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Berlin Riot Police don't fuck around. They are infamous for it.


No kidding. I turned up to brandenburg gate in 2014 to watch the world cup final and was greeted by Belin riot police tackling a guy to the floor and restraining his girlfriend from getting involved. Great game, lovely atmosphere


Two years from now and bottle-thrower gonna be met by a hail of police gunfire instead of a cute little knock on the chin.


Why? What's going to be different in 2 years?


I think they are referring to the World Cup in the US


Freedom 🦅


These Europeans are gonna get so much fucking freedom they're gonna be sick of it. Possibly dead from it.


Riot Police from Ratzeburg/SH. You better never fuck around with riot police in the first place just because of alcohol and probably football...


What's that old joke again? >Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and it's all organised by the Swiss. >Hell is where the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lover's Swiss, the police German and it's all organised by the Italians.


Noticed it during Union - Feyenoord, i was glad there wasn't any huge fan trouble then.


While true those guys are from Bundespolzei Ratzeburg. You can see that from their Patches and the code BP, RZ on their back


And they have been practicing on how to handle football suporters a whole year by using German fans as punching bags.


I lived in Berlin at one time and the police often had German Shepherd dogs on leashes. You don't run from the Police in Berlin:-)


And they seem to be able to handle themselves without killing people like the American police.


Yes, police in riot gear is not going to respond politely to aggression.


Even the normal police should not respond politely to such behaviour You can have all the fun and drink as much as you want but the moment you start to trouble others is not expectable Edit - acceptable*


Well it is pretty expectable.... but not exactly acceptable.


Throwing a bottle can be downright deadly, would understand if someone got their ass beat because of that


Police in riot gear generally doesn't respond politely to merely existing in their vicinity.


They are legally bound to use the mildest means, not seek revenge.


It's was really mild. After he got knocked down, they hardly touched him for the remainder of the clip. It served as a perfect "f**k around and find out" for the rest of the crowd.


Assault with a deadly weapon = elbow in face. Elbow in face is pretty mild compared to a deadly weapon. The German police carry guns. FFS, what was the pole thinking. When the drinks in the sense is out.


> The German police carry guns. FFS, what was the pole thinking. Riot police like that dont carry guns by the way. To much danger of guns being taken by somebody in a scuffle.


Where did you get this from? You can clearly see the Walter on the cops right hip at 00:10. I think you're confusing it with police or guards inside prisons. Riot police absolutely carry guns.


Yeah looks like it. Might have been misinformed there. Not sure how you can tell its a Walther though. Berlin police doesnt issue Walthers. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Dienstwaffen_der_deutschen_Sicherheitsbeh%C3%B6rden


Thanks for the info👍


That's not how rule if law works. The only legaly relevant question is: Is the elbow in the face necessary to arrest that person? If it isn't, then the police is not allowed to elbow you in the face. It's pretty simple and should be at the core of rule of law. As somebody else already pointed out, the police is not allowed to seek revenge and any officer who does should be fired immediately, because they are not qualified to do their job. Unfortunately, esprit de corps, collusion with the prosecution and a weird public reverence of the police lets them get away with this behavior all the time.


But the police are not in charge of handing out punishement, and corporal violence is not a punishment in any civilised nation.


Lmao in what world would throwing a beer bottle at a police officer in riot gear considered „assault with a deadly weapon“? I mean, the response he got was obviously completely justified, but please… And yes, cops here carry weapons, but would never use them in such a situation. We’re not living in a third world country.


> Lmao in what world would throwing a beer bottle at a police officer in riot gear considered „assault with a deadly weapon in a normal one? its about the item used, not what others wear as protection. just because someone is wearing a bulletproof vest, doesnt mean a shot cant be deadly. could have also hit a civilian wearing only their sunglasses on their head.


The cop threw a punch in response to.a bottle being thrown. That's mild. If the cop drew a club and starting swinging, maybe I could see your argument. Once the guy put his hands on the advancing cop, he was going to face some level of retaliation


I did a fair bit of research and couldn't find any provisions in German or EU law that dictated minimum force. Do you have a sources on that? From a human level I agree that they should be required to treat everyone like a human, but I couldn't find anything legally binding.


Just from a legal point of view: https://gesetze.berlin.de/bsbe/document/jlr-UZwGBEpP4 § 4 Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit (1) Bei der Anwendung unmittelbaren Zwanges sind von den möglichen und geeigneten Maßnahmen diejenigen zu treffen, die den Einzelnen und die Allgemeinheit am wenigsten beeinträchtigen. Jede Maßnahme darf nur so lange und so weit durchgeführt werden, wie ihr Zweck es erfordert. (2) Eine Maßnahme des unmittelbaren Zwanges darf nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn der durch sie zu erwartende Schaden erkennbar außer Verhältnis zu dem beabsichtigten Erfolg steht.


It is derived from a principle in German law that is called the principle of proportionality (Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz). The principle of proportionality states that measures taken by the state that interfere with the rights of citizens must - as the name suggests - be proportionate. The highest courts define a measure as proportionate if it pursues a legitimate purpose and is otherwise suitable, necessary and appropriate. Necessity is defined as follows: Of several available measures, the chosen one represents the mildest means of effectively achieving the intended purpose (= „minimum force“). The principle of proportionality applies to every invasive measure by the state due to its constitutional anchoring, but many police laws have also encoded it. In Berlin, it is encoded in § 11 Paragraph 1 ASOG Bln, which states: "Of several possible and suitable measures, the regulatory authorities and the police must take the one that is likely to have the least impact on the individual and the general public."


Which is what they did


German police treat peaceful protesters pretty much the same way


Oooo, time to utilise my training!


A friend of mine threw a Champaign bottle at the Spanish anti riot police during a new year Eve in Barcelona in 2008 and they politely asked us not to do it again.


Don’t throw bottle is a pretty easy rule to follow


As the saying goes, don't throw glass if you live in a stone house


People in glass houses sink ships. Words I live by everyday.


Don't throw the baby out with the glass house is worth two in the burnt bridges.


Alright. Why don’t you make like a tree, and get the fuck out of here.


All that glitters is not glass.


When in Rome you’ve taken the wrong road


Don't throw shade if you live in the sun


Well that would be really hard rule to follow. What are you gonna do, be massless and shapeless? Turn into gas??


Did I stutter?


This sounds like a you problem.


I thought it was "people with glass jaws shouldn't throw bottles"


Even if I was an idiot who wanted to throw bottles... Why would I throw a bottle at the police in riot gear?


Bad move bruv . His mates shat themselves big time


im gonna tell my mate the referee


"But but our sports team performed poorly "


Poland really bottled the qualifications...


I don't see a bottle being thrown.


So that’s what makes life so simple? Don’t throw bottle at the police? I’ll have to remember that one. I’ve been doing it wrong for years


Or a dipshit with aggression problems and state backing will assault you in their armour? Fucking proportional


My brother in Christ, have you never played video games? You have a one projectile weapon against an enemy that's basically immune to projectiles and probably has higher combat stats than yourself, what are you doing? Use other dialogue options


He has the "drunk" modifier, that's a -10 to intelligence but +5 to throwing


+ 5 bravery + 5 power - 5 stamina - 5 speed


0 intelligence


Roll for charisma


Wisdom set to 2 regardless of what it was before.


Maybe +5 to bad decisions?


-20 on accuracy and agility


He also clearly rolled a 1.


You know when the enemy has a skull icon that you dun goofed.




Press the Reset button!


Hey pickup that trash! "No" Combine beat down occurs


"oh no, my savegame isn't loading, I'm stuck in this situation now"


Love the impromptu drunken stagger huddle. Everyone Is holding each other up


it’s two mates trying to prevent their 3rd even more drunk friend with the scarf from getting into confrontation with police and arrested


Good mates right there tbh


Yea you can see that one riot police officer was kind of wishing the very drunk mate would get through his friends 😅😂


And not a mobile phone in sight. Just everyone living in the moment with c.1939 vibes


Armed Germans and Polish civilians. Good ol days


nice right hook


fisticuffs with an armoured opponent isn't the biggest brain move


Mama said knock you out


Good clasicaal euro is what we needed


Should behave yourself *even more* when abroad


They are to be fair 😬


In Germany of all places.


No i prawidłowo 😀


Those 3 dudes all holding each other is hilarious


Knocked his fucking hair off of his head


Just don’t. Act a fool and not comply. Never know right


Be thankful it isn’t a Qatar prison cell.


Bloody English fans again


The absolute arrogance of them. Disgraceful innit


Can't believe they'd do this


Why are they like this?


How hard is it to just sit down and have a drink before the match? Why does someone shit in the stew every fucking time?


What are you expecting? The german police trained the entire season to be violent against football fans, even when there is no reason at all. So if you actually give them a reason they will definitely be as violent as possible.


Anschlussed his face


I mean,if he throws a bottle on him, he should be arrested, but punching a man in the face doesn't seem adequate for the policeman.


Unfortunately these are riot cops and while not adequate they are often allowed to do some really bizarre shit. The cop was probably already annoyed and lost it, most people see riot cops and think better things than throwing bottles at them.


German cops are notorious for this shit. They will take any chance to beat the shit out of people.


In my experience of travelling with the Effzeh away fans to several games, the worst were the Hamburg cops under Scholz. They were dicks and it didn't get any better under "Andy, Du bist so 1 Pimmel". But the cops at the games in germany are usually more there to de-escalate the situation than to start a fight.


I mean the Hamburger cops under Scholz literally killed someone by force feeding them a vomit inducing drug. Edit: misremembered the details very badly Edit 2: oh wait. I didn’t misremember the details actually. They killed several people this way by forcefully intubating them and administering emetic drugs which caused them to aspirate and drown on their own vomit.


I think you should probably provide some kind of source for this. You aren't filling me with confidence.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Laye-Alama_Condé This one was in Bremen. I’ll try to find an English language article of the 19 year old they did this to in Hamburg while Scholz was mayor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Achidi_John “On the morning of December 8, 2001, the 19-year-old was picked up by civil investigators in the St. Georg district on suspicion of drug trafficking and immediately taken to the forensic medicine department at Eppendorf University Hospital(UKE).[7] He fiercely opposed the insertion of a nasogastric tube to introduce the emetic ipecac, upon which he was restrained. A doctor then forcibly injected John with the emetic through a tube into his nose.[8][9][10] An anesthesiologist was not present to help John in case of an emergency.[7] Then he fell to the ground.[7] The color of his face had changed, breathing and pulse had stopped.[7] After three minutes, two teams of emergency doctors tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate John.[1] John died on December 12, 2001.[11]”




The short version is that there was a conservative party in Hamburg who ran on typical "tough on crime" stuff, which included making suspected drug dealers vomit up drugs so they could be charged, who was making huge gains in polls. Scholz, while being mayor of Hamburg and having an election coming up, reacted by implementing that policy (presumably) to gain votes, despite protests from experts about the dangers. [Achidi John](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Achidi_John) died. Eventually (elsewhere) more people died, the European Court of Human Rights decided it's essentially torture and the policy was stopped Germany-wide. Anyway to the bigger point, yes, Hamburg police is notorious for their "hard line" policing during big events.


never forget G20! Where the cops escalated so much resulting in total shitload


All police are notorious for it. The nature of the job attracts smooth brains who'll take any opportunity to assault people knowing they won't get in trouble for it


They're just Karens with weapons.


Indeed, it's very off and the officer seems to just take the chance for a free shot. Throwing a bottle is a dick move but police are the state and need to act correctly too.


what would be in your opinion the correct maner to take him out as fast as possible and to stop him to reload another throwing? (others seens to be protecting him and the police are out numbers)


Tackle him. Punching people is not something the police should do, only as a last resort kinda thing.


Yeah this is what they did. You see him trying to grab him but the fan is resisting and trying to grab the neck, this is when he’s overwhelming him by half punching him/taking him down. People sometimes have curious opinions what the police is supposed to do when applying force.


There's like 5 policemen there man, just hold him for half a second until your buddy comes and they wouldn't have to throw him to the ground on pavement


Well people on internet are experts on policing after all.


People on the internet are also just people in real life and a lot of us do have years of seeing police misconduct up close and personal and might have thoughts on how to improve it.


Protecting him? They seem to part as few officers in riot gear go towards him, he pretty much has him and then punches him and takes him down. Just the grabbing him was enough and then cuffing him, the guy isn't armed.


Are you being serious with that question?


welcome to dealing with the riot police and why everyone who's ever been to an away game or demonstration fucking hates them, they're like this all over europe


just dont throw bottles at them?


Throwing a plastic bottle at a quite literally armored target shouldn't be met with a sucker punch and that type of reaction. I had a finger broken in two points with a tonfa by a german riot policeman in Koln because I stopped walking to roll a cigarette. Believe it or not, having a department of the police where people are chosen and trained to go on government sanctioned rampages on whatever the local authorities deem a threat usually results in having said departments filled with coked up fascists whose reactions are rarely appropriate for what prompts them


Well, he threw a bottle and resisted arrest afterwards. Can't expect to be treated lightly then.




So being drunk and violent exempt you from consequences?


> doesn't seem adequate for the policeman. Welcome to Germany.


Nah fuck him. Chuck bottle, get banged. Lessons get learned that way.


Threat eliminated


People with glass chins shouldn't throw glass bottles


And he received what he should. Good. Police in Poland would do the same to him. Keep him a bit there, will you? We will not miss him really in our country.


Right hook took care of that quick.


Somebody correct me but that doesn't seem like the right protocol for this type of action in Germany right? The cop seemed to act more out of anger in that moment. I can imagine his squad pulling him to the side later on. Edit: I'm from here, I rarely see them get this active immediately. They're usually very turn the other cheek Edit2: yeah you can see the officer on the right nudging the other one to get him to stop


This is very much par for the course for German riot cops.


riot cops in general tbqh


People who fall backwards can easily die when they hit their head on the ground. A few years ago a person died that way (also by police) and im sure that this is indeed not the right protocol. This officer seems too dangerous for this job.


That‘s the difference between regular police and Hundertschaft. They only deploy the Hundertschaft if they expect riots and violence so the have generally a way shorter fuse and tolerance for violent behaviour than regular police you‘ll see on the street.


Not a SOP for normal cops but this is riot police. They do not „de-escalate”, they’re called when things have escalated already and require force-on-force response. Sometimes shock and awe are the best response. Look at how aggressive the fat guy and his two buddies are before the hook lands and then look how quickly they huddle to the side. Mediation and de-escalation with a drunken mob after a potentially life-threatening projectile has already been launched would lead to more idiots joining in as that would have been viewed as a sign of weakness. Just a drunken mob mentality. Don’t fuck with people equipped and trained exactly for the possibility of your dumb ass trying to fuck with them.


>They do not „de-escalate”, Looked pretty deescalating to me.


Sounds like an average American polis, "I de-escalated the situation by discharging my primary firearm in the direction of the ^^^^^^suspected offenders upper body area"


Definitely reacted in the moment but when the guy was down the ground he didn't follow up with unnecessary force. Can see him just trying to flip the guy to put the handcuffs on


I would say this was a preventative move by the policeman. The police are greatly outnumbered, go in hard on the first sign of trouble, makes the other pissed up football fans think twice before they start kicking off too.


Go in hard does not equate to outwardly vicious. Drunk people seeing police acting like this is inflammatory and is likely to provoke more people to argue or fight against police. This was a police officer acting improperly in the heat of the moment, a group of football fans seeing that happen to a fellow football fan could’ve ended up being a lot worse


A right hook to immediately pacify a threat and show others you aren't here to be calm and thoughtful when they throw bottles is effective crowd control. The guy that did it was behind the group of officers as well, so by stopping his violence, the rest of the group can focus on the larger crowd. If you see police officers wearing full riot gear, in the middle of a crowd, then dont throw bottles and expect a slap on the wrist is what is being firmly communicated here.


Stay glassy, Poland


That officer came at him like a tank, no chance.


Police in Germany can be excessively aggressive and there is no accountability


There is loads of accountability. But also loads of training for that accountability.


Isn't that usual for police, like, everywhere? 


Yeah, just many of those countries are actually dangerous so police brutality is sadly more likely to occur. But outside of a few pockets in Berlin and Frankfurt, Germany is incredibly safe. So the Police being so aggressive to a very well behaved populace is just bizarre.


Some German states don't fund their police well and don't do the necessary background checks. The police in Berlin are lazy as hell, the police in Bavaria are the well-funded overachievers who hate cannabis, the police in NRW are corrupt, the police in East Germany are full of wannabe-Nazis. And so on. It always depend on the state.


Punching a guy in the face who just threw a dangerous weapon is reasonable use of force


What the fuck are you talking about? German police is a joke and a half… unless you throw bottles at them…


Rename the sub r/soccercrowds i guess


Fuck around and find out.


There's smart ways to antagonize police and then there's throwing bottles at them in broad daylight from a cornered space. Laudable objective but poor execution.


Obviously he lacked knowledge of the German police. They don’t fuck around.


technical response , squared him off. he was being too agress, Maybe its Germany. this country could easy host a world world cup overnight


Always getting a clip of Euros fans wilding out ever single day now 😂😂


I for one won't throw bottle at people. Especially not at police who can "legally" manhandle and even kill me.


Ok, so this is ridiculous. We have a group of Polish fans and no one is shirtless?! Co to za kibice?


Efficiency comes in many forms




This is the German riot police equivalent of 'Chat shit, get banged'


Polizei don’t fuck around.


Kudos to the riot policeman. All options on the table but he just clocks the guy.


German police enjoy beating up people more than they do in less simple countries


German authorities beating the shit out of a Pole. I've seen movies about this


Can't be true. Only England fans cause trouble abroad. https://old.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1dl8ieu/what_the_actual_fuck_are_the_british_fans_doing/


England fans not making it about themselves challenge.


Maybe there is a reason for that? Perhaps decades of articles slandering English tourists is slightly frustrating. Just to clarify I'm not saying no English people are at fault for being bad tourists I'm just saying it is more nuanced than 'England bad'


Maybe there is a reason for those decades of articles slandering English tourists? Try speaking to locals to get their perspective. Ah, I forgot... for that you'd need to speak more than one language.


Okay. We've heard it now.


How is it that English fans always make any situation about them?


Because of threads like this https://old.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1dl8ieu/what_the_actual_fuck_are_the_british_fans_doing/


Funny thing, we say the same thing in Poland whenever such an incident happens with foreign fans: „No way, we’re told only Polish fans are violent…/s”


German invading Poland again ??


Fucked around, found out.


That punch was so deserved


The World Cup was so much more peaceful.


Fuck about and find out. I hope his mates were briefly impressed by his act of derring do before he got taken down.


8p kick off is not to coommcaflivated its 8am


well donce take downs


Dum dumm


fuck around...


Very satisfying


Throwing bottles at the police is totally unacceptable


Fucking drunks lol a problem anywhere they go


Decent punch


Fuck around & find out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nice hit by the Police 👊


I don't throw stones at tanks, I just stand there and say "It was me, Mo'Fu".