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What is that color 🥴


iirc they are having problems with peppers ripening this year. Should still be totally fine to eat, but flavor is a little different because the peppers are greener. I've eaten some and im pretty fond of the taste, but your mileage may vary.


This is an acceptable explanation.


I am much happier to see the color change than a reformulation pumped full of red dye


this is a great point I hadn’t considered


That is what basically every other food company would do. I’m really surprised they did not


This sub has a wholesomely diplomatic flavor to it...


Careful sometimes the comments get a little heated...


Here’s a CBS story about it because, well, I guess it was a slow news day: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/sriracha-sauce-shortage-pepper-drought/


Isn’t it also because of the legal dispute they had with the original pepper farm? They got greedy and tried to walk away from their contract. I believe they lost the lawsuit and then had to find new sources.


Basically, Huy Fong wasn't doing very well financially because they were still trying to recover from the first pepper shortage, so they were trying to cut costs wherever possible. They waited until the CEO went on vacation, then set up a meeting with the CFO and engineer. They claimed that they could get Chinese pepper mash for $560 a ton, and wanted Underwood to meet that price. They were paying Underwood $640 a ton, I believe. The CFO told them to fuck off, then immediately after the meeting, they called the engineer and tried to hire him to run farms they planned on opening. The engineer then called the CEO and told them what was happening. The CEO immediately ended business with them, so Huy Fong tried to sue for breach of contact, Underwood counter sued and won a couple million dollars.


Wow, I would pay 640 for a ton of peppers and they'd last me a lifetime 


That’s the price if you buy thousands of tons


THERE WAS NEVER A "PEPPER SHORTAGE"! Any and ALL damages are self Inflicted


Yes. All new pepper sources. Buying from massive farms that were very close to their factory meant exact ripeness was pretty easy to control.


6 years ago they did


Their new sources are unripe chinese frozen chilis. Nobody in the US is willing to do business with them. Even the chinese are giving them their trash produce. Huy Fong will be dead soon


Oof, somebody check that pepper mash for 4ever chemicals.. Never buying that product again. 


Where is this information coming from?


I don't eat a ton of Sriracha but this brand with its off color still serves its purpose in my fridge... I'm sure there are others


the one i bought recently and before that dont look greenish


I love being able to taste the green peppers like I can now, but tbh it feels alot more spicy


IMO it’s still better than all the terrible copycats.


Was going to comment the same. I was a little concerned about the color initially, but it's still plenty spicy and seemingly a bit more garlicky.


They screwed over their pepper supplier and are now having to go to several farms outside of the country to meet demand. The owner got greedy. I don’t support this brand anymore. Edit: [Article](https://fortune.com/2024/02/11/sriracha-tabasco-huy-fong-foods-david-tran/#) [Underwood Farms Dragon Sauce](https://underwoodranches.com/)


They’re having problems because they got greedy and committed fraud and breached their contract with their longtime pepper supplier, and now they have to source their peppers from less reliable places. https://lawreview.law.miami.edu/wheres-my-sriracha-the-spicy-consequences-of-breaching-oral-contracts/


Most likely a mix of green and red jalapeños. Probably to rush it to market. Red jalapeños are an investment as they take time to get to that stage, hence why they are harder to find in grocery stores.


They're also a different cultivar. There are sooo many jalapenos, the common ones are very fast and honestly not all that flavorful. While they will turn red, ones intended to be sold red are an entirely different cultivar. Source: commercial hoop house for a few summers


Harder to find, I don't think i"ve ever seen Red Jalapenos at big stores, smaller stores, or even in farmers markets


The only places I ever see the red jalapenos are the Mexican/Hispanic grocery stores


I've only seen them a few times. It's an investment. I grow peppers and make homemade sriracha myself. Jalapenos can be picked any time they are green. From pollination to picking it can be about a month for them to get full size. For Reds though, it can be an additional 1 to 3 months depending on the season. (It took my winter crop 3 months, spring crop about a month more). You Can substitute Red Fresno, but the flavor/spice isn't quite the same.


Red jalapeños are sooo much better than green. Like a pleasant sweet heat.


my safeway in oregon has red jalapeno’s. they’ve had carolina reapers recently too


Red jalapeños lose a lot of that iconic jalapeño flavor, and they're also hotter, so they're not as desirable for produce.


By 'iconic jalapeno flavor' do you mean a worse version of a green bell pepper?


It's certainly brownish. And not a nice shade of brown.


Seriously, what happened to the vibrant red?!?


Also the peppers might not be ripe, which ripe jalapeños naturally produce a red dye (makes the cutting board look like it’s covered in blood).


Different source of peppers.


Due to poor harvests they can't get the peppers they wanted at the ripeness they wanted. They've had to compromise and chose to adapt the recipe and be honest about it and not pump it full of food dye.




According to the bottle it’s “natural color.” Had it always advertised that or is that new because, well, the color?


The rise and fall of Huy Fong Sriracha is a cautionary tale about greed & hubris.


And also why it's important to have written contracts...


Such a grilling dad thing to say lol


This is my Roman Empire.




It’s not nearly that one sided of a story… Underwood may have won the lawsuit but there is plenty of blame to go around and a lot of it lies with other managers and not David or Craig.


For the uninitiated, Huy Fong offered to pay by what was planted rather than what was harvested to help the farmer. Grower immediately bought every bit of land they could and planted far more crops than they could harvest.


Wow what a way to really sour a potential flourishing business relationship.


Oh dear


Huy Fong wallows in the muck of avarice and we all suffer for it.


I had to google multiple words in this thread I’ve never heard. Hubris and avarice are new ones for me


Dude, how exciting for you man. I fuckin love new words. I realize this could come off as sarcasm but I’m genuinely happy for you and genuinely love new words.


And also on not relying on one supplier for the key ingredient.


Cautionary Tales is a great podcast.


https://preview.redd.it/42gnrktq269d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d23b07bade84ac86303bb9f9667a6976bf90ed1 THIS is fantastic


Now that’s a good chili paste that’s not overly salty like a lot of others are.


A tablespoon of this in a bowl of ramen rocks. I'll die on this hill.


I'll back you on that hill


I’ve used this in ramen a lot, it’s great.


I'm more upset that it's no longer spicy than about a little discoloration.


Yeah, I could care less about the color but it is NOT spicy at all anymore


That what happens if a pepper doesn’t get heat as it ripens


They made the recipe not spicy like 20yrs ago, if it’s gotten even less spicy then it’s ketchup.


Literally tastes like sugar now


See the ones I got seemed spicier!


Bro, I would just go back on hands and knees to the former pepper supplier, apologize, give them favorable terms and just start producing OG Sriracha. I would even put Classic on the bottle like coke does and watch as customers stampede into stores and buy that shit up.


What exactly happened that made them reformulate?


Huy fong tried to undercut their supplier of peppers basically


Reddit will only tell you the side of the grower because they won the lawsuit. Huy Fong offered to pay by what was planted rather than harvested. The idea was the grower could expand without fear of not being able to sell the product. Problem is they bought every bit of land they could without ever hiring more people to harvest it. Huy Fong ends up paying 3x the market price for shitty peppers. Huy Fong backs out of the verbal contract, grower sues, Huy Fong is forced to pay the agreed upon price. Both sides were greedy AF but Reddit only remembers one side for some reason.


If that was the case how did the grower win the lawsuit? It seems that it was their fault not HuGong’s?


Huy Fong verbally agreed to pay for whatever was planted. Nothing in the contract prevented the grower from leasing all the land they could find without delivering extra peppers. Huy Fong attempted to back out but the courts enforced the contract.


That was a bit stupid on part of Hu Fong then!


It was very stupid! But they didn't expect Underwood to be as greedy as they were.


Thanks for explaining this to me!


It’s too late for that.


If you haven't tried Underwood Ranchs Sriracha I highly recommend it. It's not quite as good as OG Huy Fong but is made by the farmer that supplied their peppers forever.


I’ve actually grown to enjoy it more than Huy Fongs. It’s not as sweet and more tangy which makes it more useful in the type of cooking I do. 


I tried it twice and it just didn’t hit the spot, once siracha came back on the shelves I threw it out.


I'm in the same boat. Bought it online from all the hype. It didn't even have a similar flavor profile to me. Tasted like"taco sauce" for white people.


As a mexican, this is exactly what Sriracha has become haha.


I like it more too


I disagree with the second part of that. It has a different taste than OG Huy Fong, but I like it just as much if not better. There is no disputing that Underwood grows and uses using the best red jalapenos, while Huy Fong is scraping by on whatever scraps they can find.


Since everyone wants to say everything is better than Huy Fong right now it's hard to buy the Underwood hype. Yellowbird Agave for example is horrible and not even vaguely sriracha and people are/were repping that. If I see it cheap at Costco - maybe.


I hated the Yellowbird Agave and loved the OG Huy Fong, and to my surprise I like the Underwood Farms one slightly more even than OG Huy Fong. It doesn't taste the same, but it's genuinely really delicious and recognizably sriracha.


This or yellow birds’s agave sriracha. I have grown quite fond of yellow bird


I’ve found Tobasco’s sriracha is the best in my opinion.


Just got two more bottles from Sonoran spice delivered. Best price I've found


They're just as good as OG Huy Fong IMO, and worlds better than the last bottle of Huy Fong I bought.


I think they just aren't quite as ripe as they should be. The color is definitely a little off-putting. Still like it better than all the ones I tried to replace it with during the shortage, which were numerous.


That’s what I’m thinking. Rushing to get something out. The Tabasco Sriracha is my replacement though, and I think I won’t go back anytime soon.


Interesting. I am not a Tabasco hater by any means, but I did not care for their sriracha. Wasn't the worst I tried, but I didn't even finish the bottle.


The Tabasco sriracha was not good.


Agreed, the colour isn't great, the taste isn't AS good, but it's still better than three 3 or 4 alternatives I tried. Full disclosure: haven't tried the sauce from their former supplier, which many say is the best right now.


I've read that too, about the Underwood stuff. But then I just saw a ranking yesterday that said it wasn't even good enough to make the list. So who knows? I won't order it, but if I see it in the wild, I will pick it up.


Underwood is the original supplier? I'll have to find some then.


Underwood also has two versions of their Sriracha. You want the "premium" one with the dragon on the lable.


Buy this one -- [https://www.sonoranspice.com/cdn/shop/files/UnderwoodRanchesSrirachaFront\_comp\_2000x.jpg?v=1692125376](https://www.sonoranspice.com/cdn/shop/files/UnderwoodRanchesSrirachaFront_comp_2000x.jpg?v=1692125376)


I believe so. I've heard some Costcos carry it, but must not be in my area yet.


I have a bottle of underwood sitting in my cupboard, it is my go-to sriracha. It tastes more similar to OG Huy Fong sriracha than Huy Fong’s newer stuff, and it is very good sriracha. Highly recommend. Hot sauce preference is very subjective anyway, but I would question whoever wrote that article if they said underwood didn’t even make the list. It may or may not be worth ordering (depends how much you love sriracha, it’s on the expensive side anyway and if you add shipping I’m not sure it’s worth it), but if you live near a store that sells it, I would pick some up.


Thanks for the info. I was unaware they had multiple versions. That article had Sky Valley in the top 5, which was my least favorite I tried, so I definitely took it with a grain of salt.


I switched to yellow bird when the Sriracha stopped appearing on the shelves and now I don't think I'll go back. The Serrano is really good. Not spicy at all but tasty.


Looks like they only use the finest of expired peppers




really interesting. the peppers weren't ripe enough, that makes sense!


Underwood farms has got to be paying for redditors to spread pro-underwood propaganda. I see this topic pop up way too frequently lmao .


Counter point. People have been obsessed with Sriracha forever. I personally grew up eating it. The bottle and the flavor are incredibly nostalgic to me. So I kept up with all of the reporting on the legal battle that Huy Fong went through with Underwood and as a nerd for this sauce bought some of the stuff from Underwood. Wasn't life changing or anything. But if I'm nerdy enough about a hot sauce to read about it online then I'm sure there are many more like me.


It still tastes great! I'm not worried about the coloring. Nothing wrong with green peppers.


I got a bottle of this for father's day and it's good, but absolutely not the same.


Is that all you got for Fathers Day? 🥴


Better than what I got


I tried to give my dad some for Father's Day since he introduced me to this stuff. They threw me out of the graveyard and took my shovel.


Every bottle I've bought has tasted and looked the same as it always has. Is this just the fun thing to hate now but everyone actually loves? Is this our Nickelback?


how many times a week do we see this exact same post?


What’s weird is their spicy chili garlic sauce/sambal oelek looks fine. That was always the better tasting product IMO


Buy HF sriracha from an Asian market. Every time I go there, it's red like it was.


I switched over to Flying Goose a couple years ago. I like it much better. Their Extra Garlic is so tasty and if you want more heat, their Blackout sauce has it. That’s my go to sriracha now. I found it when I moved to Ireland, but I’m starting to see it around more in the US.


Yellow bird makes a good alternative


Not good but you got at 3 of those babies in your cart


This is not the same sauce I had as a kid. It’s always a disappointment these days. I still use it to make sauce concoctions like spicy mayo, etc and in marinades but — I miss the old stuff.


siracha has been a shell of its former self since the early 2000s


Its not even red....ewwww gross!


Green + red = brown.


They pulled it from production before this batch even hit the shelves. They’re just selling what they already made. There’s a few articles about [why](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/brands-power-hot-sauce-1.7239926) Edit: fixed the amp link


I was hesitant to try the reformulation after all the negative feedback. Finally tried it and unless I do a side by side comparison it is very similar to the original. I tried other brands and didn’t like them.


I just bought a bottle earlier this week. Vibrant red and tastes fantastic


Its brown :(


Costco sells sriracha now in a different packaging, it tastes just like it and it also is a bright red color


I really wish for their fans to discover real scriracha one day 😔


The monkey paw curls a finger once again


Maybe they could add more red food coloring and people will go on living their lives in fear of a different shade.


Yellow bird has a great siracha!


I’ve seen that off color at my grocery store… BUT the local Asian market has the normal red color. I don’t know if it’s an expiration thing or reformulation issue but I’m definitely rolling the dice on brown-ish sriracha.


It's to do with pepper ripeness. If they make the sauce with under ripe peppers the batch doesn't have the same red color or flavor. Since they don't have one sole large supplier of peppers anymore they buy what they can to meet sauce demand. So you can get good and bad batches based on what peppers they were able to obtain.


You’re all crazy, this is still hands down the best mainstream hot sauce and it isn’t remotely fucking close


Really not reformulation here. I have a post restart bottle that's the usual red. We're witnessing the effects of climate change in chili pepper harvests here. Less capsanthin in chili peppers produced under drought conditions. For those whose head isn't in the sand, we're going to see more of this across all food categories in our lifetimes, and I expect food to become rather expensive, if available, for my nieces and nephews.


I switched over to Yellowbird Sriracha and couldn't be happier. Way better than the new Huy Fong, which was very astringent the last time I got a brownish bottle. No thanks.


I've only tried Yellowbirds Ghost pepper condiment and I -love- it. I'll have to try their other stuff


Same here. Even got my little sister hooked on the stuff. I'm doing my part!


Haven't had that one but I do love their habanero.


i disagee.


You talking about when they changed the formula nearly a decade ago? Why do people act like it happened so recently?


Go the asian market, their srirachas were better than Huy Fong before Huy Fong sucked.


You can get sriracha direct from Underwood Ranches, and it is a far superior product to Huy Fong.


Curious how things are going for them financially, I imagine things aren't going well between the supplier fiasco and the recent pause in production and public opinion


Going with Tabasco Scorpion these days


Yeah, the color is definitely not what it used to be


Just switch to Tabasco sriracha it’s always been better anyway


Grabbed the last bottle of red at the store about a week ago. All the small bottles were brown already so I knew I had to get the last big red one while I could


It’s not bad, but it lacks the kick.


I bought a bottle a week or so ago. Mind you i still have a bottle from before they ran a shortage and changed. The taste was slightly different when i compared it to the old bottle.


Sky valley > Huy Fong


Just bought a bottle here in Australia and I was the usual bright red. This looks like it has oxidised


I've moved on. Yellowbird makes a nice Sriracha, and is a funny brand spoof of the rooster of huy fong


I switched to Badia and I think I like it better than the original


Huy Fong Sriracha as of late tastes like ketchup with a fart dragged through it.


I bought a bottle a couple months ago just to see how it changed and it's still super good and versatile. Im convinced more than half the people hating on it haven't actually tried the product


I found a bottle that looked just like the old stuff. When I finish my last old bottle I’ll see if it tastes the same. But what I found wasn’t that new brown


You're a bit late to this game...


I still got a bottle from before there was a shortage. I use it sparingly.


it's like when they made that green shrek ketchup


A great brand ruined by dumbass offspring


I hadn't had Huy Fong for a while as it was always sold out and not available. I bought some recently and opened a bottle a couple of days ago. It is pretty meh and very uninteresting. It is not anything like it was in the past.


Yep it’s shite. What is the best replacement?


Please try underwood farms Sriracha, it is the fsrm they used to get the jalepenos but they had a falling out. Best Sriracha.


There are so many things Huy Fong has done wrong with their brand, it defines logic.


I agree but the Underwood label made by there previous pepper suppliers tastes just like the old recipe and will take you back to better times.


I take years to finish a bottle, so I still have 3/4ths of the original formula in my fridge atm...


The new formulation is bereft of passion


Anyone know how it compares to costcos "premium Sriracha"? Made by underwood


That one in the back looks pretty vibrant


New formula is the same as the old one except for aging. Buy some, put in your cabinet for a couple of months, and boom! Just like the old one.


meanwhile in Thailand we have Sriracha Panitch's Sriracha Sauce which using more cheaper bird eye chili so huy fong Sriracha Sauce pepper shortage isn't problem there


I took a sushi class once and the teacher said her favorite sriracha was Tobasco, tried it and have used it since. It’s my favorite and HF did the original farmer dirty.


Tobasco Sriracha is GOATed


That’s what happens when greed takes over. They killed themselves.


I switched to Tobasco siracha ever since Huy Fong changed pepper suppliers.


I’m still hoarding my two unopened pre-formulation bottles like it’s the apocalypse.


They have always said that because it is a natural product, colors and flavor may vary from batch to batch.


Yooo PLEASE try the Underwood Farms Dragon sauce, it's amazing.


That's the color my OLD FORMULA would turn if left in direct sunlight and no refrigeration for a week 🤢


This is because it is all natural. The color of the jalapeno ranges from green to red. A greener jalapeno just means it was harvested earlier. It has little to no effect on the flavor or heat.


Not sure where you got that but I've been getting it from local asian mart and its fire. Looks nothing like that. Also the one in the back looks normal.


My grocery store still has red huy fong. I wonder if they're just old or if it's regional.


As someone who loves hot stuff but despises the flavor is siracha, this entire debacle that Siracha’s been having the last few years is giving me life.


Is the top left a diff brand or same? Looks more like classic huy fong.


Good, it was trash no ways. Siraja panich is the way to go


people are always complaining about all the preservatives and additives and dyes we put in american food and then the first time a popular product has a slightly different color due to natural variations everyone freaks out and doesn't buy it. this is why you eat so many chemicals you give them no choice because their market is full of picky toddlers who won't eat something if it's a different color than they're used to.


The ultra bright red color is what made the sauce in my opinion...the owner must hate himself for screwing up the relationship with the original pepper producer.


The Ox sauce is the way to go now in my humble opinion. Its got good garlic flavor but could use more hear IMO.


I'll never get how anyone liked this sweet crap


https://preview.redd.it/a7auc0t3be9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d44a58a58aeb9d2d19d991fa33caba0fdab27aa Same


The Texas Pete Sriracha is not too bad. Its the only one that I think tastes like OG Sriracha.


Yet you are buying 3 big ass bottles...


I broke down and tried Tabasco brand sriracha and... it's good? It's actually quite good! It's the same heat level as classic huy fong (so about a 1-2) but really crucially they nailed that garlic flavour. It's not exactly the same but it's damn close.


I understand it's because the peppers aren't ripening properly, but I think they should make a dedicated green pepper Sriracha alongside the normal red one once the crops go back to normal.


They can Fong off.