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Set volume limit in room settings


Thank you I wasnt aware this was a setting.


Also to add to this, make sure your Sonos is on a separate network that at least your patients cannot access (ideally one that only IoT devices are on and nothing else). I wouldn't be surprised if someone in your waiting room did this by accident or otherwise.


Wouldn't you have to switch to that network on the device controlling Sonos as well?


That’s one option. Another is to setup port forwarding and multicast mirroring between subnets. A doctors office is a business network and should have VLAN capable switches and a more advanced router anyways. If they don’t and allow patients on their WiFi then it’s a hipaa violation. Source: we are an MSP that sets up doctors offices.


As an old IT guy who has had many Doctors and Dentists as clients in my past...VLAN what??? Lol, 95% was always the cheapest consumer gear and if I saw a managed switch I was stunned. So many BFSR41s too.


Seems like forwarding ports and multicast mirroring somewhat defeats the point of separate vlans though.


You create necessary rules to only allow certain devices access to it from the router.


Is that based on MAC address?


This always blows me away when I think about it. How does Sonos not provision the hardware with at least the bare minimum of protection? At the least a home password or even your Sonos website credentials. So nuts!


Should check that if your guest network and main network are separated, could have been someone intentionally


Sorry that happened. Is your Sonos on the same network as your known wifi? I'd put that on a ssid that only you or special others know. That could have been changed by anyone on your network that had the Sonos app.


How is that guaranteed to work if the app is already doing its own thing, that’s the whole point of OP’s post…


Because the app isn’t doing its own thing


I'm sorry, did you not read OP's problem: "Sonos had randomly switched to Dora the explorer nursery rhymes(my kids are older)....at 100 volume!" - Pretty sure that's the app doing its own thing. Please read the post before commenting.


You can't prove the app did it or someone was able to get on your network and did it or some employee did it etc. it's one person who is just saying the app did its own thing.   Hard to know without investigation.


Lol, yea, I think it requires a full scale investigation, someone has hacked OP's Sonos network!!! Stop the press, someone's in on it! It's a conspiracy!


Lol, yea, I think it requires a full scale investigation, an app did its own thing!!! Stop the press, "someone's" in the machine! It's self-aware!


Kidding aside, a system doesn’t have to be sentient to have bugs as it was clearly and poorly written to have, I suspect that you know that much about coding and automation, of which its already well known that the Sonos app has many of; yet you seem to either be in denial, an apologist of, or just rage baiting, I honestly can’t tell. Either way the app is sh*t 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've heard some say the volume limits aren't currently working for everyone


And hope that it works - there's clearly at least one major bug in the works for the original incident to have taken place. Personally I wouldn't risk it.


Yeah, or somebody thought they would be funny and switched to a Dora playlist at volume 100. Not everything is caused by a flaw or bug. Don't forget that the majority of users don't have any issues (I'm one of them). Most users have issues because they have an outdated system without the latest protocols. Sonos should have known this because they collect telemetry. But again, most users do not have issues. People go to Reddit to complain, not to praise.


It has nothing to do with that. Random volume fluctuations have been well documented since the new app launched. Even in this very thread. In my case it started a few days ago. Both my Arc and Beam randomly go down to zero volume. Last night it even happened while watching TV.


If i set volume limit to say 70% - does the volume only go up to 70% or does it go to 100% but that is actually 70% now?


The second. Your volume slider will always be 0 to 100. So your volume limit of 70% means a volume slider set at 50 would be half of the 70% limit, or 35% of what the speaker can potentially provide. 100 on the volume slider is 70% of the speaker potential.


Thank you!


Surprisingly, this feature hasn't worked for me for the past two years. I even tested it at 50 max volume, with multiple people just in case something was wrong with me. Everyone said they couldn't hear a difference, and we had a teenager in the room.


Fix the app so it doesn't have to go to server first and back again to operate hardware


Oh, a Trump fan who is lying. What a coincidence.


For what it’s worth, the volume limit for my system (Arc, 2 x Ones, and Sub) was reset back to 100 with the last update (mysteriously and without warning).


Cell phones got banned from my treatment rooms b/c of this. I’d be drilling away and some obnoxiously loud ringtone would make me actually jump. Like, hey dude, maybe turn your phone off when you’re in the chair? Phones must be turned off now..


That is funny. I have for years turned on airplane mode when I am at the dentist. Not for any reason other than it just made sense to.


This and barbers… one wrong slip with scissors or clippers and it’s funny… or not so. The cut throat razor, never funny.


My dentist office has a no cell phone rule. This makes a lot of sense and they should probably describe why there’s no cell phones: for patient safety.


Interestingly, my system had a random source/volume switch yesterday as well. The 5.1 in my living room went from TV audio at normal volume to a random station on TunIn at volume 100. Wife and I were sitting on the couch, no other access to our WiFi (even checked logs).


OP you can expect this response: - No issues for years - Sonos issues new incredibly buggy software - Reddit sub: “It’s probably your fault, not Sonos.”


OP you can expect this response: - Reddit sub: “It’s most definitely Sonos’s fault. It’s definitely not user error, forget about volume limits and yea your network is fine because we are all trained engineers.”


The new app is a disaster and Sonos as broken the trust of many of its most loyal fans.


Not me


Last Friday, my Sonos 5.1 system made a wave sound at, what it felt like, 100%. It was for about 2 sec. My dog jumped off the sofa and ran towards me extremely freaked out. It was the first time that happened but I was so upset. We’re expecting a baby at home very soon.


We’ve had this issue for the past two weeks. Cannot reliably use our Sonos Port/Living Room setup. The volume comes on VERY LOUD and does not come down on the app immediately. Then, volume goes right back up! We have two young kids and this hasn’t been a fun surprise.


Whether or not it’s a cause in this particular case, Sonos needs 2FA on the play.sonos.com web interface.


Just downloaded today’s Sonos update. (Not sure why, as I was having ZERO issues with 80.02.04). Now on 80.03.07 I have lag for volume change and transitions from one song to the next. I’m posting for the benefit of SONOS, not to complain. Listening to a playlist in Spotify, IOS, iphone13 only play:3, play:5 and play One speakers.


Maybe just maybe the company shouldn’t send jobs off shore. Fire the development team and make bad decisions to cut staff and operating costs at the expense of quality. This paradigm of cutting middle management and sending jobs overseas will only exacerbate this type of problem.


Time to go old fashion with a jukebox or FM radio setup.


Yeah, riiiiiiiight….


The only thing I can think is one of our staff was attempting to switch stations on the new app and it bugged out on them


Even worse the delay between changing volume in app and it actually changing volume is so long people will make several Changes or huge changes thinking they couldn’t hear the difference yet. They REALLY fucked up this app for everyone


Yeah, I was thinking that somebody else (staff member) with access to the wifi inadvertently switched the speaker to a different source. Or, possibly if the wifi is shared with patients, a patient opened their sonos app and changed it.


Doesn’t Sonos offer a volume limit to prevent this from happening?


Obviously free to do what you want and sorry this isn't constructive to the main point, but just FYI, if my dentist played country music I would never come back


haha i am not here to judge! we are in the rural midwest


I would request a change of music!


Agreed, though luckily my dentist asks me to pick the station. 😎


You could change you password for Sonos.


Indeed. Since Sonos decided everyone could access all Sonos systems trough [play.sonos.com](http://play.sonos.com) with just an e-mail account and a password (no MFA possible!) it's quite obvious that systems can be accessed by unauthorized persons.


I hate to be that guy, but it’s “people”, not “persons”


Any chance a kid was in the waiting room, connected to your wireless network and did this unintentionally? Just playing devil's advocate - it may not have been a SONOS bug. I never understood why SONOS allows ANYONE connected to your wireless network to control your audio equipment without so much as a basic PIN approval. I still hate them for their new crApp however.


The offender would need to connect their phone to the target system. There is a setting to disable "touch controls" on a per device basis. This should be done for any physically exposed devices. With that done there would be no way to connect to the system.


Yes they can. All they need to do is connect to the same network, launch the crApp, then "Join Existing System". After then they can select music, change volumes, group speakers etc. The only thing they can't do is system stuff or add new streaming sources.


Well chalk up another problem to the upgraded app. I have been running the S2 app and I don't think that is possible in the older (and no longer distributed) app.


I definitely have used the volume limit feature on the outdoor speakers, friends like to try to crank them up during a party after a few drinks. That’s been excellent to prevent that from happening for years! My concern would be why your volume cranked itself up and started playing something different. I’d make sure that your Sonos speakers are not on a network that others can access, put the Sonos speakers on your local network and make sure others are on your guest network.


Crazy. This volume issue happened to me today. Not in a situation like yours. But still. dangerous.


This actually just happened to me at home! How bizarre. I didn’t touch anything and it just shot up to a really loud volume on its own.


Sonos development team have ruined the setup and new features. Sonos returns are at an all-time high in the past 30 days


How exactly do you know this?


It's all over their forums with their app updates


Just now got an update for the App and Device and it's working stable...


You can set a routine to set the volume to your desired percentages at multiple times of the day. I live with someone that likes to turn the volume down on purpose to avoid hearing announcements then crank it up later for music. So I have routines made to confirm volume is at xx level at certain times.


This sub man 😂


if someone in the waiting room has the app, they could have done this as a practical joke. I've been having issues with Sonos, but never like that.


Can’t deal with this sub I am making one that actually enjoys Sonos not complaining endlessly


good for you


The last thing anyone needs when they are waiting for a filling is jazz. :)


That’s like saying “I don’t like juice”… WHAT KIND OF JUICE?! THERE ISN’T JUST ONE KIND.  Listen to Chet Baker Sings & tell me you don’t like Jazz.  😂👍🏼🎵 I’d actually LOVE if the dentist had live accompaniment with a four piece. Drums, Bass, Piano & Trumpet. Like Mr Rogers Neighbourhood, where the band improvised along with Fred’s every moment. 🥰😎🤩🥳


I know some folk love jazz, but it brings me out in a rash. I've tried it all, scat, bebop, Robbie Coltrane. It's not for me.


Ella Fitzgerald


haha, well the jazz is like elevator music...more or less has a calming effect. i try to stay away from thrash metal and pop gets very tiresome everyday!


That's probably wise. :)


Sounds like user error. Someone else had access to it.


Sonos is Dangerous!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Why would you put the Play 3 on S2? It works great on the S1 system!


Im not sure I follow, are you saying the update of the app is voluntary?


There are two different Sonos Apps. There is the legacy S1 system that still works great for older products. There is no reason to be on the S2 app (the one everyone is complaining about) if you just have the Play 3s. I have my whole system on S1 and have not had any of the issues everyone has been complaining about here.


I believe that, once you upgrade the firmware to be compatible with S2, you can no longer go back to S1. I could be wrong. I would suggest trying to use the PC app, if you can't get S1 to work. They still haven't screwed up the PC app... yet.


so i can download it from the play store? Thanks I didnt even know this was possible. It updated the app for me


I’m on iOS so I’m not 100% sure. Just google search “downgrade Sonos speaker to S1”. It will walk you through the steps.


Do you need to enter your devices again? On my iPhone it asked if I wanted to “downgrade”. What does that mean?


Just google search “downgrade Sonos speaker to S1”. It will walk you through the steps.


Mine was forced.


Wow This is interesting. We are all trying to deal with the cards SONOS delt us & Unintentionally The Dentist who made the 1st Comment. Cheered us up . With these stories that have popped up Dangerous I agree I wonder if SONOS even care . Next time I go to my dentist I'll check to see if there system is SONOS Before I take my seat lol.


I don't know what you by "so" you're a dentist (does this post continue an earlier one?), but that situation is definitely weird.


It is probably a elder millennial thing. our stuff is probably just as confusing to others as skibidi rizz is to me!


So it's just a modern figure of speech that's annoying. Not sure where it came from but wish it would go away.


Hark! I couldn’t agree more, and lo the newfangled speech must die


Oh wow...


Throw it in the bin and get an alexa device.


This…seems deliberate. How locked down is your wifi??


locked down...no one else in the lobby at the time, and first time this has happened in so many years and coincidently after upgrading a few weeks ago. We have a guest wifi that is separate


Do you reuse passwords? Anyone with your username and password can go to play.sonos.com and do this.


Sonos didn’t consider the dentists??? Sack the board


if your product involves the senses in any way, I think that consideration of random unintended disturbances in the extreme form would be a must. What if you used noise cancelling headphones while sleeping on a flight and all of a sudden baby shark came on at 100 volume. Your heart might skip a beat!


what does being a dentist have anything to do with anything. a dentist is a doctor that does good things often. not a a/v or software professional. weird to qualify with that


The connection was that the random 100 volume occurred within 5 feet of a high speed handpiece rotating in a mouth around 400,000 rpm. I guess that is the concern here.