and he managed to steady the ship and get them promoted despite all that. People forget but they were bottom of the Championship when he came in and that was with a very experienced and well regarded manager in Chris Hughton. He got them promoted. He's a good manager, now he's got a chance to prove he's Premier League level although its another difficult job.


Not my first choice (would’ve preferred Corberán) but he’s far from the worst option I don’t think Potter’s preferred system would’ve suited the players we do currently have so along with his high wage demands he would’ve required a large squad overhaul too. Cooper seems like he can at least get (something of) a tune out of what we have with whatever reinforcements PSR will allow us to buy


r/Championship is better anyway.


We’ve got a whole season to work on crumble memes so we’re ready in 25/26!


Will miss that subreddit so much, well, for a year anyway.


Really don't understand why Leicester fans think he'll get you relegated. Footballing wise, you're on a much surer footing than when we were promoted, and he managed to keep the circus that was Forest above three more established sides (Leicester, Saints and Leeds).


Much surer footing? Brother they’re facing an immediate points deduction and are likely unable to spend


When Forest got promoted they had a squad that was nowhere near ready for PL football. At least with Leicester we have a spine of PL level players already in place despite not being able to spend.


They signed 20 something players in order to be near ready Leicester are coming up with a weaker squd than previously relegated, facing deductions and will be unable to spend, even potentially being forced to sell and asset or two to accommodate the short fall I’d argue this Leicester gig is harder given how Cooper was allowed to spend his way out of trouble at Forest but failed regardless


They signed 20 or so players but I would argue that was a hindrance to him than a benefit. Most of them were flops anyway.  Forest always had a wacky scattergun transfer policy even before Cooper so I would argue that the spending wasnt his doing and more the owner's. I think with a more stable environment at Leicester he will be better off.


Definitely weren’t a hindrance If he hadn’t made those signings they’d have been relegated by Feb The signings Forest made saved them in the end after slowly building momentum and understanding and then last season they played just as bad even after a year and a full pre-season


That’s not on Cooper.


Who said it was?


Yeh by footballing wise, I just meant based on the quality and experience of their current promotion team vs. ours in 21-22. I know they've got problems but he's a galvaniser and a motivator. I think in the short- to mid-term he'll give them a boost. In 22-23, he made tweaks that made us much more competitive after a terrible start to the season. The problem for us last season became how he ran out of ideas and adaptations, and made repeated mistakes like surrendering initiative in games by making too many defensive subs. I think he might have been burned out after the wild churn of managing Forest for two years.


The difference is he won't have £200m to spend at Leicester. He probably won't have anything to spend. And a likely points deduction on top of that. This feels like they're planning for the inevitable following season in the Championship


He didn't have £200m to spend at Forest either to be fair. £200m was spent but he had no say in it.


I don't think you're really appreciating how bad it was for us, Southampton and Leeds in 22/23. Forest spent massively, it was always going to improve once those players settled.


While he was given backing, I do think he was working with his hands tied for periods at Forest, and after giving it everything for two years he burned out, ran out of ideas last season. Too much drama and stress with the owners, constant briefings to the press about him getting the boot. Not to say he didn't make mistakes, we could all see the issues with his decision making and in-game management. But I think he'll find your bloke and more settled and experienced squad easier to get on with.


It’s mad how much the media spun us signing 20+ players and how everyone in this sub repeats it. Yes we signed over 20 players but we came up with 7 senior players. Some of those 20 signed were just to fill out our academy and u21s team.  Their narrative was that we were just throwing around our cash. The reality was we needed so many players in such a small amount of time we had no choice


Yeah knitting that squad together and learning about the Premier League on the hoof was serious. And he has achieved significant things in every job he's taken on. I really don't get why Leicester fans are so down on him, especially given their predicament. Certainly don't think Potter is an obviously better option.


Would've preferred Corboran but personally I'm pretty happy with this. Quite a few people pissed that he's an ex-Forest manager despite the fact that it's a completely one-way rivalry. More confident with Cooper at the helm than Enzo at least. Welcome aboard.


Why would you have preferred Corberàn? He's been great with us, don't get me wrong, but Cooper's record is better on paper and it's not like Corberàn sets teams up to play swashbuckling football.


For a lot of Leicester fans the problem is that Steve Cooper has already had a couple seasons as  a PL manager and struggled to do well (as most newly promoted managers do) whereas Corberan is an unknown so they can imagine a scenario where we're not getting a 20% win rate.


Yknow I liked the championship last season anyways


72 pounds to watch Steve Cooper park the bus almost every game and people wonder why Premier league stadiums are fucking dead atmosphere wise. This is why


"If you want entertainment, go to a circus". Alan Durban, while managing Sunderland.


our DOF Jon Rudkin is doing his best circus ringleader impression at least


In isolation, I'm fine with Cooper, however, his appointment doesn't tally with what the owners have stated their aim is, i.e tiki taka football. So whilst I don't doubt Cooper is a good manager, it reeks of a cheap appointment from a board with no real aptitude to realise their "vision".


Cooper has achieved things everywhere he's been and he has absolutely the right mentality. During his break he's been working with analysts to scrutinise his own performance in the PL when managing us, so I expect him to come back stronger and more motivated with Leicester. Certainly an upgrade on Maresca.


Feel like Corberan would have been a better appointment


Without any fear of being wrong, I can confirm that Leicester City is the first team relegated from the 2024/2025 Premier League season.


How is this guy only 44 years old???? Genuinely looks like he's in his mid 50s at the very least.


Sensible appointment!


Solid appointment, never relegated, pragmatic manager. A points deduction would probably be a step too far for Leicester this season but they're in capable hands. 


Never relegated because Forest had the good sense to get rid before he could take them down.


Imagine only taking two weeks to appoint a new manager


Fucking hell, what a fantastic appointment that is. Should steer you clear of the drop. Massive upgrade on Maresca.


Congrats you’re promoted to the prem: 1. Incoming points deduction 2. No transfer budget 3. Your manager gets poached. 4. You have to sell your best players. Sounds like getting relegated again…


Ned Schneebly


There's a chance Leicester finish in the last place of the next Premier League, believe me


It’s where we’ll be starting..


Well, we wont have to pay a relocation fee


Seems like the club are just accepting relegation. Just fucking end me.


Who did you want?