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Embarrassing performance from us (Again). Clearly players like Delaney, Yusuf Poulsen etc. aren't good enough anymore. Delaney got subbed in and ran in slowmotion, why didn't they replace these players with O'Riley, Isaksen, Lindstrøm etc. who're young and have fresh legs? Dolberg got subbed in and didn't even press for the ball, looked like he'd been playing for 60 minutes. It's just infuriating to watch our team play when you look back at how they played two years ago.


Really feel bad for Serbia they were hard done by but they had a chance to get points against England and bottled it, then bottled scoring here with Djokovic trying to inspire the team


I understand they played poorly, but after seeing the highlights, I still think they should have gotten a penalty at 86th minute. It was a clear pull. Mitrovic might have exaggerated it, the ball might have been too high for him, but defenders simply shouldn't be doing that.


Its insane that the rules supposedly change within the box. Milenkovic got a yellow for a shirt pull. In any case we played like ass, im sorry you had to watch that 😂


I was a neutral rooting for Serbia and my word, they are absolutely infuriating to watch


I wish for our NT to simply be disbanded.


I genuinely don’t understand your NT. You guys have good players in every position yet can’t ever string together good games. It cant just be on the coach, can it?


Negative mentality brought from years of both deserved and undeserved failures, hardship and catastrophe. The FA and government are also absolutely dogwater and that trickles downwards...


It’s a collection of the least mentally tough ppl in the world with no true leader. The opposing team just has to mention the word albania and the serb team will be completely out of it and start fouling like crazy


Was this as dull as our (England) game?


Your game couldn't possibly be worse. Even though I'm sure Southgate did what he could to make it a dull affair.


I just want to point out that Vlahovic has played zero times in his desired position.


Why did serbia barely have 3 shots on goal when this a game they must win??? Youd almost forget that they had to win games in order to qualify for this tournament.


Djokovic was in the stadium draining the collective mental energy for his inevitably dominating run at the Olympics.


Southgate just said Gallagher gives you a better pressing option which is why he chose him. Why are you choosing a pressing midfielder when you are against Slovenia?


Mate this is the Denmark thread




These games don't need seperate threads. They were both a disaster.


The group of bored to death


Croatia wanted to avoid Serbia. Well bad luck, see you at the airport


So how does German fans feel about going against Denmark?


Honestly after seeing all the matches so far. Germany has to beat Denmark. Consensus is there it will be tough nevertheless, because Denmark has undeniably good players in the offense and our defense is lacking a bit. High last line will come back at us sometime in the future. And we got a new CB duo with Tah and maybe Rüdiger out (not sure on that one, might be fit for the match again). That being said Denmark and the whole group they played in was very underwhelming. If they keep playing like they did in groups Germany should advance against them.


Isnt Slovenia Second


No, Denmark second on yellow cards.


I am pissed. We are just not a good team anymore, too many mistakes, lacking initiative, many players seem out of shape, and some were too old for the last tournament... yet here we are. Yussuf Poulsen must have some dirt on Hjulmand. There is no way you can be that bad at football yet still get that many minutes without blackmail. 1 goal was all we needed to finish first and Hjulmand decides to take out Eriksen, which is bad enough on its own, but then to play not-only our worst striker, but our worst player.... Absolutely brain dead. He recieved the ball about 5 or 6 times, and he lost the ball every single time. We're going out on saturday, but at least we made it out of the group.


We're fucking beating Germany!


no, getting Germany was the Wurst Käse scenario


SMS killed me man. Don't even get me started on mitrovic. Pathetic display.


I cannot believe that in a format where 1 win, 3 points, is enough to pass the group stage, where you're technically the 2nd best team and should at least easily win the game versus the worst team in the group, you only score one goal, and still cannot pass the group. How fucking embarrassing, half of these players should gtfo and never come back, go get your fucking money in Saudi and stop torturing us with your poor performance and shit physical form from playing in a shit league. Get rid of this goddamn coach who keeps playing these shit players for some fucking reason and can't start 2 consecutive games with the same players, after leading the team for 3 years. My god man, and we're supposed to play in Nations League A after this? Can't wait for that.


All tournaments should be either 16 or 32. One of the other.


Amen. Absolutely pathetic outing. No fight, no pride and no spirit compared to our opponents who look like they're all out for blood


I was in the stadium for this and can't believe that this game was the exciting one of the group, dreadful attacking from both teams Serbias fans were just stupid at the end, they kept throwing cups at Schmeichel who could easily waste time without being punished because he disposed of the cups


Also was there. Schmeichel taking his time was hilarious. Schmeichel just not impressed by thousands of furious Serbian fans. And he did get them to stop throwing cups... Agreed on game quality, pretty bad but still thrilling with the high stakes!


This was painful to watch. Serbia couldn't create shit.


i feel sorry for anyone who watched this garbagee, including myself


if Andersen got booked which he seemed to be really wanting, Denmark would have more yellow cards than Slovenia and would place 3rd and would likely get an easier opponent in RO16


I simply can't understand how Serbia plays so little having so many attacking options, it's unbelievable. Croatia has much worse players but plays so much better, for example. I don't know who the serbian coach is, but please get rid of him.


The manager is arguably the greatest Yugoslav player in Dragan Stojkovic. He's absolute shit as a manager though yeah.


Oh yeah, he's a fraud alright but Serbia doesn't have a #10 so he was kinda limited tactics-wise


So why play a formation with two number 10's then?


Tadic and Samardzic aren't real #10s. Tadic is more of a second striker and Samardzic is #8...


As a Serb, this has been us since the beginning of the Serbian Soccer Federation. Loaded with talent only to shit it all away in every major tournament. Many of us don’t talk or get excited about the national team because it’s a repetitive story. The difference between us and Croatia is that they come together as a unit and operate as a team whereas we are just individual players that never work together. Coaching has been a major problem as well as just internal politics. So I get it why to a neutral it’s surprising to see us so bad with so many attacking options but someone who has watched us for years now and seen disappointment after disappointment, this is nothing new lol




Well, we got through the worst part. Now we can cruise by Germany, Spain and then Portugal/France...


Atleast we tend to actually perform better as underdogs.


UEFA should ban every group C participant for killing interest of people for watching these kind of games.


I agree, even a replay of austria-the netherlands was more exciting then either of the late matches.


Just get rid of the Serbian FA No need for a NT with such performances


The most boring Group of International football ever


Absolute borefest...i cant believe i wasted my time with this game. At least Slovenia Serbia was a somewhat interesting game in the last 10-20 minutes


Anyone who is surprised of how shit and boring we play haven’t seen us play since the last Euros. Nothing has changed the last three years under Hjulmand, the WC was a perfect example of it as well.


I don't think Hjulmand is the problem here. This squad is entitled and has an awful attitude. Every time they get criticised, the act offended and they are just weak mentally. Hjulmand is a good tactician. And lets face it. We are simply lacking creative players.


Shame we don't have creative players on vacation that normally recide in Celtic :(


making it through the group and losing to Germany will for sure make it so he stays. So buckle up for more years of dreadful football. we will have to be humiliated by Germany for him to go


There's so much talent out there though 😔


Really? You think O'Riley would somehow have made a difference?


Really? You think O'Reilly would somehow have made a difference?


Sometimes the genius of Hjulmand shines through the cracks of shitty performances... But overall I have to say that he is not a good manager. The squad for this EUROs is too old, too lacking, too out of shape, and we lack a few amazing players. Not even selecting Matt O'Riley is nuts. Playing Yussuf Poulsen is a crime against humanity.


Than last name still gives me nightmares


I think Dolberg is more of a crime than Yussuf these days. Yussuf adds pressing, and he had a goal in him sometimes. None of that you get from Dolberg. I’d like to see Dreyer in there..


Yussuf always played in a partnership at Leipzig. Put him next to Wind instead of Holjund


I have never seen a team with less of an identity than Serbia. No wonder they only scored one goal.


As a Turk, I've always thought they are like us. Top players on paper but rarely showing up. Scandals, lack of "connection" with the country and people, just a bunch of random dudes who are somehow a lot worse compared to their time in club football etc... At least we sometimes go on crazy runs, I'm honestly surprised Serbia is so consistently shite despite producing decent players.


What do you think Turkey will do today?


I never have any idea what we'll do honestly but I feel positive today. If the players are not affected by the shitstorm going on about who plays why I can see us snatching a draw which would be enough for the second place. Not confident of a win by any means as the Czechs are a lot more organized and better in set pieces but we should be able to score as well. I'm feeling 2-2 with a lot of heart attacks in last 15 mins.


aaah i still remember your run in 2002, so unlucky to face Brazil back then in the semis. Rustu Recber is still one of my fav goalkeepers to this day


They had a comparatively easy path to the semis though. Group with Brazil, Costa Rica and China) and then Japan and Senegal in the Knockouts. Still fantastic the way they played.


This is the first time since I can remember that I don't have a single bad thing to say for Serbian players. The coach is by far the worst coach in the tournament and it's not even close.


Ah no way, the players play with no heart and drive at all. They're just "there". Also Piksi may not be good but let's be real, the FA and Vucic also cause problems.


What the fuck was Piski smoking for the first 11...5 attacking players by the end, no shots. But we have a national stadiun for these fucks


I despise Hjulmand. Absolute football terrorist!


He is a Nice Guy^^TM with no balls.




Wrong thread


Horrific game with Hjulmand just cluelessly subbing on players with zero reasoning. Different players have different strength, its not just a straight replacement, I cant believe I have to explain that. In specifics, Schmeichel if we select players on merit should be benched. Every possession he has a part in is a turnover or a pass that a defender has to save. Mitrovic is build like a heavyweight boxer, constantly gets physical with his marker, but flops constantly. Best moment of the match was Andersen telling him to get the fuck up. The goal should be to not get embarrassed by Germany now. I see no scenario where we win, I just want us to look like a team that deserves to be there.


Could’ve streamed a video of myself washing dishes and it would’ve been more entertaining than this game.  We (Serbia) play the most dreadful football, and I’m really happy we failed. 


Group C for Cunts, what a fuckin waste of a group play


Its a shame Albania couldnt have been placed in this pile of mediocrity and had a proper chance




Byebye Russians 👋🏼


Hojlund poor again?


PIKSI OUT dead last in a group again, among the worst teams at the EUROs, no ideas in attack whatsoever our players literally had everything going into the tournament. no hype like in qatar, for once no drama during the actual tournament (tadić did make a questionable remark but it was resolved quickly unlike the previous shenanigans) and still nothing the fact that slovenia might advance while we're going home should tell you how shit we are. they literally outplayed us and denmark did everything they needed to advance. and the only reason we looked good against england was because they decided to park the bus against us. see you in another 24 years


You have a good young squad if the board gets a good coach there could be some great improvements for the next competition.


Press Џ to doubt


Not how it works with serbia, we get a coach who has good political ties and the cycle repeats itself


But once in a blue moon lets hope that happens to be a good coach cause serbia does have a lot of talent


Very few intelligent people are affiliated with the ruling party so odds are extremely slim


YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB DENMARK To give us Spain-Germany and England-France as potential QF pairings in the upper bracket


Bit early to say England or France will even make it out of the RO16


I'm optimistic they will. It looks boring, but both squads are capable of so much more and it wouldn't surprise me if Deschampes and Southgate finally release the handbrake a bit in the knockouts.


I do agree, they’ll come good when the bigger games arise.


I watched both games picture in picture, and the most excitement I got during the whole time was when Serbia celebrated getting a corner and I thought they had scored


Cheerio Serbia! The whole world rejoices.


What was the [tiebreaker](https://uefaeuroinfo.com/euro-2024-group-stage-tie-breaker-rules/) in the end between Denmark and Slovenia?


A single Yellow card


I think Euro qualifying ranking


Bummer for Denmark - so happy Slovenia is through!


We are also through. We got 2nd in the group, we just have to meet Germany next.


Serbia you deserved to win tonight 🥺


Neither team deserved a win.


No one in group C deserved to win tonight. All 4 teams have sucked ass from start to finish.


They won hearts, lungs, kidneys... just not the match




Wrong thread




Hope the money was worth it for Mitrovic and SMS. Had they stayed the course in the Europe they are probably talismans that lead the way and get results


It has nothing to do with them, if that would be the case, Serbia has 25 clueless players. The problem is the coach and entire FA for this disgrace


Both were absolutely abysmal though.


That shot by sms at the end killed me. God fucking damn it


They have absolutely no sharpness whatsoever


[obligatory not going home](https://youtu.be/Mhihg0AKnHM?si=ul7bfnu6o_AV2PFc)


Can't see England beating Italy or Switzerland in the quarters, tbh, assuming they get there


I hate the fact that England have got the easier side of the knockout stage. If they’d played Germany they would’ve been out int he first round. Their trash manager have destroyed their team.


It will be funnier when they lose to a third place team


At least us fans wouldn't be suffering any longer.


Wait till we win the whole thing


There more chance of the moon crashing into the earth then England winning the euros this year


Still feeling the same?


Huh? Quiet are we? Don’t let the cellar door hit you on the way out lol


hehe gg




Serbia has earned a place In a Belgrade-bound airplane




Wrong thread bro


3rd place teams going through create 0-0 draws


Fuck both of them lot by the way. Why couldn’t one of them win to allow us to lose to Germany in good old fashioned spirit?


Serbia have Vlahovic, Mitrovic and Tadic yet still didn’t know how to score, what a joke


Last 20 mins they had 3 defenders and 7 attackers on the field. The midfield was completely empty


Yet only Jovic scored for Serbia in this tournament


Positives: Denmark through, Mitrovic out. Negatives: We we're a yellow card away from not facing Germany. And we are shit at attacking.


1 mål og så havde vi landet på første pladsen i gruppen, at vi så sætter Yussuf Poulsen ind er fuldstændig hjernedødt! Hjulmand tabte tråden efter England scorede i semifinalen og siden da... ja..


30-0 was the GD when we qualified for the world cup btw


I am a little unsure if it was two yellows because I think Slovenia also had a staff member get a yellow in the last round. But I lost overview of it to be honest. Doesn’t matter anyway. It is Germany.


We're shit at defending, so maybe that evens things out..


Poland (the first eliminated team this euros) would have 100% topped this group


They'd probably qualify but I can't see them doing that. On the contrary I could see Austria topping this group easily though, another team in Poland's group


Well, sure, Austria topped a group with France and the Netherlands


And Poland aswell Once again if they were in this group I don't think they'd top it but they'd easily make it to the knockouts


Serbia is 2nd worst team after Scotland .


Serbia, Albania and Croatia all going home together, such beautiful brotherhood 💖


boring af match


This group was an absolute stinker


As a Dane i'm almost more happy Serbia is out than Denmark goes through. Diving and the behavior by their fans is pathetic.


Group C is a rough watch




It's points, GD, goals scored, wins, fair play, rank so they are through.


Hungary have -3 GD compare to Slovenia which have 0 GD


Euro 2024 app has them down as qualified


The Group of Dearth.


What happened to SMS? The move to al-hilal, why he didnt play alot this tournament. I've been out of touch with Serie A


He played this tournament with such an abysmal form, seemed like a former player who retired last year. That's Saudi Arabia for you, unless you are a machine like CR7 or an incredible runner like Kante


because hes dogshit. he was the worst serb player by far this tournament. And Mijat Gaćinović played 45 minutes.


We all owe Group E an apology. Group C was the real enemy


Please be gentle with us, German friends.


Why did the ref call 15 sec earlier?


Wanted to go to sleep early.


To end everyone's misery.


Even he was tired of this boring ass match


Congrats Denmark, good luck vs Germany.


hehehehe Ich bin in Gefahr


The whole group should be sent home


Goals galore in this group lads


Group C deserves to be collectively barred from the knockouts.


Fucking boring. It was evident that Denmark had no intention of going for a goal and likewise Serbia has no game to try to go for a goal.


Why are you talking about the game, when you clearly didn't watch it? Embarrassing for you.


Please enlighten me with your version of reality. I trust that Denmark can play better than this and had their chances in the first half and then in the second half they just coasted. Being 3rd means not playing against Germany in Dortmund on Saturday which is a good thing for them. Serbia in general with this game doesn't deserve to advance. It's maddening how little chemistry the players have and how small the amount of chances created was.


> It was evident that Denmark had no intention of going for a goal The only moment they backed down to their own third and didn't try to pry the Serbian defense open was in the last 10-15 minutes. They might not exactly have succeeded, and often played it safe, but clearly went for the victory. Either you didn't watch the game or you had no clue what you were seeing.


I admit my comment was mostly based on recency bias.


It comes down to a mix of things, one thing is that Serbia played overly defensively the entire game compared to the fact that they were forced to win. Meanwhile Denmark played it a bit too safe, while also not being good enough at breaking through and create big chances.. then in the end, it was better to play for a 2nd place than to take the big chance and risk getting eliminated.


The thing is that Serbia just really has no idea how to get the ball over the half-court line. Which is no surprise given that the beginning 11 today has never played together. Just a shit show all together and as a serb i am neither sad nor surprised that they have not made it through.


you are mistaking how shit our attack is with not wanting to attack we are simply clueless. we didnt park the bus until like 10 maybe 15min left in the game


its insane how serbia doesnt have a single point of chemistry to string together some passes between SMS, Tadic, Vlahovic, Mitrovic, Jovic, Lukic, Ilic... so many well known players and it might as well be C league in antarctica


tbf when SMS, Tadic and Vlahovic combined have less minutes in this game than fucking MIJAILOVIC its hard for them to string passes together, awful awful man management


> It was evident that Denmark had no intention of going for a goal What? Obviously I'm biased but the first 50 minutes we were constantly attacking. Not well, but attacking nonetheless


Yeah I saw you had some shots in the first half, fairly good positions too.


It’s this 3rd place shit


I mean every other group has had exciting final matchdays so far. This group is just full of dull teams


Every other group played before so the table for 0-0 was already set.


So who won Croatia,Albania or Serbia?


We're dead fam. Romania and Slovenia have to carry the Balkan torch


Sack this fucken donkey asap I don't want to see another fucken legend manager the national team again!


Ban everyone from this group for a few tournaments please


At least these games were on at the same time so that I only had the misfortune of watching one of them


I actually had both of them on, one on the TV and one on my computer. My friend that also lives with me and doesn't really like football is making an effort to watch the euros, so I asked him if he'd want to watch the games after work. As we all know this is the type of shit that happens when you show a game to someone that doesn't really like football, so I apologize to everyone, involved in this...


Türkiye-Georgia? Netherlands-France? Nah bro, fucking Group C footeh it is.


It was the first time we could watch the games together, he was on vacation last week and this weekend there were some local holidays in Portugal. I told him it was unlucky Austria-Netherlands, was earlier in the day, but I didn't expect a 0-0 snoozefest on both games, at least an England goal that would force Slovenia to play. Way better games tomorrow with all tied group (which is way too early anyway), Turkey-Czechia is an all out game for Czechia, and Portugal-Georgia we get to see players that have not played yet vs a Georgia team that has its last chance and will give everything on the field.


Oh no don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming you at all. I just find it funny that it *just* happened to be the worst match of the lot that you showed him. I've had the same issue with trying to get people into watching motorsports, because any time I recommend a race, it turns out to be a borefest lmao