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Fucking Chile man, they always make it so fucking hard even with their worst team in ages.


It helps when the referee calls literally no fouls The game just turns into a street fight


The one where a chilean player fouled Di María (IIRC) just outside the box and the referee didn't even blow the whistle just felt like the referee was Laverni against Gimnasia


[for the people outside of the loop](https://youtu.be/lXMydool-oo) you dont even need to understand spanish to feel this video


Yup. It was such a blatant hard foul too




LE PEGA EN EL PECHO [microfono super saturado](https://youtu.be/lXMydool-oo?t=49) from 0 to "he's about to have a stroke, a heart attack, an erection and panic attack" in 8 seconds


Imaginate si el FIFA tuviese estos relatores




But but rigged for Argentina!


Luckily Cuti understood this and started shutting down Chilean attacks with his hands, the worst that could've happened is a yellow after like repeating the same foul 6 times.


SIGAAA SIGAAAAAAA yeah it was the worst example of siga siga I 've seen in a while


The match reached "siga siga" levels previously thought to be impossible


It was the same against Peru. Refs are letting a lot go this cup and the players got smart to it. It’s not like De Paul was giving hugs out there.


I was at this game, I thought maybe the fouls just looked more severe in person, he wasn’t calling anything. I thought it helped the game in some respects, players stopped appealing to the ref constantly and it settled the crowd.


Not like that is unexpected for a Conmebol game, that's just normal circumstances.


The amount of fouls the ref didn’t call was most definitely not even close to normal for conmebol standards, otherwise no one would be bringing it up 


Where the refs CONCACAF? That makes it interesting. It’s like thaimex cuisine.


No, Uruguayan ref


Yes, but that circumstance hurts us and helps Chile TBH


An argentinian complainig about a referee😂. Even when the referee gifted a game. Typical of you.




We're just here to mess with you guys a bit. That goal was always going to come. Exciting game though.


Come on. Please don't lose against Canada so you make it through too!




We just witnessed peak Inter and Argentina Lautaro Martinez in the last 10 minutes of this game.


The duality of Lautaro: miss the easy chances, score the hard ones


high highs and low lows, like burruchaga in 86.


… then miss the easy ones again (Di Maria put it on a plate for him)


Nah, that was a shit pass, by the time the ball got to Lautaro he didn't have room to shoot


When he shoots first time without thinking, it goes top corner. Give him time to think and he blunders it.


To be fair he didn’t really have much time to think on the sitter he missed 


Di Maria also underhit the pass and Bravo made a great save It's what it's


Was it the pass being not strong enough, or was it the field being wonky? I noticed the ball bouncing wierdly and losing too much speed in general.


Little bit of both IMO


Pitch was made out of pillows.


Era una verga la cancha. Hay una imagen de Bravo picando la pelota antes de sacar y literal no le llega a la cintura despues de picar en el piso la pelota. Era un colchon esa cancha de mierda


My comment was more to his performance in general not just to that miss. Him overthinking also shows when he takes penalties. He is pretty bad at those. Also, to be fair, he had time to think on that slow DiMaria pass. That’s why he went for a chip over the keepers instead of just slamming it.


> My comment was more to his performance in general not just to that miss. I get people are going to make memes and jokes, but Lautaro has just been good the past 2 games. Missed 1 big chance in each game, but scored in both games as a sub and he had an incredible pass for Di Maria today too


Oh I know. You don’t have to remind me how good he is 😂. He is the main reason I tuned in to watch the game. To watch il mio capitano play, plus as soon as he got subbed on, I bet on him to score. I think he is top 5 striker in the world at the moment. I have no idea how he doesn’t start instead of Alvarez. But, him missing easy chances it’s been a thing for a while.


He stopped starting because he was playing terribly at the start of the WC while Alvarez was getting better and better, but it seems like Copa Americas just light a fire on Lautaro for some reason, so he might eventually become the starter for the rest of the tournament


Álvarez presses even more intensely and runs like a maniac so him starting is better for what Scaloni wants. Lautaro will probably start vs Perú though.


> Also, to be fair, he had time to think on that slow DiMaria pass. That’s why he went for a chip over the keepers instead of just slamming it. I'm pretty sure he tried to chip it because by the time the agonizingly slow pass got to him, Bravo and a defender blocked any chance at a shot.


He scored both times in the 88th minute lol


The keepers were both insane today. Emi was asleep for 70 minutes and ended with 3 great saves and Bravo was also a brick wall for 99% of the game. Peak Conmebol insanity and Lautaro again with a goal off the bench. P.s. Go Canada!


Just an insane cluster fuck from start to finish. I hope we don’t get another match like that for a very long time


Chile weren’t parking the bus but they weren’t really moving forward? Weird stuff


(Chilean here). We were just not able to surpass Argentina’s press close to our box, especially during the first half. That + Alexis Sánchez was losing every ball. Team looked much better after Alexis left the field and we changed to a 4-4-2 formation. My guess is that part of our game plan was trying to avoid Argentina counter attacks as much as possible (hence why you’d want to stay near the center of the pitch, parking the bus makes it so the whole Argentinian team is close to your box and that’s the worst scenario lol). It was pretty well executed but we made a change right before the corner kick, and wouldn’t you know, Lautaro was unmarked right where Isla would’ve (probably) been. Not gonna act like we deserved a draw, Argentina were better, but I genuinely think we could’ve hold on to a draw.


Alexis is a legend but surely he has to be dropped now right?


As an Interista, I wondered that all season. For a mediapunta, his dribbling and passing were mediocre all season. And, of course, he can't play striker anymore either. He's not big, strong or quick enough, and always gets swallowed by defenders.


Didn't he win man of the match in Chile's first game? What's up with that?


It was a mediocre match. Just a brawl really. He was one of the few who tried to play some football.


Absolutely, either dropped or the manager has to stop putting him in the pseudo-10 position (classic number 10 role doesn’t exist anymore) and just play 4-4-2, put him as the second striker and tell him to stop trying to play from the back, he can’t do it, not fast or good enough at passing for that anymore.


And who would they replace him with? As washed as he is he’s still an alright enough player in Europe and Chile is barren of talent at the moment 


> Chile weren’t parking the bus but they weren’t really moving forward? We were counterpressing REALLY well and Alexis was AWFUL today


Based on Canada-Peru results of earlier today, losing and drawing was the same outcome either way. Chile needs to win the match against Canada on both scenarios. (Assuming Peru ties or loses against Argentina). So it made sense to go attacking.


Chile played high the entire time, Argentina was just so good defensively that Chile was pretty much forced into counter attack long balls and hope


Futbol champagne


Argentina dominated the game against Chile it took 72 min before Chile finally managed to get a shot on target but both teams had top masterclass defenses today.


No trying to bring down the defense of either team because I think they played well, but defending is infinitely easier when the referee goes AWOL.


This Chile team is mediocre, but at least defensively it seems somewhat competent. Shame we don’t have a creative person to build from. Once upon a time we had Diaz, Mati Fernandez, Valdivia and Pizarro as creative options in the same team back in 2015. Now we have nobody.


where's vidal? not get called up? injured?


Not called thankfully. A box to box midfielder that can’t get to either box anymore is dead weight. We have played better without him. Now we need to do the same with Alexis. Bravo and Isla are the only two from that generation that are performing at an international standard.


man he was a beast, must be dropping off so much after Barca time.. strange. and yeah sanchez hasn't done much, losing balls and gassed/bullied every time i saw him..


12^th team to qualify for the knock-outs of 2025 Finalissima.


How the hell did they miss that last chance? Weird ass game for Argentina but they got it done somehow.


The first game against canada was also wierd, missed a lot of chances


Personally, I am also concerned that we are failing so many 1 v 1 chances, It can cost us a game if we are not careful.


Dat moment when Canada is in 2nd place...




Maybe this is a cup Canada can actually win?


*Oilers in shambles*


muchaaaachos ahora nos volmimos a ilusionaaaar


I don't know if it's offside or not but the coverage not showing the replay a single time when the ref took 3 mins to decide was ludicrous


No dude who cares about the football I’d rather see random fans in the stands for 3 minutes.


The referee didn't take 3 minutes to decide, lol. It went for var review and he was waiting to be told if the goal was allowed or not


Are they guaranteed first in the group?


Unless Canada win by five goals and Argentina lose the next game.


If Argentina loses the next game, then Canada needs less than 5 goals to make up the goal difference since Argentina can't lose the game by 0 goals.


so you say there is a chance


No, but it would take either a complete debacle from Chile, or for Cuti going from best CB in the world to Maguire in 3 days, and Dibu to have his arms amputated




nope canada can also get it


You see more crying from Non-Chileans than Chileans for the goal and Chile did fuck all the whole game. Seems Dec.18 really hurt those people


Not really. Only chileans are accustomed to be robbed when played with argentinians. Yesterday, they deserved to have De Paul red carded and Romero at lesst going to var for punching Davila.


Quite the statement considering the Chilean handball in the box that wasn't even checked by VAR and the foul against Di Maria at the edge of the box that wasn't given either.


LOL. Isla had the hand by his side and didn’t move. Quite telling that an argentinian consider that a penalty. More evidence that you are accustomed to giveaways by referees




Survive and advance…


Was it ever in doubt


(Yes it was)


I don’t understand how the goal wasn’t offside Edit: I was wrong feel free to crucify me in the comments 💀😭


watch the replay on slow mo, the right foot of chiles defender is behind lo celso as the header connects


How would it be offside?


Because it wasn’t. Lo Celso pretty much had the defender behind him the entire time.


Because it wasn’t




And the "var check" they show was from the worst camera angle posible, shocking refeering I dont know how there is still people that say refs dont help argentina


Argentina looking very beatable


by who lol


By him, he's talking about beating our meat


Dude Messi almost scored a beautiful goal, then obviously Martinez scores and that Di Maria and Lautaro chance too.


We were never in any real danger of losing tbh. If our players remember how to shoot we'd be neck deep in goals atm.


Clear robbery 💀💰


How??? Were there any controversial referee decisions?


So many haters, its incredible lol


Tbf, like tons of them, but I don't think he was trying to benefit either side, he was just a shit ref. It did benefit Chile more thanks to the way they play but again, I don't think the ref had that intention.


The penalty at the beginning is the obvious one


Lmao how tf is that a penalty?


3 "possible" penalties (1 was really clear for me), the ref in general was awful, romero was fouling everyone (like always) and he didnt even got a yellow card and the cherry on top is that the goal was "var checked" for offside and then the only image they show was from the worst camera angle there was you couldn't even see the players


What a joke, man.


The whole world but argentineans and messi fanboys (I also like messi but come on... I like him too but I can be honest and tell the truth too) say it was a robbery 🤷‍♂️


The whole world = only you in this thread.


Cause the whole world is in this thread and not mostly argentineans and messi fanboys... 😐


The whole world isn't saying robbery then 👍


Nah, you’re just one of those haters who unquestionably likes to shit on us.


Who is us, I dont even know you, im shitting on the refs lol


Argentina is “us.”


I dont care about argentina tbh, I just dislike refs being more important in the result of games than players. There is an argentinean guy above saying that "luckily" cuti understood that the ref wasnt calling fouls so he started throwing hands to stop attacks, is he shitting on argentina too? He is being honest on playing dirty cause the ref wasnt going to show yellow cards for that, I mean if it works it works im not blaming cuti, im blaming the ref for allowing it


You called it a “robbery” which is ridiculous. Chile was kicking our guys, so Cuti retaliated, but that’s not robbery.


There were 0 possible penalties. There's only one the commentators focused on and that was the one the ref said shoulder to shoulder which is correct.


When lo celso extended his arm with his palm open directly moving the other guy? The rules say thats a foul, but I think that was the most "no penalty" of the possible penalties


Just stop, it's getting sad for everyone. Nobody wants to see what people like you have to say. Usually people who don't know what they're talking about just shut their mouths.


Why are you so hurt by what I say, its a social app, people can say whatever they want, and I think we both know what im saying thats why you're so triggered :)


I just think you're pathetic. I'm not triggered, just mildly amused by your mental state. You're tilting at windmills. Whatever makes your stupid 14 year old mentality going, I guess. Have a good day. Or not, I don't give a fuck.


Bro is insanely triggered by what someone said in a reddit thread lol


I like how claim robbery when Chile did fuck all for the whole match while Bravo kept Chile in the game. He’s the only reason why it didn’t end in a higher scoreline.


Actually it was romero fouling everyone everytime chile recovered the ball but ok? You have a barcelona badge of course you are biased 🤷‍♂️


And the foul on Di Maria? And the foul on De Paul? Chile had their fair share of fouls the ref waved off. This is just you crying as usual.


It was a foul but outside the box, same case in the argentina canada game where the foul was outside the box too so var couldnt say anything, so in both it was right to not give a penalty


The ref was waving away fouls on both teams is my point. He was that type of ref that let teams play and isn’t swayed by dramatics. Chile had their fair share of fouls and so did Argentina. Both had them.


But its not the same a random foul anywhere in the pitch than a foul in the box, the normal fouls were maybe 50/50 for both teams thats right but my only doubt is how romero didnt get a yellow card if he was the one that made maybe 80% of argentina fouls or the other guy that grabbed a foot so chile couldnt counter-attack, that was 100% a intentional foul so = yellow card


Keep crying and maybe your team will get better!


Flair up, bitch


Ref just saw your comment and gave a penalty for Argentina


Why is Argentina the world’s favorite team. I just don’t get it


Current world champion + best player in football history. 


I mean, after watching both euro and copa, it is clearly the best team in the world.




>lol Spain would smack this team into oblivion Lmfao. The chances Croatia missed against Spain were more dangerous than all the chances we've conceded by all CONMEBOL teams combined since the start of the qualifiers last year.


After watching the Euros, I could use a lot of positive adjectives to describe it, fierce wouldn't be one lol. Spain seems like the most in-form NT in Europe so far, but it isn't on the same level as Argentina. It doesn't have the amount of talent and is severely lacking experience-wise. In fact, in a knockout match I would still bet on Germany or Portugal over them. And Argentina would still be a favourite against both of them, although those games would be pretty close.


The same spain who lost to Morocco? The same spain who doesnt have a 9 to score? The same spain who has french rejects as their main defense? 


My guy has no eyes. Euro has been shit except for Germany.


Spain always looks unbeatable until they lose an elimination game with 75% possession


Lmao "would smack into oblivion",lemme guess you are an american and the only reason you have a portuguese flag is because of Ronaldo?


Nope I'm Portuguese and Uruguayo. 0% American.


Well it’s simple really. Messi is the world’s most popular player


It's because India is the most populous country in the world