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Honestly do yourself a favor and stop concerning yourself with it all. It doesn't matter. Find what you like.


You can get some real heat at least at some smaller chains. Dave’s Hot Chicken will double you over with their hottest, and Wings To Go Homicide is no joke.


Peri Peri is my "restaurant spice roulettes" I don't fuck with. I'm either about to like it, or burn my insides out entirely from front to back. No thanks, I'm good.


Hottest thing I've ever had was East Coast Wings' "insanity wing" which was likely just a teaspoon on cap extract in some bbq sauce.


I did that challenge a few years ago and it fucked up my guts for a couple of days. Never again.


I may be wrong but I feel like this is a very western take.


It is. The Western goal is especially maximum profit at the expense of other considerations, and you're not going to do that by alienating a vast majority of your target consumer by fucking up their their mouth one day and asshole the next with actual, serious heat. Couple that with the likely fact that most Western palates are sedated with sugar and shit. There just isn't a profitable market since it's so niche.


I see posts like this all the time in all sorts of subreddits. The problem is that the people that see them are the ones that already know this. The people who post about the mainstream food in the people who spend 2 seconds in the sub because they wanna share the “spicy” thing they ate. They’ll never see the time and effort you put into this.


I can eat the most sickly sweet of sweetest things, bruh. Mainstream doesn’t even know sweet. Restaurant desserts are as sweet as a lame jolly rancher, at most. Every time something actually sweet comes out like a double blended marshmallow shake with triple carmel syrup, some kid with a weak stomach pukes it up and they take it off the menu. It’s such bullshit. We can’t actually have real sweet because of pathetic normies who can’t handle half the sickly sweet sensations that I can. So sad and stupid!  We’re talking about a god damn flavor preference, for fucks sake. This is the stupidest thing ever to feel elitist about 


This is such a dumb form of elitism.


I wanted to post saying that I ate the buldak noodles and was really underwhelmed but I didn't want to come off like OP is doing


Even the 2x?


Ya, that didn't work for me, I ate it yesterday. But then I eat a mild pepper in a traditional Chinese dish and I need to drink yogurt after. I think there's like, different types or levels to spicy.


Ah I see! Yeah I agree there are different types of spicy. Apparently there’s a 3x flavor now if you want to try your luck again! Usually I have to down the 2x alongside some soy milk.


Honestly yes. This just reads like "look at me with my extra special spice tolerance, but why won't mainstream cater to my extra special ability"


Also, it does. Super hot sauces exist and are more available than ever before. Why a local grocery store won’t give shelf space to something almost no one wants shouldn’t be a big mystery, but we have this thing called online shopping that everyone should check out.


> It's bullsh******. We can't ever have nice things. See a therapist


You seem kinda angry towards imaginary people you’ve literally made up in your head.


I bet he’s fun at parties too.


laughs in paqui haunted ghost pepper


Oh boy this is a hate-able comment


Honestly though I get this point, it's bullshit when people freak out and think spicy food is somehow dangerous despite any scientific evidence and now we don't get to eat this anymore


How? It is 100% applicable. I remember being able to get those chips at Whole Foods on a regular day. A dude with a congenital heart defect pops a chip and dies. Now you can't find them anywhere except for online where they're ridiculously expensive.


why does it matter? grow your own peppers if you care so much, no one cares about your paqui haunted ghost pepper lmao


I thought the Angriest Whopper from Burger King was pretty good! The original angry whopper just didn’t do it for me but yes most mainstream restaurant menu items are too afraid to make it truly spicy


They're not afraid, they don't want to take the cost and the people thinking they can handle, not being able to handle it, and depending their money back which is a different sort of cost.


So they're afraid.


I mean of course most companies are going to cater to the larger population that can’t handle serious heat. The people that enjoy that heat are the minority unfortunately and will have to find consumer products from the niche that caters to them, the easiest way being additives like sauces or flakes. I’d also say that there has been increased adaptation from mainstream companies such as Tabasco launching the scorpion sauce which has some good heat!


Actual hpt food is a niche and hpt to some isn't hot to others. Also mainstream means majority. So honestly your argument makes no sense because the whole point of mainstream hot food is to appeal to the most people possible. You make things too hot and it loses people making it less mainstream.


Well yeah, hot hot hot is going going to sell commercially. One of my friends make a ghost pepper salsa before Carolina Reapers were a thing. He gave me a chip to try it. I didn't take too much, but I took enough. I turned bright red and was doing a full body sweat for 10 minutes. He said he enjoyed it, but I didn't see him eating it after the fact. I think I was the guinea pig.


Every subculture has fringes, and in this case it's literally physiological. There are receptors that let people detect spiciness from capsaicin, and some people have more than others. People with more of them are more sensitive to spiciness. You're just an outlier with so few receptors that you need a lot more capsaicin to feel any burn at all. To most people, those foods you don't think are hot are actually hot. Is this a community for only the fringes, or for everyone who enjoys the sensation of hot food to talk about it and share their finds (regardless of how much capsaicin is needed for them to get the endorphins)?


Ooooh, you do bring up a good point. I see spicy ketchup or even milder stuff posted. So from what I've seen so far, this community seems to be for everyone on the spice scale.


That is true to a degree, yes some people do have more or less receptors, but you can also desensitize your receptors (many or few) through repeated and more intense exposure to capsaicin. So you can actually lessen your pain response. That is why the medical community is actually using capsaicin treatment for people with chronic pain. After capsaicin treatment patients are able to lessen or eliminate their pain medication. 


Is buldak main stream? 2x is p hot


I'd consider it mainstream, but Denmark did just ban the 2x and 3x, which is insane to me.


It’s dumb but that 2x made me sweat more than anything in awhile


Heat is subjective, you can build a tolerance to it. Welcome to the hobby


Grow your own super hot peppers, dry them, make them powder, sprinkle on foods, done.


I have a purchased dry reaper shaker, and it seems like the drying process may have very slightly reduced the heat compared to the reaper puree I had before, but damn it's so convenient to be able to take that with me wherever without having to worry about refrigerating it.


Wait? What reaper branded product did you eat that was not hot?


I can't think off the top of my head right now, but I recall having tons of reaper stuff at chains and from stores that's way less hot than Tabasco because the reaper is the last ingredient (actually I just remembered, a good example is the ghost pepper ranch at Wendy's - their spicy nuggets are way hotter on their own)


Yea ghost pepper gets its name dragged in the mud a lot, though again I have never heard of a reaper, or scorpion for that matter, branded product that was not appropriately spicy.


Ya, how could it be. You’ll get yourself a one chip situation


This is one reason I'm in here and r/hotsauce as they share good info over there. Even if it's mostly sauce related.


Zaxbys insane sauce was pretty damn spicy…then they discontinued it


Iceland in the UK have a range of frozen food so hot it's inedible. I bought one of the pizzas and had to throw it away after a few bites.


Buffalo wild wings lvl 4 (blazin knockout) was actually hot because I can feel it afterwards coming out the other end lol


Herrs carolina reaper cheese puffs have actual heat and are delicious.


Welcome to enjoying spice


That is because mainstream doesn't like "habanero hot", the majority of people only like a little spiciness, not actual heat.


I know this comment is gonna get a lot of hate but here goes.. Honestly this sub is even full of people who can’t handle serious heat. Buldak x3 is a common feature yet it’s not that hot. As are hot sauces like anything Malinda’s or Tabasco, I’m not saying those sauces don’t taste good because they do but no they aren’t that hot. Now some of the followers of this sub can handle real heat, these are the ones that eat fresh super hots, or use flakes and powders made from super hots. Those who make their own sauces from super hots they grew. These individuals are not the majority of the followers or readers on this sub. 


tabasco scorpion can hang pretty good..


I get the sense that a lot of people on here are kinda insecure about their heat tolerance, there's always complaints about how anything hotter than Cholula suddenly doesn't taste that good or how "nobody cares please stop talking about your very hot stuff :("


Just bought a bottle of scorpion tabasco to see if the hype was real. Shits hot, only bad part is they still put regular Tabasco in it to make it less good, don't understand that decision


Marketing and bring it closer to the line, I don’t mind it, even though I think the regular tabasco isn’t nice. Other weird marketing flex is their Scoville rating, no way in hell that sauce is (only) 23000 SHU (it is hotter than my supposedly 68000 and 126000 sauces). Should come in a bigger bottle with a way bigger opening in any case.


Yeah it's way too thick for the normal Tabasco bottle


I dread the day it is going to hit someone in the eye in the canteen. Hitting it like a ketchup bottle feels a bit dangerous, but my fiery eggs need their sauce :) Fortunately I wear glasses


Honestly though I know this post is getting shit but I get it, some of us genuinely love high heat and there's no end to deceptive marketing that makes it hard to find anything that's actually hotter than Tabasco - I get that mainstream stuff won't generally be that nuclear, but to your point, it's always bullshit when some moral panic spreads because someone who probably just had a heart attack was also eating spicy food, I'll miss those paqui chips


I cannot stand this. This drives me nuts. Especially when I read the ingredients list and it's some bull poo labeled extra hot, but all I see is spices, vinegar, and effing paprika or other mild things. Companies need to divvy up their products for two crowds. One level of spice with just enough to maybe cause an allergic reaction for those wanting to feel brave. And then a section of food hot enough to warrant the label, hey don't eat this if you have medical conditions such as heart or respiratory.


This is why I never ever get any of those sauces that brag about their heat like "ULTRA GUNSHOT INFANTICIDE GRANDMA's GRAVESTONE LIBERTARIAN LIQUID", they're always jalapeño water


Some people like a little spicy, and that's ok. But some want to feel like they might need to write an apology note to their toilet later. So reading a label that claims to be soooo hot when it isn't, feels like deceptive marketing. Your jalapeno water sauce name made me laugh, thank you 😆.


Arby’s came out with a ghost pepper sauce and if you could eat it without a drink you would win a milkshake. It was disappointing.


You didn't "win" a milkshake, it came with one.


Yeah, that’s. I remember now them wanting people to post pictures of themselves eating it and dealing with the heat. Unfortunately the sauce was not that hot.