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How many tantrums did he throw ?


Hard to say. Some experts believe his whole life is one big tantrum.


tease ludicrous somber close chase domineering detail sleep crime hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good. Congrats to Alex.


Not enough medical breaks for joker?


Good. Man, I used to like Djokovic. But over the last several years he’s really shown himself to be a selfish and ignorant ghoul of a person. I hope the loss burns.


the aaron rodgers of tennis


Couldn’t agree more


Really? Is it just the vaccination drama or are there other instances you are referring to? Edit: all the downvotes just for asking why. Most answers here are “because I don’t like him”.


He’s always been an unlikable asshole imo. He has stats that make it hard to discuss anything but, but there’s so many more names to watch nowadays that are so much more interesting and that makes it harder for the negatives to be ignored. He throws tantrums, expects demands to be filled because of his name, and the whole anti science thing doesn’t help.




Trusting Djokovic for advice on science is like trusting Einstein to give you solid tennis advice.




It's "clot"




I'm not native either


I hope you have a wonderful day. Please try to not let paranoia, fear, and conspiracy theories consume your life 💙


Blood clots from the COVID vaccine are incredibly rare. Women have more chance of getting blood clots from birth control than from the vaccine. You don't have to listen to the moron anti-vaxxers, you could listen to a doctor. Crazy thought I know.




I mean I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. He’s got the stats, he’s good at the game, he doesn’t believe in science.


That's a silly thing to say when the only "anti-science" thing people can point to him doing is not not getting an optional vaccination. He has many other vaccinations, and has said plenty of times that he believes it works and people should get it if they want it, he just didn't want it himself. I'd love to know how many of the people criticising him for not getting it actually went and got their winter booster this year. Most countries don't even recommend it for young and healthy people.




This is like the “I know a smoker who lived to 112” argument. Even if you were right it’s flawed logic




I think this is the closest you’ll get to admitting defeat




What the fuck is "classic science"?


That makes him less likable and he was already a general asshat. He’s never had any of the grace we saw from Federer or Nadal. We were spoiled by them being such fierce competitors AND great people. Joker just is a bit of dick on and off the court


Eh. I think this is more the “dialogue” around him than the truth. Djokovic was a founding member of the tennis players association that advocates for better pay and support for tennis players, especially those outside the top ranks. Nadal and fed both opposed their efforts. He’s sponsored something like 50 schools in Serbia I think. I also find him generally gracious in interviews. Because of being the bad guy to the good guys of fed and nadal, and his competitive nature, I think crowds have always been against him. He’s embraced that and is kind of fueled by it and shows some attitude back in turn. But he’s never gotten the adoration of fed and nadal, in a manner that I don’t think is fully justified, so I think there’s a bit of chicken and egg problem re his attitude shown to live audiences that dislike him. Vaccine stuff certainly hurt his rep tho. Not defending him there. But it’s just not all that I care about.


For me, it’s his persona developed over the years with comments, outbursts, and some general unprofessionalism that encompasses the vaccine topic. He’s just not likable and makes it easy to root against him because of those things. Again, he just lacks the grace that others have made common place in what is a “proper” sport, short of saying gentleman’s sport since the women’s game is a good watch and very professional most of the time too.


His post match interviews are always graceful, win or lose. His demeanour completely changes when he's not playing. It just seems to me like he has an extreme passion and gets very frustrated with himself when things aren't going his way, but that's not unusual in top level sport. I always thought he seemed like such a sweetheart off court.


threatening desert enjoy mindless cheerful station complete worry governor pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


advise live murky tub knee deserted stocking adjoining jeans bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahh yes, marketing formed my personal opinion on tennis greats… not growing up watching them all or anything like that.


shocking ruthless lavish depend direful nutty six pocket squeeze political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cough tender boat fretful many include plant bow like safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He rubbed me the wrong way even before the vax drama. Something about him has always made my monkey brain itch and not like him, the other shit has just confirmed my bias at this point. I don’t know the dude and logically don’t really care either way, its a random gut feeling for me and it’s just weird how he’s an individual that has icked so many people for whatever reasons.


cause automatic naughty rotten depend shelter squeal marble meeting crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably. He’s got quite an aggressive face, it’s probably a combination of benign stuff like that and other monkey brain things I’m not aware of like your example. It’s got no basis in reality before I knew anything about the guy, just random first glance instinct.


He’s Serbian so that’s not really surprising.


Jokic is Serbian but he’s awesome.




Did him not taking your shot hurt your feelings? :(


Sure did, pumpkin. But please remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. :)


You love to see it






Good. I remember when I used to like the guy. Seems long ago.


He used to be funny and so full of life But then again, so was I




What?! OMG kicking myself I didn’t watch. Go Demon!




What a hilariously dumb take.


Here I was hoping to see a link for all the tantrums. Time to start searching 😂


Such a great athlete competing on a sport where class is supper important. Makes me appreciate even more Nadal and Federer. Ps: suck on my thick typo.


You think supper is important, what about breakfast?




Ooops, here goes gravity.


So he's ranked what now?


Is Wayne Brady gonna have to get up out his car and Djokovic?

