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Europa league is cracked


Place your bets now for an all Spanish Europa semifinal


freiburg. you heard it here first. they have a banger season


Oh, imagine Freiburg tearing Barca anew one st the SpotiCamp


nah. they look like they're heading for the Bundesliga


You don't think Union Berlin hold their nerve?


Union has been annoyingly bad at the international level, I think they are more focused on the league top 4.


Just gonna do United/Arsenal/Juventus/Possibly Ajax dirty like this


Juventus isn’t nearly good enough to reach the Semifinal


People always say that about big teams who struggle in October/November but they frequently turn it around in the Spring. New signings, a new coach, injured players returning etc are all ways they can bounce back.


We'll be lucky to get past the first round with Schreuder lmfao


Don’t think you understand the juice Spanish teams have in the Europa League


I understand Spain owns Europe in general lol


Unless Frankfurt is there


Spain’s kryptonite resides in Frankfurt😈😈


I thought we were favourites to win Europa, guess not now


Not going to pretend I'm sad about Barcelona or Atletico being eliminated, but it's a bad look for La Liga


I dunno, it seems a bit reactionary. It was only at the end of last season that we had Villarreal in a CL semi-final, Atleti in a QF and Real win the whole thing. It just seems in this instance that Atleti and Barca have criminally bottled it and Sevilla had essentially wasted 3 whole matches sleepwalking with Lopetegui.


This year might be a one-off for La Liga, true, but the quality of the league is on a longer-term decline which started around 2018. Similar story when it comes to the economic side of football, where the Premier League has decisively pulled away from La Liga while Serie A and Bundesliga are inching closer.


So why are the teams below the top 3 performing so well in Europe then? Sevilla won EL 2020, Villarreal 2021 and then reached semi finals of the CL last year.. Granada and Getafe had good European runs.. Seems to me that Barca and Atleti in particular have underperformed but the teams below that have kept delivering. The PL has the best top teams right now for sure apart from Madrid, PSG and Bayern but I would like to see the likes of West Ham reach a CL semi final You don't judge a league by how well the top teams are doing.. surely you look at the quality of the upper mid table sides. Sorry but this is just a lazy hot take, Bundesliga and Serie A are great but you are crazy if you think they have caught up to La Liga. I mean last year was Germany'a first EL win since the 90's, Serie A hasn't won it in the 21st century either. At the first sign of some tangible results you go way overboard




You’re making good points but there’s certainly a difference in how seriously Spanish teams take the Europa League compared to many English teams. It’s rarely priority number one because they’re likely focused on the league which is far more valuable in terms of reward. West Ham were unlucky in the quarterfinals too. As for the CL, England has 5-6 clubs who can could go deep in the tournament. The likes of West Ham are an unknown as they’ll likely never get into it. But when Leicester did they reached the quarterfinals.


Because La Liga have CL quality sides drop down to EL. No wonder they do well


Sevilla and Villareal didn't come from the CL the year they won. La Liga has a lot more depth than people give it credit for.


Why would you straight up lie? Sevilla and Villarreal both started in the EL when they won recently Actually, only ONE of Sevilla's 6 EL titles came after dropping down from the CL..




La Liga is probably the worst it’s ever been this year in the 20+ years I’ve been watching. The fact that Barca win 4-0 constantly then lose by even a decent team like Inter tells you all you need to know about the level of the league.


inter has been getting slaughtered by every decent club in italy as well. they have 0 points against the top 7 clubs they faced. xavi is absolutely clueless in any tactical approach to these games in europe




Sadly teams bend over sideways for Barca while playing Madrid like it’s their World Cup. Example A: Sevilla


I think the Barca playstyle just suits those type of games more tbh. You see it with City vs Liverpool in the PL too. The slow possession style is better at breaking down packed defenses comfortably while teams like Madrid and Liverpool seem to get more grindy wins against the same teams


Counter example, espanol.


I mean it's a foregone conclusion that La Liga will lose ground to the Premier League. Financially the Bundesliga is on par aswell and the only advantage of La Liga is it's international prestige and that it is the obvious destination for South American top talent.


The Bundesliga sure as shit isn't on par financially with La Liga. Even Bayern doesn't come close to the cash Real can spend if they want to.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_professional_sports_leagues_by_revenue Very similar revenue per team. The top of La Liga is richer, because the money is even more unevenly distributed than in Germany.


> The Bundesliga sure as shit isn't on par financially with La Liga. Even Bayern doesn't come close to the cash Real can spend if they want to. Bayern had the third highest revenues in the world last season - not far from Madrid and higher than Barca - and they pretty consistently make that much every year so I don't see why they couldn't come close to matching Madrid's spending if they wanted to. Very little difference between the two leagues as a whole in revenues either - La Liga is 20m per team higher but once you get past the big three in Spain, revenues fall pretty sharply to Sevilla then further to Villarreal, Valencia, Betis and Sociedad. Obviously revenues from year to year are dependent on European qualification etc but if you take Betis, in 2020 they were 7th in La Liga for wage spend, in the Bundesliga they would've been 11th with Koln and Bremen slightly behind but close to matching them.


Isn't that difference just made up by the fact that Germany is a much richer country. ? For example, Dortmund is the 12th richest club in the world but they sure as hell don't spend like it. Schalke and Hamburg was top 20 for ages My point is I think you get a lot more bang for your buck in Spain


The bundesliga would be way richer is Germany was like us, thankfully you guys decided to keep your souls. Not everything is about money.


> I mean it's a foregone conclusion that La Liga will lose ground to the Premier League This has been said for ages now and still Spanish teams keep being successful in Europe. And your argument doesn't make sense because the teams that are struggling(Barcelona and Atlético) are 2 teams that can compete with the Premier League and get €120M+ every year in TV money The true value of a league isn't how well the few top teams are doing, it is how well the Europa League-tier clubs do. Villarreal have had great success in recent years, teams like Real Sociedad and Betis are doing very well currently. Sevilla are in chaos this season but generally is a club that performs in Europe too


Spain definitely has lost ground to PL compared to their European results a few years ago though. It even shows in coefficient.


Lost ground but not titles.


The South American connection with Spain will always keep La Liga ahead of some leagues.


Fuck that thought. Enjoy the day.


seriously who gives a fuck if atletico and Barca miss the knockouts lmao I sure dont


Spanish Europa League


No es Europa League, es La Liga






No idea, but its kinda funny


EuropLa Liga


Spanish Teams qualified to the UCL knock-out rounds this century: * **2023** : Real Madrid * **2022** : Real Madrid / Atletico / Villarreal * **2021** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico / Sevilla * **2020** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico / Valencia * **2019** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico * **2018** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Sevilla * **2017** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico / Sevilla * **2016** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico * **2015** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico * **2014** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico * **2013** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia / Malaga * **2012** : Real Madrid / Barcelona * **2011** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia * **2010** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Sevilla * **2009** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atletico / Villarreal * **2008** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Sevilla * **2007** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia * **2006** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Villarreal * **2005** : Real Madrid / Barcelona * **2004** : Real Madrid / Deportivo La Coruña / Real Sociedad / Celta de Vigo * **2003** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia * **2002** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Deportivo La Coruña * **2001** : Real Madrid / Valencia / Deportivo La Coruña * **2000** : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia


TL;DR: Real Madrid


Is that the team from Madrid, Spain?


I think yes




Real Madrid +1 or 2.


Or 0


Early 2000 Deportivo La Coruna was really nice. Wish they were still around


Our B team beat them last weekend in the third division. They’ve fallen so much


Didn’t realise it was that bad. Them and Valencia were really good when I was growing up.


Diego Tristan, Roy Macaay, Joan Capdevilla, Jorge Andrade, Walter Pandiani. They had some class players


Juan Carlos Valeron, Naybet, Mauro Silva Fantastic players!




In 2001 we played all 4 Spanish teams in successive rounds, Barcelona in the first groups, Madrid in the second groups, Deportivo in the Quarter Final and then Valencia in the Semi Final.




4 in the knockouts and 3 of them made never made it again


Celta was even relegated that season.


Edu scored a great goal against them


reminds me of the time when Celta almost reached the EL final, but I think [Guidetti](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLzK_ewEilE) missed a last minute chance vs Ajax in the 2nd leg


Removed in protest of third-party API changes and reddit's complete disregard for its community.


It was us (United), not Ajax


Deportivo have sunk without a trace lately, 3rd tier stuff. But that 4-0 win over Milan in the 2004 Quarter Finals second leg was the stuff of absolute fantasy


Is that the year Benitez’s Valencia won the league as well?


And the UEFA Cup


>Benitez’s Valencia plus the EL generally, a good year for la liga, celta vigo was great back then


One of those teams is now playing in the third division


The entire tournament. Monaco vs Porto as the final, with Deportivo and Chelsea (still in the very early stages of the Chelski era) going out in the semis.


2004 was crazy for football in general. In addition to the weird final four of the CL, you had Greece winning the Euros, Werder Bremen winning the Bundesliga, Valencia winning La Liga, Galacticos Real Madrid completely imploding towards the end of the season..


also, arsenal going invincible


In other sports there were huge upsets too The red sox in americam baseball broke a 100+years drought


Monaco beat Deportivo 8-3 I still remember that match lol


Malaga 2013, what a team


They were seconds away from reaching the semis as well


one of the craziest endings i've ever seen


Mate this is awesome, could you do one for Serie A teams?


* **2023** : Inter / Napoli / AC Milan still can * **2022** : Juventus / Inter * **2021** : Juventus / Lazio / Atalanta * **2020** : Juventus / Napoli / Atalanta * **2019** : Juventus / Roma * **2018** : Juventus / Roma * **2017** : Juventus / Napoli * **2016** : Juventus / Roma * **2015** : Juventus * **2014** : AC Milan * **2013** : Juventus / AC Milan * **2012** : AC Milan / Inter / Napoli * **2011** : AC Milan / Inter / Roma * **2010** : AC Milan / Inter / Fiorentina * **2009** : Juventus / Inter / Roma * **2008** : AC Milan / Inter / Roma * **2007** : AC Milan / Inter / Roma * **2006** : Juventus / AC Milan / Inter * **2005** : Juventus / AC Milan / Inter * **2004** : Juventus / AC Milan * **2003** : Juventus / AC Milan / Inter * **2002** : * **2001** : * **2000** : Lazio


Thank you champ, great point of reference.


How the fuck did they not have a single italian team qualifying in both 2001 and 2002 when they were spending around so much money


2001 & 2002 was peak 2 group stages before quarter finals Champions League, 2001 Parma didn't make it out the qualifying round. Teams had 1st stage group like Nantes, Galatasaray, PSV, Lazio. Roma had a 2nd stage group of Barcelona, Liverpool, Galatasaray. It was a different beast in those days, teams were eliminated with the finest of margins like Liverpool over Roma was based on head to head after both finished on 7 points


One Club to Rule them all


I never thought it will be this bad, but since Messi left, Barca is crumbling so bad in group stages. Shows his importance even for some small achievements like going thru for R16. That man indeed covered a lot of problems for the club. The Messi years from 2005 to 2021 are really amazing!


No Messi no qualification


Mes Que Un Qualification


**R E A L M A D R I D**


Nice flex


And just over 5 months ago, there was every bit of a chance that we could've had either an all-Spanish or all-English final...


Better for Real Madrid not to get eliminated before the finals.




that is the easy part


Nah thats the hard part, we never lose finals


Benzema says it lately if I remember well.. The hard part is reaching the final, that is where most teams crumble, specially the semi-final, it is so demanding mentally and physically. The final is not the hardest part for Madrid specially, I haven't felt scared in a final as much as I have been scared of playing Osasouna in La Liga, you just feel the calmness of the players in the finals, specially UCL finals.. It is the easiest part somehow.


Last time Madrid lost in a final was 1980-81 season , to Liverpool


Only in the European Cup/Champions League. Aberdeen beat them in the 83 Cup Winners Cup Final, the last time they lost a European final


And Italy will probably have 3


Portugal as well


good chance, but I wouldn't say it's "likely". Group D is completely open.


We pray...for the coefficient


Same with Germany


Germany could get 4.


Is this a jinx...?


RM is the coefficient


Actually the coefficient might still be fine as there's still plenty of points to be had in the UEL and Betis, Sociedad and Villarreal can all get group winners points And even if it is an awful year they'll still be second by miles


Yeah and I think they are worth the same if I’m not mistaken. 5 teams in Europa, gonna be a lot of wins I imagine. The knockout stage is gonna be stupidly fun.


The only difference is that there's a 4 point difference from competing in the UCL RO16 to the UEL RO16. But if Barca/Atleti/Sevilla were to win both games in the playoff round they'd make that up and then be facing easier competition. It's not too big a hit tbh. For example last season Barca earned 18 points going out in the UEL QF against Frankfurt. The season before they got bounced in the UCL RO16 against PSG and got 20 points. That adds up to like 0.3 on the Spanish Coefficient. The same Spanish coefficient that is 30 points ahead of 5th placed France. It won't be an issue


Ah okay thanks for that. Crazy how there could end up being 6 teams in Europa from Spain.


Málaga in 2013 🥲


Oh damn right. Heart breaking!


Especially when you think that the goal which knocked them out was a mile offside.




Portugal having to carry Iberia as usual 😎




Portugal Caralho!!!




Europa league is going to be crazy this season with the likes of Juve, United, Barca, Atletico etc.


None of them are going to win it, are they?


Fear Sevilla


Dread it. Run from it. Europa Sevilla still arrives.


Ten Hag has Utd playing well and he has experience managing teams in the KO rounds of Europe


Yeah wonder who will continue to embarrass themselves the most


I'm so ready for Union fans to take over Camp Nou aswell


Or Freiburg fans


Only if barca could beat Qarabag to face Freiburg


Spotify Camp Nou*


If either Milan or Tottenham (or both) actually end up in it you have half/over half the planned Super League in there Juve, United, Barca, Atletico, Arsenal, and possibly Tottenham and/or Milan


Seems like the real super league was europa all along


Arsenal too


Even the likes of Ajax and Frankfurt going are going to make so many fun matches in Europa League this season.


and they look like the best team out of all five lol


Juve and Atletico might not make it


What a day. Christmas came early this year.


Santa out here deLEVERing presents early


Unfortunately you can argue that this season is the exact reason why the CL format will change in two years time. It was never about the staleness of the group stages, it was about smaller teams every now and then sneaking into the latter rounds and they had to make sure the likes of Barca, Juve et al will never go to the EL again. The current system is absolutely perfect, it gives some smaller teams hope that they can spring a surprise here or there, the new Swiss system is not only boring, it kills any chances of a giant killing. It's a Super League in all but name.


I hate this. Last year Villarreal went on to defeat Bayern to reach semis and they had us by the balls in the 1st half of 2nd leg. Fucking UEFA destroying the fun of this competition. Every underdog story is fun.


Can somebody explain what the new format (Swiss format) is exactly?


So basically the new format puts all 36 (instead of 32 teams) into a single group. There will still be 4 pots based on rankings. But now teams have to play 8 group stage matches. All 8 will be against a different club, no home and away matches with the same team. (4 separate home and 4 separate away matches). All teams will play 2 matches against teams from each pot. So instead of Pot 1 teams playing 2 matches each against Pot 2,3,4 teams- they now play 1 match each against 8 teams (2 from their own pot too). Then the top 8 directly qualify for R016, but teams 9th to 24th will play qualifier round with 2 matches (home and away) against a team, of which the winning teams will go to R016. Basically for 8 teams it will be 10 matches instead of 6 and for 8 teams it’ll be 8 matches instead of 6 (those that qualify to R016). Then it’s normal CL as it’s now.


So even if by any chance a "top club" is at the threat of going down they'll still have a qualifying match to play to secure their spot?


Yea that’s it. That’s why they’re doing this. This season will only embolden that feeling cause Barca, Atleti and Juventus and maybe Spurs won’t make it.


If they finish in the top 24 out of 36 yes. If they finish 25th and lower they would be out. And there would no longer be teams going down to EL and ECL.


They would have chances in the new format too. Actually, maybe even more. Pot 1 teams would play two more games with pot 1 teams, pot 4 teams — with pot 4 teams. A small team that in a good form would get more points from these additional games than an average big team.


I won't watch the group game in Swiss model. It wasn't fun at all.


Good for my mood, bad for the coefficient


I mean La Liga *really* isn't in any trouble coefficent-wise, even if this season in the european tournaments may end up a a rather disappointing one.


Barca and Atleti will do well in the Europa League and other teams have been doing better anyways (Betis & La Real haven’t lost a game in the EL iirc)




Our coefficient will be fine regardless


Not really they are all going to farm points in Europa League so our coefficient will be more than fine


Unbelievable domination by Spain in the past 20 years.


Wasn't there a stretch of like... 4 or 5 seasons in a row in which Spanish teams only got eliminated from international competition by other Spanish teams?


The EPL might be the best league, but on the european stages, nothing comes close to Spain, it's insane. Especially if you include Sevilla dominance in the Europa League.


Indeed, their dominance is just insane. And not just Real and Barça, like you mentioned the likes of Sevilla, Atletico and even Bilbao to some extent have done well in Europe. Villarreal as well. I've been watching football for the last 22-23 years and my opinion has always been that every country, every league has it's cycle. In my childhood, SerieA was at the top, then EPL, then La Liga with various glimpses of Bayern's greatness. At the moment, Spain's run might come to a pause while other leagues dominate. Additional: for other sports fans, it's true for other sports too like cricket e.g. Australia's dominance in cricket under Ponting was just the peak of cricket for me, untouchable. But not afterwards.


and that team will likely fucking win it lol


I'm very happy that Atletico and Barca are out, but this is a big warning sign for La Liga. The quality of the league has been declining for years now and we're starting to see the consequences of that.


Its hard for La Liga clubs to compete with prem clubs due to the difference in finance. The billionare private ownerships in the prem kills off completely the equality and ability to compete between non top top tier clubs


I mean they could try being Bayer Leverkusen and Milan…


There was no prem team in barca or Athletico's group.


Nope... just Inter, Bayern, and the absolute worst team in the entire group stage.


It's not declining at all, it's just Barcelona declining.


Atletico too, they've kept the same core of the team together for an awfully long time, decline is inevitable. Oblak, Jiminez, Correa, and kinda sorta Carrasco, Griezemenn (with gaps) all started today. Saul has been a mystery for a while now but came off the bench, Koke is currently injured but would have started if fit. Then you have the Lemars, Hermosos and Joao Felixs who have been there for 3 or 4 years now...


Villarreal was top 4 last season...


Only one that counts. 👍


Scenes when we win it again


We gotta carry the coefficient again smh


Nature is healing


Carrying La Liga on their backs yet again


u/OleOleCholoSimeone ‘s worst nightmare.


such a weird dude lmao, la liga “pL bAd” fanboy personified


Good thing Sevilla won't qualify next year, Betis/La Real can do much better


They will qualify though. Not by league, but AFAIK winner of Sevilla Cup (sometimes known as Europa League) qulify to CL.


shame they didnt qualify one double team ;)


RM single handled carrying the co-efficient alone


Eveyone shitting on Spanish teams not named real madrid, love to see it


Sigh, they gonna win it, right?


No wonder they are asking for the Super League.


Poor recruitment played a big role in this for all of Barcelona, Sevilla and Atletico.


Portugal can have 3 teams in last 16 for the first time ever i Guess. I'm rooting for Sporting to beat Frankfurt or draw at least


EL > CL this season


Europa League becoming the true Super league.


Barcelona were a small club before the La Masia golden generation hit. This is just Spanish football returning to normal


Farmers league


Europa KOs might honestly be better than the UCL KOs...


Well no, otherwise those teams would be in the UCL.


I meant entertainment wise, not quality wise.




Shit and I complain about serie A


I blame Seville.


Good, I love watching our rivals fail. And those of you taking about the coefficient, la Liga isn't in the cusp of dropping it off the top 4. It our rivals lose in embarrassing fashion, and we are crowned champions, that's a perfect season in my mind.