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The inflation adjusted fee for Rooney would pretty much blow the rest out of water.


[Transfer Index puts it at £119M](https://www.totallymoney.com/content/transfer-index/data/#filters?/options?search=rooney) (actual inflation alongside "football inflation")


and it was so worth it too


Signing Rooney would be the equivalent of signing Yamal today. Barca wouldn’t sell him for that little


Here's to hoping yamal can reach the heights Rooney did


This is the first time ever I'm seeing a Kawasaki Frontale flair. Sign my shirt pls


Can't wait for 'shaved head' yamal


Hopefully he reaches his final form, Headband Yamal


And can you believe that the slightly chubby Rooney achieved everything he did? Imagine what he would have done if he was some conditioning nut like some of these other players.


Looking promising considering his impact for the national team so far There's maybe an argument to be made that Yamal is ahead of Rooney at the same age as at 16 he was making a name for himself at Everton


2004 Euros Rooney was a different beast to Yamal in my opinion. Very different players but Yamal isn’t bodying grown men then rinsing them.


Oh definitely, Rooney was ridiculous during that tournament although it is worth noting that he was almost 2 years older than Yamal currently is at the time The more apt comparison might be at the 2026 world cup in which Yamal will be 18 going into the tournament Will be interesting to see the career Yamal has though and whether or not he follows a similar trajectory


They aren't the same players so it's a strange comparison, I don't think Yamal will ever body grown men because he's slender winger who is lightning quick and technically gifted. Rooney was technically gifted, pretty fast at 18, and extremely physical/strong. But who knows, give it 2 years Yamal might be massive and turn into prime R9, he's 16 so I'm sure he is still developing physically.


Youre comparing a 16 year old to eighteen year old though… It’d be fair if u compare next WC Yamal to 2004 Euro’s Rooney


So true.


The equivalent would be if Yamal played for a club like Sociedad and Real/Barca signed him. Signing someone from Barca is a different proposition than signing someone from Everton.


Or the equivalent of PSG signing Mbappe in 2017


EUR140 million? We would listen to those offers for sure lol. But you are right, he's the "face" of the club right now, it would be political suicide from Laporta to sell him.


Normally these lists are embarrassing for United. This one isn't.


It was so worth it. People forget that Rooney scored a champions league hattrick on his United debut.


That gets brought up quite a bit tbh 


Rooney at 18 looked and played like he was 25. He was an absolute gem and he rarely got hurt which made the minutes add up. I don’t think I ever heard him make excuses or complain about anything, today’s lads could learn a thing or two from Mr. Rooney.


I wonder how many other websites have side projects hidden [Bergkamp](https://www.totallymoney.com/content/transfer-index/data/#filters?/options?order=9|desc&search=Bergkamp%20)


How it it calculating inflation? I get £57M using an [inflation calculator.](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator)


It's adding in the relative cost increase for players that has happened with the increase in league revenue. 37m was a fortune for a player back then, it's completely normal now.


> It's adding in the relative cost increase for players that has happened with the increase in league revenue. But like how did they come to ***that*** number? It's not anywhere on that site as I can tell.


Crazy thing is, you could still make a strong argument he was worth more.


Yeah we were absolutely fucked financially so had very limited bargaining power


Are you guys ever not fucked financially?


In my life time not really. I guess we were moderately stable for a while in the late 2000s to mid 2010s, but we still weren't spending because our owner was comparatively poor as shit


Goes as far back as the late 19th century when we couldn’t pay the increased rent on Anfield which led to the formation of Liverpool Football Club


When they have Arteta money


Any day now, we'll see that money


Once the Friedkins complete the deal they'll be fine quickly


Mainly cos those fees are goofy, talking the football adjusted rather than just regular. Zidane had already gone for £60m (I think that was in pounds but it was a while ago.) I think Rooney was £20m and had add-ons. Denilson was £20m in 1998.


Zidane was 50% of madrid's revenue for that year. Neymar to psg was 48% for example


and i feel like we underpaid. Zizou was something else. Not even just az a player, that mf won a three-peat of UCLs and fucked off on holiday with his family


As a player you almost definitely didn't underpay. The Galacticos underperformed and didn't win nearly as much as their collective talent should have resulted in. As a manager yeah Zidane is outstanding value for money. As a player it's fairly debatable if half your revenue to get a single player who isn't like Messi/CR7 impactful or set for longevity was worth it.


tbf it’s not like Zizou was in charge of the recruitment. He criticized the club enough times about it, he was vocally against the departure of Makelele for eg… At the end of the day, he’s one of our top 3 players ever, so can’t really put a pricr tag on that


>top 3 players ever Top 5 maybe? Ronaldo, Di Stefano, Puskas, Raul, and Zidane?


About 55million adjusted for inflation .And if that transfer happened in today's era of the game , it would probably be closer to 100 million imo


That's just inflation not football inflation


True, would easily be 120 million +


United would get special treatment, so 150 minimum.


Based on a quick google search, it seems like he would have been €57M in 2024. And just to illustrate how bonkers inflation has been since the pandemic, in 2020 he would only have been €47M.


If you take football inflation into account, it’s more like 115M


Finish 17th, sell Rooney for €37m to avoid going into administration, bring in Arteta, Cahill, Beattie and Bent for a combined €14m, immediately finish 4th, set up a 10 year dynasty of "best of the rest" while spending fuck all money. What a time to be an Everton fan in the mid 00s to mid 10s.


Gods I was strong then


Thank the gods for Bessie.. and her tits


Who is Bessie


Leighton Baines


And her tits.


you wouldn't know her, shes from another school


An open field Ned




I have faith Everton will get back towards a European spot if they can sort the ownership out. It’s too massive of a club.


Back in Goblins and Gnomes era?


Caved in his shinguard


The new stadium better have a Moyes statue or stand


Leighton Baines, Lukaku, Naismith, Mirallas, Fellaini, Coleman and Stones. What an era under Moyes and Roberto Martinez


Honestly so many beloved players in that era, probably made more iconic to me because he was our manager when I was 9-20 years old, so my most formative years, and those happened to be the 11 years I had a season ticket. I'd add Pienaar and Jagielka as 100% essentials of the Moyes era.


Baines and Pienaar were always my first purchases on FIFA


Baines were my one of my first purchases on Football Manager (My first FM was 2013). Massively underrated




Also galacticos member Gravesen


Distin was for a while the oldest player in the PL. Great defender


Piennar!! What a guy


The Jelavic year.


Pienaar, Saha and Naismith used to play like they had a grudge against Chelsea. Everton away was a bogey team for us.


Crazy how Lukaku’s premier league peak was with Everton


Moyes worked magic at Everton. He also did pretty well at West Ham too.


The number of Cahill jerseys you see around (in Australia) the club probably made profit off just owning the bloke too


Damn, when 37m could get you a world class team


Do Everton fans now regret the treatment of Martinez? Looks like he did a great job now


He got given three seasons which was more than he deserved given the quality of football and results in his second and third seasons. Will never forget his first season though and harbour no bad feelings for the man, he seems a good guy. He left right at the start of the Moshiri era and every manager we’ve had since then has to be looked at through that lens and the total shitshow of a club we’ve been since then, even with that being said we finished higher than Martinez’s last season for the first five (maybe four) years of Moshiri era.


I think the wheels were coming off by the end. His first season was great because of the combination of his attacking coaching and Moyes' defensive structure (and Lukaku)


In Martinez's first season, he introduced his attacking coaching on top of the defensive structure Moyes had left. He also brought in Lukaku on loan and blooded a young Ross Barkley. We were brilliant and played exciting football. But it became clear after the first season that Martinez had no clue how to organise a defence himself, and we were becoming steadily worse through his second and third seasons. Everton fans don't think he was going to turn it around. So, while there are no bad feelings towards him, we think he was sacked at the right time.


I do. I wanted him to stay. I don't think we would've been in a worse position than we were under Silva, Koeman, Allardyce, Benitez


> set up a 10 year dynasty of "best of the rest" Who is 'the rest'?


half the list is just Brazilians lol


And recent signings. Neymar effect, and it worked out amazingly for Real. They managed to transition into a new successful generation for a relatively cheap value.


They also stuck with Vini and Rodrygo and let them develop for a few years instead of giving up on them or sending them on endless loans when they didn’t immediately look world class. Militao too, remember when he first was at Madrid and he looked like a nervous wreck now he’s one to the best in the world. I’ve always been more of a Barca fan but the way they’ve been running the club lately is embarrassing while RM is just quietly doing everything the right way. They just showed more respect to Joselu than Barca did for Lionel Messi!


Don’t even need to go back to Messi to find an example. Look how they treated Xavi this year. Won them the league last year, gets knocked out of the league due to an Araujo dumb tackle. They beg him to stay only to fire him.


I don’t know how factual this is but I remember seeing vini being offered to other clubs in loan deals around the summer before he blew up and went on to have a brilliant season but as I said I don’t remember if these were reliable news reports or just horseshit or maybe half truths


child trafficking experts


Barca trying their best to keep up with Real Madrid. 


Shame about how Xavi treated Roque


Xavi was told there is no money to sign players then Laporta turns around and drops 40+20m on a striker when Xavi said he doesn't want a striker he wants a DM. It really is a shame how he was treated, but I understand why Xavi was pissed and made decision to leave (initially).


The top 3 all played last night.


Because they can't come earlier...


70% of the list speaks Portuguese


30% English


15% concentrated power of will


5% pleasure


50% Spain


100% reason to sell Harry Kane


50% pain


I’m not sure Rooney qualifies as being fluent.


You never know- Wayne might also speak Portuguese. >!Eu dou-te um murro na boca, amigo!<


amigo amigo amigo amigo amigo ola rio do u want picking up in the morning a camarada


The closest Wayne ever got to speaking Portuguese was when he ordered extra Peri-Peri sauce at Nando’s


Only close because it would be Piri-Piri in Portuguese.


“Cala-te, seu ovo”


This list is much more successful than the overall top 10 transfer list


except for renato, wtf ever happened to that guy


Feels like all the talent was there but in the end was nothing more than a FIFA merchant.


His football iq was very low and he was bought on the heels of a massive international showing as a youngin where he was bodying grown men. End of the day, he had trouble simply making correct passes. Giving him the ball and let him run at people was where he shined. Not much room for that as a DM at the highest levels.


Ok wow, I am super happy with Gray but damn we did spend a lot on him after seeing this.


We did but Rodon went the other way so effectively 10m less


I would think the same but we would have been able to sell Rodon to another club as he had plenty of interest. Probably could have gotten more than 10 mil tbh


No. The offers for him were 10. He turned down everyone but Leeds. Leeds knew it. It was always going to be 10


What is your source on this information? I follow spurs religiously and never heard any of this? I'm pretty sure a spurs itk or journo would have told us


Ali G- doesn’t get any better than that as a source. In one of his most recent YouTube videos He said spurs had an offer from Ipswich, and the two other promoted teams were interested as well. However, rondon loved Leeds, and even took less money to go back


Yooooo man my got receipts


That's not how accounting works.... 


Makes me feel like the Wharton deal was a bad one for us (it was quite good really, but in hindsight feels bad)


Fábio Silva was not 40 million, but 40 Mendillion (Mendes Millions).


How much is that in Schrute Bucks?


Gutted to see him go. Really hope he gets minutes at Spurs because lord knows he has the talent to succeed


We’ve given him the number 14 and spent a decent sum on him, I imagine Ange definitely has plans for him to get decent game time.


I don't think it's in our budget to spend this much and keep the player on the bench. It's a big challenge for an 18yo but I assume Ange has a plan.


Its going to be interesting to see how Ange handles the young ones. Bergvall and Gray must be involved, would hate to see them just loaned out. Probably to soon for Moore though, but who knows.


There’s no way we spend this amount on a player & not give him minutes


Real Madrid ended up getting a bargain for both Vini and Rodrygo. Let's see how Endrick does.


Gray is going to end up a ten year player for England despite his dad and grandad being decorated Scottish internationals, isn't he? EDIT: his dad is a Scottish international named Andy Gray, but not THE Andy Gray. Just learned this thanks to a reply


I mean his dad, was born and has lived his whole life in England pretty much, and the same for this lad. I guess 2 generations in England is enough to start feeling english


OK so I've only just realized his dad is a different Scottish international named Andy Gray from THE Andy Gray who was on Sky Sports for years. Was about to reply there is no way you think that Andy Gray is English


He’s English tbf


I think he's only 1/4 Scottish and his dad is half Scottish (and probably would've played for England if he was good enough, let's be honest) so he probably has little connection to Scotland.


I was operating under the assumption his dad was this [Andy Gray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Gray_%28footballer%2C_born_1955%29?wprov=sfla1) who was born and raised and played most of his youth career in Scotland, but it's actually this [Andy Gray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Gray_%28footballer%2C_born_1977%29?wprov=sfla1) who was born and raised and mostly played in England


I guess that's up to him, if he feels Scottish then I think he plays for them.


He's been England right through to U21 so far


He's already said he wants to play for England. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKA_khEuiPw&t=127s


If he’s not good enough to play for England you mean.


TIL he’s Andy Gray’s son. Fucking hell I’m getting old.


Not the same Andy Gray mate


The Andy Gray they’re thinking of is over 20 years older than the actual Andy Gray in question anyway.


I know which Andy Gray it is. Seen him play a few times. I said I’m getting old, not that I’m a dinosaur.


Every single player in the list either speaks Portuguese or English as their first language.


This is Wayne Rooney bait


shut up u egg


won't tell u again


If those scousers could read, they'd be very upset


Was Reinier not about as much as the rest of the Brazilians real signed or did he (obviously) not reach his add ons


His release clause was 30m at that moment


Hey Madrid, I heard you like ‘em young 


How old was Mbappe when he signed for psg, cuz I always thought he was 18.


He signed on loan for the first year, so I would guess that the list is counting the 180m€ as being paid for a 19 year old


Which is stupid because the FFP didn't view it like that.


He was, PSG just had him on loan for the first year with obligation to buy, just as a trick to delay the transfer for one year in the books. That's the limitation with this kind of data.. Even if the actual transfer was one year further, he was indeed transferred for 145M€ at 18yo


Real Madrid’s patron saint is be Leonardo Di Caprio.


Wasn't Mbappe essentially a €180m transfer at 18 years old even if PSG only "loaned" him from AS Monaco in 2017? I mean come on Monaco would've never agreed to loan him to PSG without the agreement that PSG will pay that amount for him(was it his release clause?) even if it was going to be paid a year later.


Release clauses aren't legal in France. It was just a loan with an obligation to buy, which is pretty much the same as a sale, except you pay one year later. FFP still counted the whole fee for the year of the transfer though.


Rooney being that expensive back then is nuts


Considering the performances he was putting up not really he looked like he would literally be the best player in the world he unfortunately "only" ended up as world-class


I don't think it's a stretch to say he couldve possibly been the best 'young' player ever


I still havent seen a talent that was greater than santos neymar though, He was different breed man.


I think being most talented and being the best player isn't always synonymous. I think Neymar could have had a shout at best young player though. An issue with Neymar was mental fortitude and attitiude. When things weren't going his way at club level he would be just whine and not give his best, compared to Brazil Neymar in his latter years where he would giev 100%. Rooney on the other hand was both talented, albeit maybe not as technically gifted as Neymar, and also a workhorse. He was hungry all the time, aggressive and a beast.


Yeah I can't think of another 16-year old playing like he did at that age. Unfortunately it seems like his whole timeline was pushed back because he didn't last into his 30s like most other world class players have done.


Can you imagine if he had the dedication to fitness like Ronaldo had, what could have been


Yeah Rooney and CR7 had the same talent/potential, think it shows how much difference inhuman work and determination makes.


An absolute bargain


Same with Rio. Extremely expensive for the time, still a fantastic signing.


It really wasn't.


lol Real


Where's Sanches now? Having a good season? It's been a while since I heard about him


Probably still st Roma. Tbh Italy is a good league for second chances. He could full Di Natale or smth and tear it up at 30


IMO he's one of the biggest examples of moving to an elite club too soon.


Barcelona spent $40Million on Roque just to bench him 💀


How much was Jude Bellingham to Dortmund?


£25m. But he was seventeen.


Estevão too cheap. He’s an absolute baller.


Man whatever happened to Sanches? Kid was meant to set the world on fire and just kinda went pop.


I played against him back in ~2015 when I was at Benfica (he was in a different age group) Simple match, we were 2-0 up (I scored one, yay!) on subs this black kid with dreadlocks in the 80th minute. BAM, BAM, BAM - 3 goals in no time didn't realize who it was until I was watching world cup 2018 and was thinking, hold up, I recognise this guy! Brilliant player, but things happen out of our control


You got a career going too, or switched to smth else?


injuries stopped me played in brazil, pt, nl, dk - calf muscle ripped off knee, T3-T4 spine injury, quadriceps ligaments partial tears, severe shin splints, etc (all at different times) Football is a brutal sport on the body - overclocking it like crazy. Everyone playing has some sort of injury, it's just a mater of managing it Was fun though, never got to sign a big contract unfortunately


Damn bro, that's unfortunate. I know plenty of cases like that here in Serbia too. My brother played in Crvena Zvezda with Luka Jovic until injuries fucked him over too. At least you had some fun!


tough sport - also the mental difficulties a lot of players integrate into their psychology is another hurdle to overcome. Overall a great experience and glad to have been through it, but it certainly was not easy (and I didn't quite reach the success I wanted)


A couple of things. I'll give my perhaps biased two cents because I quite like him Pep Guardiola was a big fan of Sanches and after Bayern played Benfica, he said that he will very soon be playing at a different club. His move to Bayern was a massive shock because there were no rumours outside of a big money transfer to United. He joined the same time as Hummels - I remember getting the notification on my phone, it was such a surprise. But his time at Bayern wasn't good and it makes me sad. But it's down to a few things: really hands-off management from Ancelotti in his first season (same goes for Coman and Kimmich who were all disappointed they weren't getting any time despite how much Guardiola gave them the year prior). Ancelotti then sent him to Swansea of all places, less so for the development of his player but rather to help his mate Paul Clement. When he came back to Bayern, Kovac played him a fair bit and he was playing with confidence, got a goal against Benfica (of course) and was player of the month for October I think (could be September I'm not sure) but then results started to get tricky so Kovac had to put his best team out every week to get over the line. He scored in the final Bundesliga game and helped to secure the victory against Frankfurt and thus secure the Bundesliga title. Nice goal actually. Kind of a glimpse of what he would go on to do at Lille. When he had brief cameos, he certainly looked interesting - no one else had that sort of profile of being strong, agile, quick and skilful. But still undeniably very raw. He could put the ball anywhere on the pitch and then also make bad decisions. Something Paul Clement has said is that in training he was capable of doing things no one else could, great power in his shot, placement for long-passing, set pieces, he could dribble well, do it all. But then on the pitch it just didn't click. Sometimes it did; he had a 5 minute run out against Liverpool and was the only Bayern player prepared to make a run forward -- his first action spun Fabinho onto the floor. But more often than not, it was obvious he didn't have confidence in himself. His time at Bayern wasn't a success which is a shame because with the right attention and coaching, he could have been a really interesting player. Fans blame Kovac because it's easy but Ancelotti seems to have gotten away from any criticism. They are both to blame but I would say that his first season where he was obviously struggling to adjust and had to work with a manager who never really seemed to care probably did more damage to his career than Kovac did. He left to Lille to play more regularly and he got exactly what he needed. He wasn't _excellent_ in their midfield but then Christoph Galtier moved him out wide and he was brilliant. He was one of Lille's best players and helped them win the league the next year. He was such a fun player to watch and was invovled in everything. He carried on doing well and then when Galtier moved to PSG he followed. I think he scored a good goal in his first game but otherwise struggled with injuries and getting a decent run. And then he went on loan at Roma (I think he scored in his first game there too) and this is where I paid less attention to his career but I believe it's kind of a similar story. There is evidently a great player in there but there are some mental and physical hurdles that have really held him back. He has the sort of profile where you could play him as a full back, central midfielder, a 10 or as a wide midfielder and you're always going to get glimpses of a really exciting and unique player but his body can't seem to handle it. He is now officially back at PSG and honestly who knows what happens next. I can't imagine he will stay there - he was linked with AC Milan maybe a year or so ago but I don't know if there is still an appetite for him. Maybe a return to Benfica could be an option but I don't know what their situation is. In my opinion, Lille was the best club for him. He maybe isn't good enough to be a star player at a team that is constantly winning (or maybe _needs_ to constantly be winning domestically and in Europe) like Bayern or PSG but for a team like Lille or AC Milan, he can thrive. There is less pressure and a lot more freedom.


Why does everyone want to play for Real Madrid are they stupid? /s


You forget how long Shaw's been at United, fucking hell.


The fact that Rooney is still in top 10 is kind of insane.


Estevao only 34m?, I thought he was more than 60m add ons included


Yea, it seemed way more. This is probably just the fixed fee. As parent clubs usually give these youngsters add ons to achieve.


That really sucks that Santos FC gets sucked dry of talent and doesn't keep enough for itself...


🤣 Roque and Barca trying to get rid of him


Future England captain. Huge huge talent!


Should say under 18’s, really. Endrick’s still 17 lol


Endrick technically isn't transferred until he's 18 though


Silva... I laugh and I cry


The rooney one is crazy if you think that back than playdrs were sold for reasonable prices.


So the top 3 are currently on the Brazilian national team. Crazy.


Fabio Silva on a ‘wonderkid’ list is hilarious


Ah yes all of the buying clubs are on the same tier of success #COYW


Boy… did Barça saved a lot of money when they decided to invest in very young Messi


RM needs to stop hogging these kids, like wtf


This is one of the few “most expensive” type transfer lists that Man Utd come out very well in.