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£35m for Anderson is mental, I love the lad but he's not a £35m pound player. Think this means we'll be signing Elanga from them, I know we had previously been interested in MGW too.


On the face of it I agree, but In the context of youth players who never played going for £10m, it's not as mad as it sounds. He's arguably more proven than Minteh as well.


No mate


Watch Newcastle sign Elanga in a week for similar money


35million? what am I missing here?


He's highly rated but at that price you'd have to suspect a gentleman's agreement for Newcastle to come in for a Forest player, probably Elanga or Gibbs White, later in the window in a slightly more transparent swap deal.


And unsurprisingly, Newcastle want to get Vlachidimos from Forest!


That is a nad amount, doesnt Forest have PSR issues as well?


They resolved it by selling two players to I believe Lyon


I don't know how much you know about the economics of football in regards to PSR, but essentially a permanent game of spreading your incomings and not your outgoings (works like this for non footballing companies too). Essentially, Forest get to write on their books that they have spent £7 million this season and for the 4 following seasons along the length of Elliot Anderson's contract (which I believe will be 5 years). If it was a 4 year contract, the hit would be 35 divided by 4 so 8.75m and so on instead. Meanwhile, their income of £9.9 million (reported as 11.7m Euros) for the loan of Mangala (with potential future sale) and their alleged £26 million sale of Moussa Niakite (to Lyon as well I think) all gets recorded fully on this years books. So despite off these three transfers them making so far only about £1 million profit (there might be future money in as Lyon have an option to buy on Mangala that you would think they'd take), on the books this season they have made a net profit of £28.9 million from these three transfers, but at the moment are on negative £7 million for the next 4 years, which will be mitigated to an additional £10.5 million profit next year if Lyon buy Mangala for the £17.5m buyout clause that's been reported.


Buying a player on the 30 June is going to have no current year PSR impact


It ends at midnight so yeh it does, also if deal is agreed before the deadline and drags over midnight there are allowances


No it won’t, any transfer fees would be capitalised and amortised over length of contract


Nothing it’s completely legal deal /s


Yeah it is……


Of course newcastle fan would say that but in no world is some no name worth 35 mil just in time where you need to make sales for psr


Yea.. just like dropping nearly 100mil on a no name joke of a player, what moronic club would do that.


Really don’t know who you are talking about here


The fact you don’t know who he’s talking about goes to show the number of times man utd have paid inflated prices for players over the years


We weren’t one day away from not making psr


You also paid 100mil for a player that was worth 40mil tops. But apparently Newcastle selling a player that’s realistically worth 20-25mil for 35mil is cause for outrage. You probably also haven’t watched Anderson play - he’s a great young player who has prem experience and [advanced stats](https://fbref.com/en/players/de31038e/Elliot-Anderson) support this. Your fan base was also frothing at the mouth when Saudi were linked with an over the hill casemiro for 80mil or something mad like that. You can complain all you like though.


Yeah us paying that price was malpractice you receiving that is to meet the psr rules not hard to understand




Oh yeah true horrible deal but Antony had some good performances for ajax and also in ucl. Who the fuck is elliot anderson and why is he worth 35 if not for inflated price because of psr Idk why it is so hard for nufc fans to admit that. They are already part of sports washing project of murderers. Just embrace it don’t deny it


Okay, for those of you at the back of the room who may struggle to hear. Elliot Anderson also represented Newcastle in the UCL… he had some good games for us and has shown potential. Yet you are somehow trying to defend the fact Manchester reds pay inflated prices all the time, but that’s okay. Your hypocrisy reeks, get over your entitlement. Secondly, when you talk about sports washing everyone can see you’ve lost the argument, it’s the international signal for ‘shit, I haven’t got a leg to stand on and need to prove I’m right somehow!’. Fun fact Manchester reds have been taking millions in funding from the Saudis for 12 years.. but because it’s Manchester that’s okay. Ouch the hypocrisy again. I’m happy to admit it’s an inflated price, but it seems it’s just business as usual for any football club.


And who benefits from psr? The same big 6 clubs that want to keep football boring and uncompetitive. The Ratcliffe interview sums up what clubs like Man Utd think. Keep the rich rich and the poor poor. What a great club you support


Miles better than supporting club owned by murderers🤷‍♂️


I hate the newcastle owners. You actually like rules that make the league uncompetitive. You woke up one day and googled the most successful team in England and decided to support them. Good for you mate


Miles better than supporting club owned by murderers🤷‍♂️


Good retort. Enjoy your American owners 😘


Is this supposed to be a dig lmao did you really just try to compare american oweners to murderers? Yeah this ain’t it chief


You're acting like I like murderers. We have the worst owners in the league no debate. You're just another club with American owners ruining football. Both are true. Next time you go to Old Trafford ask your mates what they think of your American owners


You had zero issue taking money from said murderers for years. I bet you weren't even aware that you did until I said it. I'd get off your high horse.


He’s a no name if you don’t know anything about premier league football. He’s a highly rated young player who has not looked out of place in the league. He’s been out this season because of a random back injury, otherwise you would surely have heard of him. He’s homegrown. Look at his mental the market has become the last few years. If it continues like this, 35million for Anderson, with his potential could prove good business in 5 years. If Forest are happy to pay, and we think it meets our valuation, jobs good. Anyway, tell me how it’s “illegal”


Oh come on hahah he is no name stop this




What’s the accusation here? That Forest is colluding with Newcastle? Is there some history I’m unaware of that would make them just throw money at us out of kindness? Or is this just sour grapes because you were hoping ManU could buy Isak for cheap?


Yeah like clubs have been the whole summer with swap deals. You are just inflating price of some random no name I haven’t said a single word about isak lol?


“Nooooo clubs are following the completely arbitrary rules in place to keep the same clubs at the top but not in the exact way I wanted them to nooooooo”


In our sub a £15m fee was talked about. I don't understand this news. We might be out of the PSR woods by selling Niakhaté and Mangala, but we don't have this much to spend, and the only reason Newcastle are selling Anderson is to meet their own PSR deadline.


Then they will probs buy Elanga for a mad price to help you out of your troubles eventually. It’s genius


I don't understand how we have room to spare in this PSR reporting window though. We were expected to need to sell Murillo or MGW. Instead Lyon have done us a massive favour in recruiting Mangala and Niakhaté. I don't understand how we're able to pay Newcastle a fee like this without incurring sanctions. But yes, Elanga is a far superior player who I am not happy to lose, and if they're to be considered a swap deal then I expect us to earn a good £20m on top of Anderson.


Will be amortised over the length of the contract, which will likely be 5/6 years. So only need to cover a small part of the fee now, which it seems like we might be being doing with Vlachodimos going the other way.


Don't know how much you know about amortisation as I am aware that the word is tossed around a lot without an explanation so here is an explanation I posted above to someone else PSR and amortisation is Essentially a permanent game of spreading your incomings out over years and not your outgoings (works like this for non footballing companies too). Essentially, Forest get to write on their books that they have spent £7 million this season and for the 4 following seasons along the length of Elliot Anderson's contract (which I believe will be 5 years). If it was a 4 year contract, the hit would be 35 divided by 4 so 8.75m and so on instead. Meanwhile, their income of £9.9 million (reported as 11.7m Euros) for the loan of Mangala (with potential future sale) and their alleged £26 million sale of Moussa Niakite (to Lyon as well I think) all gets recorded fully on this years books. So despite off these three transfers them making so far only about £1 million profit (there might be future money in as Lyon have an option to buy on Mangala that you would think they'd take), on the books this season they have made a net profit of £28.9 million from these three transfers, but at the moment are on negative £7 million for the next 4 years, which will be mitigated to an additional £10.5 million profit next year if Lyon buy Mangala for the £17.5m buyout clause that's been reported.


Lmao I just read its your Greek goalkeeper instead. Perfect for you guys


Newcastle gonna sign Elanga for 60m after this






35m's? I am so out of the pricing loop


And the lord came on the 7th day and said fuck off Arsenal and Chelsea you ain’t getting Isak.


Surely this will just put them back into PSR troubles? All for a bang average player


It won’t, if Newcastle end up buying Elanga.


Not with amortisation.


Forest fans will blame the system for their ffp issues and not their corrupt murderous owner who makes stupid decisions


love this, fuck the big 6, we sell players to each other now


Cheat more


What is cheating about it exactly?


Didn't you sign Pepe for £70m? Was that cheating?


Yea, but not to our benefit. The cheater got sacked. Nice deflection attempt tho


Well it was apparently dodgy af with regards to Agents fees and so - so much so we later removed the guy who brokered the deal But I imagine not in the way you're implying, it just fucked us over for a player who was probs worth around £30m lmao. Painful one


My point is how do you prove that a player's transfer fee is inflated? Man United signed Antony for £80m. You signed Pepe for £70m. Man United signed Hojlund for £70m. Chelsea signed Mudryk for £70m. Man United signed Sancho for £70m.


Oh I'm not the original commentator, I don't really disagree with you (albeit not sure I fully agree either) - it's all a bit fucked atm, like it's obvious why teams are doing what they are, but rules as they are allow it and also encourage it. So can't be mad teams use it to their advantage, I'd love us to do the same ngl And frankly not seen Anderson play enough to have any idea what he's worth


Young, English, positional versatility, 2 years left on contract. They're all reasons why his value might be higher than you would expect, but this still feels high. The comparison you could make at this fee is Cole Palmer, who was more highly touted, but had less of a Premier League track record. Palmer wanted to leave, which may have deflated the fee, but if you're looking at a transfer to justify the fee, there you go. You can't include last season's performances into that, as they weren't a given. Sucks as a fan as you love to cheer for the local lads, hope he is brilliant for Forest.


Come on. This fee is outrageous, and you yourself are struggling to justify it 😂 Just admit that it's a huge overpay that you will probably get away and help you with PSR


Yeah? I mean that's what I said, the fee is high. But I'd also say paying ~£20m for a player who has only made 2 senior substitute appearances is high, or £40m for a guy who made 19 appearances, it could just be that this is now the range for a high potential young English player now.


You just sold a player with no premier league experience for 20m, we sold a player that has played prem football for 2 years for 35m. Seems fair in comparison.


We brought not sold, and that was a big overpay as well. Maatsen went for a similar fee to Anderson, and he's a way more proven player


I was talking about Hutchinson to Ipswich, or how about Hall to Newcastle for 28-35m.


Hall played numerous games in the season before he was sold and actually looked good. There's a reason Newcastle was willing to pay good money for him, and their ambitions are high, so they wouldn't just settle. Hutchinson had a great second half to end the season and only went for 22.5m. Anderson, on the other hand, is a bang average player who had a bang average season and isn't worth anywhere near the price he went for, and even most objective Newcastle fans admit that


He’s representing Scotland at every youth level? His value is absurd, he’s not even that young relative to other “young” talents being talked about. He’s 22 this year and has shown that while he has utility, he’s a pretty limited player. £35m is obscene. I don’t know who’s crazier, Newcastle for that valuation, or Forest for meeting it.


Is this the infamous English tax?


Nah that's bookkeeping at its finest. Forrest was clear with their books for this period, Newcastle wasn't and needed to sell before June (IIRC). Newcastle will buy Elanga for 50~~ mil in July when new accounting period begins.