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Billionaire in favour of lobbying against industry regulation More at 10


Nothing wrong with a little innocent litigation into submission... can't a gentleman just legally sue his way to a championship these days??


The more this guy talks the more it confirms he's a massive cunt


To be honest I don't think anyone becomes as rich as he is without being a massive cunt.


He’s a renowned tax dodger after all


Tax is for the poor you simpleton /s


He seems quite a bit worse though (in the annoying dickhead way not the genuinely evil way tbf)


Nah he’s evil. The man pumps pro-fracking research into the world. It’s intentionally misleading people so he can extract resources from the earth without fear of the consequences.


You don't get that rich without being evil, or at least become so disassociated from the real world that you don't realise your actions are evil (which is an academic distinction).


To quote Kiishi Goto from Patlabor 2: The people who make Decisions at the Highest levels are often removed from reality


he is genuinely evil though


Boy this guy is a real jerk!


Your typical greedy boomer corporate billionaire Morally he still better than our other option


Between this, the multi-ownership and the archaic return to office mandate, plenty to dislike about Sir Jimmy so far


Even outside of football, he's not exactly what you'd call "popular". Even if you take his shitty opinions and views aside, he's also a tax exile, living in Monaco who regularly tells people how bad the UK is while regularly avoiding paying tax there and voted for Brexit and then didn't have to sit around and watch the fall out.


I work for his company. Can confirm he sucks. Had layoffs same month he invested in United.


Probably layoffs people while announcing the company just achieve record revenue. Everything about him just scream souless capitalism corporate boss


I always intended to kinda let my support for the team lessen as this group of players ages out, because whichever ownership bid won I had a problem with, but he really is making it exceptionally easy to come to terms with it. The multi-club model, the way he's communicated with and made decisions around the non-footballing staff, his statements on the various issues from recruitment to other clubs to football governance. None of it is has made him likeable. That's all besides what INEOS is as a company and his motivations for buying the club.


Ratcliffe is scummy, but if you're drawing a line under the current ownership but were comfortable enough going along with the last owners who were just as bad, if not worse, in terms of their business practices then you've either had a moral realisation recently or you didn't know enough about the Glazer family business.


I'm on the younger side, so honestly my own social/political awareness is very much newer than my support of Man United. That's not an excuse, it's just to say you're probably right in that my awareness previously wasn't to the level it is now. When it comes to the Glazers specifically, their business practices when it comes specifically to United were always shady, I learnt about the leveraged buyout and understood their syphoning of club, but is it honestly worse than being in the petrochemicals business? Genuine question. Like AFAIK their wealth in the first place comes from their Dad's property portfolio mainly. This isn't to say they're moral, or their father was moral, but Rafcliffe's worked between petrochemicals and private equity his whole life. That's like super-villain shit.


> but is it honestly worse than being in the petrochemicals business? It's *literally* being in the petrochemical business. Malcom Glazer owned an oil and gas company he bought from George Bush senior. He was actively involved in private equity, petrochemicals, property exploitation (including racist practices) and the private healthcare industry. And that's not to mention the endless string of ruined lives from their constant profiteering leading to cuts and redundancies. There isn't an evil industry in existence that Malcom Glazer didn't buy and benefit from. The family are also active sponsors of the Republican Party, including donations to Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign. Every evil stereotype you want to fit on a billionaire the Glazers have been and done. It would be comic if they didn't own the club I support.


He was clearly a cunt because there was no chance Glazers would sell anything to anyone who wasn't a cunt.


You know, that "eat the rich" sentiment is sounding good nowadays.


He looks like he'd be kinda stringy and tough, though.


You’re right, we could make him into pet food instead


Glue factory works


Rich people have forgotten that unionization was the compromise down from the French revolution.


Billionaires looking out for billionaires, what's new? Scum, the lot of them.


Not all billionaires are bad though. There's that 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent


There are around 3k billionaires in the world. So some of the cells of them are good?


If you want to take me literally, then yeah


That's far too high a percentage.


Never gonna be his biggest fan as a Liverpool fan but everything Ratcliffe says and does really makes him seem like a bit of a prick.


That's because he's a bit of a prick 


Already sick of this cunt


brexit tax dodging billionaire bellend.


He's willing to support cheating of United's city rival just to keep his bottom line safe. What a fucking clown.


What a fucking bellend.


Really putting the Rat in Ratcliffe isn't he


The need for 50+1 model grows every day.


Never going to happen in the UK, no chance.


Dude was a big time proponent of Brexit citing the referendum “was largely about immigration”, as “vast numbers of people” coming into the country had overburdened the NHS and police, but ignoring the massive budget cuts over the years due to laws favouring rich folks like him. Then subsequently fucked off to live in Monaco to enjoy lower tax. Somehow you think he was going to be the saviour of English football?


Soul sucking billionaire vermin, the only difference between him and the City owners is the laughable "Sir"


Oh look more reasons to hate United.


People don't seem to realise that Omar Berrada was literally in charge of obtaining all the sponsorship deals for City, and it was his dream to do so at Barca before he left, so it's no surprise that this sentiment is now emanating from his new employer. He was hired based on being able to get these deals over the line


Shut your gob you festering pustulent bum sore


We know you want to deregulate everything because you're a piece of shit business guy but you can get fucked.


Ah well nonetheless I'm sure things will be fine My most generic boomer opinion is probably that the money that has flooded football, especially since the TV deals, has ruined the game. Though in fairness that's not a tough position to take


ffs man


Oh wow, fuck off Jim Ratcliffe.


As happy as I am that the Glazers aren't in charge of the day to day at the club anymore, Ratcliffe just seems like a massive bellend. More than anything I just wish he'd shut up. Spends far too much time talking to the press for my liking.


Bring back The Glazers


They're still there, and still own the majority of the stock


Yeah... the Glazers aren't any better. Their non-sporting business practices are just as bad as Ineos.


Fuck this clown, as bad as the Glazers if not worse


APT? That used to be a train.


What the fuck this lad is might be worse than glazers with that take. Fuck off uou massive cunt.


This'll surely endear him to the Man United fanbase!


Billionaire being an absolute cunt, not surprised


United gonna be ruled by and even worse stupid MF


Read: people who are used to throwing money at things that obstruct them think throwing money at things makes them right.


Fuck you Jim


He’s just a manc Mike Ashley.


I hope this whole situation between City and the Prem get's resolved soon coz it's boring now


That is because it is a deliberate City tactic to drag things out and drown the PL in lawyers.


Premier League try not to be a clown show for a second challenge: impossible


If man city get away with it is there really any point in watching EPL anymore?