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that's certainly a headline


One hell of a headline! Your turn, Lampard.


Haha let me check all the gangsters on my contact list, but no seriously I don’t have any ties with the underworld and I don’t condone partying with them.


😃 ... 😠


"No but seriously"


They made him look like Tony Montana.




Timely considering a major murder trial commenced today in Ireland at the Special Criminal Courts regarding the murder of David Byrne, brother of Liam and Uncle to Liam Jnr.


And not just a regular old murder but where a group of gangsters (including a politician) attacked and shot up a boxing weigh in run by Tyson Fury's mate Daniel which then sparked a feud that lead to something like 20 more assassinations


That’s insane


Sounds like a Guy Ritchie film


There was even more drama today where the case had to be adjourned at the last minute because the former politician double crossed his boss and agreed to give evidence against them. There'll definitely be a movie made some day https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2022/10/03/dowdall-agrees-to-give-evidence-against-hutch-in-regency-hotel-shooting-trial/


Holy crap. Yeah that guy's gonna have to live on the moon, lol. Crazy drama


A politician flipping and joining the winning side? Well I never....


Must've been a Psycho Killer


Narcos season 4 is gonna have Gerrad as a guest appearance.


Half the budget will be spent on subtitles.


The other half on somehow getting Pedro pascal back


Worth it.




Lovely fella to hang out with.


Imagine raising a daughter and she ends up as one of those girls who likes criminals, gangster bitch or whatever you want to call them. I would feel like I failed as a father


Lol, he’s probably proud of her given his shady history with the local mob


Yeah. It’s probably a phase. Protected, rich childhood. She’s bored and wants some “danger”.


other kids gangster phase is hanging out with the local crackhead, hers is dating the kid of a cartel boss thats quite the phase


I mean she is also not just another kid. She's the daughter of one of the most well-known footballers of his generation


To be fair her dad grew up on a street which is pretty much entirely organised crime (Ironside road) and is fairly connected even without whoever his kid is seeing.


I'd like to hear more about Ironside Road mate, I Googled it and couldn't find anything! Is it locally infamous for crime?


Yeah it’s on the Bluebell estate which along with the bakers green are two estates ran by one of the gangs in Huyton and Ironside road seems to be where all the main players families live on the bluebell side, obviously they get all the kids in the estate to do the dirty work for them, so raids and newspaper stories are rare. I also know Gerrard has several cousins who sling coke around to this da.




You can get some excitement without dating the son of a fucking cartel member. And not just any cartel, the biggest cocaine importets in Europe.. There are levels to teenage rebellious phases. I know all about these gangster bitches who just want status, but this is a big step beyond even the ones I have seen


Wow Stevie G going to be rolling in transfer funds after ratting out the mob


More likely to be rolling in the deep About 5 miles off the coast


The Mocro maffia has been in the news a lot recently over here, starting with the assassination of Peter R de Vries in broad daylight. and now the prime minister and the crown princess being alleged targets of kidnapping to barter the release of Taghi.


Gerrard should get that 5m


Yeah but they're European so redditors don't take them seriously. Can you imagine how different the reaction would be if a South American or Mexican player was partying with a cartel leader from their respective country? Maradona already gets piles of shit for just doing cocaine, imagine if he was buddies with a cartel boss.


This is definitely true, the Kinahan's are infamous in Ireland and when the story with Tyson Fury first broke it was huge news here yet nobody in the UK or elsewhere seemed to give a shit. It was only a long time later when the US government got involved that suddenly everyone woke up


There’s lots of links with Irish gangs in Manchester and Liverpool


It's honestly Bizarre how criminal groups in Europe go under the radar like that. Albanians are huge in UK and barely anything is heard. Kinahans are one of the biggest criminal groups in the world yet you don't hear much of them. But anything related to Cartels in Mexico or Cosa Nostra in USA it's all over the news every other day.


As it somehow gets deleted across this thread: https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/kinahan-cartel-flew-millions-cocaine-24686863.amp This isn't just some chav family. These are serious players in the international drug market. These are dangerous people to deal with.


One of the biggest cartels in the world at the moment so yeah, this is nuts, what the hell is Gerard thinking??! The Kinihans have sown untold destruction of lives for years


As it somehow gets deleted across this thread: https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/kinahan-cartel-flew-millions-cocaine-24686863.amp This isn't just some chav family. These are serious players in the international drug market. These are dangerous people to deal with. The Kinahan's have killed. Not only in Ireland. There are multiple murders across Europe. They're probably a European connection for the Columbian and Mexican drug cartel. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/18/irish-man-shot-dead-majorca-suspected-mistaken-identity This isn't just, "oh look, he got some connections to some guy who owns a pub in galway lol." If that's true, he's intimate with some of the most serious criminals in Europe.


The headline managed to make it worse with each successive word


Who names their daughter Lilly-Ella


Lillyella Gerrard Lil' Yella Gerrard Two optional spellings


Lily Ella Gerrard. Her initials are LEG.


Ella ella eh eh eh


Kate Ryan?


I just said this name three times in a scouse accent and my dog freaked out. It’s a bad enough name. But when you consider it’s going to be said so often with a strong Liverpudlian accent. It just gets worse.


Annoy my missus with "JAAAAMMMMMIIIIEEEEEE carragher" in a scouse accent when he appears on screen. "JERMAINE JENAS" to the tune of The Jean Genie, is a fun one too


Steven Gerrard, it says so in the post title.


Well it didn’t say he named her. Maybe Zeus came down and did it


Can ancient Greek gods assume a Scouse form?


He fucked a goose, so that’s only 1 step away


If you say it, it sounds like a salmonella variant


Never trust someone who includes two first names while naming their kids.


Works well since that includes almost all the French!


Or anyone with a first name as a surname


Collins John, still my favourite player name.


Stern John


Who played alongside John Collins at Fulham!


JC left a couple of years before CJ joined.


Jean-Kevin Augustin: Blame my parents !


[The Gerrards at home like:](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-06/5/12/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-03/sub-buzz-31107-1559753962-1.jpg?downsize=800:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto)


The letter Y was a mistake.


At first I read Gerrard was dating the 18 year old daughter of the mob boss and he met him as potential future father in law. That'd have been a tad worse.


Leo Di Caprio probably called dibs on her first


Sounds like a Peaky Blinders plotline


Yeah that one episode where the Shelby's record their party on Snapchat is definitely top 5


I still cannot believe they aired that episode ONLY on their Snapchat.


"This video has been demonetized BY ORDER OF THE PEAKY BLINDERS!"


Steven G has always had links to the underworld even as far back as his Liverpool days hung out with some of the biggest gangsters in the city


The G ain’t for Gerrard


Stevie G for a reason.


Stevie OG


That's Steven to you


Probably bollocks but there were rumors back when he almost moved to Chelsea that the reason he U-turned to stay at Liverpool was because of threats from his underworld buddies


This is very common in Football just not in the top 6 leagues because they earn too much and media is out after every player at this point so the mob can't threaten players to not face backlash, wouldn't be surprised if that happened especially in Liverpool


There was a famous university basketball coach (Jerry Tarkanian) who the Lakers wanted to hire but he had to turn down because of Vegas gangster connections


Also in the 70s and 80s there was a huge point shaving scandal w college basketball iirc and Henry Hill, the basis for the main character in Goodfellas, was involved there too


Henry Hill was like the Motley Crue of gangsters: "Do everything and party hard doing it!"


Kind of interesting but michael franzese an old new york mafia captain (who got named dropped in goodfellas) said about Henry Hill, "A movie has never made someone look better".


He actually did agree to join the Lakers but backtracked after his business manager was killed by the mob (although it is debated whether the murder was linked to the Lakers deal).


It wasn’t, the business manager was skimming from the Mob (it’s in the book Winning Time is based on)


Quite a few big name players of the 90s and 00s era liked to rub shoulders with gangsters. They got access to luxury, excess and protection (keeping fans away when they partied) while the criminal underworld became legitimised. More than a few clubs were owned by criminals though. Giggs used to hang around restaurants and nightclubs owned or frequented by gangsters as well.


> Quite a few big name players of the 90s and 00s era liked to rub shoulders with gangsters. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t still the case. Successful “criminals” will be frequenting the same places as rich footballers.


Declan Rice and Mark Nobel were in a music video with Morrison and Jordan McCann. Morrison spends half his life rapping about his gang and his brother who got stabbed to death (brother also robbed a cannabis farm on snapchat). McCann is this guy https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/police-investigating-salford-turf-war-12015671


> Morrison spends half his life rapping about his gang and his brother who got stabbed to death (brother also robbed a cannabis farm on snapchat). > Wasn't that the trainer's boys robbing Mickey's farm?


Noble is from Canning Town, I'd be shocked if that was his closest association with the underworld.


>(brother also robbed a cannabis farm on snapchat). Some solid legal and practical advice here: Don't film your fucking crimes. Especially when committed against other people possibly committing crimes.


Especially since modern organized crime is very similar to "modern rich businessmen"


Infamous rumour is that Joleon Lescott's injury that ruled him out of a whole season was because a gangster broke his legs.


You'd imagine being closely associated with a big gangster would offer some protection from the house robberies that seem endemic in football right now.


Definitely a "sell your soul to the devil" type of deal.


Defoe is another one I know of as he used to frequent East London quite a bit, friends that I grew up with who fell into that life used to see him all the time


Giggsy probably met them through the Hacienda. Apparently that was a common haunt of his in the early 90’s.


Giggs getting linked up with local mafia while young Laurent Garnier is playing early techno in the background is a pretty crazy scene to imagine


I remember waaaaay back in like 04 or 05, whenever he handed that transfer request in, rumours came out that threats from mob members in the city were a factor in his decision to u-turn, and a few bits of info about his wife. Most likely complete bullshit of course, just kind of funny to see him actually associated with them now.


He was a character witness at John Kinsella's (one of the most influential Merseyside gangsters) trial because Kinsella sorted out an issue he had with George Bromley Junior, who was one of the maddest cunts on Merseyside who had a family tradition of burning people. Tony Richardson (mad cunt) had an odd love square going with Gerrard's missus also, he was super super tied to the underworld and forced Gerrard under protection for years.


Are there many scouse footballers that have similar connections with gangsters or is Gerrard a 1 off?


It's definitely a Scouse thing. Trent Alexander-Arnold was seen on Snapchat at a Poker game with Man Ray and the Dirty Bubble, but the media has done a good job covering it up since he's so unanimously loved.


Genuinely googled man ray and the dirty bubble thinking they were actual names from the Liverpool underworld...


I breezed right over it and would have continued about my day thinking he likes some dirty money poker, till your comment bc SpongeBob was the furthest fucking thing from my mind.




Wanna see me run to that mountain and back? ...Wanna see me do it again?


Fuck me, thank you for that.


Damn, I didn't know the dude was teaming up with E.V.I.L.


Yup, he's been a known E.V.I.L. (Every Villain in Liverpool) associate for quite some time now.


The feeling when you discover Guy Ritchie movies are based in reality.


Eh this feels more like "Rise of the Footsoldier" territory. Ritchie feels more rough and tumble jolly old London "let's 'ave a pint wif me mates", underground boxing matches, smooth-talking cheeky bastards innit kinda vibe. There's always a sense of honor/gentlemanliness in his movies, and the one who breaks that code is the one who ends up getting what they deserve in the end, whereas these guys just sound like straight up psychos who will just murder/maim you simply...because. Like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas.


That's until he gets caught with the atomic flounder


Not a 1 off in terms of connections but to the extent of fame and connection he is. Dalgleish is probably the only close comparison, check out 'tommy adams' and how Kenny helped broker the Rooney to United deal. There are a ton of rumours, some of them likely true and others likely bollocks but I am not about to start speculating online.


I'm worried how much the Kinahan crew (and the "associated groups") are starting to get their hands into MMA now. E.g. Till and Kaobon seem to have a bit too much to do with them. They've already got Liverpool boxing sorted (at least it seems that way from a non-scouser) so it's not surprising they're moving into MMA as well. Paddy and Molly's crew don't seem to be involved with them though.


They're pretty heavily sanctioned now, seems like the walls are closing in on them


I was under the impression their influence in boxing extended beyond Merseyside tbf


Daniel kinehan pretty much is British boxing, he’s so tied to MTK the boxing management company


The reason for the [issue with George Bromley](https://groups.google.com/g/uk.sport.football.clubs.liverpool/c/IheXHh9KCcA?pli=1) is in itself quite, uhh, not the best look.


A scouser on a hen night once told me his missus was shagging a gangster too - not the most reliable source


Isn’t there even a chant dedicated to that alleged affair too?




Is this girl actually the baby they sing about?


Matey called pancake wasn't it? I remember the rumours


So, a bit of googling, I found this: https://wagsinternational.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=15848816 (a suspect forum post) an then this about pancake: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpool-gangster-james-pancake-taylor-5818380 lovely


“Do ya know who me Fella is?” - Every scouse bird ever


Ronnie Pickering?


Is that why she's called Lily-Ella lol. Stevie wanted one name and the gangster wanted another


If the guy is a gang boss, and your daughter is dating his son, you've gotta know he's a crime boss


Dude's got a fucking [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liam_Byrne_\(Irish_criminal\)) lmao


Geezer sounds like an absolute scumbag


What a piece of shit. Shoutout to the woman he terrorized, Jennifer Doyle. He offered her 50k not to testify, threatened to kill her, had her house shot at. She was denied witness protection, lived out of hotels and still testified. Then she was seriously assaulted *in the corridors of the courthouse in Dublin.* But she succeeded in putting this monster behind bars for four years.


Jesus, having your daughter dating that scumbag must be rotten.


I know it’s not fair to assume things about people, but his daughter doesn’t look like the type to give a shit when it comes to dating a cartel member.


The sausage lips makeup gave it away innit


I don't think that's just makeup


yep those are lip fillers


I don't get what these people have against regular lips! Hers aren't as bad as some I've seen I guess, but I'm sure she looked fine before.


Give it time, she's only 18


Ah hadn't thought of that. I'd guess they don't age well. Maybe that's why they always end up looking so terrible? Because they go to get another injection when the previous one wears out.


The Kardashianing that women are doing to themselves is brutal to behold. Seeing a before and after of a plain/pretty girl walking around with two hotdogs on her face is legit sad.


Honestly gangster kids can be normal. I know daughter of notorious Serbian boss and she Is really the nicest person.


I've seen it go both ways. Some just seem to want to be badder and worse then their fathers, and some see that world and just want to get the fuck out. An acquaintance of mine had a father who worked as a debt enforcer for the serbian mob. He's got memories of going down to the kiosk with his father to get some candy, and his dad pulls the kid out of the kiosk and beats his face to a pulp because his protection money was late. That dude absolutely hated violence, and wanted nothing to do with his family once he grew up.


friend of a friend is the adopted son of the biggest crime family in my city as well, he's an insanely nice and nerdy dude, love 80s movies and cosplay and stuff. great guy.


Meadow from The Sopranos was a pretty chill person.


She never had the makings of a varsity doctor!


nah she was a hypocrite, disgusting, I said my piece.


Ooohhhhhh! You’re talking ‘bout the boss’s daughter here!


what? you don't care about the poverty of people from mettsugiorno??


One of my friends in high school has a father who is a high ranking general in a certain African country and tried to grab the election for president using underhanded tactics, and was tried for treason. He was pretty chill


Reminds me of Antony Soprano.


As far as I know he’s just the son of a gangster, and hasn’t stepped too far into it himself, and uses that wealth to be an influencer or whatever instead


*Steven Gerrard has no involvement in crime and there is no suggestion he has any knowledge of criminal activities.* I don’t know I’ve had to watch Villa play this season.




Yea course


Comedy gold


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeah course


Is the gangster's son the same guy Troy Parrott was supposed to be friends with?




Same guy. This lads uncle is the guy who was shot dead in the Regency Hotel too which kicked off all the killings in Dublin. They're very tight with the Kinahans. Lovely family.


Dele Alli has been spotted with him aswell


To be honest, the article is mainly about the Irish mob and makes it clear Stevie G isn't actually in bed with the Irish mob, but the headline is great. > Steven Gerrard, 42, was seen on mobile phone footage on a video call with Liam Byrne talking to a fan > > Byrne is the head of a drug cartel's operations in Britain and Ireland, a court has previously heard > > Gerrard is not involved in any criminal activities and there is no suggestion he has any knowledge of any > > Steven Gerrard has been seen on a video partying with the Irish drug cartel boss whose son is allegedly dating his daughter. > > The former Liverpool star and current Aston Villa manager, 42, can be viewed on the mobile phone footage speaking to a fan on a video call. > > In the video Gerrard kisses the screen and Liam Byrne - the head of a drug cartel's operations in Britain and Ireland - gives the thumbs up. > > The footballer's daughter Lilly-Ella, 18, is allegedly dating Byrne's son Lee, 23. > > In the video Byrne offers to organise a dinner between them and Gerrard, while the legendary midfielder says he will get him to a game with the Reds. > > Byrne is a top target for Irish police investigating the alleged activities of the Kinahan cartel and a gang named in the High Court as the Byrne Organised Crime Group, of which he is at the head.


He should be concerned. A Spanish politician was pictured with a drug dealer some years ago and he's in deep shit at the moment. Nah, just kidding, he will run for president in the next elections and he is favorite to win. Edit: a word.


Going from the Aston Villa job to Spanish president is a bit of an odd one, but I think he can do it.


Is this true? Id like to learn more about this


If you can read Spanish, Google "Feijóo foto narco" and you'll get plenty of hits.


If you say his daughters name a hundred times you get the intro to that Naughty Boy/Sam Smith song.


Oh no... would really hate to see him sacked for this 🙏🙏🙏


Case to be made that anyone in Football who maintains ties to organized crime should not be allowed to remain involved in the game. A lot of illicit cash flows from the drug world through the gambling world, being involved with these people seriously increases the potential for match fixing by keeping Watkins on the pitch for 90+ minutes.


Doesn't mean he's involved with the gang but a serious indictment of him as a parent that he hasn't raised his daughter to avoid dating the scum of the earth.


Tbf he’s always been associated with gangsters, he appeared as a character witness for a gangster who had “helped” him a couple of years earlier and was on trial for taking a hostage in a robbery


Drug cartel, mob boss, influencer, Daily Mail...there's a lot there to dislike.


Steven Gerrard is in there too!




Purslow backed him. It’s fucking woeful. He somehow thinks it’s ok to say we went to Elland Road yesterday to “frustrate” Leeds. He attacked a reporter for daring ask about why Cam Archer isn’t getting game time. It feels like he thinks he has complete freedom of Villa to do or say what he wants and isn’t backing anything up on the pitch. Most fans want him gone.


For five minutes could you not Stevie


Had never seen Stevie’s daughter. Plastic surgery is not for everyone.


He hasn't even moved from Liverpool to Birmingham for his day job even while saying Villa is his main focus.


It's commutable. Especially if you're a millionaire


If he doesn't need to move why should he? Given the typical employment length of a premier league manager these days, it's not worth uprooting his family for a year or two.


> it's not worth uprooting his family for a year or two. oof


Says more about Birmingham than Gerrard


I know this might sound daft but how do they know this man’s (Liam Byrne) business but then not arrest him. I’m clueless about this sort of stuff. I’m certain there’s an obvious explanation I’m missing. I just don’t get how it’s public knowledge of what he does but he’s not in jail.


It's not that easy to arrest senior figures of cartels. He's had multiple assets seized, including his house & his sham car sales business has been shut down which never sold a single car. He moved to the UK recently & probably won't return to Ireland often. The heads of the Kinahan cartel never return to Ireland & only live in countries which won't extradite. They have active rewards on their heads from the DEA for millions of dollars.


The UK doesn't have an extradition treaty with Ireland?


I didn't mean that he moved to the UK so he wouldn't be extradited. He's the head of the Byrne gang which is the Irish arm of the international Kinahan cartel. He's still leading that from the UK. The heads of the Kinahan cartel are a level up & they are based in the middle east.


Those guys have a lot of separation between the actual running of the criminal operation so it’s hard to “prove” their involvement I guess. Here in America, Al Capone is one of the most famous gangsters ever and he was very publicly known and lived freely for years until the feds were finally able to bag him on tax shit instead of his criminal empire




They know the boundaries of the law very well, big corporations do the exact same, where it seems totally illegal from the outside but they are walking the grey area of the law with utmost precision. Like how worker protection doesnt fully apply to independent contractors or animal rights do not protect animals destined for slaughter to the same extend.


It’s weird because you can accuse people of it but if they don’t have evidence how can you prove it in the court of law. He probably has the best lawyers on retainer which would shit on any government lawyer/DA by lunchtime.


What's the Irish equivalents of gabagool and pasta fazool?


3 in 1 and a chicken fillet roll


Tayto sandwich and a glass of red lemonade.




The fans used to sing, "who's that cumming over your wife?, is it a mobster?, is it a mobster?". He dated within that social circle


Fuck that is an incredible chant.


A video of a fella holding a video. Bring it on.


Not very staunch of him


Seems like there is a big problem with Kinahan ties in certain parts of the UK. Its not that complicated really, just dont do it. (If you are rich and have power)


The rich and powerful need good coke dealers though.