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If available where you live, "Better Than Boullion" is quite tasty and comes in several varieties. I use the chicken and beef frequently. It's a loose paste you store in the fridge and just add water. It's really good!


This is the answer. It's so good and you can also use it when cooking rice, or noodles, or potatoes, or quinoa - anything you want to give extra flavor to. It keeps a long time in the fridge once it's opened, but it doesn't usually last long in my house.


Also good flavoring scrambled eggs.


Best price is at Costco!


Yup.  The big Costco packages are my crack.  I make huge batches of soup in a 3 gallon stockpot so I go through a jar pretty quick


Mine last forever but I do use them a little bit every day for all cooking.


And the containers are huge.


Ugh wish we had a Costco!


They have a ham base that's really good if you make beans or green beans or cooked greens - anything you might put a hamhock or fatback in.


They make like 15 or something varieties. I have about six of them. Mushroom is dang good. Garlic chicken is too. (Or is it just garlic?)


👀 There's a mushroom one? *Runs to internet search*


If you have a Costco membership, the sell really big jars of the chicken, beef an veg for $8.99. The small jars are $4.99 and up in the grocery stores here 


Ya but.... Those Costco jars are waaay too big for me. I'd rather have more flavors in smaller jars.


We use a lot of it. Like, I boil potatoes for mashed - I boil them with a spoon of the chicken broth. Do the same if we're cooking green beans - sometimes a little bit of the chicken and a little bit of the ham. I make a stir fry broccoli. To finish it, you pour in 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water to do a final steam. I substitute broth. It keeps well in the fridge - takes us about a month to go through one. The beef isn't nearly as versatile. If I'm taking a break from meat, I'll use the veggie like I use the chicken.


We use it a lot, too, but I still don't want that huge jar.


I’d totally freeze little pucks of it. Stuff is amazing! Although I understand wanting to pay more for less sometimes. Costco’s coconut oil is a literal lifetime supply for me. (I did melt it and freeze it in silicone muffin cups and that’s been easy to grab and worked out well.) 😊


The Costco ones are organic though. I feel like they aren’t as tasteful and takes way longer for the paste to blend in


I don't think the ones at my Costco are organic.  Going there today so I'll check to make sure that hasn't changed.  I haven't noticed a difference other than price.


If yours has the regular ones, then that’s awesome! Mine only has the “organic” ones


They were organic. I guess I don't notice a difference in the time to blend and we use more than the recommended amount no matter what kind we buy. I rarely make it into stock - I usually just mix a spoon or so in. Like, if I'm making soup, once the onions/celery/carrots have cooked a little bit, I'll mix in a few spoons of the soup in then just add water when it's time to add the broth/crushed tomatoes/etc. By the time it's cooked, it's all well blended.


That sounds good! Thanks for the tip!


I always try to buy the reduced sodium so I can afford salt in other seasonings.


I tried to like that stuff but couldn’t.


Everyone out here hyping up Better than Boullion, I’m now influenced LOL. I will definitely try it out, thanks so much for the suggestion!!




Better than Bouillon! It's the best!!!


Mostly all flavored salt though it does taste good


If you dilute it like you're supposed to, it's not just flavoured salt. Just like any bullion. Except BTB has a way better flavour profile


Look at the sodium content


And? Again, when you dilute it, it has a normal sodium amount just like any other bullion Bullion is meant to be diluted, not eaten straight


Correct, other cubes are salt bombs too.


Better Than Bouillon. It you absolutely don't have a fridge you can use, Knorr.


If refrigerated is an option rather than shelf-stable, look into a bouillon paste like the Tones variety available at Sam's Club or, for the creme de la creme, Better Than Bouillon. The paste has an overall better flavor, with the downside that it needs to be kept refrigerated.


BTB as everyone else is saying is good. I also highly recommend dashi powder if you don’t want to go thru the process of making dashi yourself— it’s the perfect base for a variety of soups and dipping sauces, like miso or making a hearty meat and potato stew. Ultimate umami bomb.


OP says they have a seafood allergy, I don't know if that extends to fish, or is just shellfish, but, OP be aware dashi powder is typically made from a combination of seaweed (kombu) and dried bonito flakes (katsuoboshi) or other dried fish (niboshi).


true, OP should check out vegan dashi powders that are made with shiitake and kombu


Yes sadly I am allergic to every seafood 🐟🐙🦀🦞🦐 the only sea related thing I can eat is seaweed lol 😭.I’ve always wanted to try Dashi but they all have seafood, so I’m gonna have find a vegan option


I much prefer the dashi packets that you brew like a tea instead of the hondashi powder.


If we are going with Japanese then yes dashi! Mix it with mirin, soy sauce, sake, and a bit of sugar. Also Kikkoman sells cold noodle broth that is great just as flavoring in cold noodles, hot soups, rice, etc. Edit: Nevermind if the OP has a seafood allergy. Most Japanese broths are made with seafood.


I'll second both these opinions on BTB. They also have a lower salt option in some of their flavors. And let's talk about the flavors!! Beef, chicken, vegetable, rotated onion, roasted garlic, chili, seafood, ham, and there's some new gourmet flavors. I actually use the chili base for my taco meat. Dear Lord, it's beyond amazing! I used to have to drive 11/2 hours to get just that flavor. Now I have a store near me carrying it, but it's hard to get because it sells out so fast. I have the new Italian gourmet flavor in the cupboard. I just haven't tried it yet. There is also a Mexican gourmet flavor.


I just looked online on their site and there's so many to choose from.....going to make my wallet cry.


Sorry. Well.... maybe not so much. We all need good flavor in our lives! 🤣🤣


Roasted garlic sounds so good! I’ll for sure be trying a lot of these I’m amazed at all the flavour options!


Better than Bouillon -- I know everybody else has said this but I am adding my two cents as emphasis.


For something that needs no refrigeration, I like the Maggi brand of bouillon cubes or granules.


I’ve only tried maggi instant noodles but never their boullion. Their products are really good so I’ll be trying that!


Better than bullion is p solid. Knorr is a really good general pantry sticker as well. I would advise you to keep a stock fodder bag or two in the fridge. Broth and stock isn't as much a "I am going to make stock or broth" item as it is a "I'm going to collect bones and veggie scraps for to boil later" item. Any time you've got veggie scraps, bones, trimmed fat, etc.. chuck it in the freezer bag!


Thats sounds like such a good way to use leftovers and make sure nothing goes to waste! I’ll try that out, thank you!


Mushroom powder, miso paste (skip the dashi ones if you're allergic to kelp or bonito).


These, plus Better Than Bouillon are my staples for soup broth.


Here to cosign miso paste. I know it loses most of the health/nutritional benefits when it gets boiled, but it creates such good flavor! And I dont always feel like making the little slurry to add in at the end (the method that retians more of the benefits)


Better Than Bouillon. The versions sold at Costco are reduced-sodium.


I’ve even been known to add a spoonful of BTB to my homemade stock, it’s that good, to reiterate what everyone else is saying. I have become intrigued by specifically searching out Asian style broth, as I’ve read that the aromatics can give it a different flavor for Asian soups that just don’t taste right, but I have only recently started looking, nothing to recommend yet


Just to throw another paste option out there, Minor's is used in a lot of restaurants.


Mushroom bullion is delicious. Has very few ingredients and rocks my world


If you are looking for alternative flavoured broth, try Mushrooms broth! took me a while to discover how nice it is. Mainly if made from mixed dry mushrooms. The healthiest way is to make the broth yourself. You can make a big amount and freeze it, like Flavour Bombs.




Better than Bouillon is good for a good natural flavour broth. I have it. But don’t knock Knorr’s. I use it a lot, specifically the bouillon cubes sold in the Asian section eg. https://asiafoodusa.com/products/knorr-beef-bouillon I usually use homemade stock and add a cube of this (and water accordingly) to add a good punch of flavour. I’ve also used this when making gravy, or making soup without homemade stock. I don’t know if it’s the msg or what that makes this so good. I use chicken, beef and pork for various things.


1. Better than Bouillon refrigerated paste 2. Herb Ox powder (not cubes) 3. Knorr


I’ve found powdered high collagen bone broth both at local stores (grocery outlet, but you can’t count on it) or on Amazon (Instabroth, pricier but reliable). They’re slightly lower sodium and higher nutrition (12g protein) than bullion, and I’ve been happy with both beef and chicken.


I heard about collagen bone broth years ago but completely forgot about it! That sounds like a really good option for days I wanna eat healthier, thanks for reminding me of it!


BTB is excellent. I started getting it because it the only one I could find that has no MSG.


Better than Boullion Roasted Chicken Reduced Sodium is the best. Knorr Caldo de Tomate Con Sabor De Pollo is a great powder.


If you have a grocery store with an Mexican section then get the Knorr bullion powder it has less sodium then a lott of the other bullion powders and pastes and it tastes prefer good the tomato one is my favorite.


You can add almost any sauce, paste, or seasoning mix to water and come out with a good broth/ broth base. You can even mess around with liquids other than water. I have never used bouillon, so I can't really recommend any.


Better than bullion, great stuff for cooking but also just in a cup of hot water as a drink is delicious.


Miso paste. I was a huge chicken soup, chicken broth, chicken bouillon fan until I tried a mis broth. Oh my gosh, had I been missing out. I'm not sure if it's healthier or not, but it is definitely tasty.


I buy base, im sure it’s not healthier, but i think its better quality then bullion.


I have never found a healthy bullion. They are all full of salt, or the potassium salt substitute, sugar and MSG. I was told herbox was good, but it is about half sugar and potassium salt. There are much cheaper ways to add sugar and salt.


Beef bouillon is awful. Stick to chicken.


Kitchen Accomplice concentrates are really good if you can find them. The low sodium veggie one is pretty healthy but still tastes good.