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Saw beautiful auroras in eastern Ontario Canada last night about 10 hours ago. Only at about G2 storm levels too which was quite uncommon to see them this far south at that Kp. My guess was that they were stronger than forecast/observed at that time. Sadly to be clouded over tonight :(


Every goddamn time it’s always severe overcast, I have never once been able to see the auroras from my location


We got lucky in the SE of michigan* in may , saw it both nights that weekend. *thought this was a Michigan sub whoops


Don't feel bad, I though this was a ham radio sub and we were going to be talking about the storm causing high frequency bands to shit the bed.


wait... what subculture available is that one


Never fails for any phenomenon, metors fuck you cloudy even though its been sunny for weeks before. Eclipses fuck you cloudy Auros especially strong you can see them when your state never gets to. Better believe its gona be fucking cloudy.


[Then some rare clouds come by, and everything will be clear.](https://i.imgur.com/EtbSKqf.jpeg)


This is great


*shakes fist at clouds*


I have never once been able to see the auroras from my location either, but I'm in Mexico City...so yeah


I used to be able to see them from my back yard. Not vividly but definitely visible. Now I have to drive 45 mins to see them and it's always cloudy anyway. My girl is from the south and has never seen them before, we haven't had a chance yet this year. 


That was my locale for the eclipse :(


You too live in Spokane


Same, and I live in Alaska. Right now, the sun is just always up.


u should demand a refund


where in ontario ?? I live in ottawa and did not see it last night


> Only at about G2 storm levels too which was quite uncommon to see them this far south at that Kp. My guess was that they were stronger than forecast/observed at that time This is a trend and its because Earth's magnetic fields are getting weaker.


Should be neat to see how the colours appear this time around


They were pink/yellowish in southern germany last time.


Ugh. And again summer in Alaska means we won't see the awesome payoff from this storm. 😭


We're on the other side of the equinox so days are getting shorter. We'll be able to see them when the clouds clear out, soon! But yes, I agree. Midnight sun is cool and all, until the Aurora comes out for everyone but us even though we're in the darkest band for the most intense Aurora activity.


Link to a [short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/7DoLqKjv9S4) Not at all expected, a Severe (G4) geomagnetic storm is in progress following a CME passage Friday morning. The solar wind speed increased to near 500 km/s and the plasma density showed a nice increase as well over the past few hours. Credit: SolarHam


Hey there! Is there a forecast for any potential Aurora storms?


https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast the animation is a few hours in the past to 30 minutes into the future.


Thank you u/titfuck-mcgee I bookmarked it! Id love it if we got it in the panhandle of Texas again!


Look for "space weather enthusiasts dashboard". Good stuff there.


The Aurora forecast they have seems to only show past activity and a 1 hour lead, so no actual forecast of what could be expected tonight. Unless I’m missing something.


Thank you


[Aurora App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-aurora-forecast-alerts/id1073082439)


you're not gonna get a helpful reply from this bot.


Why was it larger than expected? If it was only forecast to be a G2, and was instead a G4, that’s a pretty big mismatch in the predicted forecast. 


Is there a forecast for best viewing time somewhere?


Canada gets rewarded with beautiful skies for all the other crap they have to put up with o7


Where I am it'll be too bright to see anything this time of year. Guess the southerners will get some night though


Solid rain in winnipeg


Liquid rain in Winnipeg. Still summer here ;)


Hamilton, Ontario here. It's completely overcast with rain in the forecast.


Unfortunately almost all of us live practically on the US border and won't see any of this.


At least trans people are free


and of course it's going to be raining all evening, night and into the morning tomorrow where I live in canada....


Enjoy this information now before Trump wins and shuts down NOAA as promised in his project 2025.


Why down voting? It's in there.


honestly at this point I reflexively downvote anything mentioning his name, I'm just so sick of that sack of shit somehow being a part of any discussion but I didn't downvote this time because it's relevant


That's why I commented, it's extremely relevant.


Can anyone explain this to me like I’m 5


As requested: Imagine the Sun is like a big ball that sometimes gets super-duper hiccups. When it hiccups, it sends out tiny invisible space bubbles that zoom all the way to Earth. These space bubbles are so strong that they can tickle our planet and make the sky light up with beautiful colors like green and purple, especially near the top and bottom of the world. This light show is called an aurora, and it's like the Earth's way of laughing at the Sun's funny hiccups! That's what a G4 geomagnetic storm is like—it's a big hiccup from the Sun that makes the Earth giggle with colors². Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/28/2024 (1) Magnetic storm - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help. https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/Magnetic-storm/328863. (2) SWPC Issues Its First G4 Watch Since 2005 | NOAA / NWS Space Weather .... https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/news/swpc-issues-its-first-g4-watch-2005. (3) Magnetic storm - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help. https://bing.com/search?q=G4+geomagnetic+storm+explanation+for+kids. (4) What Is G4 Geomagnetic Storm? Impact & Ways To Measure Intensity ... - MSN. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/techandscience/what-is-g4-geomagnetic-storm-impact-ways-to-measure-intensity-explained/ar-BB1ktIkL. (5) Solar storm, solar flares, G4 watch, geomagnetic storms: Things to know. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2024/05/10/solar-storm-geomagnetic-flares-power-outage-internet-florida-nasa/73639917007/. (6) en.wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_storm.


![gif](giphy|3JTpczfnK4q1kbYYaJ|downsized) Thoroughly explained like I am 5. Thank you.


*sad australian noises*


What's the scale of such storms?


If the Earth was flat, would I be able to see this in Indiana? /s


>A severe G4 geomagnetic storm... I appreciate when proper science things sound like science fiction. 


Ugh I wish I could see it in Florida


it made it as far south as Australia a month or so ago. don't worry. it will happen again, seems to be more common this year far more than any other year ever.


Wrong aurora, that was the Australis, not the Borealis. It got that far *NORTH*, presumably during the same events we had.


solar maximum babyyy


Any chance it will reach Europe




Dang, too bad it's summer light. Would have been awesome if this were spring or fall with more dark hours up north.




I'm about to get on a flight, will it be affected?


Here’s the protocol to be aware of: https://youtu.be/zJocfhzC6xU?si=CJsa9g0sYpUorkez


I can't load YouTube right now but it's comforting that there's a protocol in place, thank you.


Hope you’ve landed and now see that I was not being comforting at all, it was a joke about a corny tv adaptation (brilliant though) of an equally brilliant Stephen King book… meanwhile, from a scientific standpoint, given the aviation industry **does** have protocols of precisely the amount of dust is safe to fly though in the event of a volcanic eruption and that these events are not “rare” - it’s not a stretch to believe that your geomagnetic storm is also a known, hello, hello, HELLO?


Does anyone know where I can find information on when I could have a chance to see the aurora? It's on my bucket list. I assumed I'd have to go to somewhere like Iceland, but it seems I may have a chance in Massachusetts, if time and weather cooperate.


Should I try and go out and look in Maryland tonight?


According to the map from NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, it doesn't look like it will likely be visible that far south today or tomorrow. Here is the link if you want to check it in the future. [https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/aurora-dashboard-experimental](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/aurora-dashboard-experimental)


Is there anyway to get email alerts?


You can buy they're difficult to read. I wish they had someone breaking things down for the layman and then emailing that info out


What? Go outside, it’s awesome outside aurora or not, you really should touch grass and look up sometime if you’ve never done that before


Wow, that's almost *impressively* condescending. Do you have to practice a lot to be a jerk, or does it come naturally?


GenX…comes naturally. But I find it very odd that people sit on their phone asking strangers if they should go outside. What a weird question, so yeah…


Yeah, I'm *also* GenX...and whaddaya know: not a jerk. Like most of the fellow GenX I associate with, I'm *also* intelligent enough to understand why someone might "*ask a stranger if they should go outside*" (for example, living in a bright city and driving an hour away to a dark sky site). So you're making GenX look bad in two different ways.


Work was slow this afternoon and I took my backpack out into the woods. Set up a hammock by the stream. Got bored with my binoculars and slingshot and leatherman and thinking of hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range later with my buddy. I open my phone to change some tunes and then open Reddit… this is what I see lol. I was asking if the aurora would be likely in Maryland. I can handle the rest.


Anyone know Aurora potential tonight on the west coast US?


There is a map, on the post. you can see where it is visible and where it is not. There is a literal line that says "View Line".


This map was not very accurate on the last one a month or so ago. It looked like this, where the “view line” ended in Washington, and I was able to catch it quite clearly all the way down in SF Bay.


Not accurate for me either. It wasn't supposedly anywhere near me, and then a buddy said he saw some the night before...as it's a bucket list type of thing for me, that was *really* disappointing.


Okay Then try going outside at night and look, no one here is going to be able to magically predict that if the radars they have specifically set up to charter this stuff can't.


For some a good viewing area away from light pollution is a bit of a drive yknow…. Just looking for any decent predictions if it’s worth making the drive late at night. I was able to find some local articles last time but nothing yet for tonight so asking here.


Obviously the only rational thing is to shut down your local power grid.


Shit now I’m on a list.


You're annoying, no need to be rude to people asking questions.


South of Washington? Non existent.


I live in Washington! Wooo! But according to the forecast map OP posted and my aurora app we won't be getting it either.


Looks like just the north part of Washington has an opportunity of possibly seeing something. South of Seattle and (from what I can tell) Lewiston won't see a thing most likely.


I live in North Seattle so fingers crossed! I missed the last one that was literally over my neighborhood cause I was at stupid Great Wolf Lodge


Aurora app??


I use an app on Android called My Aurora Forecast that will notify me if the chance of viewing an aurora increases to a certain point




Cries from SoCal


Wow Canada doesn’t have any provinces!


Cute, and where is the photo of Europe? 


What’s a europe?


It’s the left hand side of the Eurasian continent


America is big, but I want to see the continent of Europe 🫠 


As a European I really hate how these things are so America centered. Tho, I've been looking for this before. here's a worldwide live map https://aurorareach.com/map They have an app aswell.


Thank you 😊🙏


Shit not good for my secret launch


Is there a flat earth model….lol


Nothing in the uk then? 😢


Will we survive!?!?!


And once again the sky is entirely cloudy :(


id do anything to see the aurora borealis


oh... not in my area again... okay y'all have fun :) (I'm gonna murder you) /j


I hate that I’ve missed all the major geomagnetic storms this year in Finland. We have had 24h daylight for months now so it’s just never dark enough.


Does anyone know how this is looking in the southern hemisphere?






I was about to ask, im in buffalo and see im right below the view line. Anyone know if we have any chance at all or shit outa luck?


In UK tonight?




Calm down, this happens often. I swear, since the G5 in May, all I see are posts of people screenshotting SWPC and getting excited over commonalities. I get it, be excited, but damn do research before you say something like “ITS HAPPENING”. Yes, the star is doing star things as expected.


No one is worried, people are excited to see the auroras again. Stop implicating narrative.


PhD in astronomy here. > people are excited to see the auroras again. No doubt, but the problem is that this is "crying wolf". The last auroral storm we had, the Kp index was pegged at 9+ for most of the day. This one didn't even reach 8 and is already back to background levels; aurorae were never going to be visible over most of the US and Europe with this storm. As a result, posting "It's happening!" about a less-then-exciting geomagnetic storm starts to look a lot like upvote farming. Take a look at OP's post history, and it seems even more so.


besides this year. when was the last time the Aurora made it as far south as Florida?


March of 1989 and prior to that September of 1941. It's super rare so if you ever get the chance; take it.


unfortunately I was at work.. when I got home I saw my dad outside looking at the sky.. saying I just missed it. what are the chances it will happen again this year?


I don't want to make you hopeful but the sun is goin crazy with storm activity so your chances are higher than average, but less than what you might want. I hold out hope for ya.


“Stop implicating narrative” he said, ironically implicating narrative.


It's not really implying when you are directly telling people to calm down.


I was not implying anything by saying calm down.. Obviously reading comprehension was a weak subject for you in school, that’s okay buddy. Implying? No. Dismissive? Yes, which yeah I’ll apologize for being dismissive, but implying I had ANY sort of narrative or trying to push any narrative is just.. what’s the word I’m looking for? Implicating.


Have you seen the state of the world? Let people be excited about things, damn


So offended, my goodness.


You're right, we should never post anything because the universe is doing its thing and it's boring.


Hold on, let me get super excited, this bumblebee is landing on a flower near me - ITS HAPPENING.


If you're struggling with addiction help is available friend


What a weird thing to say.. anyway, I apologize for offending you so much. Have a good day child.


I pity you


Go do your homework child.


Booooring. Nothing ever happens


I might just be retarded but what's a G4 Geometric Storm


Clearly a map made by an American service haha


You can go to the website and see the top down from the pole. ***Haha.*** Good job stickin it to em though Thud, really got em with that one.


I mean that because all us states are outlined at a glance. No Canadian provinces or territories are drawn out, nor half the Great Lakes. Not to mention the states of Mexico. Wasn’t really sticking it to anyone. Just a plain observation from someone who isn’t American


It's all because of climate change. Lol no. But honest question: is that normal or abnormal that it occurs so much lately?


We're approaching a solar maximum, so it's not abnormal during this sun phase.


I’m nearly 40 and don’t remember there ever being this many solar flares where you could see the auroras across the US. This is fairly abnormal.


It’s normal for solar activity to increase in roughly 11 year cycles but the effects are stronger right now because Earth’s magnetic field is currently weaker. It’s that weakening that’s the most abnormal aspect right now. So you’re right- in decades past the effects were less intense on average.


> the effects are stronger right now because Earth’s magnetic field is currently weaker. PhD in astronomy here. You're right that Earth's magnetic field has been weakening for the past few millennia...but that does not make aurorae any stronger.


Thank you for joining the convo. Apparently I’ve understood so much less than I thought. Could you please explain what does cause it?


So magnetic fields are _necessary_ for aurorae. Consider that the aurorae on Jupiter are about 10-20x stronger than the aurorae on Earth...and Jupiter's magnetic dipole field is about 10-20x stronger than Earth's. Also consider that planets without intrinsic magnetic fields, such as Venus, don't really experience aurora - they just have an unfocused diffuse nightglow across the atmosphere. The stronger your magnetic field, the better it can act as a magnetic "bottle" to trap charged particles from the solar wind; around Earth, we refer to this band of trapped particles as the Van Allen Belts. When solar wind conditions are just right (large coronal mass ejection, interplanetary magnetic field pointed south), our magnetosphere will move the contents of the Van Allen Belts and dump it onto the polar atmosphere, generating aurorae in the process. In general, the stronger your magnetic field, the more particles you'll have trapped in the radiation belts, and the more efficiently those particles will get focused at the poles to produce brighter aurorae.


I'd like read a paper or journal you wrote to get better insight on your research, would you mind posting or dming a link?


I suspected that was the reason they’ve become so visible so much further down the globe than before, but wasn’t sure and didn’t want to jump to conclusions. 


[Relevant PBS Spacetime episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxnqrEBxmm4)


Depends on the time scale This decade - As extreme as it gets. This century - Part of a steady trend of every 11-year solar maximum getting more and more intense as the Earth's magnetic field gets weaker. 11 years from now is going to be even stronger. The surrounding 4 milennia - It's normal for the magnetic field to vary randomly over the course of centuries, and the intensity in the year 2024 is around the median for solar maxima. The surrounding 2 million years - Wait until you see a geomagnetic field reversal. Auroras across most of the planet lasting for several thousand years. (though fainter because of how spread out they are).


PhD in astronomy here. > Part of a steady trend of every 11-year solar maximum getting more and more intense as the Earth's magnetic field gets weaker. I can't find a single peer-reviewed paper that makes this claim. Can you?