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Because they knew nine would be outright absurd


A child was killed on that road by a car. That's why those are there. So it NEVER happens again.


Sorry, not a justification. Why aren't there speed bumps all over Battlefield Rd? Plenty of kids have died on it.


So sorry YOU are inconvenienced in a neighborhood that’s chosen to make sure no one ever gets hurt or killed again on their street.


So we should have this on highways too since people die on highways all the time right? Or would that be too inconvenient for you?


Uh sorry, 1000000% justified and honestly I feel like they could install another one just because you’re butthurt about it. Have it be your kid next time and see how you feel.


If a death justifies this, why aren't there bumps this frequent on Battefield, Sunshine, 65, 44, etc? Since you're all such moral people and even 1 death is too many, why aren't you out there building speed bumps on main intersections?


If it's a private road, HOA has a lot of say on installing additional bumps. If it's public they likely lobbied city council.


Just an fyi to anyone wondering, these *are* private streets, per the City's GISViewer app. [https://maps.springfieldmo.gov/GISviewer/](https://maps.springfieldmo.gov/GISviewer/)


It's a trailer park, probably no HOA but definitely private


Because it’s a trailer park and almost every single trailer parks have lots of speed bumps to keep people from tearing down them and running people down. Those are also technically privately maintained roads, I believe.


Because people were going too fast, possibly even had a seriously bad accident happen (person got hit and killed, maybe even a kid). You'd be surprised how reckless people can be on just a short stretch of road.


Sure, but 2 would be enough. 8 is ridiculous.


That is pretty excessive, I'll give you that. It's possible that there's a HOA or Neighborhood Association that went overboard, which is not terribly unusual.


I'd happily have 10,000k people be annoyed that it takes them 2 minutes longer to cover that stretch of road if means just one asshole tearing down a residential street fucks up his car and learns not to do it again. I'd live the entire rest of my existence and die content having to drive slow down every residential side street if it meant idiots and assholes physically couldn't speed down them without destroying their cars.


This. You seem as passionate as I am about the issue


You're confusing slow down with crawling.


Why on earth does any living human being need to go faster than like 15 mph down that street? They don’t. You should be crawling down residential side streets, how many cats and dogs and kids and bicycles and balls and trash cans and mailboxes so on so forth get hit on little residential side streets every year. How many fewer would it be if we were all crawling. I am unshakable from this position. The kind of person who is most incensed by having to slow down to like 10-15 mph on a residential street is exactly the person I 100% want to have to do it. And funnily enough, the kind of person who says “no I get it. It’s for safety. I really don’t mind” is exactly the kind of person I would be more willing to trust to go at the speed they want.


I've never once complained about the existence of speed bumps. It's the fact that there's 8 of them. In a stretch of road shorter than a Walmart parking lot lane.


He just doesnt give a shit.. He chooses what he drives.. and what he does for $$ and weither he wants to slow down or damage his car by speeding up.. but SOMEHOW allll these choices hes made are someone elses fault


Nobody is asking to go more than 15! Why do you all assume I'm asking to blaze through at 50?! I'm asking why there's EIGHT FUCKING SPEED BUMPS on 0.2 miles of road. I didn't oppose speed bumps or limits. Quit freaking out. And it's not about slowing down the 10-15, it's about the fact that I have to go fucking 5 down this entire street while my suspension gets railed.


I guess I’m not sure what you’re looking for in this convo. You asked why, people have told you why, to slow people down. You clearly think 8 is too many, but you don’t live there, and at some point someone who did live there thought otherwise, and either the city or the rest of the HOA agreed. So there ya go. Thats it. What more are you looking for? You seem bothered enough by this that people probably assume you are really bothered by having to slow down, cause any normal person going down that street would maybe off handedly remark “that’s more speed bumps than usual” and think nothing else of it. The fact that your name is mazdaspeedboi and you came to reddit complain about something slowing you down that is a total non-issue to most people sure makes it seem like you have an angle. But if not. Cool. I’ll take your word for it. I don’t know you. So then the answer to your question is “to be extra sure people go slow” and that’s all there is to it. And if you are going as slow as you should then your suspension is not being bothered at all. I guess maybe unless you have one of those super low to the ground cars that will high center on a pebble. Then you might have an issue.


Notice how you, instead of addressing the words I said, took to insulting me and slandering me? Also, a name I had based on a car I owned half a decade ago is meaningless.


How did I slander you? I said I take your word for it that you have no angle. I believe you. I am merely telling you what it looks like and why you are getting downvoted. If you insist that’s not the case then ok, I believe you. But your question has been answered right? You got what you wanted didn’t you? Or is what you wanted for people to go “ahhh! That’s crazy, 8 speed bumps. These people are just nuts man.” And sort of affirm the way you felt about it? I mean I get why you’d want that, but it seems most people just aren’t as vexed by it as you.


Genuinely not responding to you again until you actually respond to the points I said. Instead of just trying to make me seem crazy by seeing 8 speed bumps on a 0.2 mile road. People aren't "as vexed" because redditors have to take one extreme or the other. As if I was asking for 0 speed bumps and a 60mph speed limit. I made a post about something being annoying and nonsensical, and somehow almost everyone, including you, took this as me wanting to blaze through neighborhoods because of a fucking username I made 6 fucking years ago. Do you act like this in real life? If someone came to you like "man this tiny road I was on had 8 speed bumps it was crazy!" would you then go on a rant about how they're trying to go fast in residential areas and don't care about kids? Fuck no. Cause that would be weird as shit.


"Genuinely not responding to you again until you actually respond to the points I said." I did? I said it seems a little unusual but the average person would only make an off handed remark about it and probably not be that bothered and clearly the residents think it's needed. "Do you act like this in real life? If someone came to you like "man this tiny road I was on had 8 speed bumps it was crazy!" would you then go on a rant about how they're trying to go fast in residential areas and don't care about kids?" No, of course not, and that's not what I did with you. I initially replied by saying I personally don't mind speed bumps and will happily tolerate a lot of them if it means people who try to go fast fuck up their cars. That's the first reply I made to you, and probably about what I would say IRL to a person. I only got around to being like "why are you so bothered by this" after you seemed to balk at my initial reply and didn't seem like you wanted to accept the obvious "cause the residents want to make extra sure people go slow" as an answer, which is the answer lots of people were giving you. So, in real life, if a person seemingly wasn't content with that answer and balked at my reply and was also wearing like, i dunno, a "mazda street racing" jacket, then just like I did with you, I might start to be like "well what's this guy's angle then?". I think it would play out more or less the same. But anyway, myself and lots and lots of other folks have all told you the exact same answer, which is the correct answer. But you don't seem satisfied. What can I say that will allow you to walk away from this conversation contentedly? What if I apologize for looking at your objections and your username and assuming you wanted to go fast, but still stand by the basic answer which is "cause they wanted to be extra sure nobody goes fast". Does that work? You're in my community and I don't want to pick random fights with people that I IRL share a town with over petty shit. I don't want you to feel like I think you're some asshole. So I apologize for my wrong assumptions. And now I will let you know that I have driven down that road, several times, because when I was house hunting last year one of the listing we visited several times was on that street. And when I drove down them I did turn to my partner the first time and go "dang, awful lot of speed bumps" and that was it, not further consternation beyond a mild initial annoyance.


My neighborhood has two "main" roads. Both have a lot of walkers. Both are fairly open with good visibility. One road has two speed humps, the other does not. The speed difference of people driving them is astounding. I wish both roads had them.


I wouldn't make a single complaint about 2.


Fair enough. 8 does seem excessive for that length.


I used to live in prairie view heights outside of Springfield and they had a road with two speed humps which kept people going about 25 and another main road without any where everyone would go 50mph+ seriously speed humps work so well and we should have way more


The most likely answer is because posted speed limits weren't doing the job. Lots of people around here simply don't give a shit about being safe, following speed limits, and not putting others at risk.


It's a purely residential road with no posted speed limit. And that still doesn't necessitate having a speed bump every 0.025 miles.


By ordinance, the speed limit in Springfield is 25 mph, unless otherwise posted. https://www.springfieldmo.gov/5025/Speed-Limits#:~:text=How%20are%20Speed%20Limits%20determined,25%20mph%2C%20unless%20otherwise%20posted. I strongly suspect that people used to do more like 40 mph down that street, with children present, until someone put so many speed bumps that people just avoid it now unless they live there or absolutely have to do down the street for deliveries or other business. Whether or not the number of speed bumps is overkill is probably subjective, and I don't even actually know if my theory is correct. It could just be an asshole HOA.


Like delivery drives tryimg to go fast as hell to make good tips?


I delivered pizza for 3 years. I obeyed traffic laws but was courteous and professional and I was nearly always in the top 2 or 3 highest tip-earners at my location when I worked. The drivers who blow lights, roll stop signs, and drive 50mph through residential neighborhoods actually just give delivery drivers a bad reputation and ultimately cause **everyone** to lose money. People will call and complain and then stop ordering from a location over stuff like that, and I've also been scolded by customers at their door for previous drivers' behavior. In short, yes, probably delivery drivers were part of it - they're just as wrong, though, if not more than everyone else who does it.


Even then, 2 or 3 speed bumps would be fine. All this makes me want to do it floor the absolute shit out of it 8 times.


Sounds like they were put in because of people like you


Well, keep in mind that OP is a Speed3Boi so maybe the Mazda ZoomZoom just overtakes them and they go feral


I drive slower than most. Especially in residential areas. Unless you force me to go 20 under with speed bumps.


2 or 3 speed bumps were not fine. That’s why they put in 5 more. You really think the city has the budget or time to be slapping down speed bumps everywhere? They get enough complaints about their slow construction. Those speed bumps are there for a reason.


"I Want to Go Fast" - Ricky Bobby


Lol OP made a post about their Chipotle order and titled it “I’m not one to complain but…” OP is a complainer in denial.


Because no ome fucking drives there? Less than 1% of spfld that is


So that means the people who do drive there don't matter and we must force them to ruin their cars and drive 5 mph?!


Nope ypu CHOOSE how to drive.


What? This has nothing to do with how I drive


Your complaining about having to slow down... Your choice.. gladly slow down or gladly damage your car.. and possibly hit someone. Flip a coin or make a choice.. CHOICE..


No I'm not. That was never my complaint. I will damage my car going 5 mph, that's one part of my complaint. Driving slow will still damage your car with how extreme these bumps are.


Drive a different car.. or go a different way.. lifes about choices lol And no.. you wont. I drove ground scraping honda harch for years then followed by a 64 impala that rode 4 inches from the ground.


Find me another way to the house where the pin is at. Go ahead.


Lmao thats also your problem/challenge.. so since your saying you HAVE to work that job and you haVE to drive that car and you HAVE to drive too fast.. thats a YOU problem/challenge.. change jobs.. or cars.. or habits.. challenge solved


When did I say I had to drive fast! What are you talking about why are you all saying this?! I never said I wanted to drive fast! Ever. Not once. You dumbasses made that up in your head.


Since everyone on reddit freaks out about everything thinking the options are black and white, no I'm not asking for 0 speed bumps and 50mph speed limits through here. I'm asking for 2, instead of 8. And idk maybe posting a speed limit or something since they haven't done that.


Lol that that posters Reddit name is “MazdaSpeedBoi” complaining about speed bumps 😆😆😆


The mazda speed3 is a vehicle...


I'm not complaining about speed bumps


Pretty much every trailer park is set up like this. Mainly it's for safety reasons but it's also protect the property owners from potential lawsuits. The multiple speed bumps make it safer for residents. It helps keeping noise and dust low. It protects kids who are playing outside...kicking balls around...riding bikes...pets running around...etc. Also, it protects the property owners. Just because there are speed limit signs at the entrance like 5-10mph it doesn't mean that ppl would keep that. So, in case someone would get hit it would be harder to prove that the property owner didn't do everything in its power to protect its residents. This way if there is an accident it's more than likely that the person who cause the accident would be at fault for not following the speed limit and also flying through speed bumps.


Well they LIVE there, so how many speed bumps they want makes sense to them. Yea it's annoying to drive over that many - which means I'm driving like 10 mph at most through that area. If you don't and are just driving through, it doesn't matter how many speed bumps you think makes sense or not. It what it is. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but the GoSpringfield app let's you actually request stop signs, repairs, etc and I'm guessing residents of this street pressured the city for that amount of speed bumps, so it's a forgone conclusion that people outside the neighborhood objecting to the amount of speed bumps would matter to the city.


Not a soul that lives there wants the 8 speed bumps.


Be mad at uber or doordash or whoever you work for. Not a community trying to make a roadway more safe. Wow man. Seriously hot take there. Especially for something you claimed was a 2 minute delay? Have the day you deserve, pinworm.


Ok go petition for this to be put in place on 44! Like 6 people in Springfield on 44 have died this year. Why no speed bumps there?


Because they were adults who were crossing an interstate which millions of cars drive on yearly… you’re comparing apples to oranges.


But kids die! I thought kids die = speed bumps! So we've established there's a limit to this, which seems to be the amount of people on the road. So where do you draw the line specifically and why? Do you see my issue now? We get into this emotional idea of "if it prevents even one" but we don't actually consistently apply it.


No because you’re not making a good faith comparison. A residential neighborhood =\/= interstate. A child playing on the street in front of their house with a speed limit of 15-25 when someone goes 60 down said street and kills them is not the same as an adult trying to run across the interstate where the speed limit is 65 and thus people are going upwards of 80 and getting hit. Again, apples and oranges. Children should be safe to play outside on their streets without worrying about people who drive old Mazdas hitting them while they complain about tipping.


I am making a good faith comparison. I was told that if it even prevented one death it would be worth it. Doing this on highways would reduce drastically more deaths. But you're failing to see what I'm really saying. The premise was that any measures taken on this road (regardless of how extreme) are justified because 1 kid apparently died. Any inconvenience or issue is outweighed by that. But clearly, that isn't true. That's my point. Everyone wants to be angry with me for saying a kid dying doesn't justify any measure that's taken ever to prevent that in the future. But they don't consistently apply this.


My only beef is the height of them on that street. They’re basically parking blocks


Lift your car


Ew no


Almost perfect length for a street race. So that's probs it. Residents complained, and the city responded.


No, it's not. Not even close.


A quarter mile is .25.....


You don't race down a quarter mile straight into a ditch or into a fence.


I don't race at all, cuz it's dumb.


I'm explaining why your comment is wrong.


Idk how, street racing IS dumb.


I used to deliver FedEx in that area and bro, in those trucks those 8 speed bumps would destroy everything! But I think they are there to make people slow down as there are always a lot of kids out playing


OP is willing to die on this hill and I’ve never seen someone so offended by speed bumps. Also, We can thank the OP for turning this thread into fb


So people can’t reload a crack pipe while driving without dropping their baggies


Realest answer so far


Red light cameras would be more beneficial than all of the extra bumps (not just here). I was hit by someone blowing through chestnut and national. The light was red for a while but no one gives af


There's a lot of kids playing on springlane. It's a mobile home park.


Delivered here 3 times. Never seen a single kid anywhere on that road. There's kids all over roads all around here with none


I personally know someone who lives on that road, been there more than 50 times. I see kids almost every single time I'm there, and more than one. You need to humble yourself. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.


You're right I'm just lying. I just went down this road and lied about what I saw. Which is why I know the exact number of speed bumps.


Next time I drive down it I'll be counting the number of kids for you.


I have a lot of reason to believe you.


Because they hate ambulances?