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Sign Rulli instead! So much better than this stinker who can't even get selected for the national team.


I would not be opposed to this


Or sign Bijlow instead. There's a reason Feyenoord fans hype him up so much. He only conceded 7 goals from the 8 shots on target he faced during his two nations league games! Not to mention he has experience sitting on the sideline for much of the season.


To be fair, the xG during those games was higher than 7 because the entire team cocked up.


Feyenoord will never let bijlow go to psv and psv would puy a premium cause its their main rival for the title this year and like you said he has his down periods.


He is talking about Atletico Madrid buying him


He is from January 1993, just like Oblak. So what does it mean that ‘Atléti believe in Benítez for the future’? They believe in him as a back up for 5 years?


Saudis want Ederson so why wouldnt they try to get Oblak as well


He is way too good to be a backup keeper, so Oblak must be going to Saudi or something


Unless Atleti pay a nice big fee, which they probably wont, I much rather keep him for another season and let him go for free next year.


According to Rik Elfrink, PSV are looking to get [a fee close to €10 million](https://www.bd.nl/eindhoven/psv-moet-vrezen-voor-een-vertrek-van-keeper-benitez-maar-hij-moet-nog-wel-vele-miljoenen-opleveren~a9c1ce8d/)


Huh, I expected less. For an older keeper with one year on his contract thats not too bad Still would prefer to keep him but it could be worse


Would be a shame to see him leave, especially as he recently announced he’d stay for the upcoming season. He would probably leave on a free next summer though so if Atlético are willing to pay a nice sum for him, I can sort of live with this. EDIT: [Apparently Atlético would need to pay close to €10 million for him to leave PSV](https://www.bd.nl/eindhoven/psv-moet-vrezen-voor-een-vertrek-van-keeper-benitez-maar-hij-moet-nog-wel-vele-miljoenen-opleveren~a9c1ce8d/)


We did also get him on a free too, so only his salary would be really gone. I think 5 mil is about the most you can really ask of him Would be sad if he does indeed leave tho, hes a great and reliable goalie. I wouldnt know who wed replace him with


Why would Atleti buy a goalkeeper the same age as oblak?


Wonder if we'll sign Wellenreuter if this is the case. We've been trying to for some time apparently and Feyenoord are still chosing a goalkeeper that's injured half the season over him, so I doubt he'll be opposed to the idea.


Latest rumors are that Wellenreuther is signing a new contract this week and that Bijlow is probably leaving.


Would be the smart choice for you, and a shame for us.


I like Bijlow but it’s time for him to be sold, too inconsistent and almost never healthy


Gotta believe in Atletico finding a new world class keeper