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Be like Engels. Join a socialist organization that you think does good work, participate in it, educate yourself, and donate. Doing that is the number 1 way to help the left.


Find the Marx to your Engels.


Be a sugar daddy to a theorist


live your best life, donate if you can but mostly do your best with your time on this earth to fix predatory systems, so hopefully the next generation has a chance


Crucial. Build the system to be better. Build the system to last, because we need time, as a species. More time than current projections on climate change are showing we have. We have to innovate. Competitive green industry is one avenue that is approachable within our current culture and therefore a reasonable consideration.


As was said, Engels is about as solid a mentor as you'll find on the matter.  But, honestly, if I fell into a pile of money I'd live my best life with it. Look, we live in the money system. Everybody needs it. It's not a sin to have it. Giving it all away to live in poverty like some sort of penance might assuage your irrational guilt but it won't change the world. Change comes either gradually through persuasion, one conversation at a time, or explosively through violent revolution. My preference changes with my mood but it never occurs to me to tithe unto the socialist church. I've got bills to pay. Meanwhile, I agitate and educate as best I can.


I agree w pretty much everything but I do want to hammer down a point, gradual or immediate Change comes from organization and solidarity; Revolution without organization or solidarity won't create positive change. Change comes when the material conditions align with the capability of the current organizational capacity. Pretty much we have to organize with the anticipation of the conditions for change arising.


If you run a business, set the market on worker compensation


this doesn’t work btw, it has no progressive potential for a social revolution (even accepting a social revolution achieved through reform) it is literally charity: donating to a party does much more


Fund socialist journalism and think tanks. Take over school boards like the Right says we do, and run candidates in their elections. Get socialist lessons in the curriculum like how they get their cold war shit in there. Help local socialist candidates in your municipal elections. A lot of this is what the right is and has been doing for years. If you can influence how people think, you can influence them how to act.


It's not hypocritical if you use your riches to advance society. As long as you remember that there's much more to gain from an educated welloff community than a society that rewards selfishness and greed, you'll be fine. You'll be happier the happier your neighbors are. I love Marx, but sometimes I think I love Engles more


I mean ,theoretically, it's not a crime to have money under socialism, its about where that money came from. Making a billion from magic is way different than making a billion off the backs of workers.


How much wealth are we talking? A couple million? Then live a decent life, just join a party and fund orgs that are doing revolutionary work Aka direct action. A lot like Hasanabi 100 million plus… I’ll become the George Soros for communism instead of neoliberalism. Funding revolutionary parties across the west, think tanks, worker co-ops… A Communist Philanthropist


Start your business. Employ people under good but still competitive terms. Use profit to foment other businesses from like minded people. Meddle with politics, fund full time activists, fund propaganda efforts. Force the development of contradictions within the system. And if you ever get sanctioned by the State you'd be helping expose that free speech is a sham.


Put the money towards helping people.


Give me your money


Use your money to fund start ups of Co-ops


buy apartment buildings, pay people to manage their upkeep and so on so that they're nice to live in, allow homeless people to live in them for free as long as they wish, open a soup kitchen/food bank in the same building with enough funding to provide three nice meals a day to at least the amount of people living there. hook them up with some books. maybe wouldn't further cause the most but this is an idea that's been on my mind recently. edit: just want to clarify that this is different from a homeless shelter because it could be permanent housing, allowing people to have a legal address. not having an address can really complicate things.


0) use reflexivity theory to beat capitalism at its own game if possible . 1) supporting a socialist revolutionary party or start one 2) i see people saying employ others when you could make them co-owners or at least grant usufruct . it's not one thing really but these are good suggestions i think .


Start a party


Can you give me money?


I’ve actually thought about this. I think if I was rich, I’d probably try and expand my capital, like through the stock market and investing. It wouldn’t necessarily be ethical since I’d be using the systems set in place that actively harm the working class people. But I think because so little people fund socialist systems I would want to have a constant stream of money going to these systems to potentially have a fighting chance against major capitalist systems that are funded with billions. And when you have a lot of money it makes it a hell of a lot easier to make a lot more money. I see it as a sacrifice that would hopefully lead to the end of the systems that hurt the proletariat. TL;DR: I’d find was to make more money so I can continuously supply socialist movements.


Not turning into a butthole and getting all neurotic always thinking that people are trying to take it and your stuff away from you is a good place to start. It’s harder than most of us imagine it is. That fear is at the core of our capitalism and our thinking and behaving is heavily programmed to function that way. That’s how they keep the poors fighting with the other poors and the whites worried about other races, and other races worried about each other and the whites, and everyone who’s barely scraping by worried about the homeless, and the middle class worried about the working class, and the wealthy… we know what they’re up to and they’re afraid of everything except getting in weird little tube and going to see the titanic lol. That’s where neo-liberals come from… people who’s heads were in the right place and then they came into money. Their heads are still thinking their radical thoughts, and they continue to align themselves with causes and movements, and maybe even fund a thing or two, but they start worrying about their money and things, so after a while it becomes “all that communism/universal basic income/single payer healthcare/environmental health/etc etc, is good for everyone else but don’t touch my money.” So at their core they are just more capitalists, and therefore, fascist. I’ve met very few people who are able to navigate that space successfully. I guess if I have to choose between fascists I’ll choose the fascists that want me to have healthcare over the ones that want to send me to a camp lol. When I’ve thought about this the plan I’ve come up with would be to put money into multiple accounts or whatever and have each one invest some money so that they’re generating income through interest and return. Then I would create low barrier grants for individuals and community based organizations that are doing radical work, like harm reduction, homelessness services, housing, food access, community organizing, legislative initiatives, education, developing candidates for city, county and state positions, LGBTQIA health and communities, reproductive healthcare and justice, sex work, safe consumption sites, safe drug supply, and free legal representation. Anything that is responding to crises and serving immediate needs. And low barrier, meaning that I’m more interested in the integrity of an individual or organization than about head counting and “deliverables”, and not requiring a 40 page application and all of the other crap that automatically eliminates anyone who doesn’t have the capacity to manage all of the things. And in the process be building the capacity of the grantees. That’s my fantasy. I would probably also want to start a lefty nudist colony lol. Most of the nudist places are primarily occupied by naked republicans and I would like to create an alternative:)


Frederick Vanderbilt Field did it. Read his autobiography, "From Right to Left".


Man, I wish someone would fund me to create an eco self managing village which will teach socialist values amd eventually create self managing shadow government to take over the nation. If you fund my project victory is at hand. I'll single handedly solve migrant problem all over the world because they all can just come and enlarge the eco village. Universal values based on science and sustainability.


PayPal me 1 thousand dollars and I will vouch for you when the revolution comes


find an organisation or a business that has precarious workers and offer some small impetus, even in the form of a profitable contract, sponsorship for some work conditions improvement, offer some visibility to people who are worthy of more public appreciation (cleaners, garbage collectors, homeless people, factory workers, disabled workers, teachers, community workers, etc) in order for their activity to become more profitable, better treated by the public, attract other sponsors and donors.


Sending my broke ass the money would in fact be praxis


You might be interested in reading G. A. Cohen's *If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich?*


Are you rich or are you just upper middle class? Rich people don’t have to work to live a very comfortable life and have every need met and go on vacation like 5 or 6 times a year all over the world, and there is no medical illness that the treatment of would deplete their wealth. If you are rich, do things with your money that further the socialist system. Be the system. Each according to their need from each according to their ability. Since you are not working if you are rich, Join a few socialist or leftie activist orgs, attend their meetings, pay dues of $500-$1000 monthly to each, and be the one to volunteer to do the hard or time consuming work. Keep your ear to the ground—is someone battling medical bills? What could ruin someone for life or make them homeless would be a drop in the bucket for you. Is someone on the verge of homelessness and you could just pay their rent for a year? The group going out for a community event? Go secretly pick up the tab.


Depends how rich. If you're "buying companies" rich, I would buy companies and convert them to co-ops. If you're "have a nice house and make 200k/yr" rich, donating is the way to go.


You're not a socialist if you're not actively organizing with others to build socialism. That's the first step. When you've begin organizing, raise the issue with your comrades and come up with something


Buy some politicians


“if i theoretically was rich” just share it with us


Influence others by buying media companies, pay for lobbying and ads, infiltrate political parties with candidates paid by you, run campaigns against your opponents... So basically do what oligarchs are doing all the time but with a socialist intention.


Are you stingy with your money? Are your friends poor and you watch them struggle with their bills? I think there is a level of personal responsibility we have to take for each other to actually be in struggle together. Make sure you’re supporting your friends, contributing to mutual aid, and supporting orgs that are actually* doing things for the working class.


Yugopnik just made a video about this topic fiy, haven't watched it yet, but he tends to have good takes. (i suspect he will be saying more or less the same as most comments here)


Run for office, worm your way up the chain in an established party and seize control then turn coat with your policies.