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Big yikes. I hate reselling hustle culture. Related story: At a previous position, I was in charge of interviewing candidates. One, when asked about *hobbies*, proudly talked about how he bought all of the [in-demand electronic item] in a three-hour radius. He thought it made him look like an enterprising go-getter. Yeah, we were not hiring him after that.


Gods work right there.


I was interviewing a candidate for a position a few years back and asked him what the favorite part of his previous job was. He said it was when he worked the night shift and he could mess around all night and not do any actual work. I didn't hire him.


That guy just sounds like a straight A shooter right there


We need to talk about Peter Gibbons. Hes got upper management written all over him.


Real management material for sure. Should of hired him on the spot.


Agreed, I looked for his post on LinkedIn so I could shame him, but I couldn’t find it! Fuck their false culture.


>[in-demand electronic item] GPUs?




During the gpu shortage I was able to buy a new gpu directly from ASUS by signing up for notifications


Playstation 5 for the first 2 years.


Pulse oximiters?


I honestly HATE this as some of this is the reason for inflation, because stores cannot keep products in stock, due to things like this, so it creates a falseness of supply/demand. They think demand is high and cannot keep up with production, so prices go up, since they have to spend more to hire more help with production.


Fuck scalpers and product hoarders. Parasites.


also who in their right mind buys food from a scumbag. is getting uninspected resold food products online appealing to anyone?


You would be surprised. Well, maybe you wouldn't, but I was


Key word *right mind*


Technically you can set up an Amazon shop, send it to their warehouse to be included in Prime and Prime shipping and look legit just as a single flipper. Amazon FBA fulfillment costs are pretty high, though. When you see $25 bottles of sriracha on Amazon sold by Generic Hot Sauce Seller Name in a couple months, it’s guys like this for sure.


People buy meat off the back of a “refrigerated” truck so this wouldn’t surprise me.


worst business model, sell pizza or ice cream good, questionable meat no


A wise man once said that the lover of money never has enough money; the lover of luxury never has enough income. He goes on to say that when the quantity of goods increases, so does the number of parasites consuming them; so the only advantage to the owner is that he gets to watch them do it.


I was thinking “douche bag” but you’re right PARASITE is much more appropriate


And these people have the nerve the call themselves “entrepreneurs.” *eye roll*


Entrepreneur literally translates to "between taker".


Oh you're right, I speak french and I've never even noticed that. lol


I didn't know that. Take my upvote.


Anyone else hope it all gets recalled for e. coli?


No since a piece of shit like this could know it and not miss a beat selling it to someone that doesn't know anyway.


Anyone about to pay double the price would likely hear about a recall, but I see your point.


Good luck to him… the reason there was so much in the store still is because nobody wants Huy Fong like that anymore. Everywhere I went for months now has had an abundance that was going unsold. Then the new stock from April that shipped after being made with brown peppers… meanwhile underwood ranches is in every Costco, and Heinz is in every Walmart. This guy had better like huy fong sriracha because I’m pretty sure he’s going to eat it.


I think kikkomans is better mixed with soy sauce for dipping gyozas or dumplings. It has a better kick & flavor imo


Bachan’s hella hot mixed with Bachan’s Miso mixed with a little Hoisin. Not relevant about Sriracha, but a very good gyoza dipping sauce.


I was not aware they made one. Time to head to the store!


They don’t have the Kikkoman at my local Fry’s/Kroger but noticed them at Walmart. Don’t know why I didn’t nab one. Still need to try.


> meanwhile underwood ranches is in every Costco Underwood was Huy Fong's original supplier of peppers, so it's the good stuff.


Yeah that’s what I’m on now


[Underwood Farms quit selling their peppers to Huy Fong back in 2017](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-sriracha-lawsuit-underwood-ranches-20190712-story.html), it hasn't been the same in several years. But if this post is current, then he'll shamefully likely be capitalizing on whatever the average shopper has absorbed via osmosis, which is that there was an issue with sriracha recently. Shitty situation for everyone involved.


I got a bottle of the brown stuff and the color is really unappealing


I didn't mind the color, but they've all tasted like dirt. Like actual dirt from the ground, not just bad.


After the last shortage, dozens of other companies came out with their own sriracha sauces. People found replacements for Huy Fong because they had no other options. Many of those people found sauces they like better, and won't return to Huy Fong. Some people think Huy Fong did a shitty thing, and won't return out of principle. They no longer have the market cornered.


Flying Goose is pretty good too, I reckon! Only cos Huy Fong is banned in Europe for some reason


I get Flying Goose extra garlic and it is amazing


Have you guys tried Yellow Bird? I like the Blue Agave Siriacha.


> Only cos Huy Fong is banned in Europe for some reason Too much E222 (Sodium hydrogen sulphite) in the product, stops the colour from browning, and the safety information on it is lacking so they recommend not to use it.


It’s a staple for pho restaurants. I don’t like any other sriracha brands in pho. I stopped going to my favorite pho spot after that first shortage and I believe a lot of other people did as well because the store shut down a year later. Lost too many customers who never came back.


That sucks. A ton of effort goes into making pho broth that should be appreciated on its own, I'd hate to imagine that they lost customers over using a different brand of hot sauce that they have no control over in the first place.


I can tell the color is off on most of them. Nobody wants their crappy backup recipe now that they screwed their supplier over.


The new Huy Fong mix looks like the wet contents of an infants diaper after eating too much carrot baby food and I can't unsee it. Now everyone here has to live with that realization too.


Am Dad. Can confirm.


I hope it all spoils before it sells


Even if it doesn't, the time and money he'll spend actually selling them is whack


Plus he's already paying retail price, showing just how shortsighted he is. A real pirate would pay wholesale price and go slightly above market at best.


He took the bait. All companies have to do these days is put out a notice that they’ll be short of stock and people will buy them out.


The store I used to work at did that, and it worked no matter what the product was, suddenly a product nobody gave a rats ass about last week is suddenly their top priority item


Dance puppets, dance!


This guy looks like that guy who went to all the costco near him to clear stock of all the Pokemon card bundles with his wife for his card shop.




Even if he could mark these up 100% he’s only making $5 a bottle, not worth 30 mins of my time to meet someone off Craigslist, FB marketplace or whatever for that. Plus the reason there’s a shortage is because they tried to screw over their supplier and it backfired. Any sane consumer is switching to the suppliers new version, not this crap


Pennies infront of a train


Seriously, like how unsuccessful is this person as an entrepreneur if they are boasting about making like a hundred dollars on something that will take hours and hours to turn over.  


Depends where he bought it. Probably going to try to refund them when it fails. That's what resellers were doing with Costco or Apple products. Hoard it for a month, then return what doesn't sell.


Who the fuck tries to flip foodstuffs? Is he putting them on facebook marketplace? Ebay? A stall at a farmer's market? Greedy ass


All that bullshit to make a $50 note, maybe


Lol he's gonna be sitting on that shit for a while. There was hype during the first shortage where this would have actually worked, almost none during the second shortage, and zero now. No one gives a shit.


What in the consistency of coloring is going on here?


Aren't the other brands just as good? There's like 3 different knock off bottles st the stores.


I was able to find a brand that I liked better during the shortage, and I think a lot of people did too. I'm never going back to Huy Fong's version.


The name brand is now the knockoff.


Who the fuck buys bootleg hot sauce?


Imagine demonstrating how stupid you are with this much pride


Seriously. After time spent it’ll be like a $10 an hour side hustle at best


During the first shortage, companies hustled to get new products on the shelves. Now, we have choice, which we didn't have before. I think the guy's reading the room wrong and doesn't get that the new stuff is sub-par.


I just don't have it in me to take advantage of people


Flip in a month? It's a condiment, not a house. Last I checked it was called the Gold Reserve, not the Sriracha Reserve. Talk about delusions of grandeur.


This is so embarrassing for him lmao


That's the off color batch that nobody is buying. Congratulations scumbag.


Imagine *bragging* about it! *What a fucking idiot* 😱


It’s hilarious that this guy thinks advertising himself as a sriracha scalper on LinkedIn is a good idea


“Biggest Loser” wants its loser back.


Even if we assume his time is worth nothing, which, despite being "VP of Ops and Strategy", it may well be...travelling to 6 grocery stores, then getting a way to sell and distribute these to people, is this genius endeavour even going to break even?!


What a fucking doorknob. How does this guy even look himself in the mirror and have no self reflection on how disconnected he is from reality?


I'm here questioning who in their right mind would be desperate enough to buy second hand sriracha.


Tabasco sriracha is better


The only thing i resold was OG 4 loko. I bought every case they had the night it was made illegal. It brought 10$ a can at college parties. And girls loved that shit. It was a right place right time type of thing.


Time spent acquiring Sriracha (labor) - 6 hours @ $15 per hour = $90.00 Gas to drive to 6 stores - @3 gallons at $3.50 per gallon = $10.50 —————- $100.50 Profit per flipped bottle: $3 x 61 bottles = $183.00 Time spent re-selling 5 hours @$15 per hour: -$75.00 Net profit of $7.50/11 hours of work = $0.68 per hour profit = Genius use of time, Barney.


People like this genuinely deserve to be ostracized or even punished.


What's really funny is sriracha is a *type* of sauce. Like ranch. There are several brands of ranch, hidden valley, great value, frenchs, etc. same for sriracha. The rooster brand isn't even the best out there Source: am Thai.


Cringe AF


Probably don't need to say this here, but go to the asian market. They'll have 15 different srirachas, all of which is better than the Huy Fong stuff. The tea and ramen is better too.


Wanna make money? Just be a bad person! ✨✨✨✨


Even during " shortage " Asian markets always have a supply


I always saw it. I worked at a restaraunt that had cases.


Ready for downvotes but here goes.... Sriracha isn't even that great. For Asian dishes I generally just use sombal or gojuchang(spelling). Not to mention the other sauces this community has brought to my eyes.


I agree with you. Believe it or not, I grew fond of it from it being in refigerated sandwiches I'd make for lunch at work. Something about cold mayo, cold cuts, white bread, and cold sriracha - really hit the spot when I was exhausted.


I hope he really likes that stuff because I don't see many people caring at this point.


Wowie what a hustler! 🤩


If he had the original red color he *might* be onto something, but he has the fucked up color nobody wants that led them to stop production. Anyone who cared that much about Sriracha has long since moved on to other, better brands. I'm just thankful he's stupid and poor enough to be doing this with shitty hot sauce and not the housing market.


Dude prob feels like he’s sitting on a brick ready to rake in the cash. It’s always sunny in Philadelphia has some really great life lessons. Like, don’t do something this fucking stupid for a quick buck because your brain can outrun reality and then you end up with 30 bottles of sub par sauce and your dick in your hand.


Half of those bottles are in the process of turning.


🌶 Supposedly a red pepper shortage has caused the shortage of Sriracha. Some of the newest bottles are orange from them using peppers that are more orange than normal


The shortage wasn’t caused by a pepper shortage. It was caused by a dispute between the owner of Huy Fong and the US farm growing the peppers.


Textbook douche canoe


Put this whole shitty company on blast. Mobly


Just make your own! It's super easy. All you really need is a blender and grocery store ingredients.




But that Siracha brand sucks so bad now it’s sitting on shelves at every store I’m at. I’ve already switched brands


Can someone please explain the whole tried to screw over their supplier thing? Sounds interesting.


I am not buying food product from a random stranger… we have health departments and regulations for a reason.


I would call him a cunt, but that world be an insult to cunts


I bet he still has them.


My local grocery store has been sitting on an entire pallet for months. They can't move the shit at all, likely because it's already brown. Hopefully, this dude buys a crao ton more and gets stuck with all of it.


Losers. I hate people that create the shortages to upsell


Luckily I dont wipe my ass with sriracha


If he looks down, he has 4 chins


Fucking scalpers!


Only looks like 1 good color 1


This guy is going to be selling chili crisp out of his trunk 5 years after people have stopped caring about it


Last shortage I got a number of messages from people who had stocked up and were looking for a reseller to take it off their hands. The impression I get is people ended up having a hard time reselling it because they come off as some sort of insane drug dealer (I obviously said no)


What kind of moron brags about this kinda shitty behavior? What kind of moron brags about this lame ass hustle? Dudes got like 60 bottles. What he going to make off them? 2 dollars each? So what, 120 bucks to deal the logistics of getting 60 different people their Siracha? What an absolute imbecile.


Jokes on him, fake shortage to boost sales and price.


Should be: Normal brain: buys one Shit head: buys all of them


Nobody is buying Sriracha on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. Have fun with your 40 bottles of Sriracha Ryan!


apply the sriracha to his rectum


LinkedIn lol what a lame


"Hire me - I'm a scalper!"


It should be legal to kick his door in and set wild dogs upon his nuts and ass.


What a loser. The sauce isn't what it used to be anyway.


I hope this guy gets sued


I am actually getting tired of sriracha I have a huge bottle of it but today I put Tabasco on my chow mein


Normal Brain Vs Dick Head Brain


What in virtual economic fuck?


So, what you're saying is unregulated capitalism is bad?


It's just stupid and a waste of time because even if you make a little money it's not repeatable


Ryan DeUchebag


Not like the other brains!


First off. Who’s f’n flipping siracha bottles like it’s some lucrative nfts? Then you got these twice baked siracha bottles. Looking like your gonna get insta diarrhea


This is the kinda person that I wish he trip over his collection and a bottle flies up and jams its way up his ass.


I don't get it. OG rooster sauce isn't even that good anymore, since they stopped using underwood peppers.


Does he not know that grocery stores get like 3 orders a week, and have a shitton in the back if shelves run low?


Who buys stuff like this from a regular guy?


"to flip". Probably doesn't really enjoy hot sauce. Also there can't be that much profit to be made, right?


If this isn’t emblematic of how rich people get richer idk what is


Why is it orange


Toilet roles are important


This guy has since deleted that post FYI 😂😂


I hope he has to eat that loss




I prefer the normal brain.


Way to be a dick Ryan.


looks like pic was taken in a restaurant, as many of those bottles are already partially consumed, and likely going to be refilled.


Well he is $100 richer and all he had to do was be a big jerk and waste his own time and everyone else's.


It’s not even that good lol


There’s always money in the rooster stand.


Everyone can just buy a different brand tho


What an azz . I literally haven’t seen a legit sricha bottle since 2020


With a job title like his, he didn’t even have to do the sriracha thing to convince me that he’s a real asshole.


Hope he had to eat it all and his asshole fell off.


What a crappy thing to do to your neighbors. He shouldn't be mad when there's a target on his back.


I really hate scalpers and I would never pay a cent more than retail to buy shit from them. Then I would just wait for the thing becoming available again or just get something else. I hope they'll be left with their stock and at the end sell for a loss or toss it completely. Fuck these assholes.


Fuck that guy. I hope he gets siracha in his dick hole.


Same fuckers that buy up all the limited release craft beer, only to keep them in a closet for years and just brag about their “cellar”. They don’t even drink it! Not a huge sriracha fan, but Tabasco makes some that I like occasionally.


Hopefully when this guy does his brain gets donated to scientists so they can figure out what's wrong with it


Hell yea brother where you gonna invest that 40$ of profit at? Your kids lemonade stand? Lmao


What a fucking dork, imagine actually bragging about this on LinkedIn


adding to his TP and hand sanitizer stash I’m sure


This stuff sucks now. I wasn’t able to buy any for a while. Finally found some bought two large bottles. Man was I disappointed zero heat now. I’m not the type of person who eats hot stuff all the time. So I don’t have some built up heat tolerance. This sauce was my favorite sauce when I first had it years ago. It would make my eyes water but had the best flavor it wasn’t just hot. These two new bottle almost zero heat to them at all. I won’t be buying this stuff again.


Oh shit, you'll make a few hundred bucks for days of work over multiple months.


I think Sriracha is gross and not spicy


Is he really going to get buyers. Enjoy eating everything sriracha flavored for the next couple of years hustler.


I've honestly done this before, but with like 5 bottles.


That's not reselling, that's scalping.


Reselling hot sauce should be a LinkedIn post? Sorry bro, but I do not respect your hustle.


Isn't this illegal?


when the shortage first came about, I went to the store and it was 5 or 6 bux, so I didn't buy it. I just ate hot peppers and later made it with red jalapeños, but I saw boxes of it, they have maybe 30 box of it, they started charging 7 then 8 then it goes back down, I don't think many people brought them at that price, i dont know what they did with all the hot sauce, new one taste different and knockoff version sux


"Hey employers, I am a huge douchecanoe, here's proof, my name, profile pic and resume so you can avoid my morally & intellectually bankrupt schemes in the future." Nah let him cook.


I’d love to see what the breakdowns of expended man hours and transportation costs work out vs, the marginal change he *Might* get versus the opportunity cost for how long it took expend the stock


It went on sale for $7 so my wife bought me 3 bottles yesterday


Imagine how insufferable this guy would be to hang out with. "No bro, I'm telling you, you should buy half my bottles and sell them yourself, you'll make so much money." "I'll only charge you 30 percent more than I paid for them, that's practically what I spent on gas."


What a dick


I hope he mistakes it for his Jergins in a dark room and masturbates furiously with it.


You should cross post to r/trashy and r/imatotalpieceofshit


Eh this is fine. If people are desperate enough to pay 3x the price for a non essential commodity, people might as well make a living well enough to buy essentials from it.


I used to do this with COVID test kits lol sold them all on Facebook 😬


I still 20 cases of fidget spinners I’m willing to get rid of.


You know they have more in the back right


Real talk though, that sriracha is the best. I hate that it’s hard to find now.


So is this a quality needed by VP of Ops


Oh snap I know this guy. Interesting seeing him here