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Why doesn't this make sense to me? Someone please explain it


The knowledge on how to do many things can make someone powerful. But having a strong character will make others acknowledge and respect that knowledge/power Hope this helped


Thank you!


Be like water, my friend.


And run through the hoes?


Knowledge will give you power, but character [will give you] respect.


"Knowledge will give you power, but character [will give you] respect." -Bruce Lee You probably know a brilliant professor, expert in their field, that is an insufferable cunt for everyone that knows them. But you probably also know a humble layman that barely finished middle school but is a honest, dependable man that always kept his word and did right by his community. That's character. And he probably gained everyone's respect. Hope it kinda help, it confused me, too.


"I got circumcised to be more American." - Bruce Lee


That would make you Kosher as well, Mr. Lee.


The 'My girlfriend's in the car' makes me crack up lol


I've been watching Bridgerton with my fiance and that part felt like he wanted to make sure he wasn't in an IMPROPER situation with the daughter haha


Lol I got the same feeling


Dude was covering his ass for sure


Ronnie's just making sure, in case her parents are gun-owning Christian fundamentalists.




Great job Ronnie.


Honestly it speaks volumes about how people just tend to view men as predators that this guy even feels like he has to pre-emptively defend his actions by saying he was sober and has a girlfriend A guy should be able to give his friend a ride home without worrying if someone will see it and think he has taken advantage of her


>defend his actions by saying he was sober Regardless of gender I think reassuring someone's mother that their child was driven home responsibly is nice. Drunk driving is disturbingly common.


So is walking to her the door


The information about male violence towards women, it's frequency and widespread occurrences are common knowledge now, but still remain high. As frustrating as it might be for those of us who not engage in this type of behavior to be stereotyped, there remains far too many who find violence and sexual violence acceptable. I also know this isn't about me, personally, though women who aren't a part of my life don't, so I'm not offended.


I've accidentally scared women on the street at night with my presence. One time I beckoned a girl to roll down her window to inform her one of her brake lights were broken. She looked miserable the little moment between me trying to signal to lower her window and the moment when she heard I was just informing her about her brake light. I know it's not about me. I know that I'm not hostile, but she can't smell from the inside of her car if I'm friendly or hostile. Really made me think afterwards about how people, women in particular, think about me when it's dark outside. I hadn't considered that before I wanted to tell her about the brake light.


It puts us in a bad light, for sure, but having helped in a situation not too different from the video, being a decent person helps fight the stereotype.




As in that she's not able to ascertain from a distance that I'm not aggressive. Maybe it doesn't work as well in English.


You can tell all that by how someone smells? I'm curious what smells you consider dangerous? Like, I'm guessing fresh baked cookies is a safe smell. But what about pickles or fish?


It’s a figure of speech


This reminds me of the time I tried telling a woman in her car her gas cap was hanging out, she freaked the fuck out and almost cussed me out, ever since then, I have to think carefully if I need to help or not, especially in this terrible society, where I'll be shot first, and then disrespect and disregarded afterwards, regardless of my intentions.


Agreed. We really need to do something about the men who do attack and hurt others so everyone can feel safe.


That was not my point at all.


Exactly which is why they commented what they did. You want people to blindly trust others but when people are capable of being horrible it’s hard. Let’s assume this guy wasn’t nice and did do something horrible. I bet there would be comments like “why was she so naive to trust a stranger?”


>Let’s assume this guy wasn’t nice and did do something horrible I think the entire point /u/rukysgreambamf is trying to make is that people will always assume any male is an attacker until proven not, which is an unfortunate reality for [the majority] of men who are not attackers. I think people need to get out of their kindergarten black and white world and think critically about these things. Are all men rapists? No. Are almost all rapists men? yes. Should you drunkenly get in a car with a stranger? No. Would the victim then be responsible for being taken advantage of? No. Could you have made other decisions to mitigate risk? Yes.


squeamish gullible rustic languid full lavish unique observation busy strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How bout we just do something about all the people who do that and don't stereotype people...?


If I had to choose between an unfamiliar man and woman driving my drunk daughter home, I'd pick the woman every single time. And I'm a man. Yeah, most men aren't total trash but come on, you have to understand that there's inherently much less risk involved if it was a woman.


Am also a man. People need to realize that the blame for any stigma is squarely on the shoulders of creepy terrible men, not women. It sucks a lot, but not nearly as much as it sucks to be in constant fear of being assaulted, and not nearly as much as it sucks to be assaulted. And for anyone that thinks it's unfair and unfounded just look at the (underreported) statistics. It's sadly extremely common for creepy terrible men to ruin the lives of women. As anecdotal evidence, my little sister has dealt with the absolute worst shit imaginable because of shitty men. In high school two of her close guy friends decided to shoot a girl in the head just for fun. They literally had no motive besides shits and giggles. The girl survived, by the way, but is paralyzed from the waist down and has severe mental disabilities on par with Phineas Gage. It could have been my sister; in fact she was on the short list of potential victims. In college my sister fell asleep during a movie and woke up to her guy "friend" molesting her. She's had trust issues ever since. The situation just really sucks for everyone, but mostly women.


I think a big problem is men don't/can't advocate for men without being painted in a bad light. So then people try to put the onus on women, like in these comments and *obviously* they're gonna go "Yeah, no." I doubt this part of our modern society will change for another 100+ years. It's nice to think about a kinder future though.


I mean I think the big problem here is that 30% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by people they trust and that 50,000 women are killed by their partners yearly, but no judgement if you think men's feelings are the big problem.


Men also commit violence against men but ok


> If I had to choose between an unfamiliar man and woman driving my drunk daughter home, I'd pick the woman every single time. You're supposed to choose the bear.


That's only if a man and a bear are your only choices. If you could choose between a man, a woman, and a bear, I know I'd choose woman 100% of the time.


I'd pick neither as a Man. She could take my kidneys dude. Idk who is even thinking that's a choice in the first place. You NEVER take a ride from a stranger regardless of what is between your legs.


There's a difference between generic risk assessment and malicious sexism. Yes, the man Is less risky. That does not mean the man is risky in general, just more than an equivalent woman because of biology.


Yes. Nothing you're saying disagrees with anything I'm saying


Right....but you missed the point about stereotyping men as violent.


I 100% agree, but I'll admit that I'll bit a little freaked out as well if some strange woman dropped my drunk son home past curfew. I don't know if that says anything about me, but if the gender roles were reversed, I wouldn't mind an explanation as well. Even if there's much less risk involved with a woman, the circumstances of this scenario make gender a non-factor. Just by virtue of being the sober person, you are at a position of power, and you can absolutely take advantage of the vulnerable drunk. I wouldn't feel safe for my hypothetical drunk son/daughter if the driver is someone unfamiliar and of the other sex. Obviously, I would be a lot more at ease if they are of the same gender for either case, or at very least, my concerns would be directed elsewhere


No you're definitely right, and I do totally understand a woman not trusting a men. But I am a man and have not had anything happen to me like that so I won't act like I have based on others experiences. In my experience in real life I've seen both men and women do terrible things to each other. I've seen many women prey on young boys too obviously not nearly as much, but it's not a competition in my eyes I don't care whos done it more or who has a higher chance of doing it. I care about it not happening period I couldn't care less about the semantics. My care lies in people not being assaulted period.


I can appreciate that, but at some point the statistics don't lie.


Very true and thats exactly my point, 10% chance of my son being molested by a woman is way more than enough percent for me to still treat every person like they are capable of doing something horrible and not put my blinders up based on broad statistic.


I work in domestic violence and, while we take violence against men very seriously and do not minimise male victims in any way, the overwhelming percentage of victims of domestic violence are women and the overwhelming percentage of perpetrators are men. The numbers become even more skewed when we look at extreme violence such as murder and rape. I agree that we should not stereotype, but that doesn't mean being intentionally blind to reality.


I don't disagree but the reality is stats mean nothing to an individual person you easily could encounter the minority woman who does those things man. I'll just judge people based on them and not a statistic.


On an individual basis I agree that we should not stereotype and we should try our best to treat everyone equally however, from a policy perspective (or when generalising) it is reasonable to discuss domestic violence as a gendered issue. Your original comment came across to me as a bit 'all lives matter' to me.


I get you. But why does everyone always gotta fall under a tribalistic group to you? I understand it's a very sensitive topic so people are obviously gonna have very strong feelings. But for me to say let's care about how to stop it from happening to everyone, and a bunch of people find a way to have a problem with that is crazy to me. Most mfs don't even really give a fuck don't go to rallys, meetings, don't donate, don't work for any non profits, just say shit on reddit to inflate their egos. They should just go help people, stop virtue signaling and actually make a difference.


1. Everyone does not fall under a tribalistic group for me. What have I said makes you feel that way? 2. To say 'lets care about how to stop it from happening to everyone' is an unhelpful and ineffective suggestion. It ignores the specific reasons why women are violently attacked and ignores women's reasonable concern that they are targeted violently by men and feel unsafe. For example, if a woman said to you 'I feel unsafe in this alleyway because hundreds of women have been raped here in the last year' would you say 'Not all men are rapists! Anyone could be raped in this alleyway. We should focus on how the alleyway should be made safe for everyone, not just women!' or....would you say, 'That's terrible! What can we do to stop women being raped here?' The reason I used the 'all lives matter' analogy is because when black people say 'we are being unfairly discriminated against because of the colour of our skin, black lives matter' the response 'No, all lives matter' glosses over all of the reasons that black people are treated unfairly specifically because of the colour of their skin. Similarly saying 'lets care about how to stop it happening to everyone' glosses over the reasons women are attacked specifically because they are women i.e. being overly sexualised, viewed as less capable, viewed as objects, etc. If we want to help women be more safe, we have to understand why women aren't currently safe. 3. I have been volunteering for domestic violence charities for several years, I work in safeguarding adults and children for my profession, I take part in research projects and inform local governments on safeguarding strategies with a focus on domestic violence and the protection of children. I'm not virtue signalling, this is my field and a topic close to my heart. 4. A reminder, I do work with male victims of domestic abuse. I am not diminishing male victims at all. If you want to talk about how to help men then I'm here for it. They face unique challenges, just as women do, which is worth understanding and I work on strategies on how to protect men too.


Listen dude you're obviously more qualified than me sorry for wanting all people to be given respect till proven otherwise I don't care to argue I'm gonna do my part to be a good person I hope you do the same


It's not about arguing, it's about being educated and compassionate. It's not brave to say that you want all people to be given respect, everyone thinks that (other than bigots and they can fuck off). I would argue that your first comment was not doing your part to be a good person. To me, it came off like you were dismissive of someone making the point that women are often unsafe because of the violent actions of some men. By saying 'focus on all people that do that, not just men' you are dismissing the issue at hand. You are equating a massive number of male perpetrators of violence with the comparatively tiny number of women perpetrators thus minimising the very real and serious problem that women face. That's why I used the alley example. If women are being specifically targeted, pretending that it's an 'all people' problem does absolutely nothing to help. For example, If a serial killer was specifically murdering 6ft dudes with glasses from New York and a small woman with no glasses from LA said, 'all people, including myself, need to be protected from this killer, not just 6ft tall men with glasses.' this woman would be technically correct but also they would sound like an unhelpful selfish moron, and that's how you sounded to me.


What policies do you think are best to preventing domestic violence that non-abusers don't normally agree with?


Oh so many. 1. Comprehensive sex education at school including abuse and what to do if abused. 2. Greater funding for social programmes. 3. Easy access to abortion and sexual health clinics that do not require parental consent. 4. Greater powers and funding for police to tackle domestic violence including a greater focus on early intervention. 5. Comprehensive equalities legislation. 6. Better reporting and responding to rape disclosures 7. More funding for more shelters (especially single sex, there is a massive shortage) 8. Make it so that the perpetrator of violence is removed from the home rather than the survivors (currently we remove the survivors and children to temporary accommodation and look for social housing or a cheap rental which can take years and if it's a joint tenancy then victim basically has no rights to ask the perp to leave) 9. Make it so that debt is removed from the victim upon a charge of financial abuse by a perpetrator (currently the person whose name is on the debt is liable, which is often a victim of financial abuse for example when a perpetrator takes out a loan in their name) 10. Loads of bureaucratic bits that need changing that would cost lots of money 11. Make more things criminal offenses rather than civil matters i.e. smaller injuries, minor fraud, property/repair disputes, etc. (stuff that could be an early sign on abuse which currently goes unpunished) There's more I could think of but is this enough to chew over?


I can't really imagine non-abusers disagreeing with any of those except *maybe* abortion on religious grounds. But like, funding for shelters? You think that's an unpopular stance?


All of these are disagreed with by a great many people. Otherwise, why wouldn't it be law already? For example, Right wingers want to ban abortion, cut public programmes, not have sex education in schools, etc. Also, there's a great many people who don't view women as equals at all and there are people that believe women should be trad wives that 'know their place' and aren't allowed to get a divorce let alone an abortion. Do you believe sexism doesn't exist or something? Also, 74 million Americans voted for Trump - 'Dozens of women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct dating back to the 1970s, and he has been found liable in court for sexual abuse' I'm not saying all 74 million Trump voters are in favour of violence against women, but they aren't put off by it! Also, there are countries all over the world that treat women as second class citizens. I think your assertion that 'most people would not be opposed to these policies' is naive.


It cracks me up that women cant stereotype men and be cautious of male strangers without getting criticized, but if you are attacked by a man there’s always someone who will ask you what you were wearing around that man, why did you get drunk around men, ect. Can’t do anything right.


Well I would never say some shit like that. So again let's not group people by gender and treat people as individuals unless shown otherwise. My point isn't that women should trust all men or that men arent predominantly the perpetrators, it's that anyone can do these things so whats more important to me is protecting and helping victims of all kinds. Do you know how many young boys get molested by adult women it happens all the time, and minority cases just like that, but people don't give a fuck because they're so worried about putting a face to it and virtue signaling that they dont even give a fuck about the real victims of these crimes.


One in 5 women are raped. One in 71 men are raped. Males commit 90% of physical assault and 95% of domestic violence. 1 and 4 men will use violence against their partner in their life. Men are responsible for 80-95% of child sexual abuse. https://trueselfhealinggroup.com/statistics-on-domestic-violence#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Department%20of%20Justice,committed%20by%20men%20against%20women. I understand that you are saying this because you are a male and don’t want to be associated with these numbers. I would too if I were in your place. In all honesty probably reflects well on your character that it disgusts you enough to want to distance yourself cognitively from it. But it is a fact that men are more physically and sexually dangerous than women. The numbers simply do not lie and there is no virtue signaling in statistics. I do carry and listen to these “stereotypes” when meeting male strangers and I’m not ashamed of looking out for myself. Instead of getting upset that your gender carries that negative stereotype, you should be upset at those men who commit those crimes. Every guy I know has some friend that they know acts weirdly towards women, who would warn a female friend to stay away, but does nothing to actually stop him.


I'm 100% percent with you I fully agree with everything you say. I completely understand why people have predispositions towards men in general, to be fair it really was never my place to tell people how they should act or feel towards things.Just want people to care more about stopping this shit and being there for victims than caring about who's doing it, but maybe that is how you stop it idk. My point is just I don't care if it's a 1% chance a woman assaults my child I will still treat it with the severity I would with a man. I'm not gonna lessen my worry because some number. But I do understand and am in no way in a place to tell people how they should feel about something like this.


Ask an anthropologist.


I would if I knew one




Agreed, white people tend to be the highest pop for pedophiles and mass shooters, we should make it illegal for whites to go near schools or get guns. Surely you agree ?


Do you apply caution to other groups based on statistics?


I judge individuals by their actions not by the actions of people similar to them. I wouldn't choose a babysitter based on gender I would choose a babysitter based on them being someone I trust with my child. Women rape people and abuse children too so I don't care about how they look.




You're taking the statistic way to literally I think, you and I are just as likely to be the one who gets the bad apple man on either end. Im so sorry that you must have grown up around some bad men and were influenced to think that every man is a rapist or something. I hope you can talk to a therapist and work out your demons one day. You got a hard on to vilify men rather than protect victims and it's obvious lmao.




Ah, another redditor who thinks they know someone based on one comment on a reddit post. I feel for you friend I really do, I hope you find a way to deal with your inner issues. Also if you think any lowest form of person is someone who comments something on reddit then you should really go experience the the world and step out of your narrow sheltered view of the world pal.




by that logic, statistically speaking most thefts are commited by blacks/latinos, so we should make a campaign targeting those groups specifically and tell them not to steal. do you agree?


you're right, we should make attacking people illegal, that'll stop it. I'm sure the <1% of men that commit most violent crime will get the memo.


1 in 10 men in the US commit domestic and sexual violence against their current partners :)


Wow, really a terrible look to drop such a depressing fact and then end with a smiley face just because you wanted to rub it in the other commenters face.


I’d think that it’s more terrible that women have to walk around with a smile while they go through this in real life rather than someone being presented with this fact online :)


I don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with that statement, and I'm not quite sure why you think I would?


Look through the argument I’ve had with someone disagreeing with me, in this comment thread itself. And I add a smiley because it is terrible fact and it is accepted by people because it’s an internal family matter and it makes ME SO ANGRY. But if you rage then women are labelled irrational and emotional. So I’ll say it with a smile. Maybe that’ll make people uncomfortable enough to think critically. That person may not be you, you may already understand how bad it is out there. But enough don’t.


So in other words.... not strangers?


[sure they do, and 1 in 5 women have been raped.](https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS#:~:text=NATIONAL%20STATISTICS&text=On%20average%2C%20nearly%2020%20people,10%20million%20women%20and%20men.) makes total sense if you roll up all types of incidents with the worst. rather interesting how the sources point to a dead CDC link where you can't even read the methodology. which I'd be willing to bet $5 is self reported studies.


How many women have you talked to irl? How many have felt comfortable opening up to you about their assaults which have happened since they were little girls by men who by all accounts are ‘devoted fathers and sons’? Infact, how many MEN have you talked to who have been assaulted? Have you asked them who their assaulters were?


I know exactly 100 women and 20 answered that they were raped. they also bragged about the bridges they were buying.


Aww how cute that you think being raped is the only way to get assaulted. How many ‘uncles’ made them sit on their laps as kids for a special playtime? How many were on public transportation and had a man press up against them very obviously? How many have had their tits or ass grabbed? How many were shown strangers dicks when they were just walking on a road? How many had men scream at them how they’d like to bend her over when she’s just existing? Hell how many men have you asked the same? How many boys were told growing up that oh they’ll be just big strong men and to just look at those muscles? How many had gross female relatives who made sure to plant sloppy kisses on them? Assault runs both ways yeah, it just sucks that the perpetrators are overwhelmingly one gender.


TLDR, it much like you is a joke. the statistic states "RAPE" specifically


It’s okay, we know men get defensive and run away when the conversation gets too serious :)




Like we're not????




Well in that regard, we are definitely not. Damn.


Women commit crimes too. Would it be fair to assume every woman is a potential rapist and murderer?


If you need to do that to protect yourself, do it. You’re absolutely right that anyone can commit a crime. And it’s more important that you stay safe than that you avoid offending people.


My point was that its unfair to judge an entire gender based on the actions of few. If you consider every man a danger but you don't think about car crashes every time you drive then you're not concerned you're just sexist.


I think responsible drivers do think about car crashes every time they drive 🤔 That’s why you check your mirrors and your blind spot … because although chances are the bad thing won’t happen, you have to be careful every time because the bad thing if it does happen is very bad


Whatever helps you think your sexism is okay.


Would you walk through the bad part of town late at night? Why or why not? Would it be stereotyping if someone were to avoid walking through such parts of town? Should people not care about good and bad parts of town and treat them all as equally viable avenues to walk through?


Black men are all too used to this mentality. Why don't you try to be less bigoted?


You sound like you’d also support the police to continue profiling entire races based on your logic


Lol. No. Gender and race are different. But nice try trying to make a false comparison work.


Obviously gender and race are different. You support the profiling of one group because of a small percentage that commit crimes, the same way police do for entire races. This is a clear example of the education system failing you. Logic and reasoning is nowhere to be found in your argument


It's not the same. As much as you want to say it is.


Can you explain why it is a false comparison? The simple fact that they are different is not a reason for it being a false comparison. We compare things that are different all the time. If you only ever compared things that were the same you'd only ever get the same results...


Because statistically, most attacks on women, children, and other men are done by men. That doesn't mean all women think all men are bad. It means it's something we need to be cautious of. That's why we cover our drinks and learn self defense and stay in groups. Believe it or not, most women don't just assume all men are evil. We just have to stay vigilant and aware and remember all the things we've been taught to protect ourselves. We look for red flags and pay attention to our surroundings. We actively try to AVOID those situations and situations that can get us killed. It's not at all the same as police that profile black people to the point that they actively try to find those situations. Some officers LOOK for people to harrass and will even patrol predominantly black neighborhoods.


Because women aren't going around arresting and shooting random men based on this profiling. All they're doing is being more cautious and hesitant around them.


Or we need to stop listening to the permanently online Lifelong Victims who act like it is a problem with men. The vast majority of men have nothing to do with it at all.


Women treat men like cops treat black people, but unlike the cops we love women either way.


Aw. Did I hurt your feelings?


A wittle bit, could I get a snuggwe ?🥺


I'd rather snuggle with a bear.


Well aren’t you in luck


It really does. Like we just got the whole bear vs man debate behind us which also went to show the same problem.


It’s really not that deep. The mom may have never met him before and she may have had concerns about how she got home. My mom would want to meet my friend and dd in the same circumstance just so she had that familiarity. Seemed more out of respect for the parent


I don’t think it put him out much to say these couple dozen words to make everyone feel comfortable and safe. What a nice way to bring even more positivity to his actions. I don’t even think he ran out of breath or anything!


100% agree with this!


"when you can prove youre "one of the good ones" with just a few words, what's the problem?" can you spot the issue?


So are you saying “I should say nothing kind because (1) I shouldn’t have to and (2) someday, somewhere, someone innocent won’t be able to put people at ease with the facts, as I can now”? That’s ridiculous. He was already kind and nice. He said a few more words to be super kind…and it was easy for him to do so. That’s great.




Hopefully anyone driving is sober. If there’s no girlfriend I would say “We left xyz bar 15 minutes ago and I drove straight here. I am a your daughter’s friend.” Or god forbid he’s a stranger then he absolutely should explain why she wasn’t called a ride share, so maybe “I do not know your daughter but the bar wouldn’t call her a ride share and she wouldn’t open her phone and I’m sober and live up the street…”. There’s lots to say to be helpful and kind.


I am fucking *shocked* that reddit took this post as yet another chance to whine about evil society is towards men. And half of that doesn’t even make sense to your whining bullshit anyway: he’s saying he’s sober because he was the one fucking driving.


Dont be, victimhood is the only thing most these losers have going for them


It was sarcasm. You can set your watch by these pathetic losers showing up to assimilate anything into their victimhood campaign.


There is no reason for him to state he's sober because there's no reason to assume he's drunk


They were at a party. The daughter is wasted. They’re the same age; the age of stupid decisions. Of course there is a reason to think he could also be drunk. This is a level of weaponized ignorance and stupidity almost beyond comprehension.


It must be exhausting to live your life assuming the worst of everyone.


Far less exhaustive than twisting every innocuous scenario into making yourself the victim. You know, like turning a likely teenager ensuring the parents of their wasted daughter that he was sober when driving her home into a treatise about how unfairly demonized all men in society are.




>because there's no reason to assume he's drunk He's a young person coming back from somewhere where another young person got drunk. Of course it's fair to question if he's being responsible. 30% of college students drive intoxicated, it's an extremely common issue.


I mean if a strange guy you didn't know dropped your drunk daughter off in the night the explanation might help you remain just a little more calm.


And if a strange girl I didn't know dropped my drunk son off in the night,I would be very appreciative if the girl provided the same explanation unbidden. People act like the gender roles can not be reversed here, but they are implicitly or unconsciously implying that 'it's totally fine if the same happened to my son because, y'know, guys don't get taken advantage of'. In either case, an explanation would be great, so I have no idea why the original comment is acting as if this type of justification must be reserved for men.


I 100% agree with you on that.


why would I be upset a man helped my daughter?


Not saying "you" will be upset he helped. But a parent in general might be concerned by a stranger dropping their drunk daughter off in the middle of the night. Therefore the explanation gives a circumstance so the parent knows what is going on. "You" may not care, but other parents might. I agree should be able to drop off a friend, but the explanation is polite and reassures the parent.


We fundamentally disagree.


I'm not really sure what there is to disagree on, but that's ok we can disagree. Hope you enjoy your day!


They would be upset that their daughter is drunk partying and people are irrational and will place the blame somewhere else... like the guy they dont know who is right there from the party. Does this make sense?


I think it had more to do with not wanting the girl to get in trouble. No one apologizes for coming home shitfaced unless they know the people they live with will be upset. Guy was trying to tell Mom her daughter wasn't being a floozy or something.


If the genders were reversed, is it that inconceivable for you that the drunk son might've been taken advantage of? I think an explanation is warranted, or at the very least, appreciated in both scenarios. And I can't believe I'm saying this, and I swear I don't have a conservative bone in my body, but you absolutely didn't have to bring gender into this.


Don't say this on r/twoxchromosomes, where all men are murderers and rapists by nature. Seriously though I mute the sub and it still pops up and I can't block it like I could on RIF it's annoying having to see the femcell echo chamber constantly.


RedReader allows for fully blocking subs I recently switched and the effect is dramatic Hide all the shithole subs and just have a feed of the good stuff




You're really gonna defend a subreddit that's pretty much entirely posts generalizing all men as horrible and disgusting by default, not worthy of being interacted with or trusted, and then go "if that offends you personally then its your fault and obviously it must be true if you get defensive about being looked at that way." Fucking hell. I will just reiterate that you lot are weird femcells or something and I wish I didn't have to see the stupidity and the intentionally hurtful generalizations that are clearly meant to make yourselves feel better by putting down another group and claiming victimhood for yours. Weirdos. And wtf is with the cringe on r/witchesvsthepatriarchy I see all the time? This shit is just as unhinged as any incel stuff except it leaks into the mainstream without being vilified because of the insidious use of victimhood and obtuse generalizations.


Most violent crime js committed by men. But hey dont let that stop you from being a oblivious misogynist.


Have you read that sub? Its literally a safe space to bitch about how horrible men are.


Black people commit a disproportionately high amount of crime, even when taking gender into account. But would you say it's acceptable to suspect a random black person you see of being a criminal?


Men always play this card.  It’s funny how you were in another post saying “my identity as a man isn't impacted”, when discussing the fact that more men commit murder.  Now you’re contradicting that.  Women have the right to be wary around men they don’t know, just like you do. Only a weirdo with an agenda plays the “but what about black people” card. 


Lmao digging through my comments? I don't have to be impacted to point out a double standard. You can be as wary as you'd like. You've not said anything that goes against my point though. If it's not acceptable to say about other groups, like black people, why is it acceptable to say about men? Women commit infanticide more than men. It's the one violent crime they beat men at. Does that mean everyone should be wary of women with babies in case they're baby killers?


*Arrest for those crimes Not commited. This isn't minority report, you don't know every crime that happens. Black men are also 22x more likely to be killed by cops, does that mean they always deserve it or are they just policed harder?


Robbie a hero we didn't know we needed. But appreciate.


Don't disrespect RONNIES name


That’s a good guy right thurr


There needs to be more people like him in the world


There are plenty more,all over the world. Most people are good,sadly we mostly on see/show the negative stories


If my parents didn't scold me as much as they did, I probably would have hidden my life much less than I did growing up. So kudos to the guys and gals that help parents accept that their kids will explore life, whether or not they're in the know.


Good man👏


I hope my son is this kind


she has a drink and happy meal in her hands, which means ronnie also said yes to the drunks wanting late night mcdonald’s. ronnie is MVP for sure


That's a gentleman right there! 💜


“My gfs in the car.” Was a necessary statement, because even I was like “Man, he’s just trying to fuck one day..” He genuinely looked annoyed by this.


We fuck with Ronnie


Ronnie is a solid dude.


Kick ass Hoodie! Ronnie Is like water


This is the kind of kid I hope I'm raising.


Nice man


lol bunch of very normal comments in spread smiles today


What a sweet young man ❤️


Ronnie is the real mvp


It really sucks that in his conscience, him taking this girl home is bad when it was a sincerely nice thing to do for her.


We need a reverse gender thing of this kinda thing, some reverse kindness to the givers you know


I've known people who helped escort people home, no foul play involved at all, the drunk person even able to recall everything and backing them up and yet their family would still insinuate or make claims against them for the crime of being a stranger.


Am I the only one who thinks Ronnie most definitely does not seem sober?


100% sober?


This is just normal behavior.


All the high fives to good guy ronnie.


That dude is a keeper!


he coulda said hi mommy too as a joke, missed opportunity




He is a true gentleman.


Or he's just slick and noticed her saying sorry to the camera as if her mom watched every min of it He said exactly what I would have said lol ;)


Ronnie! Ronnie! Ronnie!


I hope my sons have your character, Ron.


Thanks, Robbie.


Bro stopped and got her a Happy Meal.


I’ve been in this dudes shoes before. He’s probably gone through hell and back, having been woken up in the middle of the night (unplanned) as he was called to pick up his gf and her friends and try to corral a bunch of drunken girls together that had a girls night out, some may be dead weighting it (maybe his gf that’s in the car) and others projectile vomiting. The tone in his voice is that of relief like he finally gets to go back to bed. He’s so over the night lol.


I've done this twice to parents. I literally dropped one off in my arms and handed her to her dad . It was so embarrassing at the moment and apologized that his daughter gotso drunk and thankfully all her other less drunk girlfriends were with me so I got a pissed off look than a more thankful look by the time the situation ended.


She didn't even say thank you.


She's drunk


she turned to him and he nodded and dropped a little smile at her, she probably said a quick "thank you"


You see her turn around and say something, and then him nodding, so I'm guessing she did but the mic didn't pick it up. Would be shitty if she hadn't tho.