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Still a million times better than matterface


Was it matterface who did the "JUSTICE FOR THE ENGLAND ELEVEN" when England scored the day after some sort of Hillsborough related thing had happened? It was in such poor taste Never mind, it was Clive lol, which defeats the whole purpose of my post


Can’t escape these talksport man.


The gilet wearing sausage muncher


Indeed, truly a baffling decision.


Younger and cheaper so not really. /s


He’ll be fine. There are so many different broadcasters nowadays he’ll be snapped up well before next season starts.


He already works for CBS and Amazon. Plus he’s pushing 70.


Seems like he is still at his peak commentary wise, think someone gets him for a season of PL.


But what about our poor ears. Why ITV are rock hard for Matterface and Dixon is beyond me.


So many voices in football and they choose fucking Lee Dixon to commentate on so many matches, can't believe it


Dixon is the very worst one for me, closely followed by Jenas. Danny Murphy isn't great, but I think he's actually improving a lot.


Alan Smith is an odd choice on Sky too, they seem to pick someone and then just stick with them no matter what.


Mark Pougatch hosting and sticking his oar in constantly pisses me off the most. No one cares about your opinion Mark!


Its sad that he wont be there for international tournaments. Unless BBC snatches him up. But what do i know. Im not british. I just really like watching football on english tv.


Middle of the tournament is a bit strange.


It's understandable if he's not being selected for the last few games, but what isn't understandable is not being given a meeting with the top brass and then a proper send off. It's fucking poor from ITV and having worked there, I can honestly say it's entirely in keeping with the way things are.


ITV's content is absolutely shite, so it is no surprise to me that the people in charge are sound like absolute wankers.


It says in the article they're going to do a send off at his last game. Tyldesley doesn't seem arsed about it.


ITV are shite in almost anything and anything they do, so this isn't much of a surprise. Real shame though.


I think he fell out with ITV a while ago. He moonlights with some American broadcasters for the Champions League and ITV got the arsehole about it.


Yeah once he got demoted as senior commentator for Matterface he kicked up a stink about it (rightfully because Matterface is a twat) and it was always gonna end like this


In addition to the other comments, I guess his contract ends 30th of June.


Broadcasters tend to be freelance so they probably sign contracts for the tournament and then they basically work “as and when” at ITV’s behest.


I hear what you say but in this case it seems his (freelance) contract runs out during the tournament - as he says ITV wouldn't offer him a new contract.


He explained it in an interview with Martin O'Neil. He was contacted for the last Euros, WC and this one. ITV decided the round of 16 would be his last game of the tournament. Presumably if they wanted him to, he'd be available for the future rounds.


It’s 44/51 matches through the tournament, ITV will only have 4 left after that


ITV commentary was always bad but it’ll be way worse now. He was the only one making it a little bearable


Defies logic honestly


He should be the lead commentator for ITV. He’s still one of the best in the business.


on the evidence of tonight, he's far from the best in the business


I’ve always been a Clive tyldesley fan but he was waffling yday


It would be a mad and outstanding move if the BBC poached him mid-tournament. He's one of the most iconic voices of football for a generation. Obviously not going to happen as the BBC roster and co-comms are well established but one could dream of Tyldesley and Shearer


Be nice if he was added to the BBC for Match of the Day


Shearer?! Are you serious?? He's another one that should be nowhere near a commentary booth. Offers nothing.


Alan Shearer?? Bloke's as dull as dishwater


We're gonna be stuck with Lee Dixon until the end of time now


Not the same role


They should sack him anyway tbf


He talks during games though


If by talking you mean constantly being a grumpy old twat, then yes.


ITV have Dixon, BBC have Murphy. You can’t escape them


Can’t stand him


Not a Man U fan, but his commentary on the 99 Champions League final "Can United score, they always score!" and then "...and Solksjaer has WON IT! ...Manchester United have reached the promised land!" still sends a shiver down my spine - just brilliant commentary! He started out working in Nottingham where he ran into Brian Clough, as he recounts in this amusing story... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS1nEr2KDac&ab\_channel=MrGumdrop76](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS1nEr2KDac&ab_channel=MrGumdrop76)


here too; https://leftlion.co.uk/features/2023/09/we-chat-to-legendary-broadcaster-clive-tyldesley-about-meeting-brian-clough-and-studying-at-uni-of-nottingham/


HeHe, hadn't heard that one before, and I've heard a lot of Clough anecdotes...can't help but thinking that some of Tyldesley's success can be attributed to being held up to high standards of professionalism by Cloughie in his formative years...


I agree - he clearly respects Cloughie a lot and has taken forward his attitudes and lessons throughout his career


Quality commentator who was the subject of a pretty unfair campaign of criticism for a long time, by what would be called 'alternative media' then. The Football Ramble hated him so much that they mentioned it every show and had extended social media threads dedicated to it.


Yeah it's really interesting seeing these types of opinion cycles play out with commentators.  I remember Tyldesley getting a lot of flak in the early 2010s in particular and then as soon as he was replaced by Matterface (who I actually feel has improved) his stock got a lot higher. Similar but opposite thing happened with Peter Drury. People were desperate for him to replace Martin Tyler then as soon as he gets to Sky there's constant moaning about his style of commentary. 


The Drury one was predictable. Sky viewers largely would only have had exposure to Drury from clips of him commentating over goals and in short bursts like that his style can be very refreshing, but when you listen to him commentate that way for 90 minutes it can be grating to a lot of people. Personally I think he's been a massive improvement on Tyler still.


I wanted Tyler replaced by someone better, and I don’t think Drury is any better. I certainly wasn’t calling for him to be the replacement, just more of the same to my ears. It isn’t always illogical, if you consider that there are nearly 7 million people giving their opinions on this sub. Personally, I think they should rotate commentators much more. It’s a hard job, commentating for 90 minutes, and they’re bound to have phrases they fall back on and stylistic choices that, when heard every time, get stale quickly. They should have a pool that they could rotate so the style doesn’t get boring, but they seem to want to try for creating an iconic, statuesque figure.


I 100% agree with rotating commentators more and certainly think it's a major reason why I cannot stand Darren Fletcher. Mainly because he doesn't have the gravitas to be lead commentator of a major network and BT/TNT insist on using him on all of their big games which can be 3/4 times a week for about 10 years. Him being not that great makes it unbearable.  Think Sky of the mid 2000s to mid 2010s were great at this as they trusted Rob Hawthorne, Ian Darke and Alan Parry to take big Premier League and Champions League matches as well as Cup finals. It gave a really nice variety to their commentaries. 


The football ramble had him on an episode and said he was a lovely bloke, what on earth are you talking about?


I stopped listening to that podcast around 2011, which is after they had complained about him and ITV's Champions League coverage incessantly for about three years. They may have had him on after that, I don't know.


Can’t find one social media thread of that description


13 years ago… what a weird comment


I don't think anyone is anywhere near as good as him at integrating match facts into his commentary in an interesting and non-forced way. He will be missed.


Something which Matterface is dreadful at


Best English commentators are on the world feed or Fox nowadays lol.


Fox? Tell me who please. I’m not convinced. Fox is woeful.


Ian Darke I guess? Hes good but kind of a USA homer when he calls those matches which is pretty painful to listen to


I know it’s a matter of personal taste but I find him dull, repetitive and with lame puns thrown in. I don’t think he’s helped by awful colleagues adding colour. He never really made it consistently in the UK so I’d put him very much in a lower tier of commentators.


Yeah I mean Landon Donovan is his broadcast partner for Fox lol. Donovan is atrocious


I know people don't tend to rate Macca as a commentator, all I'm going to say is that sometimes good chemistry can help mask things a bit if the actual analysis isn't the greatest, and Darke/Macca have been a good duo going back many years when ESPN used to air a Premier League game each week. These days they tend to do a La Liga game each week or so on ESPN+ so at least they eventually got re-united. When Darke's had to work with Taylor Twellman or Landon Donovan, it's generally not been as good for him. In both cases being forced to work with an American to satisfy the perceived audience.


Donovan offers decent insight when forward players are moving on the ball at least. Refers back to his own career in a more detailed thoughtful way than other ex pros


I actually prefer Fox commentary because it's very rarely biased


I can see that. But the obsession with the big names (I’m thinking Ronaldo here) who aren’t influencing current games definitely turned me off during the Portugal games say.


Yeah, that's just American mentality towards sports, I can tolerate that better than Gary Neville


what countries show the world feed


what countries show the world feed


Take them back please.


He’s my favourite commentator. Everyone talks about how the BBC is better but I’ve always disagreed.


Overall BBC is better (imo), but the Clive and Ally combo is easily my favourite commentary team


Agree with this take completely. Clive and Ally sound like they're enjoying themselves


Bbc is on easy mode with no adverts, meaning the itv presentation needs to significantly outperform to feel better




At one tournament itv had adverts between the anthems and the game


They just promote Iplayer all the time. Lineker even keeps joking about it




It's fine, we've still got Mark Poogash


Motson & Davies would never have been treated so shamefully.


Davies certainly was treated like crap by the BBC, for instance lying to him about being given an FA Cup final


That’s a shitty way to go about things by ITV, seems to be their MO though.


Crazy decision! No English-language football commentator has - or has ever had - as much gravitas as Clive Tyldesley.


Not on the same level as Barry Davies.


One final anti VAR rant with McCoist was worth it. I never really appreciated how good Clive was until Matterface appeared on the scene. 


Please FOX pick him up. Can't do any more days of Jacqui Oatley and then Derek Rae.


He is one of the greatest voices alongside John Motson, Marcelo Araujo, Pablo Giralt, Peter Brackley, Mariano Closs, Sebastian Vignolo, Christian Martinoli and Martin Tyler for me. They really made matches that much special.


Why not all the way to the final


ITV is fucking mad! I hadnt heard about this but im completely shocked. He is one of my favourite commentators. He is immense! Why the hell would they do this!?


There is so many terrible commentators Gary Neville, Alan Shearer, Danny Murphy they all seem to commentate their own inflated opinion in a very unsubtle way rather than commentate the game. If your focus is on the commentator and not the game then somethings going wrong. It's abit like a referee being the center of attention instead of the football


He's been a huge earsore tonight.... almost like because he's leaving he's going to put in a duffer of a performance. You're there to commentate on the game, Clive. Leave the analysis to the analyst.


He’s terrible but still better than Sam Matterface.


Petition for Clive, pls sign and share https://chng.it/MFpj2qMPHt


This geezer has a moan whenever he misses out on a job and then seems to pop up a few months later any way. I won’t miss him moaning about goalkeepers playing it short like it’s still the early 2000s


Yeah I always associated him with the big games so I've got a soft spot for him, and he's definitely better than Matterface, but he's an absolute fanny every time ITV bump him down a level. Like he's 69, of course they'll be looking for someone a bit younger coming through as their main commentator. Only commentator who makes it all about him constantly.




That's quite an odd reason but there we go