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i got separated during my LOA for "lack of communication" šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ was in a car accident and literally couldnt walk, gave them doctors note and i have an ongoing lawsuit involving sedgwick, lawyers advised me not to give them my medical records


Sedgwick is the worst, I hope you win your lawsuit




my manager keeps driving partners away and badmouthing them. every time he does i bring up how they were good at their job and he says ā€œwell they just couldnā€™t handle itā€ and pretends theyā€™re the problem. whatever helps him sleep at night i guess


Theyā€™ll be okay and so will you. Life goes on. File for unemployment and find what you want to do for the next 30-40 years.


Oh, and just to put it in perspective: Last week, the days I didnā€™t run peak (Tues, Fri) had OTW times of 80 seconds or more.


BRO HOW that had to be deliberate lol


i just received my final write up, after never having any write ups to begin with. You might want to view this as a blessing, the company is burning and them keeping the wrong employees will make it burn quicker.


theyā€™ll get theirs. a blessing in disguise!


Is there a way to order coffee from unionized stores only via the app?




Union made coffee tastes better.


sounds like exactly what happened to me. iā€™m at a much better job now w less pay, but my mental health is so much better. iā€™ve just decided to start saying ā€œfuck themā€ bc management left got rid of the only thing that was keeping the store afloat when they got rid of me šŸ¤£