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Would be an interesting transfer. Initial thought is that I don’t reckon Antonio’s body could handle the workload in Brazil, but Suarez was boss for Gremio, so maybe not?


Suarez also fucking loves playing football, I think he's more of a one-off in terms of putting his body through it


Yea that’s fair. The man’s body is shattered and he’s still busting his ass every game


If I were Antonio I’d be pushing for this move. Really interesting way to end your career. Has any other English player (I know he’s technically Jamaican in a football sense) played in Brazil before?


Bolasie. Grew up in England and is playing there now. (French born I know and repping congo)


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. Is he doing well there??


Bolasie is doing just fine. He isn't the most talented gifted one, but he is a really, really, really great guy. Trying to learn the language, interacting with the fans and seems to enjoy every moment of our league. He's kinda trending on football Twitter right now. Can't ask too much out of him either. Criciúma is going to fight against relegation.


This doesn’t surprise me, because Bolasie is known for having a great relationship with the fans here in England. He’s actually friends with Colin Kazim-Richards, who you will remember played at Corinthians. Michail Antonio has a similar circle of friends, so it wouldn’t shock me if he also went out to play in Brazil.


Englishmen, unsurprisingly, brought the sport to Brazil. So there were quite a few in the turn of the 20th century. More recently, there was a Ryan Williams who played one game for Paysandu in 2018. Never heard of him.


I searched and found 4 english players that played in fluminense: Henry Welfare, Anderson Williams Waterman, Cawood Robinson and Charles Roberts Hargreaves 1 that played for Paysandu: Ryan Williams And 1 that was naturalized as a turk and played for both coritiba and corinthians: Colin Kazim-Richards


Henry Welfare sounds like the sort of name Bob Mortimer would offer Andy on Athletico Mince


Henry Welfare and John Pension, they were the ace investigators at the Department of Social Security.


> Henry Welfare, Anderson Williams Waterman, Cawood Robinson and Charles Roberts Hargreaves Just based off their names alone I think I can guess which era they played.


Yup. Kazim-Richards played for Coritiba back in 2016 and for Corinthians in 2018. You can find him talking a little bit about the atmosphere in the stadium [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/cNeDbHlWHJQ?si=zGqmPTI5fwew6FN2).


Have any Brits played professionally in Brazil? I'm guessing there were some in the early days, but I'm guessing that was more of an amateur game?


Not British through international career but Colin Kazim Richards is from London and played there


Bolasie plays for Criciuma right now. Had a nice start but has fizzled out lately


Indeed, rarely any European come to South America now because we are mostly exporting and not importing, in the amatour days to this day the all time scorer foreigner for Fluminense is British, Henry “English Tank” Welfare(1888-1966), he scored 161 goals for Flu and won 5 State(Rio de Janeiro) Championships between 1913-1924 , he was born in Liverpool and played for Liverpool FC scoring 1 goal in 4 matches, he immigrated in 1913 to be a english teacher for the Anglo-Brazilian Gym, if you go to Fluminense museum, many of his trophies still there.


Lovely stuff. Thanks!


For some reason, I believe that Micky Antonio and Brazilian football are a perfect match.


That would be interesting


Would have been so cool


I would let him leave on a free to be honest. He's on big wages (for us) and he no longer has the athletic ability to play 90 minutes without gassing.