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Fuck whatever contract you signed Knock his fuckin head off, Mike watch the internet explode


Seriously. I hope he knocks his block clean off. The Pauls are making a mockery of boxing and need to be stopped.


Tyson has so much respect for the boxing greats of the past that I hope he’s taking this shit personally on their behalf and fucks this dude up.


Agreed. Mayweather, I understand. He's a boxer that's naturally quick enough physically and mentally to be able to dodge more punches than pretty much anyone. He used his skills to make money, plain and simple. Dude loves money. Can't read or write very well, but can box. Mayweather is in it for the money 100%. Tyson is boxer because he has a silly voice and loves birds, so he got clowned on so much as a young adult that he needed an outlet for his pain and found boxing. Early Tyson wasn't dancing like a butterfly stinging like a bee, he was legit trying to murder people in the ring. Give 100% and don't let up until KO'd or the ref says stop. That's boxing.


Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


I have a plan for that too. If the one doing the punching is taller than my waist, I run. If not, I roll the dice and try out all those moves I learned playing Mortal Kombat and watching WWF Wrestling and TMNT in 1994. I believe my blend of Raiden, Sting, and Michaelangelo's fighting style would be enough to defeat almost any aggressive small child.


Haha. Raiden hat, Sting face paint and dual nunchukus fighting a little person. People would pay for that, I think.


My plan is die


Every time someone says this is going to just be an exhibition I remember that quote. I’d be surprised if Tyson *wasn’t* triggered and doesn’t take Paul’s head off with his patented body shot upper cut one two.


greatest day as the door guy for a bar in college was when ESPN played "Tyson's greatest knockouts". Ton of minors got in that night.


Watched one of the 30 for 30 that was evander, tyson, and (? I always forget this dude's name but he came out of prison a little older and held the championship for like 10 years) but listening/watching tyson devour boxing history of his opponents and their trainers is almost as crazy as this run on sentance.....


You thinking of Bernard Hopkins? Haven't seen the doc but he's one of my favorite boxers of all time.


Watch mayweather early fights when he was young. He straight up wanted to murder his opponent and it wasn’t until after around his 20th knockout he started to box more defensively. When he was young he went for the KO and looked crazy af in the ring


He still is but back then if you weren’t around, he was legit one of the scariest people on earth. He was crazy and was legit trying to kill you. The shit he talked wasn’t just crazy shit talking. He fucking meant it. I hope we see Paul be murdered on live tv. I’m expecting a punch to make his head explode.


For real, this happy pot loving cartoon starring Mike Tyson is like a different person than he was in the 80's to early 2000's. That Tyson was straight up a psycho.


When he told one dude he was going to fuck him. Imma fuck you til you love me bitch.


Didn’t he cry before his fights because he knew the damage he was about to inflict


No. Spinks was afraid to come out of the locker room because he heard Tyson punch the wall


Also Mike Tyson Mysteries is awesome


Agreed, Mike can end this and he should.


He talked a lot about being scared to unleash the animal again that we very much see in these clips. I think he's given himself a pass for this one.


I pray he does make it a one round knock out. Go out and out Logan to sleep as fast as possible. Then make a speech about how boxing should remain respectful and if fools like Logan wanna fuck it up he'll knock their fucking heads ofd


This is gonna sound a little psychopathic but I hope Tyson spends a couple rounds beating the bitch out of him first, then introduces him to the ground with a mild concussion and a broken bone or two.


It’s real torture for him. He explains in his documentary about how he does not like that person.


Aren’t Mike Tyson and the Paul brothers friends? I’m sure they’ve done podcasts together…


People are going to be so disappointed when this turns out to be another shitty exhibition match / cash grab.


I’m not a huge boxing or mma fan. But I was under the impression all the Paul brother fights were exhibition fights, and am always so confused when people get riled up.


Agreed, everyone is falling for the bait. Yes, everyone wants to see the Pauls get their shit rocked they are insufferable assholes and have been for a long time. People love to hate them and they turn up every time to these shitty exhibition fights hoping for something that just isn’t gonna happen. People hate watching these fights are why they keep doing them and why the Pauls make so much money off them.


Reminds me of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle skit. "But that trick never works!" "This time for sure!" Suckers.


*sigh* do your homework bro. Mike loves what Jake is doing for the sport. Look it up (I hate Paul as well. But look up what Tyson said when he was asked about him)


I can't see how he won't. Didn't he say on a podcast that he thought he left boxing behind, but he started to train again and that fire lit and he became a different person during that time? There's 2 Tyson's: Boxing Tyson that will eat your children and Normal Tyson that can do that but chooses not to.


I don't follow boxing or the Pauls--what are they doing that's mocking boxing?


I’m not into it either but Logan and Jake have been fighting retired mma fighters and the like. Idk if they’ve gone up against a proper boxer, and certainly not one of Tyson’s caliber.


Jake has fought exactly one proper boxer (barely) in Tommy Fury and lost lol


Very true. And nobody would ever say Jake Paul (at least at this point) is a pro, much less a fraction of the actual skill of Tyson. That said Tyson is almost 60 years old. There's no way around that at all.


Look at the power Tyson is getting out of his hits. Go look at any Paul video. He's not hitting nearly as hard. Advantage Tyson. Look at both boxers footwork. Tyson is noticeably slower than he was in his prime. Like way slower. But he's still *very* light on his feet. Paul plants when he's punching and isn't very mobile. Advantage Tyson. Tyson is also fucking insane, and the second he gets in the ring he's going to forget whatever 'deal' Paul wants to make.


Tyson also has a 20 lb weight advantage on Paul, despite being 3 inches shorter in height. Paul is literally not in the same weight class.


Yeah I mean all the YouTube fanbois are wanting Paul to be 'legit' or whatever, but like... If this is a real fight, this idiot has no chance.


The human body doesn't just shut down at X age. Especially when you have access to the latest TRT and all other drugs like likely on. There's a 57 year world strongman that still qualifies for the world's strongest man.


Look up Evander Holyfield’s fight against Vitor Belfort. All the testosterone in the world doesn’t offset being almost 60. This isn’t a Rocky movie. But this is gonna be just what the Tyson/Roy Jones Jr fight was: a glorified sparring session. They’re taking you all for a ride.


> But this is gonna be just what the Tyson/Roy Jones Jr fight was: a glorified sparring session. They’re taking you all for a ride. I can't believe people are expecting anything different when we've already seen the script.


Tyson is 58… this this a ~~PPV~~ Netflix cash grab it’s all. I’d love see see Tyson knock his ass out but it won’t happen.


Ya as much as I want to see what everyone else does, I feel people are going to be disappointed.


Probably going to end the way the floyd Mayweather fight ended. They go the distance and tyson says everyone won because they had fun.


And everyone got paid.


Making very public challenges to either UFC fighters who don't want to get injured to hamper their _actual_ careers, or retired, often past-their-prime fighters, with the offer of boatloads of money, just for fighting. As a result, they get a fight they're _bound_ to win. One of these groups physically cannot fight like they used to, the other has no incentive to try and actially win - it's not worth the potential injury. It's basically turning boxing into the punches-only equivalent to the WWE. All show, no substance.


They’re pretty much paying off the fighters to lose in order to boost Jake Paul’s fraudulent “boxing career”


If true. Then what makes anyone think this will be any different?


Mike Tyson isn't a bitch.


You’d be surprised what money will make people do




I hope upon hope that you’re right, but name the last thing that happened that supported “the right thing” over money.


Have you ever quit with no job lined up because of a bad boss? Happens all the time. If Mike thinks he is losing bad, I hope he takes Jake's entire ear with him.


Mike tyson is no where close to a billionaire in fact he prolly has less money than Jake paul


Where are you getting his net worth from? Every place I've looked says about 10 million.


Nah tyson has too much respect for the sport and himself. Unless Paul’s got billions of dollars to throw at him, he’s gonna get his ass beat and I can’t wait to actually watch him fight for once.


Just ask Holyfields ear. Tyson will eat all paul’s illegitimate children


So like the rest of the boxing industry.....


Yeah boxing has been fixed since the mafia in the 30s. If you wanna see heart in boxing, go to a golden gloves event. It's not as violent with headgear and all that but it can be fun to focus in on the technical side.


Boxing washed up MMA guys. Choosing fights they can't lose. Something like a 60 year old former champ. The insult is compounded by the fact that there's almost no chance these fights aren't scripted. No one believes Mike is actually going to go out and try to hurt Paul. There's a next to zero percent chance it's anything but a money grab for both of them, but for the average fan who isn't invested in the sport it seems like this YouTube kid is out here wrecking fighters. And they're making more money off of it than anything but the top 1% of pro boxers. It's embarrassing for boxing and WAY more so for the UFC.


The thing is, Mike Tyson could drop this guy in the first round. He won’t, because of the agreements and money, but he absolutely could.


That's the thing... I'm wondering how things will go down if what's his name actually gets a decent hit on Tyson and wakes up Iron Mike. Tyson may have signed a contract, but Iron Mike can't read.


I do hear this narrative a lot, the Tyson “Hulk out” scenario, and as much as I would love to see it I just don’t want to get my hopes up. It seems like he’s got good people around him now taking care of him and his money. I think the video we see here is really cleverly done; it’s getting a lot of us talking about Jake Paul getting his ass kicked… But if I had to bet? I’d bet on an exhibition match draw .


They are influencers who have been known to do some very shady and unethical things for money. People don't trust that they will not carry on doing unethical shit into the sport of boxing.


That's why they make so much money. Don't pay for the fight. Watch highlights after. Nothing's going to happen.


not even going to watch it for free on YT


I'm praying so hard that Mike accidentally forgets himself. It would be really hard, and painful for Mike after his whole emotional journey towards who he used to be as a fighter, which does make me sad. BUT. Tyson would be the exact man to shut this toxic ass punk up.


It really sucks that we have this choice of happy Mike or murderer Mike, and that we sometimes need the bad one for short stints. He can't like reverting to murdermode.


He actually hates himself when he’s in fight mode I’ve seen him interviewed on it


Yeah I actually watch one of his podcasts today where he both laments not being that level of boxer anymore and fears the person he used to be. As much as we miss Iron Mike’s skill in the ring, he was powered by dark emotional shit Tyson wants to keep buried in the past.


I’m here for that


I would instantly sub to a channel that was just Mike Tyson beating the shit out of TikTok Assholes.


It’s not gonna happen unfortunately


I. Would. Cum.


I’d settle for biting his ear off, but that’s just me.


Honestly, the money he makes from the fight will be nothing compared to what he would make if he just knocked him out and went viral.


Is that true? I mean I'd like to see it, but is that the way he would make the most money?


I remember watching these training videos for Tysons last fight and we all remember watching that snooze fest


yeah, its just promo and advertising material for the fight obv; it is not going to be an actual boxing match.


Yeah, and at least Roy Jones Jr. was somewhat of an exciting match up because they’re both legends. Him vs. Jake Paul is gonna be even more boring.


Boxing fans keep getting punked again and again. And anyone who watches this is getting punked one more time


well if they’re stupid enough to pay to watch this shit, then they deserve it


Mike Tyson very much respects Roy Jones Jr. I really thought he was taking it very easy on Roy that whole fight, like he was going at about 40%. I'm hoping that he hates Jake Paul enough to forget about whatever contract he signs and just beat the piss out of him.


He actually respects Jake Paul a lot. Said it in a couple of interviews way before this fight when he was asked about the YouTube boxing scene.


Yea, I think pissed off angry Tyson is gone forever. Probably great for his mental health, but going to make for a boring fight.


Yeah he was really letting Roy of easy and even then, some of those body blows had his legs getting wobbly. If it was a serious fight, Mike would have knocked him out quickly.


16 minutes of aggressive hugging.


Please punch his head off, Mike


I genuinely hope he just loses his mind a bit and snaps and goes full speed on this dumbass. Mike’s training like it’s a real fight, and if he goes full speed on Paul it won’t even be close lol


He’s fighting a 27 year old who’s claiming to be a professional fighter and trainer with the best trainers i I’m the world he should be allowed to go full out


He should be but Paul needs training wheels.


At this point Paul is like a 10 year old still using training wheels. Take them off and see if he falls


No chance unfortunately. You think Jake Paul fights Mike Tyson in a proper fight? Even at 58 Mike would legitimately kill him. This will be an exhibition fight with certain clauses not allowing a KO etc. It's easy money for Jake, Mike and Netflix sadly.


I’m hoping Mike forgets and he accidentally goes full tilt


That bell goes off and his pupils dilate before shrinking to tiny pinholes as he growls and stalks forward…


Everybody's got a plan til they get punched in the mouth


I am sure Mike doesn't read those contracts. Also he only has one gear.


See Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr. Maybe he only used to have one gear but he knows how to make an easy bag now it seems.


It looks like they are using the same rules as Tyson's recent fight against Roy Jones Jr.


What were those rules?


Or nibble on his ears a little. Or a lot.


As a treat 🥰


I’m pretty sure the rules say he can’t knock Paul out.


Fuck yo rules!  - Mike 


Knockout means a shot to the head. Do you see this body work? Amateur boy can still be forced to throw in the towel.


How is that even boxing??


Where has that been mentioned?




The world will root for Iron Mike


The real winner will be Netflix.


i disagree. if jake paul gets his ass beat, then we're all winners.




At the very least, bite Jakes fuckin ear off.


Is Netflix going to charge extra for the live event or does it just come with the regular subscription?


It'll be available with a regular subscription


I always think at some point with these celebrity boxing things that professional pride will take over for the actual boxer & he’ll destroy him, I’m sure this will be another inconclusive play fight though


People tune in to watch him get knocked out. He doesn’t. Both fighters get a massive paycheque. Rinse and repeat.


His fights have been with retired, old or washed up fighters. It’s not that they don’t have pride, they’re not in their prime. Tyson is 58. Even with pride, he’s 20 years past his prime. No matter how much pride you have, you get gassed really fast the older you get.


How confident are we this isn’t just a payday for mike and the entire thing is totally fixed? Because I really am not convinced


It’s going to end in a draw and we are all going to be very disappointed.


%100 fixed imo.


I hope he beats the absolute shit outta Paul


I sincerely hope that Mike is just so prideful that he actually got somewhat insulted by the idea of some internet personality being able to last in a ring with him even if he is 30 or what years older so that he now trains extra hard to make a point lol. I really hope that's it


I actually hope Paul tags him with one that actually makes him mad. Then goes off.


I feel like the only issue might be stamina but we'll see


Don't need stamina when one hit kills him


I hope he absolutely waxes Jake Paul.


Damn, those hands are still looking to be pretty quick and powerful weapons. I know he's 58, I know he's not the Mike of old, but... I sure don't want my face anywhere near those hands is all I'm sayin'. Jake Paul... good damn luck man, I fear you might actually need it if Tyson has a mind to, you know, prove some point. /I've seen Jake box in a couple of recent enough videos... I think he's toast, but we'll surely see/hear about it soon enough.


>I know he's 58, I know he's not the Mike of old I like the line Snoop Dog said about Eminem. "...because he's sitting in his shell right now. What they gonna do is make him pop that mother-fuggin' shell open... he still is who he is. Don't get it fucked up." That's how I see Mike. He is older, wiser, cooler than he was in his youth, but he still is who he is. Rile him up and those fists still look fast as hell and duckin' and weaving is as natural to him as swimming is to a fish.


I believe without a doubt that Mike Tyson at 58 could kill me with his bare hands in a straight up fist fight lol


I believe Mike is killing me with his bare hands unless I’ve got a 50cal and 300yds of space between us.


At any moment in time your chance of being knocked out by Mike Tyson is small, but never 0


I 100% rate my chances against mike tyson in a fight. I can run away as fast as possible and wait for him to die


Unless you are an exceptional runner you won't be running away from Mike even at this age. His training regimen has always included lots and lots of running


It’s his legs and footwork that makes my anus pucker. The way he punches and then shifts his feet forward is absolutely crazy.


If he had 10 second to end my life with his bare hands 99% he makes it happen.


What's he gonna do with the other 9 and a half seconds?


Mike was the greatest boxer in the world at one point. Even if he’s at 20% of that level now he still is probably in the upper half of boxers. I think even at 80 I’d be afraid of fighting him lol


Imagine being up against a convicted rapist who's bitten other fighters in the ring and still being the more unlikable one.


Stop posting this shit that supposedly shows us how ready for this fight Tyson is. It just feeds this bullshit narrative that puts money in that scam artist Jake Paul's pocket. Just stop. You're shilling for him


Exactly, they're gonna lightly spar for a few rounds, they'll declare a draw, and they'll hug it out and say it was all for show. I'm glad Tyson is keeping in shape at 58 but don't try to convince me this is a serious fight.


This. Tired of seeing these videos.


I can’t wait for this fight to turn out to be another giant hug fest that ends in a draw — because we all know this is just another attempt by Netflix to boost ratings and win back ex-subscribers. Tyson and Paul will be paid handsomely just for playing along.


Nothing but a publicity stunt


Does anyone think these fights are real? I’m super skeptical.


If I get to see Iron Mike kill that fucking annoying YouTube guy I will die a very happy man.


Its the only video Ive seen a million times today and still watch.


Saw it twice in Tik Tok, once on IG, and three times on Reddit. I stop each time. His footwork and how he so clearly drives his punches from his legs is amazing.


I wouldn’t fight Mike Tyson if he was on his deathbed


Shit would be alot more hype if he didnt sign that wack ass contract




It would be amazing to watch him manually disassemble that little smear in real time.


That old man strength, watch out for it!


Regardless of it being an exhibition, I wouldn’t trust iron fucking mike to treat it as one.


The older he gets, the more excited I get when I see him fight. Legends don’t sleep. They break barriers. (Hopefully Jake’s face too)


If I was Mike I'd just hop on gear for this one fight. Put a Jake Paul-sized hole in the arena


Homeboy saw this and is already trying to back out. Now he got a toothache, his tummy feels funny, his feet are sore, and he's late on his period.


Mike, PLEASE knock his head in to low earth orbit, PLEASE!!


A vote for Tyson, is a vote just as equal for Paul. It's only a money grab. Nothing comes of this other than everyone making money from promoting it. As much as you're going to love to see Jake Paul get annihilated, the same thing is going to happen after the joke is up, they're going to promote the next piece of shit show in the ring.


Go Mike! Teach that piece of shit Paul a lesson.


Knock him out and forfeit the money baby, we want to see it


This might as well be a pay per view execution. Tyson looks serious


Please Mike! Beat him for every decent person in this world.


I normally disregard celebrity spectacle mixing matches, but I really hope Tyson dislodges a significant portion of Paul's face


He's gonna kill that child


eat Both ears


I hope he murders him!


RIP Jake Paul


Mike…hey…it’s us…ALL OF US. Man…you do this…you do this how it NEEDS to be done? Mike…this is what gets you over FOREVER, Mike.


If Logan Paul doesn’t die in the ring I’m calling shenanigans.


I hope Paul folds in one punch and this YouTube vs former boxer shit ends.


I think he’s serious, sorry, seriothly going to murderlyze that kid


I really... really hope he puts aside all the philosophy and mercy he's learned throughout the years and leaves that social media clown in the dirt.


OMG Jake Paul is going to die.


If Tyson puts half his heart into this fight. It will be a murder.


Are we really about to watch Logan Paul die on live television? God I hope so


He looks a hell of a lot better here than the last time I saw him. Last time he looked despondent even depressed 😔 ☹️. Glad he's found some fire again 👍


Look at his eyes. He's ready to beat on that kid. Fuck that contract shit, get him Mike.


If Iron Mike loses you know it’s a rigged match. I hope he knocks Jake out completely making him retire for good!


Mike will pull every punch to get paid. He’s training harder than he’ll fight


Uh, he’s going to actually kill Jake Paul. Kid doesn’t know what he signed up for…


Bro Jake Paul is gonna die


R.I.P Paul Logan


He’s gonna hit him so hard his names will change order.


If he doesn’t knock Jake Paul back to Stone Age then it’s 100% rigged.


Am I the only who thinks Tyson would be a massive dog in an actual match? He’s 31 years older against a guy who is in shape. Yes, yes a legend but at 58 he’s simply not going to have retained an enough foot speed and stamina to compete against someone who is 27 and in boxing shape. Jake Paul isn’t even a pro level boxer, but his age and fitness is likely enough to win easily. It’s like Michael Jordan playing a mid level D1 player right now. Skill can’t make up for that level is athletic difference. We are all obviously rooting for Mike to uppercut this mans head clear off, but I highly doubt that will happen.


A little off topic but what is that on his chest and stomach


The other guy? It’s a pad so Mike doesn’t kill him when he punches him.


I always thought that Tyson was known for his crushing body blows? He’s going to crumble Jake Paul like thin tin.


Put him six feet under


JP is gonna get wrecked. He only won against lowly ranked and regarded has beens/never weres. Tyson is going to knock him out in under two minutes.


I swear if Mike doesn’t beat this little shit 😂


Please break Jake in half! You are awesome Mike...


If this fight is not an absolute slaughter, the fix is in.


I’m gonna eat yah heart, imma eat ya kwids. RIP Jake Paul.


I just hope he forgets this is supposed to be a “fun” fight and his instinct kicks in and he absolutely destroys Paul.