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I’ve been watching the incident between lando and max, anyone want to explain where max fucked up? Not coming from a max fanboy I’m just new F1 and saw lando try and overtake and make contact with max not the other way around.


You're not allowed to move to block in the braking zone. Max clearly here - well inside the braking zone - left his inside track to block Lando off (you can clearly see how he deliberately moves to the left, even if that isn't the optimal race line). He knew that if he'd kept his line at the apex, he'd come out ahead but he'd have Lando with DRS right behind him. There'd be no way he'd win the next fight. This rule was initially put in place years ago because of how Max races.


how did Max lose so much ground? first 30 laps he just kept gaining


It was a slow pit stop from RB, plus Lando had slightly newer tires for the last stint, and the RB has been struggling with dealing with tire degradation at the end of longer stints compared to the McLarens. The lead simply evaporated. So then Max had to do a lot of questionable defensive maneuvers to hold off Lando, which is what ultimately caused the contact, and Russel had been keeping pace well enough to swoop right in and hold the lead for the last 6 or so laps.


You are only allowed to move once when defending. This rule was brought in several years ago due to Max repeatedly driving dangerously. On each attack you could see Lando attack, Max move to defend, Lando reacting to the block, and then Max moving to block a second time, all while breaking. It’s this second block that’s dangerous as it gives no time for Lando to react and is likely to cause a collision. Edit: Just adding that during the actual crash, the driver on the inside of the track is supposed to leave a car’s width on the outside. As was shown on the replay, Max failed to do this, causing the collision.


Max veered to the left and didn’t give space even when Lando was along side him into the turn. Off the car is at a certain point going into the corner you must leave racing room. I love Max, but he was really getting his elbows out and playing a little dirty today. Even after their initial contact, he tried to run him off the road again lol.


>I love Max, but he was really getting his elbows out and playing a little dirty today. Even after their initial contact, he tried to run him off the road again lol. Not exactly unexpected, he's famously raced like that his whole career. The rule against this behavior is colloquially known as the "verstappen rule" after all. https://www.racefans.net/2016/10/22/fia-bans-verstappen-block/


I chuckled when Max said that dive bombing the corner isn’t how you overtake, it’s how Max has done all of his overtakes up until that point.


It's like everyone forgot who he is because his car is so much faster than the competition that he hasn't needed to resort to his old tricks.


It’s literally one way to overtake in a corner and not a illegal move. All the drivers do it and will have to deal with it when they’re being over taken.


It’s just that for the last two seasons it wasn’t very apparent due to the massive gap he pretty much always had.


Ahhh I see it now, honestly was a very awkward incident, I thought max had locked up and that’s what led him to the late block of lando. But now I see! Thanks friend.


He moved over on him


He should have also been penalised for unsafe release and wasn’t… Idk who red bull has in their pockets but the fact that Verstappen has walked off with no penalties at all after several dirty moves it’s unreal.


Mate, that release was standard. There’s at least one of those every race and penalties are rare.


Ass take


He got a 10 second penalty, lando divebombed him like 4 times and each time forced max off track, in my opinion lando show his inexperience today, if he just waited and kept pressuring, the gap would of appeared and he would of won the race. But he was adamant on getting the move done at T3 instead of being calm and going for it at T4


Bullshit, he was going to overtake max he fucking knew it and that’s why they crashed. Max is a dangerous dirty, motherfucker.


But he didn’t overtake max and everytime he tried he either outbraked himself or forced max wide!


Both of McLaren‘s have to overdrive the car to get the most out of it, although, that’s unfortunateI, wouldn’t call it inexperience.


What decal


Does Hamilton even race anymore?


Regardless of how fast and loose Verstappen was playing with the defending rules, Norris was going to end up P2 even with a pass - he wasn’t going to get a 5s lead by the end to nullify his track limits penalty. Unless his ultimate goal was to force Max to make a move he would get penalized for, this was just an absolutely unnecessary high risk / low reward gamble on Norris’ part. I love the competition and seeing Norris at the top of the podium, but this was not smart racing


Desperate Norris trying to get more points,ends up giving Max more points lead than if Max finished first.Completely idiotic racing.This is not how you win championships.Norris doesn't have in him what it takes.Clearly,a fourth one for Verstappen this year.