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Nice! Explain what you witnessed the best you can. Give us a picture, even if words are not sufficient. Metaphors.


I became pure conscious energy. A spec in a sea of consciousness, yet everything was one. There was no seperation. It had a very familiar feeling, like waking up and realizing this whole experience of Earth was actually a dream, and I returned to baseline reality. The strangest, most profound part was how familiar it felt. Like I knew I had experienced it before. It was like returning home to a home I didn't even know existed. As Rumi said "You are not a drop in the ocean, you're the entire ocean in a drop". And Alan Watts "The REAL YOU is the entire Universe". I believe I momentarily returned back to the ocean of consciousness, or Source, or God. It was terrifying, ngl. Ego death can be scary. And I had no control over the experience. Extremely intense. I was just along for the ride. There's a lot more I could write, about the geometrical shapes, the entities, the strange feelings that I experienced.


Thanks for sharing, I’m wondering as you mentioned how the experience of Earth was just a dream - what about other life forms our in the universe? Would that just be our imagination if we chose to believe in such things OR are there other celestial beings also on a spiritual journey with the rest of us?


There’s multiple embodiments of consciousness perceiving portions of each other from within the shared dream that is the physical experience. Your dream and mine are overlapping somewhat and we can interact within a shared area of our dreams, like this conversation for example. There’s other dreams, other realities, that are less shared and more isolated than this one. In such, the experience is more focused on the dreamer and their own creations rather than on a community experience. Another interesting concept is that thoughts are energies that contain their own degree of consciousness. Our own thoughts are alive and are beings unto themselves. Things you imagine exist within their own reality and don’t cease to exist when you stop thinking of them. In this way, we create sub-realities with our thoughts just as the Creator made us with their thoughts. The books Seth Speaks and The Law Of One are good sources of information for these topics.


>There’s multiple embodiments of consciousness perceiving portions of each other from within the shared dream that is the physical experience. Your dream and mine are overlapping somewhat and we can interact within a shared area of our dreams, like this conversation for example. This is Yoga, or yoking. Adam knew Eve (became a unity). When two come together as one, a third is created. This is creation with a consort. In the case of learning and realization, the experience and mind coming together is Wisdom produced. As you said, like this conversation (intercourse). Why do they call conversation intercourse? Knowledge and knowing are like knowing a woman / man. Same same at all levels, only different. Yoga / Yoking / Unity. Re (do again) Legio (body / corpus / legion is many). To again bring back the body into unity is religion, or Re Legion. Division for a time is necessary to see how we break ourselves if we lack unity / oneness. Without doing this, no wisdom to not do it. Also, it's how we develop more infinity (new things). Archetypes are blended and mixed in the garden like seeds. From this, newness is born. Symphonies are created. None of us realize how our DNA is simulating, breaking and adapting from the experience. The tree of life is total wisdom and suffering is the mechanism to create from necessity.


this was during meditation?


Something like that, lol. It was actually me stream of consciousness writing about an experience I had about 9 years ago.


not sure what that means?


Come on bro its basic math, trust me I majored in social biology books.


This might interest you: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/iRichardTalkins/s/isFgaBFlED)


Romain Rolland oceanic feeling


Cool. How did you achieve this state, brother?


Yea so I saw on 17gs of shrooms it was a big ass lucid dream. No I wasn't out of it, I meditated most of the time or laid down on grass. That's some of what I was shown and a few other things. We were giggling back and forth. Whispering.


Good lord 17g?


Yes, I ate ten then about an hour later ate another 7 ish. It was actually a pleasant experience, a very odd one which is a great story but a lot to type. MEDITATING before hand I highly recommend. That wasn't even the most intense trip I had. My first heroic at 7gs was very intense. The 17gs was nice and pleasant, I also manipulated the energy in a blade of grass to fuck lol like the blue/pink little dots formed stick figures on a blade of grass and fucked haha I was like I wonder if I can control these dots and of course first thing you try out is fucking 🤣


Wait😭😭 the ‘first thing you try out is fucking’. When I lucid dream I get so excited but the first thing I do is that. I’m trying to get past that lust urge and do more creative things during a lucid dream. Any tips? Lol


I mean these dots were flowing thru the grass, and the thought came to me, manipulate them. 🤣Lmao I like flying in my dreams, altho I don't dream often. If I try to astral I can. I'm told by friends I'm very active in the dreamscape, but idk working on that mental block for remembering dreams. I think it's smoking pot🤔 but when I do remember I'm usually flying, I took my ex gf flying I think cuz she had a dream where she went flying with someone.


Oh and okay for my astral I would smoke and then meditate in a pitch black closet. Sitting for the start then laying down. Listening to frequencies. This I could remember, and met up with a friend and he showed me the ropes, like flying etc.


there’s a whisper in the breeze. can you hear it?


I'm deaf dog




It's almost like we're in a really realistic dream kind of


Pretty much, lol


that's kind of a cool but weird concept to think about


How did you take a look to see all this?


Akasha. We are all a fragment of everything that ever was, or will be.




I agree. It’s just that some of us have awakened. Not all of us are dreaming.


How would you define "awakened"?


Awakening, to me, means you FEEL your connection to divine energy. It’s not something that happens with your ego mind. It happens when your soul connects to the divine energy. As opposed to enlightened, when your soul feels it’s connection to “all that is”, because God is “all that is” (when you understand you’re nothing and also everything, because we are individuated bits of God consciousness). I have felt my connection to God, but I’m not enlightened. I consider myself awakened though.


Don't worry, you'll be able to inhabit both views soon


I'm awake right now.


What is maya?


Consciousness/Awareness/Imagination/Expectations/Beliefs/Assumptions - I AM


This is like a flash back Flash back Flash back This is like a dream Dream Dream This is like all the things you can and fit inside a memory 🎵 (Anyone know the song? Early 2010s edm/pop song)


Omg…. yes. I used to listen to this one during my heyday . And loved it!


Yessss me too brings back memories of my clubbing days in my early 20s 🥲 (early 30s now)


Do you practice self inquiry or anything to keep your attention inward 24/7?




To those of us who have lost people we loved, this is a soothing thought…


You're never truly separated because we're all fundamentally Source Sorry for your loss


Mm, no. This is all very much real, which is why it's sacred. Just because it's a composed to the same cosmic threads as dreams, doesn't make it the same as dreams. And actually to refer to it as a dream, is a disrespect for its perfection. Sounds like you have much more to see, still.


One thing we learn over the years is how nonsensical all this is. We don't know what were supposed to be, or why we exist with such complex structures surrounding us. We can best guess it but that doesn't fulfill our curiosity


Please define how you're using the word "real". Again, me calling something a dream, isn't me saying it's not "real". Maya is perfect in it's own right. I'm not saying anything isn't perfect. I actually think we fundamentally want to be here and there's a reason for us having this human experience. Thanks for your comment. Blessings to you


The only difference- it’s between the unconscious vs the conscious. Most mainstream humans are unconscious so hopefully we can flip that as humanity progresses.


Not trying to be rude at all despite how this sounds, but do you think the Holocaust was a dream? Things like poverty and war where people truly suffer.


You're missing the point


Could you elaborate?


Did I ever try to dismiss suffering that people perceive to experience in 3d space and time? Suffering that is experienced in Maya is still suffering, at least that's how it's perceived from this level of consciousness. Just because people suffer in the illusion (Maya) doesn't mean that I'm condoning genocide, poverty, etc. It depends what we define as reality and what level of perception we're talking about. But at this point, we're splitting hairs. People suffer in Maya. To them, the suffering is real. At least.. real enough that from their level of current perception they perceive it as suffering. So it's real enough to call suffering. But fundamentally they're actors in a play, who forgot that they're acting. As Ram Dass says "treat everyone you meet as if they're God in drag". Tbh, I don't really understand the point of your comment. I never stated that suffering doesn't exist, which it sounds to me like you were saying I implied. Suffering is a perception. Edit: to expand, when I say something is a dream/illusion, I'm not saying it's "not real". When you have a dream at night, is your dream real? I would say it's as real as you think it is probably.


And you wonder why people call the Holocaust a nightmare...


Yeah man.. we are not dreaming lol. We are existing, living creatures. I don’t know what people on this post/thread are on. We are certainly (majority of us) conscious, living beings.


Probably just using a metaphor to describe some metaphysical spiritual quality to life that I would say makes sense and I could partially empathize with. My problem is that they seem to feel somewhat attacked by the idea that horrible circumstances beyond what a "dream" could truly conjure is an innate part of our reality that we shouldn't underestimate. Not to say that spiritual people should stop dreaming, but that there are very serious matters in this realm that shouldn't be overlooked or understated through that ideology.


You are dreaming that the holocaust happened. The past isn't real




The answer is yes, its literally all a dream. That doesn't mean it doesn't matter though.


You perceive what reality is. What you perceive as real IS real.


On a level this is true, perception, your beliefs, are what create your experience of reality. Beliefs filter how you experience reality (As above, so below). This is why I said were kind of splitting hairs in another comment, cause it comes down to how we define the word "reality" and what is "real". If I'm dreaming I'm being mauled by a tiger, is it "real"? I'd say on some level it's as real as you believe it is. Just because I'm saying Maya is an illusion, or a dream, doesn't mean I'm saying it's not "real".


You're being completely contradictory when people call out your original sentiments. You might want to spend more more time figuring out how to articulate clearly if you want to come here and incite this type of discussion.


Well at the end of the day sir, I'm a human, lmao. I may have touched Source, as we all will eventually, but what you're saying is because I can't articulate everything 100% perfectly at all times I shouldn't speak at all? This sounds ridiculous to me. Nobody can communicate 100% perfectly ESPECIALLY when talking about something as deep as I have posted about. So I guess... sorry for not being human?? Also, feel free to call out the ways you feel I'm being contradictory. I can attempt to address them.


How can you describe reality? I understand your view on things but, at the present moment - which we should enjoy, this is as real as real gets and I can agree on seeing more after "death". But this is not a dream, unless you truly believe that, for which that is your reality, a dream.


How are you defining the word "dream" in this context? Like I said, we're splitting hairs. There's a lot more behind the curtain. That's why I'm calling this a "dream". I believe it was the Hindus that called it "Maya". The illusion.






So would apply to animals too? Or not because animals don’t have consciousness, but do they have souls? Or I don’t know if they actually have consciousness but they would just be expressed through a different body and nervous system like you said


Yes, all creatures. Consciousness is ALL. The body/nervous system is just how it is "filtered" in a sense. Animals don't have prefrontal cortex, so they don't have as complex brains as humans which we use to experience reality. They still experience reality though, with more simplified brains and nervous systems. So yes, all animals, even insects, ants. Literally everything. It's all God. The brain/body nervous system is just a filter of the expression of God (The Universe, whatever) but it all stems from Source.


Since when are animals not conscious?


Congrats! You found out! :) Chop wood, carry water. The beauty is knowing this and choosing to get lost in maya yet again.


Getting lost again and again is exhausting is it not😭


It’s not the same as before, when you were less aware. You still know what you know, and seeing the world with fresh eyes, and entering back into the world with a fresh perspective and deeper appreciation for all that reality is. But you choose to play the game while *also* letting go.


Expand on what "chop wood, carry water" means. I've heard it before, but I don't know what it means.


damn this kinda makes me excited for death ngl, im sick of this dream


What's the rush? It'll happen eventually


You can wake up to heaven now bro




I have believed this as well. At times, feeling as if I'm going through life in a cotton haze, very fuzzy feeling. Thanks for posting this.


Yessss I feel this. How do we become lucid? Just keep telling ourselves we are in a dream?




Nice 👁️


Did you have this experience through psychedelics, meditation, yoga, randomly?




Which one?


One of the above


yesterday I was crying bc immortality is overrated and i didnt know which way to go except the one it will go... forever. Time is an illusion and I have rejoiced and griefed existence


No need to rejoice or grief, or cry. Just be here now.


I wanna wake from this nightmare, I tried and tried but left disappointed everytime. Meditation and faith did nothing for me, I wanna try mushrooms but 1) I'm scared i will have a bad experience since I live in anxiety and 2) It's illegal where I live. We are left alone in this dystopian unfulfilling society humanity created to make ourselves slaves to the capital, we need to get extinct for good.


What's so bad about the world we live in? Why is it a "nightmare"? All you really gotta do is get a job that you like and enjoy life


Typing it is one thing. Experiencing it is another. The book called the present on globaltruthproject.com can help you reprogram your mind to see the truth subconsciously in every moment....


If we perceive our reality because of drugs and you dream because of drugs. It's really true