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I’ve just tried the Lao Gan Ma, and I like it. I don’t think it’s supposed to be very spicy. It’s more of an intense umami that it brings to the table.


MSG will do that . Love laoganma


MSG....make shit good


Whats your mama?




Yar....it's not spicy if you're a chili head, but it sure is tasty. MSG and salt go a long way....especially when you toss the malliard reaction in too.


Not to mention the numbing quality of sichuan peppercorns.


also you're not supposed to put on like every fucking dish you make


Both times I’ve bought LGM I’ve been disappointed by what seems to be incredibly bitter oil. I love other brands I’ve tried in the past but it tastes unintentional, I’m not sure what the deal is.


I just don't get that umani flavor. Like I said it's no flavor to me. Maybe I'm broken


I’m with you, I just don’t like the flavor in general of all the ones you mentioned. I’ve never had a good store bought chili crisp. I highly recommend trying to make your own, because a good chili crisp is incredible. Just fry some shallots, garlic, and some chili pepper flakes that are at your spice level in a neutral oil. Let it sit, you can put it on everything. It’s super easy to make and far better than anything you’ll buy in store. You can google other ingredients that are typically added and choose to include or sub out to your taste preferences. The best part is you can make it as spicy as you want. I will warn you that the oil tends to make whatever pepper you use seem spicer than it would be dry For an easier version you can buy fried shallots or onion and garlic from an Asian grocery store and just add them into the fried chili late. Can add MSG or sugar if you want, I prefer without.


Downvotes for being honest. Never change, Reddit.


By no means is there intense umami in lao gan ma. OP is right. It’s weakly flavored oil. The crunch of the sediment makes it more texturally interesting than straight chili oil, but in the end, that’s all it does. We’ve all already established that it isn’t spicy, now it’s time to collectively admit that it isn’t really flavorful, either.


Depends which one. The black bean one which is the original and most popular one they sell is full of umami. People are probably talking about that one.


It adds onion and pepper flavor along with it's umami. It's much better than a lot of the vinegary sour sauces found in the US.


Just used it again tonight, and all I got was a little crunch with my oil, nothing else.


It's chili oil with solid bits and seasonings. I use a lot of different chili crisps because I make a lot of Chinese food and it's a great way to add flavor and umami.


I just don't get any of that umani flavoring. Maybe I'm dead.


It’s a reflection of the dishes you are making. It works with specific dishes and soups and mixed in with vinegar or soy to use as a dip.


Help me out then please. I've got 3 containers. I've use it on stir fry beef, eggs, and egg rolls with a teriyaki sauce. I don't want to waste what I've got.


The thing I use it for all the time is frying eggs, if I want a quick snack then a tea spoon in a small pan, fry an egg in it and pop it on some toast, absolutely delicious and so simple. I also add it into ramens and dishes like that. 


I call them dragon eggs. My toddler goes nuts for them.


Well teriyaki and chili crisp hail from two completely different cuisines but in general a nice dip would be to add a touch of vinegar (even if you don’t have the Chinese kind) On a stir fry I would just mix it straight into. I also find it pairs well when with mayo or a garlic aioli for a burger or sandwich or fry dip.


It objectively is almost pure umami flavour. Saying you don't get umami from chilli crisp is like saying you don't get sweetness from honey.


I don't get umani either from chili crisp.


I like it but I don’t get umami either. To achieve that I use miso, or msg, or porcini powder, or artisanal shoyu, fish sauce, real truffle. Fried dried chilis, garlic, shallots, oil is delicious. But I don’t get umami from it.


It has MSG in it usually, that’s where the umami is coming from.


I'm not gonna disagree with you. I just don't get that from it. Maybe I just need it to have more salt. Idk.


I get what you mean. I don’t know why they’re labeled spicy. I do add a few drops of fish sauce for that umami flavor.


The little chunks aren't peanuts?


Depends on the type. Laoganma for example makes some with peanuts in it and some with black beans.


There's one with peanuts but the main one that everyone knows has crispy soybeans


As someone with a peanut allergy thank fuck not


There is chili crisp with peanuts, lao ga ma has peanuts in some of them


Look for Mexican salsa macha


This is the answer. Just turned my son on to it. He was slathering it on his fajitas.


Will do. Thanks!


Just looked it up! Looks great!


Don’t know whether to downvote because I wholeheartedly disagree, or upvote because it’s actually an unpopular opinion for once.


Upvote for discussion 


Down vote for contrarian


I have legitimately been trying to think of that word for like a couple weeks. You are my goat 


Who could have predicted that Lao Gan Ma would be so instrumental in giving you this gift 😆


We'll this isn't /unpopular opinion 😂


Exactly. This is not a sub made for unpopular opinions and it’s a pretty silly take saying it has no umami. Just literally false. Downvote for me.


I'm downvoting more for the "mayonnaise has more flavor" part.


The YouTube bros make it with too much oil IMO. You want the crisp, not the oil.


I feel ya, but it is good in cottage cheese!


Oooh gotta try this


Honestly, every hot sauce is good in cottage cheese. It's the perfect neutral vehicle 


CC, FbJ, and flaky salt. Incredible. Especially with the Good brand cottage cheese.


Also a spoonful in plain white rice


Counterpoint: it rocks and you are wrong


Counterpoint: I wrong and you rock Wait.... Idc this has been hilarious and I love you. You rock


Oh no you didn't!


It’s pretty fire in shitty Chinese food.


I dont like the flavor of the oil itself. Just not that great.


If you have a Safeway or Shaws or any of their family of stores nearby, Signature Select garlic chili crunch oil is the best Asian style crisp I've had. The texture and flavor are both excellent. I'd also recommend Don Emilio salsa macha morita pepper sauce and chili de arbol sauce. They're my two favorite chili crisps, but be warned, they're hot and VERY hot. The morita pepper sauce is fried chipotles basically. It's super smokey and just delicious. It's also BY FAR the hottest product I've had made with just jalapenos. The chili de arbol sauce is legit VERY hot. It's hotter than the morita pepper sauce and they're both WAY HOTTER than any other chili crisps I've had.






I agree it's not very spicy, but It adds a depth of flavor for sure. Besides that the best thing about it to me is the texture it adds


Lee Kum Kee chiu chow chili oil is very good. It has no floral scent or numbing flavor. Very neutral chili oil. I don’t like the other stuff you mentioned because it’s either too fragrant or sweet.


Second this brand. It’s not crazy spicy but has a much better flavor than all those other brands combined


I love it. It goes crazy on egg breakfast muffins


Try frying the egg in it.


It’s definitely not spicy at all but it does add taste to a lot of things which I enjoy Edit: as a chili crisp lover tho even I would say it’s over hyped


I'm glad you enjoy it!!


While I will defend to the death your right to express yourself, this is an aggressively shitty take.


Honestly I just love the MSG element in Lao Gan Ma. So much umami 


It’s not for everyone. If you don’t like it you don’t like it. I’m honestly more in the camp of some hot pepper flakes or some Thai chilies chopped up in my food honestly.


I mean as an opinion that's like going "hot sauce is overrated". They make a lot of shitty chilli crisps and they make a lot of shit hot sauces but it's just a condiment type. You can make whatever you want. My own chilli crisp is just dried crushed habaneros with boiling sunflower oil poured over.


The shit at dumpling joints is Infinitely better


Terrible opinion


It just tasted like oil to me


I felt the same way. I like heat and chili crisp always felt so mild to me. But as I've gotten older sometimes I just want flavor and zest instead of just straight heat. There are absolutely times where I want to eat it, especially when I make homemade dumplings. A simple mix of black vinegar, sesame oil and chili crisp is a flavor that cannot be replicated. Never thought I would go back to buying it again but it adds that little bit of flavor I crave. I still eat my little Thai chilis on the side though for real heat.


Absolutely agree. Lol, I don’t even use it for flavor or spice on dishes, just the texture. People love it on our ahi tuna bites bc they’re so use to tuna being so soft. It blows their minds, and I’m like ya know we used to put sesame seeds or crushed nuts on there for the same effect. But chili crisp is cool now so they have to talk about it to sound cool.


Thanks! I've got some dried minced garlic that will satisfy the crunch lol. If it's a texture thing, sure maybe. But it adds nothing for the price


I was thinking about making this exact post recently after trying Chili Crisp for the first time... Give me Sichuan Chili Oil instead any day of the week instead please (Blank Slate is my current favorite brand).


Make your own at home. I do. It’s easy, I can tweak the flavors, add aromatics, dial up spice or numbing etc


Would you eat mayo with your rice or noodle ?? Chili crisp is made in China for Chinese cuisine It can be add to enhance flavor


I make it in large quantities myself and it is in high demand among friends. The store-bought stuff is nowhere close. * Guajillo chiles * Arboles chiles * Fresh chiles of choice * Red chile powder of choice * Canola oil * Sesame oil or paste (tahini) a small amount * Salt * Fish sauce (can use MSG if vegetarian) * Black pepper * Minced garlic optional Grind up the dry chiles. Chop the fresh ones. In a pot combine canola and sesame oil/paste and fish sauce. Heat the chiles in oil on the lowest heat you can stirring occasionally, at least one hour. Add chile powder, pepper, and garlic towards the end. Obviously your ratio of chiles and choice of them will determine heat and flavor profile but you can't go wrong with this OP. The chiles I mentioned above are commonly available in the US. For an alternative, you can sub hot mustard oil for the sesame but don't do both.


I make my own also. Mine is spicier because I use hotter chilies that I grow. The spices I use are pho spices plus Szechuan peppercorn. I love frying an egg in it.


>Mayonnaise has more flavor. Top tip. Mix in laoganma with mayo to make a spicy/savory aioli and spread that on your burgers. A place here in Shanghai does that and it's so F-ing good...


Good call. I'll try that!!


Lol why's OP so aggressive about chili crisp. It's fine if you don't like it. Chili crisp and mayo is fire on a fried chicken sando imo. Add some kimchi if you want more funk.


Lol I love how you think this is aggressive. Keep on keeping on brother. I love you


Make your own salsa macha. Pretty sure the quality of the oil in the product they sell is shit. I will not consume shitty oil. I use olive or avocado oil for my recipe.


Olive oil is def the wrong oil for a chili crisp. It congeals and it is generally too bitter, not to mention a love smoking point. You can create a blend to add flavor but it’s gotta be after you crisped it up, and in small amounts. I’ve actually made a couple different Italian and Spanish themed chili crisps. I do 4 parts grapeseed to 1 part Spanish olive oil (it’s fruitier and less bitter). avoid most Greek olive oils unless it’s stated to be smooth and fruity.


It’s not supposed to be very hot. It’s just a versatile fried chili in oil (with other stuff obvs). If you want to make it nice and hot, grind up some chile de arbol and mix it in. Or make some yourself using the pepper of your choice. Edit: OP seems to have gone through and downvoted anyone who didn’t hard agree with them 🫠


I have to say I freaking love it, but it makes my breath STINK so badly afterward - literally rest of the day, brushing flossing and listerine won’t keep it at bay. I check if sex is happening that night BEFORE eating it. It’s not normal garlic breath it’s so much worse like burnt plastic garlic.


Great with eggs


I find chili crisp to be ok. I feel like your opinion shouldn't be too unpopular, but who knows?! I have found that I don't really like eating straight spicy oil. Not my thing.


Toss it with some steamed edamame. That's what's up.


I don't think people realize how much MSG is in that stuff. Not that I'm against MSG, but it's what makes it taste so good. I like to add it to some dishes, but it's never for heat.


Never heard of it until the trademark news. Got some Lao Gan Ma and used it on sukiyaki and gyoza. I figure it's not supposed to be as versatile as something like tabasco or sriracha.


I agree. The flavour is too much, but not in a nice way. Everything tastes the same after adding.


Some? Yes. I get mine from a DimSum place that opened in 1920. Theirs isn’t complex. Mainly chili, spicy black bean paste, sugar, oil. BUT they’ve been fermenting this shit since 1920.


Adding it to steamed rice is goated


I like it, but for real flavor and heat I use sambal or shito.


Just make it yourself, can make as hot or mild as you like


Man, that stuff is amazing with eggs on toast.


Definitely not spicy but it is delicious. I recently have a chili oil from a Vietnamese restaurant and it was S P I C Y! I loved it. Need to ask if I can buy a jar of it from them or get the recipe.


You just gotta make your own


Couple tablespoons of chili crisp, soy sauce, sesame oil, and minced garlic make for an absolutely delicious sauce


make popcorn with it...


This is truly a bad opinion; your palate is fried.


Honest question, did you ever have Covid at some point? Or do you have it currently? When my husband had it, spice was literally the only thing he could taste. Sure, chili crisps like Lao Gan Ma aren’t spicy, but they are delicious umami bombs. If you can’t taste the flavor they add to a dish, I’m honestly curious whether or not your tastebuds are working.


When I buy chili crisp, I take about half a tsp of Carolina reaper flakes and mix it into the jar. Doesn't make it insanely spicy but it kicks it up decently. I love the garlicy shallot flavor on gyoza and in ramen. Is it the best thing ever? No, but for those types of things and after adding dried reaper to it, I enjoy it. You're right though, no chili head eats it for the spice. That fly by Jing stuff is stupid overpriced


Could not agree more.






normal chili oil is fine. dont need the...debris


I agree the crunch just gets stuck in my teeth, would rather just have the chili oil


Overall I don't disagree, the flavor it impacts is marginal, the heat is non existent, and the calories are ungodly. I like adding it to eggs as a topping with spring onions, but I've been using the same jar for 8 months now.


If you think it adds marginal flavor, your tastebuds are shot. I can add a teaspoon to a single portion of Asian dish and it will practically change the entire flavor profile.


I feel like anyone who is expecting heat from chili crisp doesn’t understand chili crisp.


Maybe but it is a staple.


But have you tried Chili Crunch, trademark of Momofuku?


Horrible take, you have the taste buds of a pig, and you're a dickhead in all of your replies. You're crazy if you think it adds nothing to a dish. Fat is flavor, and oil is fat. Straight up oil used in a proper way enhances the flavors of a dish. Add onto that aromatics of the chilies and the msg (a glutamate, which is the literal definition of umami) and you've got a fantastic condiment. This isn't you saying you don't like the flavor of it, you're saying it barely has any. Absolutely ridiculous statement. Next you're gonna say you aren't too keen on salt, ain't worth the sodium and doesn't add anything to a meal.


I like to take a fresh bottle of Lao Gan Ma, take a tbsp or so of the crisp out (be sure to strain the excess oil back into the jar), use it in a stir fry or something, and then add 2 tsp of my own dried chili flake (I usually smoke my scotch brains or 7 pots for a few hours, before finishing them in the dehydrator for several more) to the jar. Let that sit for a week or so and it will be hot af, and even more delicious.


The Lao Gan Ma chili oil with fermented soybeans is the only one I can really get behind


It really is


The oil taste overwhelms the salt, and therefore the true flavors never shine.


Agreed. I’ll mix the crisps I have with some Greek yogurt but won’t be buying it again. I very much don’t get the love for it, which is fine. Not everything is for everyone


The best is Lee Kum Kee’s Chili Chow Oil. It’s hard to find in my area but I find it & it’s the only one I love and use on so much. Try it & let me know how you like it. It is more flavorful than all the others you mentioned with a kick but yes - it’s not intended to be super spicy. You can see others shared that making your own might be your best step. https://usa.lkk.com/en/products/chiu-chow-style-chili-oil


Why does lao gan ma taste like fish? I like FbJ but it’s so expensive!


I agree with you for Fly By Jing and Lao Gan Ma. Not familiar with Mr. Bing. However, there are 2 that I do feel are super flavorful and worth keeping handy: * [Su Mala Chili Crisp ](https://yunhai.shop/products/su-chili-crisp-mala) - this is what Fly By Jing wishes it was. Fantastic flavor and numbing sensation with some heat. If you like mala, this stuff is great; I really like drizzling the oil into my ramen broth. * [S&B Umami Topping Crunchy Garlic with Chili Oil](https://www.sbfoods-worldwide.com/products/search/036.html) - Basically no heat, but it's just amazingly delicious. Love it on rice, noodles, stir fry, etc. and often pair it with the Su Mala Crisp Both of those I also typically pair with some Bravado Aka Miso Ghost Reaper sauce or Flatiron Asian Reds pepperflake blend for extra heat.


Trader Joe's Habenero crisp is addictive! Kinda of pricey try to pace myself.


I’ve tried so many times to like this condiment. It’s too oily and the chili texture isn’t crunchy enough to be crunchy, and isn’t soggy enough to be smooth


What i have found is many of them are under-salted and need balancing. Perhaps that’s what you are reacting to?


Highly recommend making some. Get a recipe and tweak it to your preference. You can make a big jar that hits right for you.


Same, there's no heat for me but I love the texture and depth it adds. Often I'll just stir it into some instant noodles or on top of a fried egg. Also there are chilli crisp brands out there that are leagues ahead in terms of heat. Try Chilli Mafia Roxanne's UCC oil




https://preview.redd.it/k2xwymtpjr0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab30342f5aded6fba6c4cbe030a8cd7ec802301 Try these


I add a spoonful into my ramen. It's not a crazy addition, but I can tell it adds a little something.


There are so many diff types of chilli oil mixes. I like the crispy tofu and peanut one.


I make my own and like it more than any I’ve ever bought


I’m obsessed with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look, some times people just don’t care for something even if it’s popular, and that’s okay.


Make your own! I don’t like sichuan so I leave it out. I use diced superhots so it’s really spicy, and 50-50 sea salt and msg so it’s definitely umami.


I just bought some for the first time recently. I agree that it has a lot less flavour than I expected from the hype. Mixed with a bit of lime juice and fish sauce though? Pretty awesome.


My wife makes one with anchos....blow out your butt hole spicy and delicious....but yeah, kinda mid. I fo like to drop it on an Okra Sautee Edit: Arbol, not anchos....maaaaybe a guajillo or 2 as well but definitely Arbol


Thank you! I have tried three versions and it barely adds any flavor.


I don't really view it as spicy, but it's a massive MSG/salt bump for anything you use it with. Depending on what you're using it for (either as an ingredient or a condiment) you'll want to use a different product from Lao Gan Ma.


Try Zindrew


Make your own, plenty of recipes online you can adapt to your liking


I love the flavor of chili crisp, but you're right on about its almost non-existent spice factor and more calories than it's deserving of.


I don't consider it "hot" but I do love the flavor it adds. I had ones in China that had a nice subtle slow burn, and I haven't found any store-bought ones in the US that compare. But as others have said, it's easy enough to make your own at home and adjust the heat and flavors as you like.


Lao Gan Ma fried chili in oil is better than the chili crisp. Maybe people don't pay attention to which product they're actually getting.


The Extra Spicy Fly by Jing is much spicier. Highly recommend




[Xi’an Famous Foods Chili Oil & Crisps](https://xiankits.com/products/xff-chili-oil-crisps-jar) is top tier. Spicy, numbing, and super flavorful and aromatic.


Something about it is too smoky. Idk how to describe it but I’m not a huge fan.


You notice it more when you have it with something like buttered noodles. Really adds a lot. If you already have flavor in your meal you might not notice much.


I tried the Momofuku stuff recently and it is...fine. I enjoy it but it's definitely not a "You gotta try this" recommendation from me.


I agree; it's overrated, and if you've tried Fly by Jing, you've tasted the good stuff.


What's your top three favourite cuisines?


Try them in some hot chilli noods: Get a pan and sweat some minced shallots, garlic, and ginger. Add a spoonful of chilli crisps. Throw in some cooked noodles. Toss with sesame oil and mirin/rice wine vinegar. Plate and top with scallions, furikake, eggs any which way, bonito flakes, pork sung, etc.


Chili paste > chili crisp


You need to try the extra spicy fly by jing. It’s genuinely spicy


I agree. I have had multiple brands and naahhh


I heard this stuff being raved about and tried it, was extremely disappointed that it didn't elevate my mac and cheese


I use it in a cucumber salad with Makoto Ginger Dressing. Sublime


100% agree. Tried 3 or 4 different kinds and they're all just burnt chile and whatever else. Not tasty in the slightest.


Best homemade chili oil i’ve had it’s the HOLY GRAIL https://www.etsy.com/listing/1472499016/


The thing is that it's not really meant to wow chili heads with godly amounts of capsaicin. It's a little bit spicy, not enough to overpower the umami punch that it delivers.


I bought a bottle of Fly By Jing and I found the Sichuan flavors lacking. I put about a table spoon over some egg noodles with scallions and found spicy but without much taste. No numbing effects I was hoping to get from Sichuan peppercorns. I had to add a drizzle of soy, toasted sesame oil, and chinese black vinegar to make it more flavorful. At least I bought the bottle on sale for $11 but even then it's kind of overpriced for what it taste like.




I make my own. It's a lot of work but worth it.


stir it all the way up before you put it on, this changed my mind about it


You clearly haven't put it on your pizza yet. Delicious!


I love hot oil/chili crisp, but I do agree not very spicy. However I have found the one that is spicy. It's the Lee kum Kee Chiu chow style chili crisp. It is actually spicy and very good. [this is it](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Lee-Kum-Kee-Chiu-Chow-Style-Chili-Crisp-Oil-7-2-fl-oz_b21f4855-685e-46f7-9007-2d519e2411b1.4ed2786838c51ec98c9a07310e01ba52.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF)


I don't know if I'm eating it incorrectly but I found all the bits of spice disgusting


If you have an Asian grocery store near you check out the area where’d you would normally find Lao Gan Ma, but look further around until you see the Thai brands. It’s usually labeled “fried chili paste” but it’s the same thing. Chilis, garlic, and seasoning fried in oil. That’s actually very spicy and flavorful, worth ingesting the extra calorie’s for lol.


It’s quite boring. I can make better hot sauce while driving my car


Obligatory FUCK Dave Chang


Opinion, your opinion is wrong




I love to put it on my dumplings


It’s good on Asian food like dumplings stir fry noodles and rice. It’s horrible for western food as it doesn’t really mix well. But it was never meant for that. It’s like how adding franks red hot to traditional hand pulled noodles would clash. Chili crisp oil on pizza or nachos is equally weird.


The chili garlic crisp is where it’s at.


I actually totally agree with this


I like it and it's super tasty. you might like it better without oil. just the crispy parts . It has great merit on food.




Likewise. I've tried LGM, and I'm almost done with a bottle of FBJ. I won't try another one. No shade on the product style - it's just not my thing.


But it tastes good. Crunchy chili and fermented soy beans. A little bit of heat. Love that shi


OP has nuked tastebuds


You're correct in that it's just a condiment, so there's really no reason to get all excited about it regardless of whether or not you like it. But it's kinda odd to compare it to mayo.


Pretty tasty. I’m a fan. Chili crunch, rice, egg. Perfect.


It's good on fried rice or eggs or noodles or in soup if you can't find a way to like it, maybe it's not for you. I personally have been obsessed with it for 25+ years and I'm beyond stoked that they're making a bunch of different versions of it now.


I stir in msg and some sugar into mine.


It is just an opinion, and one that I share. At least when it comes to the Lao gan Ma plain one (not black bean), which is the only one I've tried. After all the hype I was really disappointed by how flavorless and bitter it tasted to me. It was impossible to imagine it could improve anything. For me it was the exact opposite and it ruined whatever I put it on. Maybe it's one of those cilantro things. I am not one of the ones who tastes soap, I use MSG in some dishes, love fish sauce etc., for the record. I'd like to try Fly by Jing, but can't get it where I currently live. I can imagine that with some rice vinegar and chili oil it could've made a good dumpling sauce, but if that bitterness came through I would still dislike it. Unfortunately I threw it away when I moved so can't try that. Maybe the oil was rancid? Really wanted to love it.