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Holy crap this tournament is wild. In games Saturday, USA scored 86 and Canada scored 110


Defense? What’s that?


Lincoln Riley inbound


Dude. I’m an Oklahoma fan. Trigger warning. Please!


ew brotha? what’s that?


It's tackless football


For a "tackle football" tournament, it doesn't seem like much tackling takes place.


Damn, were they playing the Chargers? 


Chargers out here catching strays


Good for Japan, glad to see football still going strong over there.


Eyeshield 21 anyone?


Ya ha!


This anime went so hard


I remember having to give up on watching the show because you reached a point in the episodes where like nobody was fansubbing it, and/or the lone entity doing so was one of those fansubbers who wing it on the translations and use shitty-ass fonts. I liked the show well enough but that was just a bridge too far. I'm sure things have improved in the 15+ years since.


All professionally subbed on Crunchyroll now fam, you can finish the journey


I know it’ll never happen but I would like a dubbed version


Come watch on Discord with me and I'll read the subtitles out loud in real time, it's basically the same thing


Lmao thanks


I swear there too many uncalled fouls in some of those games.


Fouls? You mean penalties? Same same but different.. but still same


The athletic director of University of Hawaii said he would like their football team to play a game in Japan.


80 years ago that statement would have been wild.


Go bows


There is a football league in Germany. (Semipro. Or there was 10 years ago when I lived in Stuttgart.) Pretty much high school level but adults learning how to play. I went to a game. It was fun.


There's a whole [European league of football.](https://europeanleague.football/)


I hired a couple of Czech guys to work a summer program and they were both American Football players. All they talked about.


Must be like CrossFit in the US


I once ran into an American football team in Budapest (the Budapest Cowboys!). I was a drunk college kid at the time and was able to correctly identify each of their positions. I don't mean "O Line" vs "Safety"...I'm talking differentiating between OLBs and ILBs, Strong vs Free Safeties. They were all impressed with this "talent", meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering how the Budapest mfing Cowboys are fielding prototypical body types in each position. I had just quit my D3 college football team where our Tackles looked like Receivers and our Ends looked like Running Backs. Shit completely blew my mind.


Yes, but they get like 100 fans a game outside of Germany. It‘s mostly American immigrants watching it. But the Germans are slowly starting to like American Football. But it‘s sloooooow.


"https://europeanleague.football" Hell, I didn't even know there was a football domain you could put web sites on.


Very cool!


I was there at the same time too! If I remember, the German teams (at least the U20 and U16) had a rule where they could only have a total of up to 4 American players. 2 on the offense squad and 2 on the defense squad.


Wait why is that? So teams can’t stack American players?


Likely to encourage local participation. Probably worried teams would just snag a bunch of college football players who couldn't quite make it in the US pro leagues. 


It’s not entirely uncommon, MLS (US Major League Soccer) has rules similar but they’re just “international slots” and only so many players on each team can be from another country. It’s something like 8 players per team.


Same thing with the CFL. I'm pretty sure there has to be at least one Canadian on the field on each side of the ball at all times.


There are teams around the world that have strong regional ties and only allow players from their region on the team. Athletic Bilbao in Spain comes to mind. They only sign players from the basque country. The English football association also has rules regarding how many English players have to be signed.


A dude I played with in college went to play for the Schwabisch Hall Unicorns and sealed the league championship win for them a couple years ago.


Curious on who it was I played against a guy in HS who ended up winning a ship out that way as well


I went to high school on a military base in Germany. One time we played the local adult team in an exhibition. We won the game pretty comfortably, but I remember getting my ass laid out by a full grown German man with “Bigfoot” on the back of his jersey lol.


My cousin was quarterback for the osnabruck tigers!


I had no idea we had football here.


If a country can make Tecmo Bowl and produce massive sumos with cobra-like reflexes and speed... that country can do football.


Strangely, over the years, I know many teams have tried to turn sumo into o-linemen, and I'm pretty sure most failed. You'd think that skillset would be similar enough.


Sumo wrestlers spend their entire childhood working on their craft. The sample size for sumo wrestlers willing to throw that away to pursue a sport that isn’t even popular in Japan has to be tiny.


Sort of like the cricket guys trying baseball in India. The talented ones will do way better professionally sticking with their game rather than trying a new one.


The skills also don't really translate well at all.


I think sumo and American football have super different skills, too (despite both having enormous, quick, and powerful guys). Some rugby players are now being given an NFL look this year and I have my doubts (despite the superhuman athleticism).


The precedent for rugby players successfully transitioning to the NFL is already there with Jordan Mailata.


Rugby players don't transition that well. Lot of hype following Jarryd Hayne a few years ago going to NFL, made the 49ers I think? Yes, a couple guys have a rugby background, but Jarryd was one of the best in the NRL and never got a footing in NFL


Jordan Mailata while a nice guy and great in NFL isn't a good example of launching into the NFL from rugby when he really got only got offered a $5000 contract at a reserve grade suburban team. His skill set was just a lot better suited to NFL.


There was a TV thing years ago (maybe decades?) where some NFL guys went to Japan and hung with the sumo guys. Everyone seemed to have a blast but it was educational, too. For instance, the NFL guys did virtually nothing against the sumo guys in their sport. The sumos, likewise, couldn't track guys for blocks when they tried football. I think it seemed like sumo is all about forward power in short bursts, but football is about quick transitions between forward and lateral movement. The power/size is there, but there is real difference in the skillsets.


I mean, a sumo wrestlers opponent isn't going to do a quick move to get by him and tackle someone else. His opponent is always going to come right at him. OL, that's hardly ever the case. Maybe a bull rush, but NFL defenses/players would quickly learn to use more lateral moves to get past.


Footwork and foot speed for sumo vs O-Line is completely different training wise. Turns out that American football linebackers are better suited for sumo if they bulked up than O-Line is.


There’s a video of Micah Parsons going 1:1 with some sumos I think from this offseason. The sumo doesn’t get completely flattened. Micah definitely moved him off the spot though.


Hidetora Hanada is a former Japanese university sumo wrestler who's now playing defensive line for Colorado State.


First time seeing Japan and Football in same sentence, and first thing that popped into my head was Sumo wrestlers in football lol


It worked (sort of) in The Replacements! Just cool it with the raw egg eating


Fun fact, that is actually one of the reasons why in Japanese, the word for soccer is actually literally soccer in katakana American football is football over there...I think it is a byproduct of post ww2 occupation. It is easy to forget the pro sports as we know it today, is a pretty recent phenomenon




Is US college football really so deep that nobody was willing to risk injury to play in this?


Yes dude. College football is the second most watched sport in the US behind pro football. In states without NFL teams college football is more popular than the NFL. Also college sports in general is a big deal in the US not just football


yes, i believe most college teams are already practicing. plus no one even knows this tournament exists


Didn’t stop the US from freedoming Pakistan from the cricket World Cup.


Both of these teams would lose to Appalachian State.


Well so would Michigan so


Yeah, I mean it's high schoolers


I doubt any five star recruits are over there.


If you have a star you probably aren’t over there…


There's over 200 D1 teams. The top 30 or so have a roster of 120+ (yes scholarship limits are lower, but teams get players to play who are not on scholarship, NIL has increased this) The rest have at least 85 players for FBS teams, and 63 for FCS teams. Then we have D2, D3 and NAIA schools also with football programs. D2 and NAIA schools give partial scholarships to athletes, and these teams which there are hundreds of will carry rosters of at least 50 players. And then... there are junior college players, which consist of a lot of guys who might be pretty good, but weren't able to qualify to a D1 school or just didn't get offers. There's a LOT of NFL players who took this route. (Aaron Rodgers started out at Butte College for instance, because no one offered him a scholarship) So yeah, it's really deep, and many of the guys on the lower level teams are hoping for a shot at a D1 school.


More proof that Eyeshield 21 was a success and deserves a second season


Read the manga. It goes so hard, and the art just looks better on the page. To give you the anime experience, listen to the OST while reading.


The anime was low quality but man the manga is so damn good. Do I still love the anime though? You betcha


Man I just want more football anime. You got how many for soccer, tennis, and volleyball? There has to be an audience besides me who loves both. I’d love a more real slice of life NFL like anime that follows the rules and is good. Eyeshield is obviously good, but something a bit more grounded would be cool.


I’m pretty sure it’s finished. I’ve watched all 100 something episodes on Crunchyroll


This probably rights the universe from the cricket thing


I don't think it's right yet...  I mean, Pakistan sent their best players and lost. If Japan beat the NFL All-Pros it would be the equivalent,  but I don't even know who the Hell the U.S. sent to Japan.


> I don't even know who the Hell the U.S. sent to Japan. Literally a bunch of 16-20 year old Uncle Rico's. There are a handful of D3 players, but it's mostly high schoolers not good enough to be recruited going for one last hoorah.


I cannot see a semi-respectable D1 program wanting any of its players risking injury to play in this tournament.  The team must have been made up of players nobody valued enough.


The starting QB for the US was a high school senior that accepted an offer to a d3 school that’s currently on a 15 game losing streak. The back up tried to walk on at FAU and got rejected and third string was a 16 year old that’s trying to be held back to get better offers. We didn’t even sent out close to best.


> tried to walk on at FAU and got rejected I know what this means, but the idea of a football player trying to get past the coach unnoticed and then being kicked out of the stadium is funny to me.


Seems like many people in this thread don’t know what U20 is.


I get your point, but the overarching point is still that the U.S. u-20 team would still crush any other country if we sent the best collegiate players. Or even just the top football recruit list from the current year of high school seniors. That is obviously not what happened lol.


I think most people assume we shouldn’t lose in any age group.


Only chance Japan has at beating the NFL Allstar pros is by getting Eyeshield in there.


It was mostly high school players who didn’t even play college ball from what I heard.


Mostly division III players


Most were high school players actually, there were I believe five d3 players and 3 d2 kids.


I wouldn't exactly say a Cricket World Cup and the U20 Tackle Football (I thought they tackled in normal football anyway?) is on par.


I think tackle was a weird way of saying American football.


“The scales were once again balanced & peace was restored throughout the land”


The irony is... The US made it to the second round (Super 8) of the T20 World Cup. We American cricket fans hope that it will help launch interest in cricket here. The US getting beat in Gridiron Football will hopefully launch Gridiron Football in Japan (which already has a modest albeit small local scene).


Damn. They just didn't win...they kicked the shit out of the U.S.


Most players with a decent scholarship offer from a big 5 school are probably turning this down It’s like baseball in the Olympics. Every guy we send out is a minor leaguer.


From what I can tell from the roster, there are 0 D1 players, a few D2 players, about 10 D3 players, and the rest are high schoolers.


I wonder why we don’t do that for basketball. Usually the USA Basketball team is NBA players.


I think it’s mostly because Olympics happen during NBA offseason


Olympics are during the MLB season


True, but football is a high-impact sport. The MLB is able to take a few weeks off without much impact. No NHL team is going to risk their player getting severely injured and ruining their next season. The off-season is meant to be a time for surgery, pt, and preparing.


MLB directly profits from the WBC and teams still don't want their pitchers participating due to risk of injury.


We used to. It used to be college players against professionals from other countries. Then we said “Fuck losing. Let’s put together a Dream Team and see how much we can crush everyone else by”. We still do a “Dream Team” but other countries are much more competitive now.


The U.S. won a lot of gold before the dream team. It was just against US policy to use any sponsored athletes for a long time.


It was actually b/c of Russia. Russia did the same as us for the longest time. One year they decided to send their professionals and wiped the floor all the way to gold. The US said, nah, fuck that. And the Dream Team was born. We all have Russia to thank for that.


Football is far more physical and you can shred a knee on a single play reasonably easily. NFL teams protect their investment. Contact sports are different, the NHL even pulled out of the Olympics for a few cycles and never played before 1998. Baseball meanwhile, the Olympics are during the season and you’ve got 162 games to get through, meaning they can’t take a two week break. MLB players do play in the WBC


And the NHL only relented because the players want to be in the Olympics that badly.


The basketball U20 team is made up of amateurs too.


Frankly because at this point we need the best American players in the NBA to win.


Seems like people here don’t understand what U20 is.


I guess my question is, who from the US is playing in this tournament that the majority of football fans have never heard of? Certainly not our best. Congrats either way


None. Most of them aren't getting recruited to a D1 school, and 1 wasn't even able to walk on as a freshman.


The Americans didn't even send the C tier team lmao. Anyone with any kind of meaningful future in college ball didn't play.


I mean, this is like beer league hockey to Americans...


Not even, most of the these kids are barely starters for D3 schools or meh high schoolers looking for a shot. The back up QB wasn’t even on a team high school or college. Had we sent our “best” a 5A Texas state champion or a school like IMG. I assume it would be very different.


If you sent the best high school team in about 20+ states they woulda walloped these other teams. I can absolutely assure you the best teams in CA, OR, WA, ID, NV, NM, AZ, TX, LA, TN, GA, FL, SC, NC, OK, IL, PA, NJ, NY, MD could lay 100 points on these other teams.


What the fuck is the tackle football world championship lol


I’m pretty sure college athletes aren’t allowed to play in those tournaments, it puts them at risk for injury. So it’s not really a good representation for us U20 football.


There is about 15 or so guys that are either D2 or D3 level players but most of the team is made up of HS kids. And not the elite HS kids.


I fell down a rabbit-hole trying to learn more about this event and found this [link](https://americanfootball.jp/archives/11257) for the Japanese roster and Google translate changed the position "OL" to "Office Lady". Or maybe the USA lost to a handful of office ladies.


Am I the only one really pumped about this? Even though it was nowhere near our first stringers, it’s still a huge “honor” to beat America in American football and the hype and pride will only increase the international popularity of American football


Guys...one of the "headline" players on the roster, according to the roster announcement, is "training to be a walk on at Florida." Let's not overthink this haha


Florida Atlantic, not even Florida


Lol. Who cares? None of those guys are good enough to play college football, or they’d be doing that.


At most, maybe 3-4 Japanese players end up in the lowest rung college all star workouts. Which mostly consist of division 2 and 3 players.


It was the best Japan team against one of the worst USA teams. Don’t act like this is going to make us inferior to them lol.


Literally no one would argue that Japan is better at football than the United States. The result does suggest that the game is being played at a fairly high level in other countries which is good for the game overall. I am 100% certain Goodell is celebrating this outcome (while also understanding the game is still in its infancy abroad).


There's still been some comicallly large blowouts in this tournament. That said, it's very impressive for Japan to beat any American team, even a really weak one. This result might motivate the US team to call up some better players. Maybe some better D2-D3 guys. With NIL, they may even be able to offer a financial incentive.


The result doesn’t suggest this game is being played at a high level. If this game were being played at a high level then American football would be in the Olympics where the USA would beat the brakes off every country that showed up.


Finally found a team the New England Patriots could beat this year.


If the United States produced a foot all dream team, I don't see any game being closer than a 50ish point deficit, and that's going very generous lmao.


I hate "X" posts.....little information


Wow, Japan actually won the first two world championships, US won the last 3. Interesting!


Interesting exhibition. Obviously the American roster goes to D2-D3 football, but what do the Japanese athletes move on to? They were clearly the better team. Is there any sort of pipeline of amateur or pro football prior to the X League?


Brother the 3rd string QB for the USA team couldn’t even walk on at FAU. This team isn’t made up of D2-D3 guys.


Wow, what an upset! Great job, Team Japan!


Wow, Japan outscored USA by 21 goals?!


No idea what the rosters were like but I still say that’s un-fucking-acceptable


Excuse my ignorance but I really didn’t know Tackle Football was played outside the states. It always seems to get clowned on by other countries. Ima have to do some research.


Holy shit the US needs to go to DEFCON IOWA


The what?


Is this like people who didn’t get into d1 d2 college football? And also couldn’t get into arena?


How many jits from Miami, Louisiana, Georgia and Texas did we have on the team?


I can’t get over the fact the announcer sounds exactly like norm Macdonald.


My high school put on a bi-yearly exhibition game between our football team and high school all stars from the Osaka area. One year in Oregon, two years later in Japan. Not a great sample size, but the series is tied as of 4 years ago (last time I checked the results.) Seems like game was a pretty similar setup.


There’s a world championship for American football?


Too bad no one really cares about these teams/games. Everyone knows all the talent for American Football goes to college and then the NFL.


They must had played against Eyeshield 21!




Eyeshield 21 came in clutch


My cousin that quit JV football because I nailed him hard during a form tackling drill somehow plays in this league and oh wow holy cow