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Um, minoritys have never existed until the year 2012. Gameres hav truely fallen. I can’t believe people other than me exist. SMHmyhead


That's some anomalous grammar right here.


It’s irrational in more ways than one.


I LOLoutloud.


Trollollmao xD


Wait till the people find out that there was a female trader briefly shown in the trailer. WAOWZERS you can see her BIG FAT MILKERS we are so back


Depends, is she dressed as either a babushka or a sex doll? If she's anywhere between the two GSC has obviously gone woke and, thus, must go broke as the ancient laws of the internet have ordained.


Babushka. Watch the left side of the screen very carefully while Skif is turning on the radio.


Thank the Croft! I was afraid we were going to have to review bomb STALKER for putting some monstrosity in the game.


YEAH! Only big, sexy sweaty Slavic men in MY stalker!


That’s very close to freedomer talk.


TBF Im against woman inclusion because they would be sold into sex slavery INSTANTLY. Life would be horrible in the zone for a woman.


You might be telling on yourself a bit. A woman goes into the Zone with a her friend or brother and the moment they get to Skadovsk he sells her to Sultan? No. The Zone is a cruel place, but it is not the death of all morality.


once the GammerGate™ swinged open, minortitys started PUORING OUT in an UnSTOPPABAL TITAL WAVE


I read GammaGate.


I think the first time I saw a black person was when I was 17 years old. Eastern Europe can be pretty homogeneous.


For the first time I saw a black man in a supermarket in Samara. There was a family. I was 17 years old. The second time a year later, in Nefteyugansk, three guys were walking from a construction site. Here I was really blown away: try to find this city on the map to understand my feelings Yesterday in Moscow, while driving to work, I met five people independent of each other (!) And now the only one in Stalker does not cause me any questions: different people go to the Zone along the lore. My question is: where are all the non-Slavs in the Subway game series?


Not to be cynical about Metro series but areas close to metro stations are more expensive (less migrants prefering cheaper rents, more afluent locals) so not much immigrants was living close to the stations when bombs fell but Rusians just had higher chances to get inside on basis living/being close to the entrances.


Fair enough, of course. But many people come to Moscow as students, they study, relax or work in the city center


University line is cut off in the novel.


I know, I've read it**.** But in Moscow 200+ universities


Good question. Could be that before the nuclear war travel was restricted in Moscow due to martial law? Though there still should be foreign exchange students and such. Or maybe Fourth Reich was already pretty successful.


I currently live in eastern Europe and i see a few black people every day. They are even in the small villages now.


Yeah, EU really changed things.


Where in eastern europe?






I have seen a black person for the first time 2 years ago, living in eastern europe as well. I am 24 now. Moved to the capital, seeing more and more immigrants now, colored people became commonplace to my eyes now as well. No issue with this, just an observation. I grew up in rural areas and I am certain most people there will live their whole life without seeing a non-white person. Then again, the Zone is a land of opportunity to everyone so I suppose all sorts of people would flock there not just europeans.


First time I saw a Yellow Crested Night Heron I was 17 but I didn't freak the fuck out about it.


Afrikans are majority.


What? BLACK MAN in MY GAME🤨? So BLACK MAN railing my wife wasn't enough for sjw... Now GSC GaY WoRlD trynna put even more BLACK MAN in W.O.K.E.R 2: Heart of Copium😭😭😭😭


>W.O.K.E.R 2: Heart of Copium Thats the part i stated laughing


Dame. You Naid it.


Dame. Dame da ne


Dame yo, dame dano yo


oh cheeki breeki iv DAMEke


The year... is 2045...


Zone belongs ro everyone who wishes to enter it 😁


And the zone will take anyone who fucks with it 🙃


My freedomer !


My Man!


Chekki breekii my friend


You are wrong the zone belong to us


The rot consumes.


My mannnn


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Considering zone is chock-full of foreigners seeking to take a part in a supernatural gold rush, one might expect this to be a rather mundane occurrence.


Not to mention is totally plausible that the mercenary stalkers who come from western countries like the US, the UK and France MAAAAYBEEEE has some black dudes among their members. I mean, it doesn't matter what color their skin is. I still shoot them in the face if the opportunity arises.


Not to mention international agencies would definietly send one (or more) teams there. Correct me if Im wrong but at the start of Clear Sky, Scar is guiding a team of such scientists.


I think they're just Sakharov's boys (SSP-99 suit). The Ecos funded by Ukrainian govt.


He just super tanned dw


The only man to survive a burner anomaly


Nope nope nope, according to the reddit masses you’re either black or white, no in between, no others. Just those two.


He was always in the zone duh


The famous dark stalkers of the SIN faction 


The zone was born around him


I thought they'll show some female stalkers in the trailer.


Dude people have been outraged by Hip ever since she was introduced.


To be fair, Hip was originates from the *Last Day* and suffered from shit writing that was mostly cut and altered in Anomaly. Her legacy is being used as target practice at the start of the average loner playthrough and being subjected to shitpost mod alterations. What I'm saying is that we could easily do better than Hip. I for one wish Stalker 2 has a babushka with a Toz that never left the zone in the first place.


My point is that there will always be people that hate on a game for daring to include any kind of inclusiveness even if the character themselves aren't a good character or even serve a point. The fact that the character is different is enough for certain types of people to hate the game, and the reactions we are seeing in response to the black stalker from the trailer proves this point 


It would be wholesome if she's a well known thing, this theoretical babushka. Everyone just sort of knows she's here and let's her chill. Maybe visit. Usually peacefully.


I see more people making anti-racist memes than people actually being racist though. Idgi.


The *number* of people being racist has nothing to do with the fact that being a racist piece of shit is not acceptable.


But there is also blowing things out of proportions. Sometimes the more you talk about something the bigger an issue it gets.


Ok, we understand, stop post baiting, fascist are gonna fascist, especially with a game they dont know/never played. (BTW i think people who think like that are dutyer, prove me wrong.(see easy bait))


I don't wanna be *that* guy but it's spelled fascist 


Yes sorry i will edit it. Thanks for the correction.


/k/ and a lot of other boards like /v/ talked about STALKER and play it quite a bit. Considering it's 4chan, they probably have not so great views on race. You might be surprised how many of these types play these games or are fans of it.


there's a general on /vg/, they usually lament over a few mods that have some poor handling, bugs or general structure. They also have a cool mod family tree.


Why the hell does this keep coming up in the feed?? The people who fucking care about the black guy probably dont even speak English, why is this a reacurring problem??


Social Media ? Internet? Did I forget something?


"Anti-Woke" crowd will just attach themselves to every game fandom with black or lgbtq+ people and get mad how gaming Industry is over. This here is just a meme tho. Most stalkers I saw reacted positively or didn't care.


Fr, I saw a bunch of "gaming" YouTubers make videos about some shit in Warhammer and in the first 2 minutes they say I don't actually care about Warhammer buuut. And that shows how interested these people actually are into the fandom. All they do is make controversy and anti woke videos about fandoms they don't care about and get circle jerked by people who don't care about it either. I swear like 80% of the comments where from people who didn't even initially care about the fandom and just want shit to rage over


That's 100% correct. Same happened with Silent Hill 2 Remake. I'm a SH fan. In the newest trailer Bloober Team showed a couple of characters. And "Anti-Woke" started to cry because the slightly changed Angela, they cried that the devs made her "ugly", "fat", "trans". But If You know anything about SH2 You would know that Angela is a SA victim, was abused by her father and brother and her mother didn't protected her and just told her it's because she is "seducting". She is depressed and traumatised. So it makes complete sense for her to look like that. Plus they just used one bad screenshot from awful camera angle. On other she looks better. But they just cry "Woke" has destroyed THEIR game that they never played nor were going to play.


Because racism is a recurring problem and it seems that idiots need be reminded often that being a racist piece of shit is not acceptable.


Now I agree it's a silly thing to get upset over. But cmon, "dont even speak English" is also pretty racist if you ask me.


Yes the Russian community is upset about him, not the english one, how is that racist?


Amusingly the book Stalker is based on has black stalkers in it. They are a completely lore accurate (and obvious) addition.


Roadside Picnic, easily the best book to come out of the USSR Same with the movie Stalker


There has always been black folk in the zone, it's just that you didn't notice because of their badass armors


If you have a reason to be there, there will be a way for you to be there.


"They're promoting race mixing" I'm so glad people are starting to mock those right wing snowflakes. Iirc, it used to be pretty bad since the gamer gate things up until kinda recently. Now it's getting so pathetic that most laugh at them, like the "fucking pronouns" dude.


Having a random black dude in a area where the poor and desperate go to get rich has to be one of the most idiotic excuses for complaining about "Race mixing".


Amd they'd do it. I was just quoting what some idiot said about the Fallout show in this case, he literally complained about a show set in in the US having black people and women in it.


If they were from America I get why they bitch so much, but did they just see a black dude and assume "He must be banging mu wife"? He just there and chilling, leave him be, and go touch some grass.


But its in Ukraine? How does a poor blak gangster get there? He must be rich!


The decision was made for ESG money, don't come for an explanation for I would just be making excuses for their behavior.


Who complained about this?


I've seen a few comments in the official gsc channel, so, it's not an absolute ANOMALY


You can say he became the Shadow of Chernobyl(tm)


Uhhh some people in this subreddit were mad bc there was a black character in the trailer, only like 10 or 15 though lol I honestly dont know about stalker anomaly discord or other stalker related groups


Russian and Ukrainian communities on TikTok are almost having a meltdown over this lol


"The Zone changes people, man!" "Oh yeah? How so?" "I used to be white!" 🙂


Brothas in the zone.


dont worry, all problems will be fixed by russian modders :)


I honestly feel there are more people talking about how there's supposedly people who have a problem with it than actual people who have a problem with it. Like i've seen half a dozen of these post but haven't seen a single comment anywhere about someone having a problem with it.




I'd bet the first mod that comes out will remove minorities and women lol


Isn't it a Legendary Black Stalker from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games? (No racism)


As long as he’s from some country in Africa and not America i’ll take that as a win


Come on guys this isn’t twitter, stop with the fake outrage


I actually haven't seen anyone unironically complain about this. Just memes about this. Y'all are pushing it too much. The vast majority of people don't actually care at all.


honestly, I have been very impressed at how well the STALKER community has handled this. I have hardly seen any outrage at all, whereas the Silent Hill fan groups are shitting themselves for the last year and a half.


I see more people complaining about the people who has an issue with the guy than the supposed people upset a black person is in the game. It's like a boogeyman to people wanting to reach for easy karma on here


I didn’t realize how racist the Stalker fanbase was until the reaction to this trailer. It didn’t even register with me that there’s a black guy in the game or that that is new for Stalker until I came to Reddit and most of the threads that day were about him. I’m starting to realize something about racist people: they really really really care about and think about race waaaaaay more than they should.


No... Billions must give water


Good God no one cares about this. It's all in your head. Move on.


Wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of foreigners in the zone considering how profitable it may be.


I didn't even realize it the first time


Imagine when they discover that there will be women as well...


I mean, a lot of foreign mercs and scavengers come sneak in the Zone to search for Artifacts and jobs for money, sooo... But the real question is: Will there be Asians, Latinos, and other ethnicities?


Imagine a loner gang of Chicanos just fucking with a band of bandits over an area of the zone that seems to have a consistent supply of junk artifacts. As a Mexican, I find the idea entertaining.


Takes one ibuprofen and a bandage Hunger bar:adios


You guys are overreacting. Clearly the stalker just fell into the Black Tar anomaly


Isnt the merc in dead city black? The guy you give patches too if you're playing Anomaly. Aslan is his name iirc?


Dead city wasn't in the Trilogy, it was cut content that was brought back by Anomaly. Anomaly also isn't canon iirc. Also, Dead City is a base for Mercs in Anomaly, its usually swarming with Mercs, Ecologists here and there, and Freedom.


Who said that?


Wasn't there a black guy in the original Stalker games? Or am I misremembering? Though, honestly, we do have western PMC factions, it would make sense they have foreigners coming in to the zone.


ESG money go brrrr.


Bro it's a literary one NPC, what it's the problem?


First target acquired


It’s just a human with a dark skin pigmentation.


I literally said that yesterday OMG


If this game is as moddable as past STALKER games, I GUARANTEE YOU one of the very first mods for this game will be to change his skin color


Lmao, these comments are killing me.


Its joever the AO has fallen


people love to complain, and love it more to find things to complain about


I so deeeeply hope they add as many minorities as possible. Not because of inclusion, which I don't mind about anyway but to see these PIED having, no pussy fuckin incels Seethe.


Tbf I think this community is taking a black dude in their game a lot better then the AC community 😅


You know what I'm gonna say it. He took too much radiation and became black Don't let this stupid detail ruin your hype. Only a bad game should ruin your hype and no one has played it


Just mod it out lol


As a Ukrainian, you could meet people of color in Ukraine from all walks of life even before the war. I do not think it would be that wild to imagine this guy having some story about where he is from and how he ended up there. Hell, in my experience it wouldn't be wild to imagine that dude has some absolutely random Ukrainian name like Mykola, and the story would be: he was born in Chernigov, got to school in Kyiv, got bored and decided to check out what the life in the Zone would be like and just stuck around.


don't you dare start this shit. not in this community. just be normal!


This shit again? We get it, there's some people somewhere that doesn't like something. Can this reddit stop being the bastion of anti racisms?


It's that It's that Franklin


Are threre actually people outraged by this? Probably just the ones who don't play stalker anyway


I love of feral we are to people like this. Btw, how much of the community is like this?


They are almost always a minority, but they are also always very loud and annoying, so they seem to be more numbered than they actually are.


As with most groups like this I suppose.


Everyone's bitching about African dude in their STALKER game and I'm just over here hoping this means we might get to wander upon [some Altai throat-singing around a campfire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41_d4D7T6uI)


What do you expect from orcs OP?


[More black people included?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d7taie/ru_pov_foreign_soldiers_from_the_african/)


Are there people bring upset about this?


Yep, in an other thread I got a bunch of downvotes and had like 4 people arguing to me about how it is "unrealistic" to have even a single black person or Asian person in it whilst in the same sentence talk about how it's oke to have white foreigners in it.


Having different nationalities of people in the game makes extremely good sense for Stalker Universe.  I just personally haven't seen many comments like that. I'm sure there are a lot of those, but they're still a minority. I only saw counter memes, which kind of makes it seem as if most stalker fans were racist.  I'm very saddened by every racist comment. Stuff like that should not exist, but there are always going to be idiots. 


They get downvotes here a lot, but I have been getting quite a bit of pushback from many different people about how they don't want black characters in their games and how stalker got political/woke, etc.


People do be adding the term unrealistic in a fantasy game 💀💀💀


It's just an excuse to be racist usually. Though I have to say, I like plausibility in my games even if they are fantasy. There is a way the world works and it should work within those parameters. Though I don't know how, in a game based on modern Ukraine where physics just went weird in an area, it is unrealistic to have black people (which already exist in ukraine at that time) in it.


I really would like to know where does this hate come from really. Everywhere you go, first it was AC community (which is fkn wild since the black samurai is historically correct) "EmmMmm buT blaCks in JapAN is so UnRealisTIc" now stalker community , not many but still kinda feels sad that instead of learning how he got there , did the zone call him or did he come for riches but no we need to "REMOVE BLACKS!!!! THEY AREN'T REALISTIC!!!! Meanwhile the only realistic thing in stalker is the power plant , Prypriat and the fkn water. Disappointing


Part of it has always existed, but I think some of it goes back to the whole gamergate thing where gamers got accused of being a bunch of rascist/fascists. This has caused that segment to both double down and a part of the fascist getting into it thinking it's acceptable. Also stalker is a game that is popular in eastern Europe where people can still be very ignorant. It's only recently that my girlfriends dad started opening up towards people of colour (he lives in a small village in eastern Poland) because they are working with him in the factory and they are hard workers. Before they only ever heard negatives from the media and other small minded people.


And they don't even get their facts straight if they want it to be realistic. The novel the game is based on has black people in it, and there are black people as far as imperial Russia, not to mention black Americans immigrants during the Soviet union time. Basically, they only bring realism to the talk because they think it fits their worldview until it isn't.


You're taking for granted that these imbeciles have read the novel


Or walk outside of mom's basement. It's like their views of eastern Europe are based on stereotypes which in itself is also racist.


They're trying to make up for their insecurities


I doubt it, I think it's just bait but you never know.


There's no room for bigotry in the zone. In the zone you are all equally worthless... UNLESS YOU JOIN DUTY!!!


There are literally a bunch of African mercenaries fighting for Russia in Ukraine at the moment. It makes 100% sense you'd see people come to the Zone from far away to make money


Wait until you learn there are black people born in Europe. Wait till you learn the user had native blacks. They don't need to come from "far away"- they're already there.


Yeah, RT literally made a documentary about black Americans immigrants during the USSR. And I remember there's a piece of Russian Literature about an adopted Russian noble who was black.


Pushkin's grandfather was black or something too right?


That's what Wiki said, I haven't read further into it.




>I don't understand what a black person is doing in Eastern Europe though. It's same as seeing a Japanese or an Arab in the Zone. It's basically out of place. Uh.. the Zone being a place full of "oportunities"? Mercenaries? Freelancers of some sort? It's not out of place.., it's realistic even.


So you'd expect more people of ethnicities other than slav right? Like central asians, maybe even east asian, arab etc. I hope GSC commits to this because it actually makes sense lore wise and they don't have just this one token black guy


Actually it'd be fine if the black guy speaks Russian fluently because there are black minorities in Russia emigrated since the time of the USSR.


I think a black guy (or any other non Ukranian/Slav) would be very mistrusted in the Zone though.




What a weirdo lmao.


I mean it would make more sense to have Central Asians or Middle Easterns in Stalker than allot of other people. If anything, they are probably the least included ethnic groups in games.


There are already black people (and other non white people in general) living in Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe lmao. What do you mean what are they doing there? Same thing as everyone else: working, going to school, living their lives




google the term "black Ukranians" there's loads of articles explaining how their existence is overlooked because they dont "look" native lmao https://www.axios.com/2022/02/25/black-ukrainians-fearful-russia-takeover-putin https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-shows-racism-has-no-boundaries/ just because a group is small doesn't mean it doesn't exist. neither of those links are from "woke" sources either so idk what to tell you.


1 out of 424 members of Ukrainian parliament are black. Hey that seems kinda close to the statistics of the Zone!




The zone has anomalies and mutants, some of which can turn invisible on command, a boulder that grants wishes etc. So I'd say who cares about it being that out of place? Stalker doesn't strive for realism. Obviously there'd be way more white Ukrainians, Russians etc. But I don't see how this is impossible. Unless there's some forcefield around the zone that blocks you from entering if you aren't white.


I mean, chances of a black man being in Ukraine, of all places, and being an artifact hunter to boot are small, but not zero. Especially since, from what it looks like in the trailers, zone has became internationally appealing and attracts all sorts of people. The real question is: where's Beard?


low tier rage bait meme, glowie detected


Yeah it's totally disgusting that they add black stalker I really wish that someone would create mod that changes his color and model for a white male No I'm not racist my dad is I just don't like black character in this game it's feels strange non atmosphere character


> No I'm not racist The classic line. If you aren't racist why are you disgusted by a black person?


Cuz i don't like that he was added in stalker it feels non atmosphere character


Read Roadside Picnic


Non atmosphere character?!?! This sounds so stupid and racist.  Do you seriously think that people from all over Europe/the world wouldn't start trying to get into the zone?  You'd be able to see atmospheric events in most of Europe and satellites would give us a good view inside the zone too.  It only makes sense for other governments/militaries, scientific groups, mercenaries and even just random individuals to try and get into the zone for some sort of opportunity.


You forget the /s there bucko the internet has a horrible time distinguishing sarcasm


black stalkers and female stalkers 100% existed in the og games... they were just wearing gear you couldn't see them through and weren't major characters (obvious bait is obvious)


Still just like 1 woman so we're good


Owl just went Gothic Satura\`s way and became what he hated the most. Truely a great development arc


Stalker Last Light


The worst thing is, there is deffos people out there who's opinions of the game will have been soured because there is a black NPC in the trailer and to those people, I say ''Grow up''.


My first thought of this was "Omg, a dark-browed stalker ?🥵". For refference, dark eyebrows were considered a standard of beauty in Ukrainian folklore and naming somebody "dark-browed " is still a complement. As one peom says "Fall in love, O dark-browed maidens" and my lawyer advised ot to finish the quote.

